7 Key Exercises for Building Powerful Hamstrings | BOXROX (2024)

Strong and powerful hamstrings are not merely an asset for athletes; they are a cornerstone of robust health and functional movement for everyone. These muscles, located at the back of the thigh, play a pivotal role in nearly every motion involving your lower body.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Building Powerful Hamstrings: Romanian Deadlifts (RDL)
  • 2. Building Powerful Hamstrings: Lying Leg Curls
  • 3. Building Powerful Hamstrings: Glute-Ham Raise
  • 4. Single-Leg Deadlift
  • 5. Building Powerful Hamstrings: Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
  • 6. Building Powerful Hamstrings: Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls
  • 7. Building Powerful Hamstrings: Nordic Hamstring Curls
  • Building Powerful Hamstrings: Conclusion
  • Building Powerful Hamstrings: Learn More

From walking and running to jumping and squatting, the hamstrings are integral to a myriad of daily activities and sports performances. Their strength and flexibility contribute significantly to the overall power and stability of the legs, making every step and leap both efficient and safe.

Beyond their obvious role in physical activities, strong hamstrings are vital for maintaining proper posture and alignment.

7 Key Exercises for Building Powerful Hamstrings | BOXROX (1)Source: Unsplash

They work in tandem with the quadriceps (the muscles at the front of the thigh) to support your knees and hips, creating a balance that is crucial for preventing injuries. This harmonious muscle function is particularly important as it can significantly reduce the risk of strains, tears, and other common leg injuries.

In the realm of sports, well-conditioned hamstrings are essential for achieving peak performance, contributing to explosive power, speed, and agility.

Moreover, the importance of hamstring strength extends into injury prevention. Weak or imbalanced hamstrings are more susceptible to strains and other injuries, which can be debilitating and lead to prolonged periods away from daily activities or sporting endeavours.

Therefore, incorporating exercises that specifically target and strengthen these muscles is not just about enhancing athletic performance; it’s about fostering overall leg health and ensuring that your body remains strong, responsive, and resilient against the challenges of daily life and physical exertion.

In summary, the role of the hamstrings transcends mere participation in sports; it encompasses essential aspects of physical health and functionality. Strengthening these muscles is a prudent investment in your body’s long-term well-being, ensuring that you can continue to move, work, and play with confidence and reduced risk of injury.

1. Building Powerful Hamstrings: Romanian Deadlifts (RDL)

The Romanian Deadlift (RDL) stands out as a fundamental exercise aimed at enhancing the strength and flexibility of the hamstrings.

Distinguished by its hip-hinging movement, the RDL effectively engages not just the hamstrings, but also the muscles of the lower back, making it an invaluable addition to any strength training regimen.


The RDL is performed by hinging at the hips with a slight bend in the knees, using either a barbell or dumbbells. This movement pattern focuses on stretching and contracting the hamstring muscles under load, leading to improved muscle fibre recruitment and increased strength over time.

Unlike conventional deadlifts, the RDL places a greater emphasis on the posterior chain, providing a targeted workout for the hamstrings.


Enhanced Hamstring and Lower Back Strength: Regularly incorporating RDLs into your workout routine can lead to significant strength gains in both the hamstrings and lower back, contributing to a more powerful and resilient posterior chain.

Improved Posture: By strengthening the muscles along your posterior chain, RDLs can help correct postural imbalances and reduce the risk of back pain and injuries.

Boosted Deadlift Performance: The RDL specifically targets the muscles and movement patterns involved in deadlifting, making it an excellent exercise for improving your performance in other deadlift variations.

How to Perform

  • Starting Position: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a barbell in front of your thighs or dumbbells by your sides. Keep your spine neutral and shoulders back.
  • Hip Hinge: Begin the movement by pushing your hips back, hinging at the hips while keeping a slight bend in your knees. Lower the weight in a controlled manner, keeping it close to your legs.
  • Lowering Phase: Continue lowering the weight until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, usually when the weights are just below knee level. It’s crucial to maintain a neutral spine throughout this phase.
  • Lifting Phase: Drive through your heels to return to the starting position, focusing on using your hamstrings and glutes to pull the weight up. Keep the barbell or dumbbells close to your body as you rise.
  • Repetition: Complete the desired number of repetitions, ensuring to maintain proper form throughout each one.

To ensure proper technique and maximise the benefits of the Romanian Deadlift, it’s highly recommended to watch a demonstration by a certified fitness professional. Unfortunately, I can’t browse the internet to provide a specific video link.

However, numerous instructional videos are available online from reputable fitness websites and YouTube channels. Look for a demonstration by a certified personal trainer or strength coach to ensure you’re receiving accurate and safe guidance.

