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Oracle® Fusion MiddlewareAdministering Oracle HTTP Server

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle HTTP Server, 12c (


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Audience xiii

Documentation Accessibility xiii

Related Documents xiii

Conventions xiv

Part I Understanding Oracle HTTP Server

1 Introduction to Oracle HTTP Server

What is Oracle HTTP Server? 1-1

Accessibility Tips for Oracle HTTP Server 1-2

Oracle HTTP Server Topologies 1-2

Key Features of Oracle HTTP Server 1-4

Restricted-JRF Mode 1-5

Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In (mod_wl_ohs) 1-5

CGI and Fast CGI Protocol (mod_proxy_fcgi) 1-5

Security Features 1-6

Oracle Secure Sockets Layer (mod_ossl) 1-6

Security: Encryption with Secure Sockets Layer 1-6

Security: Single Sign-On with WebGate 1-6

URL Rewriting and Proxy Server Capabilities 1-7

Domain Types 1-7

WebLogic Server Domain (Full-JRF Mode) 1-7

WebLogic Server Domain (Restricted-JRF Mode) 1-8

Standalone Domain 1-8

Understanding Oracle HTTP Server Directory Structure 1-9

Understanding Configuration Files 1-9

Staging and Run-time Configuration Directories 1-9

Oracle HTTP Server Configuration Files 1-10

Modifying an Oracle HTTP Server Configuration File 1-11

Upgrading from Earlier Releases of Oracle HTTP Server 1-11


Administering Oracle HTTP Server· 2020. 2. 17.· mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4 mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4 Apache HTTP - [PDF Document] (4)

Oracle HTTP Server Support 1-11

2 Understanding Oracle HTTP Server Modules

Oracle-Developed Modules for Oracle HTTP Server 2-1

mod_certheaders Module—Enables Reverse Proxies 2-1

mod_context Module—Creates or Propagates ECIDs 2-2

mod_dms Module—Enables Access to DMS Data 2-2

mod_odl Module—Enables Access to ODL 2-2

mod_ora_audit—Supports Authentication and Authorization Auditing 2-3

mod_ossl Module—Enables Cryptography (SSL) 2-3

mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4

mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4

Apache HTTP Server and Third-party Modules in Oracle HTTP Server 2-5

3 Understanding Oracle HTTP Server Management Tools

Administering Oracle HTTP Server Using Fusion Middleware Control 3-1

Accessing Fusion Middleware Control 3-2

Accessing the Oracle HTTP Server Home Page 3-2

Understanding the Oracle HTTP Server Home Page 3-3

Editing Configuration Files Using Fusion Middleware Control 3-4

Administering Oracle HTTP Server Using WLST 3-4

Oracle HTTP Server-Specific WLST Commands 3-4

Using WLST in a Standalone Environment 3-5

Part II Managing Oracle HTTP Server

4 Running Oracle HTTP Server

Before You Begin 4-1

Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance 4-2

Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a WebLogic Server Domain 4-2

Creating an Instance by Using WLST 4-3

Associating Oracle HTTP Server Instances With a Keystore Using WLST 4-4

Creating an Instance by Using Fusion Middleware Control 4-4

About Instance Provisioning 4-6

Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a Standalone Domain 4-7

Performing Basic Oracle HTTP Server Tasks 4-7

Understanding the PID File 4-7

Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances 4-8


Administering Oracle HTTP Server· 2020. 2. 17.· mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4 mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4 Apache HTTP - [PDF Document] (5)

Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using Fusion Middleware Control 4-8

Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using WLST 4-8

Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances from the Command Line 4-9

Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances on a Privileged Port (UNIX Only) 4-10

Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances as a Different User (UNIX Only) 4-11

Stopping Oracle HTTP Server Instances 4-11

Stopping Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using Fusion Middleware Control 4-12

Stopping Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using WLST 4-12

Stopping Oracle HTTP Server Instances from the Command Line 4-13

About Using the WLST Commands 4-13

Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances 4-13

Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using Fusion Middleware Control 4-14

Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using WLST 4-14

Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances from Command Line 4-15

Checking the Status of a Running Oracle HTTP Server Instance 4-15

Checking Server Status by Using Fusion Middleware Control 4-15

Checking Server Status Using WLST 4-16

Deleting an Oracle HTTP Server Instance 4-17

Deleting an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a WebLogic Server Domain 4-17

Deleting an Oracle HTTP Server Instance from a Standalone Domain 4-19

Changing the Default Node Manager Port Number 4-20

Changing the Default Node Manager Port Using WLST 4-20

Changing the Default Node Manager Port Using Oracle WebLogic ServerAdministration Console 4-20

Updating the Node Manager Username and Password in a Standalone Domain 4-21

Remotely Administering Oracle HTTP Server 4-21

Setting Up a Remote Environment 4-21

Host Requirements for a Remote Environment 4-22

Task 1: Set Up an Expanded Domain on host1 4-22

Task 2: Pack the Domain on host1 4-23

Task 3: Unpack the Domain on host2 4-23

Task 4: Run Oracle HTTP Server Remotely 4-23

Configuring SSL for Admin Port 4-24

Performing Server-Side Configuration 4-24

Creating a Wallet 4-24

Enabling SSL for Oracle HTTP Server Admin Host 4-29

Ensuring that the Host Name Verification Succeeds 4-30

Performing Client-Side Configuration 4-32

5 Working with Oracle HTTP Server

About Editing Configuration Files 5-1


Administering Oracle HTTP Server· 2020. 2. 17.· mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4 mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4 Apache HTTP - [PDF Document] (6)

Editing a Configuration File for a Standalone Domain 5-1

Editing a Configuration File for a WebLogic Server Domain 5-2

Specifying Server Properties 5-2

Specifying Server Properties by Using Fusion Middleware Control 5-2

Specify Server Properties by Editing the httpd.conf File 5-3

Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Instances 5-4

Secure Sockets Layer Configuration 5-5

Configuring Secure Sockets Layer in Standalone Mode 5-6

Configure SSL 5-6

Specify SSLVerifyClient on the Server Side 5-8

Enable SSL Between Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle WebLogic Server 5-11

Using SAN Certificates with Oracle HTTP Server 5-11

Exporting the Keystore to an Oracle HTTP Server Instance Using WLST 5-12

Configuring MIME Settings Using Fusion Middleware Control 5-13

Configuring MIME Types 5-13

Configuring MIME Encoding 5-14

Configuring MIME Languages 5-15

About Configuring mod_proxy_fcgi 5-15

About Configuring the Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In (mod_wl_ohs) 5-16

Configuring SSL for mod_wl_ohs 5-16

Removing Access to Unneeded Content 5-16

Edit the cgi-bin Section 5-16

Edit the Fancy Indexing Section 5-17

Edit the Product Documentation Section 5-18

Using the apxs Command to Install Extension Modules 5-19

Disabling the Options Method 5-20

Updating Oracle HTTP Server Component Configurations on a Shared FileSystem 5-21

Configuring the mod_security Module 5-21

Configuring mod_security in the httpd.conf File 5-22

Configuring mod_security in a mod_security.conf File 5-23

Configuring SecRemoteRules in the mod_security.conf File 5-23

Sample mod_security.conf File 5-24

6 Configuring High Availability for Web Tier Components

Oracle HTTP Server Single-Instance Characteristics 6-1

Oracle HTTP Server and Domains 6-1

Oracle HTTP Server Startup and Shutdown Lifecycle 6-2

Starting and Stopping Oracle HTTP Server 6-3

Oracle HTTP Server High Availability Architecture and Failover Considerations 6-3

Oracle HTTP Server Failure Protection and Expected Behaviors 6-4


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Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Instances on Multiple Machines 6-5

Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for High Availability 6-5

Prerequisites to Configure a Highly Available OHS 6-5

Load Balancer Prerequisites 6-5

Configuring Load Balancer Virtual Server Names and Ports 6-6

Managing Load Balancer Port Numbers 6-6

Installing and Validating Oracle HTTP Server on WEBHOST1 6-6

Creating Virtual Host(s) on WEBHOST1 6-6

Configuring mod_wl_ohs.conf 6-7

Configuring mod_wl_conf if you use SSL Termination 6-8

Creating proxy.conf File 6-8

Installing and Validating Oracle HTTP Server on WEBHOST2 6-9

Configuring and Validating an OHS High Availability Deployment 6-9

Configuring Virtual Host(s) on WEBHOST2 6-9

Validating the Oracle HTTP Server Configuration 6-9

7 Managing and Monitoring Server Processes

Oracle HTTP Server Processing Model 7-1

Request Process Model 7-1

Single Unit Process Model 7-1

Monitoring Server Performance 7-2

Oracle HTTP Server Performance Metrics 7-2

Viewing Performance Metrics 7-3

Viewing Server Metrics by Using Fusion Middleware Control 7-3

Viewing Server Metrics Using WLST 7-4

Oracle HTTP Server Performance Directives 7-5

Understanding Performance Directives 7-6

Changing the MPM Type Value in a Standalone Domain 7-6

Changing the MPM Type Value in a WebLogic Server Managed Domain 7-7

Configuring Performance Directives by Using Fusion Middleware Control 7-7

Setting the Request Configuration by Using Fusion Middleware Control 7-8

Setting the Connection Configuration by Using Fusion Middleware Control 7-9

Setting the Process Configuration by Using Fusion Middleware Control 7-9

Understanding Process Security for UNIX 7-10

8 Managing Connectivity

Default Listen Ports 8-1

Defining the Admin Port 8-1

Viewing Port Number Usage 8-2


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Viewing Port Number Usage by Using Fusion Middleware Control 8-2

Viewing Port Number Usage Using WLST 8-3

Managing Ports 8-3

Creating Ports Using Fusion Middleware Control 8-4

Editing Ports Using Fusion Middleware Control 8-5

Disabling a Listening Port in a Standalone Environment 8-6

Configuring Virtual Hosts 8-7

Creating Virtual Hosts Using Fusion Middleware Control 8-8

Configuring Virtual Hosts Using Fusion Middleware Control 8-9

9 Managing Oracle HTTP Server Logs

Overview of Server Logs 9-1

About Error Logs 9-1

About Access Logs 9-2

Configuring Log Rotation 9-3

Syntax and Examples for Time- and Size-Based Log Rotation 9-4

Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Logs 9-5

Configuring Error Logs Using Fusion Middleware Control 9-5

Configuring the Error Log Format and Location 9-6

Configuring the Error Log Level 9-7

Configuring Error Log Rotation Policy 9-7

Configuring Access Logs Using Fusion Middleware Control 9-8

Configuring the Access Log Format 9-8

Configuring the Access Log File 9-9

Configuring the Log File Creation Mode (umask) (UNIX/Linux Only) 9-10

Configure umask for an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a StandaloneDomain 9-10

Configure umask for an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a WebLogic ServerManaged Domain 9-10

Configuring the Log Level Using WLST 9-11

Log Directives for Oracle HTTP Server 9-11

Oracle Diagnostic Logging Directives 9-12

OraLogMode 9-12

OraLogDir 9-12

OraLogSeverity 9-12

OraLogRotationParams 9-13

Apache HTTP Server Log Directives 9-14

ErrorLog 9-14

LogLevel 9-14

LogFormat 9-14

CustomLog 9-15


Administering Oracle HTTP Server· 2020. 2. 17.· mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4 mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4 Apache HTTP - [PDF Document] (9)

Viewing Oracle HTTP Server Logs 9-15

Viewing Logs Using Fusion Middleware Control 9-15

Viewing Logs Using WLST 9-16

Viewing Logs in a Text Editor 9-17

Recording ECID Information 9-17

About ECID Information 9-17

Configuring Error Logs for ECID Information 9-17

Configuring Access Logs for ECID Information 9-18


Managing Application Security

About Oracle HTTP Server Security 10-1

Classes of Users and Their Privileges 10-1

Authentication, Authorization and Access Control 10-2

Access Control 10-2

User Authentication and Authorization 10-2

Authenticating Users with Apache HTTP Server Modules 10-2

Authenticating Users with WebGate 10-3

Support for FMW Audit Framework 10-3

Managing Audit Policies Using Fusion Middleware Control 10-3

Implementing SSL 10-4

Global Server ID Support 10-4

PKCS #11 Support 10-4

SSL and Logging 10-5

Terminating SSL Requests 10-5

About Terminating SSL at the Load Balancer 10-5

About Terminating SSL at Oracle HTTP Server 10-7

Using mod_security 10-9

Using Trust Flags 10-9

Enabling Perfect Forward Secrecy on Oracle HTTP Server 10-9

A Oracle HTTP Server WLST Custom Commands

Getting Help on Oracle HTTP Server WLST Custom Commands A-1

Oracle HTTP Server Commands A-1

ohs_addAdminProperties A-2

ohs_addNMProperties A-2

ohs_createInstance A-3

ohs_deleteInstance A-4

ohs_exportKeyStore A-4


Administering Oracle HTTP Server· 2020. 2. 17.· mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4 mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4 Apache HTTP - [PDF Document] (10)

ohs_updateInstances A-5

B Migrating to the mod_proxy_fcgi and mod_authnz_fcgi Modules

Task 1: Replace LoadModule Directives in htttpd.conf File B-1

Task 2: Delete mod_fastcgi Configuration Directives From the htttpd.conf File B-1

Task 3: Configure mod_proxy_fcgi to Act as a Reverse Proxy to an ExternalFastCGI Server B-2

Task 4: Setup an External FastCGI Server B-2

Task 5: Setup mod_authnz_fcgi to Work with FastCGI Authorizer Applications B-3

C Setting CGIDScriptTimeout When Using mod_cgid

CGIDScriptTimeout Directive C-1

D Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Create Application-Specific Error Pages? D-2

What Type of Virtual Hosts Are Supported for HTTP and HTTPS? D-2

Can I Use Different Language and Character Set Versions of Document? D-2

Can I Apply Apache HTTP Server Security Patches to Oracle HTTP Server? D-3

Can I Upgrade the Apache HTTP Server Version of Oracle HTTP Server? D-3

Can I Compress Output From Oracle HTTP Server? D-3

How Do I Create a Namespace That Works Through Firewalls and Clusters? D-4

How Can I Enhance Website Security? D-4

Why is REDIRECT_ERROR_NOTES not set for "File Not Found" errors? D-5

How can I hide information about the Web Server Vendor and Version D-5

Can I Start Oracle HTTP Server by Using apachectl or Other Command Line Tool? D-6

How Do I Configure Oracle HTTP Server to Listen at Port 80? D-6

How Do I Terminate Requests Using SSL Within Oracle HTTP Server? D-6

How Do I Configure End-to-End SSL Within Oracle HTTP Server? D-6

Can Oracle HTTP Server Front-End Oracle WebLogic Server? D-7

What is the Difference Between Oracle WebLogic Server Domains and StandaloneDomains? D-7

Can Oracle HTTP Server Cache the Response Data? D-7

How Do I Configure a Virtual Server-Specific Access Log? D-8

How to Enable SSL for Oracle HTTP Server by Using Fusion Middleware Control? D-8

Start Node Manager and Admin Server D-8

Create Keystore D-8

Generate Keypair D-9

Generate CSR for a Certificate D-9

Import the Trusted Certificate D-10


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Import the Trusted Certificate to WebLogic Domain D-10

Import the User Certificate D-11

Export Keystore to Wallet D-11

Enable SSL D-12

E Troubleshooting Oracle HTTP Server

Oracle HTTP Server Fails to Start Due to Port Conflict E-1

System Overloaded by Number of httpd Processes E-2

Permission Denied When Starting Oracle HTTP Server On a Port Below 1024 E-2

Using Log Files to Locate Errors E-2

Rewrite Log E-2

Script Log E-3

Error Log E-3

Recovering an Oracle HTTP Server Instance on a Remote Host E-3

Oracle HTTP Server Performance Issues E-3

Special Runtime Files Reside on a Network File System E-3

UNIX Sockets on a Network File System E-4

DocumentRoot on a Slow File System E-4

Instances Created on Shared File Systems E-4

Out of DMS Shared Memory E-4

Oracle HTTP Server Fails to Start When mod_security is Enabled on RHEL orOracle Linux 7 E-5

