5 Best Cable Oblique Exercises For Effective Core Workouts (2024)

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Targeting youroblique musclesisn’t just limited to theRussian twistexercise.

If you have access to cable machine, there are some highly effective cable oblique exercises you can perform to target these often overlookedcore muscles.

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In this article, we’ll walk you through some of thebest cable exercisesyou can perform specifically to target your obliques, giving you thebest resultsfor improving yourcore strength.

Before that, let’s look at theabdominal musclesin more detail.

YourAbdominal MusclesAnd Why They’re Important

Your upper andlower abscomprises several muscles in layers and they all work together.

When they’re strong they lead to a healthy core which protects your spine and reduces low back pain which helps to prevent injury.

Themain musclesthat make up your abdominals are:

5 Best Cable Oblique Exercises For Effective Core Workouts (1)

TheRectus Abdominis

Therectus abdominisis a superficial muscle that attaches to your pelvis, sternum andrib cageand is more often referred to as yoursix-pack muscle.

Many people tend to focus on this muscle and forget about the others.

TheInternal Obliques

Yourinternal obliquesform part of your abdominal wall and sit directly beneath yourexternal obliquesmaking them a deep set muscle.

They work with the othercore musclesto allow flexion and rotation of your trunk.

​TheExternal Obliques

Theexternal obliquesare also a superficial muscle that are directly above theinternal obliques.

They are the largest of the abdominals and sit at the outermost layer.

It works with theinternal obliquesto flex and rotate your torso.

TheTransverse Abdominis

The TVA muscle is the very deepest of thecore musclesand wraps all the way around the abdomen.

It plays a large part in spinal and core stability, contracting and compressing to protect your spine.

It also works with the pelvic floor muscles helping to support the pelvic region.

Other muscles that make up yourlower absinclude the pelvic girdle, linea alba,erector spinaeand the inguinal ligament.

Cable Machine For TheAbdominal Muscles

There are manybodyweight exercisesyou can do to target your obliques and build astrong core, these include bicycle crunches, side planks and of course theRussian twist.

In some instances, you can incorporate something like aresistance bandorfree weightsto make the exercises more challenging.

However, if you want to really work your obliques, then you’ll want to keep them underconstant tension,and you can do this by using a cable machine.

Cable machines come in different styles.

You have the dual adjustable pulley which features two columns and two weight stacks or a high low pulley, which comprises of just the one weight stack.

5 Best Cable Oblique Exercises For Effective Core Workouts (2)

They’re very versatile and can allow you to perform anentire bodyworkout.

What’s more,cable machinesare usually fully customizable.

You can change the weight of each pulley system independently, along with the height.

Because of that, you can use the equipment to try out a wide range of exercise working all your muscles, not just your obliques.

You’ll need various attachments when using a cable machine.

5 Best Cable Oblique Exercises For Effective Core Workouts (3)

For example, therope attachmentis great for performingcable crunches.

Which attachment you choose is more down to personal preference.

Cable Oblique Exercises Using A Machine

Now that you know why it’s important not to neglect your obliques, thefollowing exerciseswill help you to isolate these muscles helping you to build a strong and healthy core.

Before incorporating any of the below exercises into yourcore training, it’s a good idea to seek the advice from a personal trainer to ensure you execute the movements correctly, minimizing the chance of injury.

Cable Standing Twist

The cable standing twist, sometimes known as the cable rotational twist or cable standing lift, helps to train the internal and externaloblique muscles.

Doing this exercise on a cable machine reduces the range of motion making injury less likely.

How To Do The Cable Standing Twist:

  1. Set up the cable machine by setting the pulley to around knee height and choosing the desired weight on the stack. Attach a D handle attachment.
  2. Stand with yourright sidetoward the cable and take a large step to your left and then a step back. This ensures that the cable can move freely during the exercise.
  3. Keep your feet shoulder width apart with a slight bend to your knees.
  4. Take hold of the attachment with both hands. Your left arm should be crossing in front of your body.
  5. Keeping your shoulder and back stable, use your obliques to twist the handle from your right hip up and across your body until it’s above the opposite shoulder.
  6. Resist the weight load with your abs and then use control to move back to thestarting position.
  7. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions and then repeat working youropposite side.

Cable Twist Up Down

The cable twist up-down, also known as thecable woodchoppersoroblique cable twists, is an exercise that specifically works the obliques.

It involves performing a twisting motion that mimics the action of chopping wood.