Tips for Safe Execution

  • Keep your back flat and avoid rounding your shoulders to prevent unnecessary strain on your lower back.
  • Start with a lighter weight to master the technique before progressively increasing the load.
  • Ensure to warm up adequately before performing RDLs to avoid muscle strains.

Incorporating Romanian Deadlifts into your routine is a strategic move for anyone looking to build stronger hamstrings and a more powerful posterior chain, contributing to improved overall strength, better posture, and enhanced athletic performance.

2. Building Powerful Hamstrings: Lying Leg Curls

Lying Leg Curls are a staple exercise for anyone looking to specifically target and isolate the hamstring muscles. This exercise is typically performed on a leg curl machine, which can be found in most gyms.

The focused nature of the movement allows for direct engagement of the hamstrings, making it an essential component of any lower body strength or bodybuilding routine.

The lying leg curl is designed to isolate the hamstrings by bending the knees against resistance while in a prone (face down) position on the machine. This exercise effectively targets the hamstring muscles by engaging them through a full range of motion, from extension to full flexion, thereby stimulating muscle growth and strength gains.


  • Direct Hamstring Isolation: The lying leg curl specifically targets the hamstrings, providing a focused workout that can lead to improved muscle tone, strength, and endurance.
  • Enhanced Muscle Hypertrophy: Regularly performing leg curls can lead to significant hamstring development, contributing to a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing leg musculature.
  • Injury Prevention: Strong hamstrings are crucial for knee stability and can help reduce the risk of injuries, particularly in athletes and individuals engaged in regular physical activity.

Building Powerful Hamstrings: How to Perform

  • Machine Setup: Adjust the leg curl machine so that the lever pad is just below your calf muscles, near the ankles, when you lie face down. The pad of the lever should comfortably rest on your legs without straining your calves or Achilles tendon.
  • Starting Position: Lie face down on the leg curl machine with your torso flat against the bench. Grip the machine’s handles for stability, and ensure your knees are just off the edge of the bench.
  • The Curl: Exhale as you slowly curl your legs up towards your buttocks, focusing on contracting your hamstrings. Continue the movement until your legs are fully flexed, and you can’t lift the weight further without compromising your form.
  • Return Phase: Inhale as you slowly lower the weight back to the starting position, maintaining control throughout the descent. Ensure a full extension of your legs to complete the range of motion.
  • Repetition: Perform the desired number of repetitions, keeping the movement smooth and controlled from start to finish.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Rushing the Movement: Performing leg curls too quickly can lead to poor form and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Focus on a slow, controlled motion to maximise hamstring engagement.

Lifting Too Heavy: Starting with too much weight can compromise form and lead to potential injury. Begin with a lighter weight to ensure proper technique, then gradually increase as your strength improves.

Improper Alignment: Ensure your hips remain flat against the bench throughout the exercise. Lifting your hips off the bench can strain your lower back and reduce the effectiveness of the hamstring engagement.

Lying Leg Curls are an excellent way to build strength and definition in your hamstrings. By incorporating this focused exercise into your lower body routine, you can achieve balanced muscle development and reduce the risk of injury, contributing to a stronger, more resilient lower body.

3. Building Powerful Hamstrings: Glute-Ham Raise

The Glute-Ham Raise is an advanced and highly effective exercise that targets the entire posterior chain, including the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back.

This exercise is renowned for its ability to strengthen these key muscle groups simultaneously, making it a favourite among athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.

The Glute-Ham Raise requires a specific piece of equipment known as a glute-ham developer (GHD) machine, which is designed to support the body securely during the exercise.


The Glute-Ham Raise is performed on a GHD machine. The exerciser locks their feet under the foot pads, with their thighs supported on the pad, and lowers their body towards the ground before raising themselves back up using their hamstrings and glutes.

This movement pattern effectively strengthens and develops the muscles of the posterior chain.


Comprehensive Posterior Chain Development: The Glute-Ham Raise targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously, leading to balanced strength and development in the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back.

Improved Athletic Performance: Strengthening the posterior chain is crucial for enhancing performance in activities that require sprinting, jumping, and explosive movements.

Injury Prevention: By fortifying the muscles around the knees and lower back, the Glute-Ham Raise can help reduce the risk of injuries common in sports and physical activities.