Oracle HTTP Server Fails to Start due to Certificates Signed Using the MD5Algorithm E-5

Node Manager Logs Don't Show Clear Message When a Component Fails to Start E-6

F Configuration Files

G Property Files

ohs_addAdminProperties G-1 File G-2 File G-2

Cross-platform Properties G-3

Environment Variable Configuration Properties G-4

Properties Specific to Oracle HTTP Server Instances Running on Linux andUNIX G-6


Administering Oracle HTTP Server· 2020. 2. 17.· mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4 mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4 Apache HTTP - [PDF Document] (12)

H Oracle HTTP Server Module Directives

mod_wl_ohs Module H-1

mod_certheaders Module H-1

AddCertHeader Directive H-1

SimulateHttps Directive H-2

mod_ossl Module H-2

SSLCARevocationFile Directive H-3

SSLCARevocationPath Directive H-3

SSLCipherSuite Directive H-4

SSLEngine Directive H-8

SSLFIPS Directive H-8

SSLHonorCipherOrder Directive H-11

SSLInsecureRenegotiation Directive H-11

SSLOptions Directive H-12

SSLProtocol Directive H-13

SSLProxyCipherSuite Directive H-14

SSLProxyEngine Directive H-14

SSLProxyProtocol Directive H-15

SSLProxyWallet Directive H-15

SSLRequire Directive H-15

SSLRequireSSL Directive H-18

SSLSessionCache Directive H-18

SSLProxySessionCache Directive H-18

SSLSessionCacheTimeout Directive H-22

SSLTraceLogLevel Directive H-23

SSLVerifyClient Directive H-23

SSLWallet Directive H-24


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This guide describes how to manage Oracle HTTP Server, including how to start andstop Oracle HTTP Server, how to manage network components, configure listeningports, and extend basic functionality using modules.

AudienceAdministering Oracle HTTP Server is intended for application server administrators,security managers, and managers of databases used by application servers. Thisdocumentation is based on the assumption that readers are already familiar withApache HTTP Server.

Unless otherwise mentioned, the information in this document is applicable whenOracle HTTP Server is installed with Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle FusionMiddleware Control. It is assumed that readers are familiar with the key concepts ofOracle Fusion Middleware as described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware ConceptsGuide and the Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

For information about installing Oracle HTTP Server in standalone mode, seeInstalling and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server.

Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the OracleAccessibility Program website at

Accessible Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers who have purchased support have access to electronic supportthrough My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Related DocumentsSee the following documents in the Oracle Fusion Middleware documentation set:

• Understanding Oracle Fusion Middleware

• Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware

• Tuning Performance

• High Availability Guide

• Using Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-Ins


Administering Oracle HTTP Server· 2020. 2. 17.· mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4 mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4 Apache HTTP - [PDF Document] (14)

• Apache documentation included in this library. See:


Readers using this guide in PDF or hard copy formats will be unable toaccess third-party documentation, which Oracle provides in HTML formatonly. To access the third-party documentation referenced in this guide, usethe HTML version of this guide and click the hyperlinks.

ConventionsThe following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning

boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associatedwith an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.

italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables forwhich you supply particular values.

monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, codein examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.



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Part IUnderstanding Oracle HTTP Server

Oracle HTTP Server is the web server component for Oracle Fusion Middleware.It includes several Oracle-provided and third-party modules to extend its basicfunctionality. It also includes Apache HTTP Server.

This part presents introductory and conceptual information about Oracle HTTP Server.It contains the following chapters:

• Introduction to Oracle HTTP Server

• Understanding Oracle HTTP Server Modules

• Understanding Oracle HTTP Server Management Tools

Administering Oracle HTTP Server· 2020. 2. 17.· mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4 mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4 Apache HTTP - [PDF Document] (16)

1Introduction to Oracle HTTP Server

Oracle HTTP Server is the web server component for Oracle Fusion Middleware, andprovides a listener for Oracle WebLogic Server and the framework for hosting staticpages, dynamic pages, and applications over the web.

This chapter introduces the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS). It describes key features ofOracle HTTP Server, and its place within the Oracle Fusion Middleware Web Tier andalso provides information about the Oracle HTTP Server directory structure, the OracleHTTP Server configuration files, and how to obtain Oracle HTTP Server support.

This chapter includes the following sections:

• What is Oracle HTTP Server?

• Accessibility Tips for Oracle HTTP Server

• Oracle HTTP Server Topologies

• Key Features of Oracle HTTP Server

• Domain Types

• Understanding Oracle HTTP Server Directory Structure

• Understanding Configuration Files

• Upgrading from Earlier Releases of Oracle HTTP Server

What is Oracle HTTP Server?Oracle HTTP Server is a web server based on Apache HTTP Server infrastructure andincludes additional modules developed specifically by Oracle. Oracle HTTP Server canalso be a proxy server. The features of single sign-on, clustered deployment, and highavailability enhance the operation of the Oracle HTTP Server.

Oracle HTTP Server has the following components to handle client requests

• HTTP listener, to handle incoming requests and route them to the appropriateprocessing utility.

• Modules (mods), to implement and extend the basic functionality of Oracle HTTPServer. Many of the standard Apache HTTP Server modules are included withOracle HTTP Server. Oracle also includes several modules that are specific toOracle Fusion Middleware to support integration between Oracle HTTP Serverand other Oracle Fusion Middleware components.

• Perl interpreter, which allows Oracle HTTP Server to be set up as a reverseproxy through the fcgi protocol to a persistent Perl runtime environment usingmod_proxy_fcgi.

Although Oracle HTTP Server contains a Perl interpreter, it is internal to theproduct. You cannot use this interpreter for hosting Perl under a FastCGIenvironment. You must provide your own Perl environment.


Administering Oracle HTTP Server· 2020. 2. 17.· mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4 mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4 Apache HTTP - [PDF Document] (17)

• Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In, which enables Oracle HTTP Server tofront-end WebLogic Servers and other Fusion Middleware-based applications.

Oracle HTTP Server enables developers to program their site in a variety of languagesand technologies, such as:

• Perl (through mod_proxy_fcgi, CGI and FastCGI)

• C and C++ (through mod_proxy_fcgi, CGI and FastCGI)

• Java, Ruby and Python (through mod_proxy_fcgi, CGI and FastCGI)

Oracle HTTP Server can also be a proxy server, both forward and reverse. A reverseproxy enables content served by different servers to appear as if coming from oneserver.


For more information about Oracle Fusion Middleware concepts, seeUnderstanding Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Accessibility Tips for Oracle HTTP ServerOracle HTTP Server can be managed using the Oracle Fusion Middlware Controlin collocated mode. Oracle HTTP Server uses Fusion Middleware Control as itsgraphical user interface.

For information about Oracle Fusion Middleware Accessibility Options, seeAccessibility Features and Tips for Fusion Middleware Control in Accessibility Guide.

Oracle HTTP Server TopologiesOracle HTTP Server leverages the WebLogic Management Framework to providea simple, consistent, and distributed environment for administering Oracle HTTPServer, Oracle WebLogic Server, and other Fusion Middleware components. It actsas the HTTP front end by hosting the static content from within and by leveraging itsbuilt-in Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-Ins to route dynamic content requests toManaged Server instances.

There are multiple ways of implementing Oracle HTTP Server, depending on yourrequirements. Table 1-1 describes the major implementations, or "topologies."

Chapter 1Accessibility Tips for Oracle HTTP Server


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Table 1-1 Oracle HTTP Server Topologies

Topology Description For More Information

StandardInstallationTopology forOracle HTTPServer in aStandaloneDomain

This topology is similar to an OracleWebLogic Server Domain topology, but doesnot provide an administration server ormanaged servers. It is useful when youdo not want your Oracle HTTP Serverimplementation to front a Fusion Middlewaredomain and do not need the managementfunctionality provided by Fusion MiddlewareControl. This topology is depicted inFigure 1-1.

To obtain this topology, install Oracle HTTPServer in standalone mode. Can be pairedwith Oracle HTTP Server Collocated modeby using the Pack or UnPack commands.