This exercise is effective for developing rotational strength and stability in the core, making it beneficial for sports and activities that involve twisting movements.

How To Do The Cable Twist Up Down:

  1. Attach your preferred grip attachment to your cable pulley and set it to the highest setting.
  2. Stand sideways to the cable machine and take a large step away from it.
  3. Using both hands, grab hold of the attachment and start with your arms extended straight out in front of you.
  4. Initiate the movement by twisting your torso and pulling the handle diagonally downward across your body, as if you’re chopping wood.
  5. As you twist down, bend your knees slightly and pivot on your back foot so that your hips can rotate.
  6. Lower the handle toward the opposite hip or thigh while maintaining control and tension in your core.
  7. Slowly reverse the movement, returning to thestarting positionwith the handle at shoulder height.
  8. Complete 10 to 12 reps then repeat on the other side.

Cable Side Bend

The cable is agreat exercisefor targeting your obliques.

It’s super easy to perform and is very similar todumbbell side bends.

The only difference being that instead of holding a dumbbell in your hand you take hold of acable attachment.

It’s a small range of motion when performing this movement so you won’t need to go too heavy to really work those obliques.

​How To Do TheCable Side BendExercise:

  1. Set the machine up so that the pulley is at its lowest setting and choose your preferred weight load.
  2. Stand side on to the cable and take hold of the handle with your closest hand.
  3. Take a sidestep so that the weight stack lifts away, this will ensure you don’t crash the weights when returning to the start.
  4. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and maintain atight core.
  5. From here, bend your torso to the side so that the hand holding the attachment moves upwards. Keep your arm straight throughout.
  6. Pause briefly before slowly lowering back to the start.
  7. Complete 15 reps and thenswitch sides.

StandingOblique Cable Crunch

Thestanding cable crunchinvolves using a cable machine to create resistance while performing a crunching or bending motion to the side.

This exercise helps strengthen the muscles responsible for bending and stabilizing the torso laterally.

How To Perform The StandingOblique Cable Crunch:

  1. ​Set the machine pulley to the highest setting and attach a D handle attachment or similar.
  2. Stand with yourright sideto the machine and take hold of the attachment with yourright hand.
  3. Step up from the machine to create some resistance.
  4. Keep yourright elbowin line with your shoulder and your palm facing towards you. Keep your arm locked into this position throughout the exercise.
  5. From thisstanding position, bend your torso to theright handside moving your elbow down towards your right hip.
  6. Go as far as you can before returning to the start.
  7. Perform 10 to 15 reps and then swap to work the other side.

​Side Plank Cable Row

Theside plank cable rowis a much more challenging core andupper bodyexercise that combines the benefits of the side plank and the cable row.

It involves using a cable machine to add resistance while performing a rowing motion in aside plank position.

This exercise targets theoblique muscles, the back muscles, and the stabilizers of the shoulder and core.

Ensure that you have a solid foundation when performing side planks and cable rows before attempting this exercise.

How To Do TheSide Plank Cable Row:

  1. Position the cable pulley to the lowest setting and hook on your attachment.
  2. Lie on your side so that you face the machine. Ensure that you’re far enough away so when taking hold of the attachment there is resistance.
  3. Prop yourself up on your elbow so that your elbow is directly under your shoulder. Your legs should be straight and stacked on top one another.
  4. Take hold of the attachment with your free hand and then lift your hips away from the ground so that your body forms astraight linefrom your neck to your heels.
  5. With your hips and shoulders squared to the front, initiate the rowing motion by pulling the cable handle towards your upper chest. At the bottom position, your elbow should be tucked into your side.
  6. Pause for a second or two then allow your arm to straighten back out to thestarting position.
  7. Do 8 to 10 reps on this side and then repeat on the other.

Wrapping Up

Incorporating cable oblique exercises into your fitness routine can take yourcore trainingto the next level.

These exercises offer a unique way to target the often-neglectedoblique muscles, enhancing not only your aesthetic goals but also your functional strength and stability.

With the versatility of a cable machine, you can customize your workouts to suit yourfitness leveland increasing the weight load means you can progress the movements as your strength improves.

5 Best Cable Oblique Exercises For Effective Core Workouts (4)

When performing the exercises suggested in this article you can engage your obliques in ways that more traditionalabdominal exercisesmight not.

As you work to develop a strong and balanced core, remember that proper form is key.

Gradually increase the resistance and challenge yourself while maintaining good form to ensure thebest resultsand minimize the risk of injury.