How to Perform

  • Machine Setup: Adjust the GHD machine so that when you position yourself on it, your hips are just beyond the padding, allowing for full range of motion without restriction.
  • Starting Position: Secure your feet under the foot pads and position your thighs on the support pad. Start with your body in an upright position, maintaining a straight line from your head to your knees.
  • The Descent: Begin by slowly lowering your upper body towards the ground, keeping your back straight and core engaged. Continue until your body is fully extended, but ensure not to hyperextend your back at the bottom of the movement.
  • The Raise: Contract your hamstrings and glutes to pull your torso back up to the starting position. Focus on using your posterior chain muscles to execute the movement rather than relying on momentum.
  • Repetition: Perform the desired number of repetitions, maintaining controlled and deliberate movements throughout the exercise.

Modifications for Beginners

Given the advanced nature of the Glute-Ham Raise, beginners may find it challenging to perform the full range of motion initially. Here are some modifications to help gradually build up strength and proficiency:

Assisted Raise: Use your hands to push off the ground lightly as you raise your torso back up. This can help reduce the load on your hamstrings and glutes as you build strength.

Partial Range of Motion: Begin by lowering your body only halfway down before raising back up. Gradually increase the range of motion as your strength improves.

Band Assistance: Attach a resistance band to the machine and around your chest to provide additional support during the raise.

Incorporating the Glute-Ham Raise into your training regimen can significantly enhance the strength and functionality of your posterior chain, contributing to improved athletic performance and reduced injury risk. As with any advanced exercise, focus on mastering the technique with appropriate modifications before progressing to more challenging variations.

4. Single-Leg Deadlift

The Single-Leg Deadlift is a unilateral exercise that not only challenges your balance but also effectively targets the hamstrings and glutes.

This exercise is performed on one leg, which helps in identifying and correcting muscular imbalances between the two sides of the body. It is an excellent addition to any fitness routine, offering benefits for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.


The Single-Leg Deadlift involves lifting a weight from the ground while balancing on one leg, hinging at the hips, and keeping the back straight.

This exercise can be performed using dumbbells, a kettlebell, or even without any equipment as a bodyweight movement. It requires and also develops a high degree of balance, coordination, and core strength.


Corrects Muscular Imbalances: By working one side of the body at a time, this exercise helps in identifying and addressing strength differences between the legs.

Enhances Core Stability: The need to maintain balance during the movement engages the core muscles deeply, leading to improved core strength and stability.

Improves Coordination and Balance: Regular practice of the Single-Leg Deadlift enhances proprioception (body awareness) and balance, which are crucial for athletic performance and daily activities.

Targets Hamstrings and Glutes: This exercise provides a focused workout for the hamstrings and glutes, promoting strength, flexibility, and muscle tone.

How to Perform

  • Starting Position: Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in one hand. Shift your weight onto the leg that is on the same side as the hand holding the weight.
  • The Descent: Begin by hinging at the hips and extending the free leg behind you for balance. Lower the weight towards the ground, keeping it close to your standing leg. Your torso and the raised leg should form a straight line parallel to the ground at the lowest point.
  • Maintaining Balance: Focus on a fixed point on the ground to help maintain balance. Keep the standing leg slightly bent to engage the muscles properly.
  • The Ascent: Drive through the heel of your standing leg to return to the starting position, bringing the weight back up. Ensure to keep your back straight and core engaged throughout the movement.
  • Repetition: Complete the desired number of repetitions on one leg before switching to the other side.

Building Powerful Hamstrings: Balance Tips and Variations

Beginner Modifications: If balancing is challenging, start with bodyweight only, using a wall or chair for light support. As your balance improves, gradually introduce weights into the exercise.

Progressions: Increase the weight or use a barbell instead of dumbbells to add difficulty as you become more proficient.

Variations: Add a rotation at the hip to engage the oblique muscles, or perform the movement on a BOSU ball or other unstable surface to further challenge your balance and stability.

The Single-Leg Deadlift is a versatile exercise that not only builds strength in the hamstrings and glutes but also enhances overall body coordination and balance. Whether you’re an athlete looking to improve performance or someone seeking to enhance functional fitness, incorporating this exercise into your routine can yield significant benefits.

5. Building Powerful Hamstrings: Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts are a variation of the conventional deadlift that put a greater emphasis on the hamstrings by maintaining straighter legs throughout the movement.

This exercise is not only effective for building muscular strength but also for enhancing flexibility in the hamstrings and lower back. It’s a popular choice for those looking to improve their performance in other deadlift variations and for individuals aiming to increase their posterior chain resilience.


The Stiff-Legged Deadlift differs from the Romanian Deadlift (RDL) primarily in the leg position; the legs are kept straighter, which intensifies the stretch and engagement in the hamstrings. This exercise can be performed using a barbell, dumbbells, or a kettlebell.

Proper form and technique are crucial to maximize the benefits of the exercise while minimizing the risk of injury.