See Standard Installation Topology for OracleHTTP Server in a Standalone Domain in Installingand Configuring Oracle HTTP Server.

StandardInstallationTopology forOracle HTTPServer in aWebLogicServer Domain(Restricted-JRF)

This topology is similar to the Full-JRF(Java Required Files) topology, except thatit does not require a backing database.The Restricted-JRF mode offers all of thefunctionality as the Full-JRF mode, exceptcross component wiring is not available.

To obtain this topology, install Oracle HTTPServer in Collocated mode, then choose theOracle HTTP Server Restricted-JRF domaintemplate for provisioning this domain. Thistopology handles most use cases except forcross-component wiring.

See Standard Installation Topology for OracleHTTP Server in a WebLogic Server Domain inInstalling and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server

StandardInstallationTopology forOracle HTTPServer in aWebLogicServer Domain(Full-JRF)

This topology provides enhancedmanagement capabilities through theFusion Middleware Control and WebLogicManagement Framework. A WebLogicServer domain can be scaled out tomultiple physical machines and be centrallymanaged by the administration server. Thistopology is depicted in Figure 1-2.

To obtain this topology, install Oracle HTTPServer in Collocated mode, then choosethe Oracle HTTP Server Full-JRF domaintemplate. Note that this topology, requiresa database in back-end and can supportcross-component wiring.

See Standard Installation Topology for OracleHTTP Server in a WebLogic Server Domain inInstalling and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server.

Figure 1-1 illustrates the standard installation topology for Oracle HTTP Server in astandalone domain.

Chapter 1Oracle HTTP Server Topologies


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Figure 1-1 Standard Installation Topology for Oracle HTTP Server in aStandalone Domain

Figure 1-2 illustrates the standard installation topology for Oracle HTTP Server in aWebLogic Server domain.

Figure 1-2 Standard Installation Topology for Oracle HTTP Server in aWebLogic Server Domain

Key Features of Oracle HTTP ServerOracle HTTP Server includes a web server proxy plug-in for Oracle WebLogic Server,components for boosting web application performance, an installation mode that doesnot require a database connection, multiple security configuration options, and more.

The following sections describe some key features of Oracle HTTP Server:

• Restricted-JRF Mode

• Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In (mod_wl_ohs)

Chapter 1Key Features of Oracle HTTP Server


Administering Oracle HTTP Server· 2020. 2. 17.· mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4 mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4 Apache HTTP - [PDF Document] (20)

• CGI and Fast CGI Protocol (mod_proxy_fcgi)

• Security Features

• URL Rewriting and Proxy Server Capabilities

Restricted-JRF ModeTo install Oracle HTTP Server in a Oracle WebLogic Server domain in the Restricted-JRF mode, then a connection to an external database is not required. All of the OracleHTTP Server functionality through Fusion MiddleWare Control and WLST described inthis documentation is still available, with the exception of cross component wiring.

Lack of support for cross component wiring means that:

• There are changes to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Control menu options. Someof the menu options which support cross component wiring are removed ordisabled.

• Any database dependencies are completely removed.

See Also:

Wiring Components to Work Together in Administering Oracle FusionMiddleware.

The management of keys and certificates for an Oracle HTTP Server instance in aRestricted-JRF domain continue to be keystore services (KSS). In a Restricted-JRFdomain, the database persistency of KSS is replaced with file persistency. To an enduser, there are no visible change in basic KSS APIs to manage keys or certificates.

Oracle HTTP Server continues to support multiple Oracle wallets for complex virtualserver configurations both in Restricted-JRF and full JRF mode.

Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In (mod_wl_ohs)The Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In (mod_wl_ohs) enables requests to beproxied from Oracle HTTP Server to Oracle WebLogic Server. This plug-in enhancesan Oracle HTTP server installation by allowing Oracle WebLogic Server to handlerequests that require dynamic functionality. In other words, you typically use a plug-in where the HTTP server serves static pages such as HTML pages, while OracleWebLogic Server serves the J2EE dynamic pages such as Servlets, Java ServerPages (JSPs), and Enterprise Java Bean (EJB).

See Configuring the Plug-In for Oracle HTTP Server.

CGI and Fast CGI Protocol (mod_proxy_fcgi)CGI programs are commonly used to program Web applications. Oracle HTTP Serverenhances the programs by providing a mechanism to keep them active beyond therequest lifecycle by using the mod_proxy_fcgi module.

Chapter 1Key Features of Oracle HTTP Server


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The mod_proxy_fcgi module is the Oracle replacement for the deprecated mod_fastcgimodule. The mod_proxy_fcgi module requires the service of the mod_proxy moduleand provides support for the FastCGI protocol.

For information on configuring the mod_proxy_fcgi module, see About Configuringmod_proxy_fcgi. For information on migrating from the mod_fastcgi module tomod_proxy_fcgi, see Migrating to the mod_proxy_fcgi and mod_authnz_fcgi Modules .

Security FeaturesOracle HTTP Server employs many security features. Key among them are:

• Oracle Secure Sockets Layer (mod_ossl)

• Security: Encryption with Secure Sockets Layer

• Security: Single Sign-On with WebGate

Oracle Secure Sockets Layer (mod_ossl)The mod_ossl module, the Oracle Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) implementation usedin the Oracle database, enables strong cryptography for Oracle HTTP Server. It is aplug-in to Oracle HTTP Server that enables the server to use SSL and is very similarto the OpenSSL module, mod_ssl. The mod_ossl module supports TLS version 1.0,1.1 , and 1.2.

Security: Encryption with Secure Sockets LayerSecure Sockets Layer (SSL) is required to run any website securely. Oracle HTTPServer supports SSL encryption based on patented, industry standard, algorithms.SSL works seamlessly with commonly-supported Internet browsers. Security featuresinclude the following:

• SSL hardware acceleration support uses dedicated hardware for SSL. Hardwareencryption is faster than software encryption.

• Variable security per directory allows individual directories to be protected bydifferent strength encryption.

• Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle WebLogic Server communicate using the HTTPprotocol to provide both encryption and authentication. You can also enable HTTPtunneling for the T3 or IIOP protocols to provide non-browser clients access toWebLogic Server services.

See Also:

Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services

Security: Single Sign-On with WebGateWebGate enables single sign-on (SSO) for Oracle HTTP Server. WebGate examinesincoming requests and determines whether the requested resource is protected, andif so, retrieves the session information for the user. Through WebGate, Oracle HTTPServer becomes an SSO partner application enabled to use SSO to authenticate

Chapter 1Key Features of Oracle HTTP Server


Administering Oracle HTTP Server· 2020. 2. 17.· mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4 mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4 Apache HTTP - [PDF Document] (22)

users, obtain their identity by using Oracle Single Sign-On, and to make user identitiesavailable to web applications accessed through Oracle HTTP Server.

See Also:

Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services

URL Rewriting and Proxy Server CapabilitiesActive websites usually update their web pages and directory contents often, andpossibly their URLs as well. Oracle HTTP Server makes it easy to accommodate thechanges by including an engine that supports URL rewriting so end users do not haveto change their bookmarks.

Oracle HTTP Server also supports reverse proxy capabilities, making it easier to makecontent served by different servers to appear from one single server.

Domain TypesYou can install Oracle HTTP Server on two types of domains: WebLogic Serverdomain and standalone domain. In the WebLogic Server domain, Oracle HTTP Servercan be collocated with Oracle WebLogic Server in full or Restricted-JRF mode.Standalone domain has restricted functionality.

You can select which environment you want to use during server configuration.

• WebLogic Server Domain (Full-JRF Mode)

• WebLogic Server Domain (Restricted-JRF Mode)

• Standalone Domain

WebLogic Server Domain (Full-JRF Mode)A WebLogic Server Domain in Full-JRF mode contains a WebLogic AdministrationServer, zero or more WebLogic Managed Servers, and zero or more SystemComponent Instances (for example, an Oracle HTTP Server instance). This type ofdomain provides enhanced management capabilities through the Fusion MiddlewareControl and WebLogic Management Framework present throughout the system. AWebLogic Server Domain can span multiple physical machines, and it is centrallymanaged by the administration server. Because of these properties, a WebLogicServer Domain provides the best integration between your System Components andJava EE Components.