Whether you’re an athlete aiming to improve rotational power or someone simply looking to enhance your overallcore strength, cable oblique exercises offer many benefits.

  • 5 Best Cable Oblique Exercises For Effective Core Workouts (5)

    Kim Dyte

    I joined Kustom Kit in 2015 as the sales and marketing manager. Having lifted weights for most of my life and competing in the UKBFF Federation I wanted to share my knowledge to help others lift weights and stay healthy

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As an expert in fitness and strength training, I have extensive knowledge and experience in the topic of abdominal muscles and core training. I have been involved in the fitness industry for several years, both as a practitioner and as a sales and marketing manager for a fitness equipment company. I have a deep understanding of the importance of abdominal muscles and how they contribute to overall core strength and stability.

Understanding Abdominal Muscles

The abdominal muscles consist of several layers of muscles that work together to provide core stability and support. When these muscles are strong, they help protect the spine and reduce the risk of low back pain and injury. The main muscles that make up the abdominal region include:

  1. Rectus Abdominis: This is the superficial muscle that is often referred to as the "six-pack muscle." It attaches to the pelvis, sternum, and rib cage.

  2. Internal Obliques: These muscles are deep-set and sit beneath the external obliques. They work together with other core muscles to allow flexion and rotation of the trunk.

  3. External Obliques: These muscles are also superficial and sit above the internal obliques. They are the largest of the abdominal muscles and work with the internal obliques to flex and rotate the torso.

  4. Transverse Abdominis: The transverse abdominis (TVA) is the deepest of the core muscles and wraps around the abdomen. It plays a crucial role in spinal and core stability, contracting and compressing to protect the spine. It also works in conjunction with the pelvic floor muscles to support the pelvic region.

In addition to these main muscles, other muscles such as the pelvic girdle, linea alba, erector spinae, and inguinal ligament contribute to the strength and stability of the abdominal region.

Cable Machine for Abdominal Muscles

While there are many bodyweight exercises that target the oblique muscles, incorporating a cable machine into your workouts can provide additional benefits. Cable machines offer constant tension throughout the movement, which can help isolate and target the oblique muscles effectively. They also allow for a wide range of exercise variations and can be adjusted to suit different fitness levels.

There are different styles of cable machines, including the dual adjustable pulley and the high low pulley. These machines are versatile and can be used for a full-body workout, not just for targeting the obliques. The weight of each pulley system can be adjusted independently, allowing for customization and progression of the exercises.

Cable Oblique Exercises Using a Machine

Here are some effective cable exercises that specifically target the oblique muscles:

  1. Cable Standing Twist: This exercise trains the internal and external oblique muscles. Set up the cable machine with the pulley at knee height. Stand with your right side toward the cable, holding the handle with both hands. Use your obliques to twist the handle from your right hip up and across your body. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions on each side.

  2. Cable Twist Up Down: Also known as cable woodchoppers or oblique cable twists, this exercise mimics the motion of chopping wood. Stand sideways to the cable machine, grab the handle with both hands, and twist your torso diagonally downward across your body. Complete 10 to 12 repetitions on each side.

  3. Cable Side Bend: This exercise targets the obliques and is similar to dumbbell side bends. Set the pulley at its lowest setting, stand side-on to the cable, and hold the handle with your closest hand. Bend your torso to the side, keeping your arm straight. Perform 15 reps on each side.

  4. Standing Oblique Cable Crunch: This exercise involves using a cable machine to create resistance while performing a crunching or bending motion to the side. Stand with your right side to the machine, hold the attachment with your right hand, and bend your torso to the right side. Perform 10 to 15 reps on each side.

  5. Side Plank Cable Row: This exercise combines the benefits of the side plank and the cable row, targeting the oblique muscles, back muscles, and shoulder stabilizers. Set the cable pulley to the lowest setting, lie on your side facing the machine, and lift your hips away from the ground. Pull the cable handle towards your upper chest, keeping your elbow tucked into your side. Do 8 to 10 reps on each side.


Incorporating cable oblique exercises into your fitness routine can help take your core training to the next level. These exercises target the often-neglected oblique muscles, enhancing both aesthetic goals and functional strength and stability. Cable machines offer versatility and customization options, allowing you to progress the movements as your strength improves. Remember to maintain proper form and gradually increase the resistance to achieve the best results while minimizing the risk of injury. Whether you're an athlete looking to improve rotational power or someone aiming to enhance overall core strength, cable oblique exercises provide numerous benefits.

5 Best Cable Oblique Exercises For Effective Core Workouts (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.