Building Powerful Hamstrings: Benefits

Enhanced Hamstring Flexibility: The greater stretch on the hamstrings helps improve their flexibility, which can contribute to better mobility and reduced injury risk.

Increased Hamstring and Lower Back Strength: This exercise targets the hamstrings and lower back muscles, building strength that is beneficial for various activities and lifts.

Improved Deadlift Performance: By strengthening the muscles involved in the deadlift, the Stiff-Legged Deadlift can help improve your form, technique, and overall performance in other deadlift variations.

How to Perform

  • Starting Position: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a barbell in front of you at thigh level with an overhand grip. Keep your knees slightly bent to protect your back.
  • The Descent: Slowly lower the barbell towards the floor by hinging at the hips and keeping your legs as straight as possible without locking your knees. Maintain a neutral spine and keep the bar close to your legs throughout the movement.
  • The Stretch: Lower the weight until you feel a significant stretch in your hamstrings, typically when the barbell reaches mid-shin level, depending on your flexibility.
  • The Ascent: Drive through your heels to return to the starting position, keeping your core engaged and your back straight. Focus on using your hamstrings and glutes to lift the weight.
  • Repetition: Perform the desired number of repetitions, ensuring to maintain proper form throughout each one.

Technique Tips

Avoid Lower Back Strain: Ensure your back remains straight and neutral throughout the exercise. Avoid rounding or arching your back to reduce strain on the lower back.

Gradual Progression: Start with lighter weights to focus on form and technique before increasing the load. This approach helps build strength safely and effectively.

Breathing: Breathe in as you lower the weight and exhale as you lift, which can help maintain core stability and support your spine during the exercise.

Incorporating Stiff-Legged Deadlifts into your training routine can significantly benefit your hamstring flexibility and strength. By following the proper technique and gradually increasing the intensity, you can achieve improved performance in your deadlifts and other activities that rely on a strong and flexible posterior chain.

6. Building Powerful Hamstrings: Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls

Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls are a dynamic bodyweight exercise that utilizes a Swiss ball to target the hamstrings and core muscles.

This exercise is known for its ability to enhance muscular strength and stability, focusing on the quality of movement and control. It’s an excellent choice for individuals at any fitness level seeking to improve their lower body strength and core stability without the need for heavy weights.


In this exercise, the legs are placed on a Swiss ball, and the hips are elevated to create a bridge position. The movement involves curling the ball towards the body by bending the knees and then extending the legs back to the starting position.

The instability of the Swiss ball increases the engagement of the hamstrings and core throughout the exercise, providing a challenging workout focused on balance and muscle coordination.

Building Powerful Hamstrings: Benefits

Hamstring Strength: This exercise directly targets the hamstrings, improving their strength and endurance.

Core Stability: The unstable nature of the Swiss ball requires significant core engagement, enhancing core strength and stability.

Improved Balance and Coordination: Performing exercises on an unstable surface like a Swiss ball improves balance and coordination, beneficial for sports performance and daily activities.

Low Impact: Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls are gentle on the joints, making them suitable for individuals with knee or lower back concerns.

How to Perform

  • Starting Position: Begin by lying flat on your back with your feet placed on top of a Swiss ball. Your legs should be straight, and your arms flat at your sides for support.
  • Lift Into Bridge: Push your hips upwards, lifting your glutes off the ground to form a straight line from your shoulders to your feet.
  • The Curl: Bend your knees to roll the ball towards your body, pulling your heels as close to your glutes as possible. Your hips should remain elevated throughout the movement.
  • Extend Your Legs: Slowly straighten your legs to roll the ball back to the starting position, maintaining the elevated hip position without letting your hips sag.
  • Repetition: Perform the desired number of repetitions, focusing on smooth, controlled movements.

Progression Options

Single-Leg Hamstring Curl: For an added challenge, perform the exercise with one leg, keeping the other leg raised in the air. This variation increases the intensity for the working leg and further engages the core.

Elevated Arms: By extending your arms upwards or placing them across your chest, you can reduce the stability provided by your arms, making your core work harder to maintain balance.

Incorporating Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls into your workout routine offers a unique blend of strength, stability, and balance training. This exercise is particularly beneficial for those looking to enhance their lower body strength and core stability in a low-impact, effective manner. By mastering the technique and incorporating progression options, you can continue to challenge your muscles and achieve significant improvements in your fitness levels.

7. Building Powerful Hamstrings: Nordic Hamstring Curls

Nordic Hamstring Curls are a powerful, equipment-assisted exercise that has gained recognition for its remarkable effectiveness in developing hamstring strength and preventing injuries. This exercise emphasizes the eccentric phase of the hamstring muscles’ contraction, where the muscle lengthens under tension.