WebLogic Server Domains support all WebLogic Management Framework tools.

Because Fusion Middleware Control provides advanced management capabilities,Oracle recommends using WebLogic Server Domain, which requires installing acomplete Oracle Fusion Middleware infrastructure before you install Oracle HTTPServer.

• For more information about installing a WebLogic Server Domain, see Installingand Configuring the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.

Chapter 1Domain Types


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• For information about installing Oracle HTTP Server either as part of a OracleFusion Middleware infrastructure or as standalone component, see Installing andConfiguring Oracle HTTP Server.

WebLogic Server Domain (Restricted-JRF Mode)The Weblogic Server Domain in Restricted-JRF mode is similar in architecture andfunctionality to Weblogic Server Domain in Full mode, except it does not definea connection to an external database. There are no database dependencies inRestricted-JRF mode.

This lack of a backing database means that cross component wiring is not supportedby Oracle HTTP Server in a Restricted-JRF domain; this is the major differentiatingfactor between a Full JRF- and a Restricted-JRF-based domain.

Like the Full -JRF domain, the management of keys and certificates of an OracleHTTP Server instance in a Restricted-JRF domain continues to be keystore service(KSS). In a Restricted-JRF domain, the database persistency of KSS is replaced withfile persistency, although to an end user there is no visible change in basic KSS APIsto manage keys and certificates.

Like the Full -JRF domain, Oracle HTTP Server in a Restricted-JRF domain supportsmultiple Oracle wallets for complex virtual server configurations.

Standalone DomainA standalone domain is a container for system components, such as Oracle HTTPServer. It has a directory structure similar to an Oracle WebLogic Server Domain, but itdoes not contain an Administration Server or Managed Servers. It can contain one ormore instances of system components of the same type, such as Oracle HTTP Server,or a mix of system component types.

For standalone domains, the WebLogic Management Framework supports thefollowing tools:

• Node Manager

• The WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) commands, including:

– nmStart(), nmKill(), nmSoftRestart(), and nmStop() that start and stopOracle HTTP Server instance.

– nmConnect() to connect to Node Manager.

– nmLog() to get the Node Manager log information.

For a complete list of supported WLST Node Manager commands, see NodeManager Commands in WLST Command Reference for WebLogic Server.


If you have a remote Oracle HTTP Server in a managed mode andanother in standalone with the remote administration mode enabled, youcan use WLST to perform management tasks such as SSL configuration.

• Configuration Wizard

Chapter 1Domain Types


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• Pack or Unpack

Generally, you would use a standalone domain when you do not want your OracleHTTP Server implementation installed with a WebLogic Server domain and do notneed the management functionality provided by Oracle Fusion Middleware Control.Nor would you use it when you want to keep Oracle HTTP Server in a "demilitarizedzone" (DMZ, that is, the zone between the internal and external firewalls) and you donot want to open management ports used by Node Manager.

Understanding Oracle HTTP Server Directory StructureWhen Oracle HTTP Server is installed in a domain, a directory tree is created thatcontains the files that are required by Oracle HTTP server to support that domain type.

Oracle HTTP Server domains can be either WebLogic Server or standalone. Wheninstalled, each domain has its own directory structure that contains files necessary toimplement the domain type. For a complete file structure topology, see Understandingthe Directory Structures in Installing and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server.

Understanding Configuration FilesOracle HTTP Server contains several configuration files that are similar to those usedin Apache HTTP Server. Most of these files end with the .conf file type.

The following topics explain the layout of the configuration file directories, mechanismsfor editing the files, and more about the files themselves.

• Staging and Run-time Configuration Directories

• Oracle HTTP Server Configuration Files

• Modifying an Oracle HTTP Server Configuration File

Staging and Run-time Configuration DirectoriesTwo configuration directories are associated with each Oracle HTTP Server instance:a staging directory and a run-time directory.

• Staging directory


• Run-time directory


Each of the configuration directories contain the complete Oracle HTTP Serverconfiguration -- httpd.conf, admin.conf, auditconfig.xml, and so on.

Modifications to the configuration are made in the staging directory. Thesemodifications are automatically propagated to the run-time directory during thefollowing operations:

Chapter 1Understanding Oracle HTTP Server Directory Structure


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Before making any changes to the files in the staging directory manually(that is, without using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST), stop theAdministration Server.

• Oracle HTTP Server instances which are part of a WebLogic Server Domain

Modifications are replicated to the run-time directory on the node with themanaged Oracle HTTP Server instance after changes are activated from withinFusion Middleware Control, or when the administration server initializes and priorchanges need to be replicated. If communication with Node Manager is broken atthe time of the action, replication will occur at a later time when communicationhas been restored.

• Standalone Oracle HTTP Server instances

Modifications are synchronized with the run-time directory when a start, restart, orstop action is initiated. Some changes might be written to the run-time directoryduring domain update, but the changes will be finalized during synchronization.

Any modifications to the configuration within the run-time directory will be lost duringreplication or synchronization.


When a standalone instance is created, the keystores directory containing ademo wallet is created only in the run-time directory.

Before creating the first new wallet for the instance, the user must create akeystores directory within the staging directory.


Wallets must then be created within that keystores directory.

Oracle HTTP Server Configuration FilesThe default Oracle HTTP Server configuration contains the files described inConfiguration Files.

Additional files can be added to the configuration and included in the top-level .conffile httpd.conf using the Include directive. For information on how to use this directive,see the Include directive documentation, at:

The default configuration provides an Include directive which includes all .conf files inthe moduleconf/ directory within the configuration.

An Include directive should be added to an existing .conf file, usually httpd.conf,for .conf files which are not stored in the moduleconf/ directory. This may be required if

Chapter 1Understanding Configuration Files


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the new .conf file must be included at a different configuration scope, such as within anexisting virtual host definition.

Modifying an Oracle HTTP Server Configuration FileFor instances that are part of a WebLogic Server Domain, Fusion MiddlewareControl and the management infrastructure manages the Oracle HTTP Serverconfiguration. Direct editing of the configuration in the staging directory is subject tobeing overwritten after subsequent management operations, including modifying theconfiguration in Fusion Middleware Control. For such instances, direct editing shouldonly be performed when the administration server is stopped. When the administrationserver is subsequently started (with start or restart), the results of any manual editswill be replicated to the run-time directory on the node of the managed instance. SeeAbout Editing Configuration Files.


Fusion Middleware Control and other Oracle software that manage theOracle HTTP Server configuration might save these files in a different,equivalent format. After using the software to make a configuration change,multiple configuration files might be rewritten.

Upgrading from Earlier Releases of Oracle HTTP ServerYou can use the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade and configure supported FusionMiddleware and Oracle HTTP Server domains from an earlier release to 12c( and perform a readiness check prior to an upgrade.

To upgrade Oracle HTTP Server, see Upgrading with the Upgrade Assistant.

Oracle HTTP Server SupportOracle provides technical support for Oracle HTTP Server features.

The following Oracle HTTP Server features and conditions are supported:

• Modules included in the Oracle distribution. Oracle does not support modulesobtained from any other source, including the Apache Software Foundation.Oracle HTTP Server will still be supported when non-Oracle-provided modules areincluded. If non-Oracle-provided modules are suspect of contributing to reportedproblems, customers may be requested to reproduce the problems withoutincluding those modules.

• Problems that can be reproduced within an Oracle HTTP Server configurationconsisting only of supported Oracle HTTP Server modules.

Chapter 1Upgrading from Earlier Releases of Oracle HTTP Server


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2Understanding Oracle HTTP ServerModules

Modules extend the basic functionality of Oracle HTTP Server and support integrationbetween Oracle HTTP Server and other Oracle Fusion Middleware components.Oracle HTTP Server uses both Oracle developed modules or “plug-ins” and Apacheand third party-developed modules.

This chapter includes the following sections:

• Oracle-Developed Modules for Oracle HTTP Server

• Apache HTTP Server and Third-party Modules in Oracle HTTP Server

Oracle-Developed Modules for Oracle HTTP ServerOracle has developed modules that Oracle HTTP Server can use specifically to extendits basic functionality.

The following sections describe these modules:

• mod_certheaders Module—Enables Reverse Proxies

• mod_context Module—Creates or Propagates ECIDs

• mod_dms Module—Enables Access to DMS Data

• mod_odl Module—Enables Access to ODL

• mod_ora_audit—Supports Authentication and Authorization Auditing

• mod_ossl Module—Enables Cryptography (SSL)

• mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on

• mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server

mod_certheaders Module—Enables Reverse ProxiesThe mod_certheaders module enables reverse proxies that terminate Secure SocketsLayer (SSL) connections in front of Oracle HTTP Server to transfer informationregarding the SSL connection, such as SSL client certificate information, to OracleHTTP Server and the applications running behind Oracle HTTP Server. Thisinformation is transferred from the reverse proxy to Oracle HTTP Server using HTTPheaders. The information is then transferred from the headers to the standard CGIenvironment variable. The mod_ossl module or the mod_ssl module populate thevariable if the SSL connection is terminated by Oracle HTTP Server.

The mod_certheaders module also enables certain requests to be treated as HTTPSrequests even though they are received through HTTP. This is done using theSimulateHttps directive.


Administering Oracle HTTP Server· 2020. 2. 17.· mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4 mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4 Apache HTTP - [PDF Document] (28)

SimulateHttps takes the container it is contained within, such as <VirtualHost> or<Location>, and treats all requests received for this container as if they were receivedthrough HTTPS, regardless of the real protocol used by the request.

See mod_certheaders Module for a list and description of the directives accepted bymod_certheaders.

mod_context Module—Creates or Propagates ECIDsThe mod_context module creates or propagates Execution Context IDs, or ECIDs, forrequests handled by Oracle HTTP Server. If an ECID has been created for the requestexecution flow before it reaches Oracle HTTP Server, mod_context will make the ECIDavailable for logging within Oracle HTTP Server and for propagation to other FusionMiddleware components, such as WebLogic Server. If an ECID has not been createdwhen the request reaches Oracle HTTP Server, mod_context will create one.

mod_context is not configurable. It enables loading ECIDs into the server with theLoadModule directive, and disabled by removing or commenting out the LoadModuledirective corresponding to this module. It should always be enabled to aid withproblem diagnosis.

mod_dms Module—Enables Access to DMS DataThe mod_dms module provides FMW infrastructure access to the Oracle HTTP ServerDynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) data.

See Also:

Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service in Tuning Performance.

mod_odl Module—Enables Access to ODLThe mod_odl module allows Oracle HTTP Server to access Oracle Diagnostic Logging(ODL). ODL generates log messages in text or XML-formatted logs, in a format whichcomplies with Oracle standards for generating error log messages. Oracle HTTPServer uses ODL by default.

ODL provides the following benefits:

• The capability to limit the total amount of diagnostic information saved. You can setthe level of information saved and you can specify the maximum size of the log fileand the log file directory.

• When you reach the specified size, older segment files are removed and newersegment files are saved in chronological fashion.

• Components can remain active, and do not need to be shutdown, when olderdiagnostic logging files are deleted.

You can view log files using Fusion Middleware Control or with WLST commands, oryou can download log files to your local client and view them using another tool (forexample, a text edit or another file viewing utility)

Chapter 2Oracle-Developed Modules for Oracle HTTP Server


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For more information on using ODL with Oracle HTTP Server, see Managing OracleHTTP Server Logs.

See Also:

Managing Log Files and Diagnostic Datain Administering Oracle FusionMiddleware.

mod_ora_audit—Supports Authentication and Authorization AuditingThis module provides the OraAuditEnable directive to support authentication andauthorization auditing by using the FMW Common Audit Framework. Previously thecode for Audit was integrated in Oracle HTTP Server binary itself. In the currentrelease, this is provided as a separate loadable module. See Support for FMW AuditFramework.

mod_ossl Module—Enables Cryptography (SSL)The mod_ossl module, the Oracle Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) implementation usedin the Oracle database, enables strong cryptography for Oracle HTTP Server. It is aplug-in to Oracle HTTP Server that enables the server to use SSL and is very similarto the OpenSSL module, mod_ssl. The mod_ossl module supports TLS versions 1,1.1, and 1.2, and is based on Certicom and RSA Security technology.

Oracle HTTP Server complies with the Federal Information Processing Standardpublication 140 (FIPS 140); it uses a version of the underlying SSL libraries that hasgone through formal FIPS certification. As part of Oracle HTTP Server's FIPS 140compliance, the mod_ossl plug-in now includes the SSLFIPS directive. See SSLFIPSDirective.

Oracle no longer supports the mod_ssl module. A tool is provided to enable you tomigrate from mod_ssl to mod_ossl, and convert your text certificates to Oracle wallets.

The mod_ossl modules provides these features:

• Encrypted communication between client and server, using RSA or DESencryption standards.

• Integrity checking of client/server communication using MD5 or SHA checksumalgorithms.

• Certificate management with Oracle wallets.

• Authorization of clients with multiple access checks, exactly as performed in themod_ssl module.

mod_ossl Module Directives

See mod_ossl Module for a list and descriptions of directives accepted by themod_ossl module.

Chapter 2Oracle-Developed Modules for Oracle HTTP Server


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See Configuring SSL for the Web Tier in Administering Oracle FusionMiddleware.

mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-onThe mod_webgate module enables single sign-on (SSO) for Oracle HTTP Server.WebGate examines incoming requests and determines whether the requestedresource is protected, and if so, retrieves the session information for the user. SeeAuthenticating Users with WebGate and Security: Single Sign-On with WebGate.

For information about configuring WebGate, see Configuring WebGate for OracleAccess Manager in Installing and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server.

See Also:

Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services

mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic ServerThe mod_wl_ohs module is a key feature of Oracle HTTP Server that enablesrequests to be proxied from Oracle HTTP Server to Oracle WebLogic Server. Thismodule is generally referred to as the Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In. Thisplug-in enhances an Oracle HTTP server installation by allowing Oracle WebLogicServer to handle requests that require dynamic functionality. In other words, youtypically use a plug-in where the HTTP server serves static pages such as HTMLpages, while Oracle WebLogic Server serves dynamic pages such as HTTP Servletsand Java Server Pages (JSPs).

For information about the prerequisites and procedure for configuring mod_wl_ohs,see Configuring the Plug-In for Oracle HTTP Server in Using Oracle WebLogicServer Proxy Plug-Ins. Directives for this module are listed in Parameters for OracleWebLogic Server Proxy Plug-Ins in Using Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-Ins.


mod_wl_ohs is similar to the mod_wl plug-in, which you can use to proxyrequests from Apache HTTP Server to Oracle WebLogic server. However,while the mod_wl plug-in for Apache HTTP Server should be downloadedand installed separately, the mod_wl_ohs plug-in is bundled with OracleHTTP Server.

Chapter 2Oracle-Developed Modules for Oracle HTTP Server


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Apache HTTP Server and Third-party Modules in OracleHTTP Server

Oracle HTTP Server includes Apache and third-party modules. These modules are notdeveloped by Oracle.

Table 2-1 lists these modules.

Table 2-1 Apache HTTP Server and Third-party Modules in Oracle HTTP Server

Module Enabled byDefault?

For more information, see:

mod_access_compat No

mod_actions Yes

mod_alias Yes

mod_asis Yes

mod_auth_basic Yes

mod_authn_anon Yes

mod_authn_core Yes

mod_authn_file Yes

mod_authz_core Yes

mod_authnz_fcgi No

mod_authz_groupfile Yes

mod_authz_host Yes

mod_authz_owner No

mod_authz_user Yes

mod_autoindex Yes

mod_cache (Windows only) No

mod_cache_disk No

mod_disk_cache (Windowsonly)


Chapter 2Apache HTTP Server and Third-party Modules in Oracle HTTP Server


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Table 2-1 (Cont.) Apache HTTP Server and Third-party Modules in Oracle HTTP Server

Module Enabled byDefault?