It’s particularly beneficial for athletes and individuals looking to enhance their lower body strength and resilience against hamstring strains.


The Nordic Hamstring Curl is performed by fixing the feet under a secure object or with the assistance of a partner, then slowly lowering the body towards the ground from a kneeling position, using the hamstrings to control the descent.

The exercise places a significant emphasis on the eccentric strength of the hamstrings, making it an excellent choice for improving muscular endurance and control.


Eccentric Hamstring Strength: Enhances the ability of the hamstrings to absorb and control forces, reducing the risk of injury during high-speed and high-impact activities.

Injury Prevention: Regular performance of Nordic Hamstring Curls has been shown to significantly reduce the incidence of hamstring injuries, particularly in sports.

Improved Athletic Performance: Stronger hamstrings contribute to better performance in activities that require running, jumping, and sudden changes in direction.

Building Powerful Hamstrings: How to Perform

  • Setup: Begin by securing your ankles under a sturdy object that won’t move, such as a heavy piece of gym equipment, or have a partner hold your feet down firmly.
  • Starting Position: Kneel on a padded surface or exercise mat with your feet secured, keeping your body straight from your knees to your shoulders.
  • The Descent: Slowly lean forward, extending your body towards the ground. Use your hamstrings to control the descent for as long as possible. Keep your hands in front of you to catch yourself as you reach your limit.
  • The Ascent: After reaching the ground or your limit of control, use your hands to push off the floor slightly and assist your hamstrings in returning to the starting position.
  • Repetition: Perform the desired number of repetitions, focusing on a slow and controlled descent in each repetition.

Assistance and Progression

Assisted Nordic Curls: Beginners may find this exercise quite challenging. Using a resistance band attached in front of you can help support some of your body weight during the descent, making the exercise more manageable.

Progression: As your strength improves, aim to reduce the assistance from your hands or the resistance band, increasing the workload on your hamstrings during the descent.

The ultimate goal is to perform the curl with minimal to no assistance, relying solely on your hamstring strength to control the descent and assist in the ascent.

Nordic Hamstring Curls are a testament to the importance of eccentric strength training for injury prevention and performance enhancement.

While challenging, they offer unmatched benefits for hamstring development and should be approached with patience and consistency. Incorporating this exercise into your routine can lead to significant improvements in lower body strength and durability, particularly for those engaged in activities with high demands on the hamstrings.

Building Powerful Hamstrings: Conclusion

In summary, the development of strong, flexible hamstrings is crucial for both athletic performance and everyday mobility.

The seven exercises outlined above—ranging from Romanian Deadlifts and Lying Leg Curls to Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls and Nordic Hamstring Curls—offer a comprehensive approach to targeting the hamstrings from various angles and with varying intensities.

Incorporating a variety of exercises ensures balanced development, reduces the risk of muscular imbalances, and enhances overall leg function.

Strong hamstrings contribute significantly to lower body strength, stability, and injury prevention. They are essential for high-performance activities such as sprinting, jumping, and lifting, as well as for the execution of daily movements like walking and climbing stairs. By engaging in a diverse set of exercises, you can ensure comprehensive hamstring development, which is key to a well-rounded fitness regimen.

I encourage you to integrate these hamstring-focused exercises into your regular training regimen. Consistent and varied training will not only improve your hamstring strength and flexibility but also enhance your overall athletic performance and reduce your risk of injury. Whether you’re an athlete looking to improve your game or someone interested in maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, focusing on your hamstrings is a step in the right direction.

  • Warm-Up Properly: Always begin your workout with a proper warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints for the exercises ahead. Dynamic stretches and light cardiovascular activities can increase blood flow to the muscles and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Gradual Progression: Start with lighter weights and fewer repetitions, gradually increasing the intensity as your strength and endurance improve. Listening to your body is key—progress at a pace that feels challenging yet manageable.
  • Avoid Overtraining: Hamstring muscles are prone to strains if overworked. Ensure adequate rest and recovery between sessions that heavily target the hamstrings. Incorporating flexibility and mobility work can also aid in recovery and performance.

In conclusion, the health and strength of your hamstrings are vital components of your overall fitness. By carefully selecting exercises that target these muscles, paying attention to form and technique, and adhering to principles of safety and progression, you can build a foundation of strength that supports a wide range of activities.

Remember, the goal is not only to enhance athletic performance but also to maintain functional mobility and quality of life.

Building Powerful Hamstrings: Learn More

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7 Key Exercises for Building Powerful Hamstrings | BOXROX (2024)


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