For more information, see:

mod_cern_meta Yes

mod_cgi Yes

mod_cgid (UNIX only) Yes

mod_deflate No

Note: To enable mod_deflate, you must first uploadmod_filter. In Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4, thecommand AddOutputFilterByType directive is moved tomod_filter module. See

mod_dir Yes

mod_dumpio No

mod_env Yes

mod_expires Yes

mod_file_cache Yes

mod_filter No

Note: The syntax of the FilterProvider directive undermod_filter has changed in Apache 2.4. This directive must beupgraded manually. See

mod_headers Yes

mod_imagemap Yes

mod_include Yes

mod_info Yes

mod_lbmethod_bybusyness No

mod_lbmethod_byrequests No

mod_lbmethod_bytraffic No

mod_log_config Yes

mod_log_forensic Yes

mod_logio No

Chapter 2Apache HTTP Server and Third-party Modules in Oracle HTTP Server


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Table 2-1 (Cont.) Apache HTTP Server and Third-party Modules in Oracle HTTP Server

Module Enabled byDefault?

For more information, see:

mod_macro No

mod_mime Yes

mod_mime_magic Yes

mod_mpm_event Yes (Linuxonly)

mod_mpm_prefork No

mod_mpm_winnt (Windowsonly)


mod_mpm_worker Yes (on Non-Windows andnon-Linuxplatforms)

mod_negotiation Yes

mod_proxy Yes

mod_proxy_balancer Yes

mod_proxy_connect Yes

mod_proxy_fcgi No

mod_proxy_ftp Yes

mod_proxy_http Yes

mod_remoteip No

mod_reqtimeout No

mod_rewrite Yes

mod_security2 No

Also, for Oracle HTTP Server-specific information regardingmod_security, see Configuring mod_security in the httpd.conf File..

mod_sed No

mod_setenvif Yes

mod_slotmem_shm Yes

Chapter 2Apache HTTP Server and Third-party Modules in Oracle HTTP Server


Administering Oracle HTTP Server· 2020. 2. 17.· mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4 mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4 Apache HTTP - [PDF Document] (34)

Table 2-1 (Cont.) Apache HTTP Server and Third-party Modules in Oracle HTTP Server

Module Enabled byDefault?

For more information, see:

mod_socache_shmcb Yes

mod_speling Yes

mod_status Yes

mod_substitute No

mod_unique_id Yes

mod_unixd Yes

mod_userdir Yes

mod_usertrack Yes

mod_version Yes

mod_vhost_alias Yes

mod_proxy_wstunnel No

Chapter 2Apache HTTP Server and Third-party Modules in Oracle HTTP Server


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3Understanding Oracle HTTP ServerManagement Tools

Oracle HTTP Server can be managed using tools such as the Configuration Wizard,Fusion Middleware Control, and WebLogic Scripting tool.

The following sections describe the management tools, how to access FusionMiddleware Control and the Oracle HTTP Server home page, and how to use theWebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST)

• Configuration Wizard, which enables you to create and delete Oracle HTTP Serverinstances. See Installing and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server.

• Fusion Middleware Control, which is a browser-based management tool. SeeAdministering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

• WebLogic Scripting Tool, which is a command-driven scripting tool. SeeUnderstanding the WebLogic Scripting Tool.


• The management tools available to your Oracle HTTP Serverimplementation depend on whether you have configured it in a WebLogicServer domain (with FMW Infrastructure) or in a standalone domain. SeeDomain Types.

• The Oracle HTTP Server MBeans, which might be visible in FusionMiddleware Control or the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) are providedfor the use of Oracle management tools. The interfaces are notsupported for other use and are subject to change without notice.

This chapter includes the following sections:

• Administering Oracle HTTP Server Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Administering Oracle HTTP Server Using WLST

Administering Oracle HTTP Server Using FusionMiddleware Control

Fusion Middleware Control is the main tool for managing Oracle HTTP Server.This tool is browser-based and helps to administer and monitor the Oracle FusionMiddleware environment.

The following sections describe some of the basic Oracle HTTP Server administrationtasks you can perform with Fusion Middleware Control.


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• Accessing Fusion Middleware Control

• Accessing the Oracle HTTP Server Home Page

• Understanding the Oracle HTTP Server Home Page

• Editing Configuration Files Using Fusion Middleware Control

See Also:

Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware

Accessing Fusion Middleware ControlTo display Fusion Middleware Control, you enter the Fusion Middleware Control URL,which includes the name of the WebLogic Administration Server host and the portnumber assigned to Fusion Middleware Control during the installation. The followingshows the format of the URL:


If you saved the installation information by clicking Save on the last installation screen,the URL for Fusion Middleware Control is included in the file that is written to disk.

1. Display Fusion Middleware Control by entering the URL in your Web browser. Forexample:

The Welcome page appears.

2. Enter the Fusion Middleware Control administrator user name and password andclick Login.

The default user name for the administrator user is weblogic. This is the accountyou can use to log in to the Fusion Middleware Control for the first time. Theweblogic password is the one you supplied during the installation of FusionMiddleware Control.

Accessing the Oracle HTTP Server Home PageWhen you select a target, such as a WebLogic Managed Server or a component, suchas Oracle HTTP Server, the target's home page is displayed in the content pane andthe target's menu is displayed at the top of the page, in the context pane.

To display the Oracle HTTP Server home page and the server menu, select an OracleHTTP Server component from the HTTP Server folder. You can also display the OracleHTTP Server menu by right-clicking the Oracle HTTP Server target in the navigationpane.

Understanding the Oracle HTTP Server Home Page describes the target navigationpane and the home page of Oracle HTTP Server.

Chapter 3Administering Oracle HTTP Server Using Fusion Middleware Control


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Understanding the Oracle HTTP Server Home PageThe Oracle HTTP Server Home page in Fusion Middleware Control contains menusand regions that enable you to manage the server. Use the menus for monitoring,managing, routing, and viewing general information.

The Oracle HTTP Server home page contains the following regions:

• General Region: Shows the name of the component, its state, host, port, andmachine name, and the location of the Oracle Home.

• Key Statistics Region: Shows the processes and requests statistics.

• Response and Load Region: Provides information such as the number of activerequests, how many requests were submitted, and how long it took for OracleHTTP Server to respond to a request. It also provides information about thenumber of bytes processed with the requests.

• CPU and Memory Usage Region: Shows how much CPU (by percentage) andmemory (in megabytes) are being used by an Oracle HTTP Server instance.

• Resource Center: Provides links to books and topics related to Oracle HTTPServer.

Figure 3-1 shows the target navigation pane and the home page of Oracle HTTPServer.

Figure 3-1 Oracle HTTP Server Home in Fusion Middleware Control

Chapter 3Administering Oracle HTTP Server Using Fusion Middleware Control


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Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware contains detailed descriptions of allthe items on the target navigation pane and the home page.

Editing Configuration Files Using Fusion Middleware ControlThe Advanced Server Configuration page in Fusion Middleware Control enables youto edit your Oracle HTTP Server configuration without directly editing the configuration(.conf) files. See Modifying an Oracle HTTP Server Configuration File. Be aware thatFusion Middleware Control and other Oracle software that manage the Oracle HTTPServer configuration might save these files in a different, equivalent format. After usingthe software to make a configuration change, multiple configuration files might berewritten. For instructions on how to edit a configuration file from Fusion MiddlewareControl, see Editing a Configuration File for a WebLogic Server Domain.

Administering Oracle HTTP Server Using WLSTThe WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) is a command-driven scripting tool that providesspecific commands to manage Oracle HTTP Server.

This section contains information on WLST commands and how to use WLST in astandalone environment.

• Oracle HTTP Server-Specific WLST Commands

• Using WLST in a Standalone Environment

For detailed information on WLST, see Understanding the WebLogic Scripting Tool

For more information on the WLST custom commands that are available for OracleHTTP Server, see Oracle HTTP Server WLST Custom Commands.

Oracle HTTP Server-Specific WLST CommandsWLST provides Oracle HTTP Server-specific commands for server management inWebLogic Server Domains. See Oracle HTTP Server WLST Custom Commands.

The following are online commands, which require a connection between WLST andthe administration server for the domain.

• ohs_createInstance

• ohs_deleteInstance

• ohs_addAdminProperties

• ohs_addNMProperties

• ohs_exportKeyStore

• ohs_updateInstances

Oracle recommends that you use the ohs_createInstance and ohs_deleteInstancecommands to create and delete Oracle HTTP Server instances instead of using the

Chapter 3Administering Oracle HTTP Server Using WLST


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Configuration Wizard. These commands perform additional error checking and, in thecase of instance creation, automatic port assignment.

Using WLST in a Standalone EnvironmentIf your Oracle HTTP Server instance is running in a standalone environment, you canuse WLST but must use the offline, or "agent", commands that route tasks through.The specific WLST commands are described in Running Oracle HTTP Server, inthe context of the task they perform (for example, the WLST command for startinga standalone Oracle HTTP Server instance is documented in Starting Oracle HTTPServer Instances Using WLST); however, you must use the nmConnect() commandto actually connect to offline WLST. For both Linux and Windows, the format of thecommand is the same:


For example:


If you have a remote Oracle HTTP Server in a managed mode and another instandalone with the remote administration mode enabled, you can use WLST toperform management tasks such as SSL configuration.

Chapter 3Administering Oracle HTTP Server Using WLST


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Part IIManaging Oracle HTTP Server

There are many management tasks to consider when running Oracle HTTP Server.These tasks include managing and monitoring the server processes, applicationsecurity, connectivity, and more.

This part presents information about management tasks for Oracle HTTP Server. Itcontains the following chapters:

• Running Oracle HTTP Server

• Working with Oracle HTTP Server

• Managing and Monitoring Server Processes

• Managing Connectivity

• Managing Oracle HTTP Server Logs

• Managing Application Security

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4Running Oracle HTTP Server

To run Oracle HTTP Server, create and manage an Oracle HTTP Server instance in aWebLogic or standalone environment.

This chapter describes how to create an instance, perform basic Oracle HTTP Servertasks, and remotely administer Oracle HTTP Server. It includes the following sections:

• Before You Begin

• Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance

• Performing Basic Oracle HTTP Server Tasks

• Remotely Administering Oracle HTTP Server

• Configuring SSL for Admin Port

Before You BeginBefore running Oracle HTTP Server, there are prerequisite tasks that are to becompleted. These tasks include installing and configuring the server, and startingWebLogic Server and Node Manager.

1. Install and configure Oracle HTTP Server as described in Installing andConfiguring Oracle HTTP Server.

2. SSL is enabled by default on Oracle HTTP Server admin host. The admin hostof the newly created instance is configured to use the default wallet which hasa self-signed certificate. You must change the admin host after configuration touse a CA-signed certificate for security reasons using the instructions described in"Configuring SSL for Admin Host".

3. If you run Oracle HTTP Server in a WebLogic Server Domain, start WebLogicServer as described in Starting and Stopping Servers in Administering ServerStartup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server.


• When you start WebLogic Server from the command line, you mightsee many warning messages. Despite these messages, WebLogicServer should start normally.

• On the Windows platform, Oracle HTTP Server requires MicrosoftVisual C++ run-time libraries to be installed on the system tofunction. See Installing and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server.

4. Start Node Manager (required for both WebLogic and standalone domains) asdescribed in Using Node Manager in Administering Node Manager for OracleWebLogic Server.


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Creating an Oracle HTTP Server InstanceThe Configuration Wizard enables you to simultaneously create multiple Oracle HTTPServer instances when you create a domain.

If you are creating a WebLogic Server Domain (Full or Restricted JRF domain types),you are not required to create any instances. If you elect not to create any instances, awarning appears; however, you are allowed to proceed with the configuration process.

If you are creating a standalone domain, an Oracle HTTP Server instance is createdby default.

This section contains the following information:

• Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a WebLogic Server Domain

• Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a Standalone Domain


If you are attempting to create an Oracle HTTP Server instance that usesa TCP port in the reserved range (typically less than 1024), then you mustperform some extra configuration to allow the server to bind to privilegedports. See Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances on a Privileged Port(UNIX Only).

Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a WebLogic ServerDomain

You can create a managed Oracle HTTP Server instance in a WebLogic ServerDomain by using either the WLST custom command ohs_createInstance() orfrom Fusion Middleware Control installed as part of a Oracle Fusion Middlewareinfrastructure. The following sections describe these procedures.

• Creating an Instance by Using WLST

• Associating Oracle HTTP Server Instances With a Keystore Using WLST

• Creating an Instance by Using Fusion Middleware Control

• About Instance Provisioning


If you are working with a WebLogic Server Domain, it is recommendedto use the Oracle HTTP Server WLST custom commands as described inAdministering Oracle HTTP Server Using WLST. These commands offersuperior error checking, provide automatic port management, and so on.

Chapter 4Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance


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Creating an Instance by Using WLSTYou can create an Oracle HTTP Server instance in a WebLogic Server Domain byusing WLST. Follow these steps.

1. From the command line, launch WLST.

Linux or UNIX: $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/

Windows: $ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd

2. Connect to WLST:

• In a WebLogic Server Domain:

> connect('loginID', 'password', '<adminHost>:<adminPort>')

For example:

> connect('weblogic', 'welcome1', '')

3. Use the ohs_createInstance() command, with an instance and machine name—which was assigned during domain creation—to create the instance:

> ohs_createInstance(instanceName='ohs1', machine='', [listenPort=XXXX], [sslPort=XXXX], [adminPort=XXXX])


If Node Manager is down, the create command takes place partially. Themaster copy of the config files appear at OHS/componentName. OnceNode Manager comes back up, the system syncs again and the runtimecopy of the files appear at OHS/instances/componentName.

For example:

> ohs_createInstance(instanceName='ohs1', machine='')


If you do not provide port numbers, they will be assigned automatically.


For information about using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST), seeUnderstanding the WebLogic Scripting Tool.

Chapter 4Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance


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Associating Oracle HTTP Server Instances With a Keystore Using WLSTAfter using the Configuration Wizard to create Oracle HTTP Server instances incollocated mode, use the ohs_updateInstances WLST custom command to associatethe instances with a keystore.

This command parse across all of the Oracle HTTP Server instances in the domainand perform the following tasks:

• Create a new keystore with the name <instanceName>_default if one does notexist.

• Put a demonstration certificate, demoCASignedCertificate in the newly createdkeystore.

• Export the keystore to the instance location.

See ohs_updateInstances.

To associate Oracle HTTP Server instances with a keystore:

1. Launch WLST from the command line.

Linux or UNIX: $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/

Windows: $ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd

2. Connect to the Administration Server instance:

connect('<userName', '<password>', '<host>:<port>')

3. Issue the ohs_updateInstances WLST custom command, for example:


Creating an Instance by Using Fusion Middleware ControlYou can create an Oracle HTTP Server instance in a WebLogic Server Domain byusing Fusion Middleware Control installed as part of the Oracle Fusion Middlewareinfrastructure. Follow these steps.

1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the system componentinstance home page for the WebLogic Server Domain within which you want tocreate the Oracle HTTP Server instance.

2. Open the WebLogic Server Domain menu and select Administration thenCreate/Delete OHS.


Create/Delete OHS will appear only if you have extended the domainby using the Oracle HTTP Server domain template. Otherwise, thiscommand will not be available.

Chapter 4Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance


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The OHS Instances page appears.

3. Click Create.

The Create OHS Instance page appears.

Chapter 4Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance


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4. In Instance Name, enter a unique name for the Oracle HTTP Server instance; forexample, ohs_2.

5. In Machine Name, click the drop-down control and select the machine to whichyou want to associate the instance.

6. Click OK.

The OHS Instance page reappears, showing a confirmation message and the newinstance. The port number is automatically assigned.

After creating the instance, the Column on the OHS Instances page shows a down-arrow for that instance.

This indicates that the instance is not running. For instructions on starting an instance,see Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances. Once started, the arrow will point up.

About Instance ProvisioningOnce an instance is created, it will be provisioned within the DOMAIN_HOME.

• The master (staging) copy will be in:


• The runtime will be in:


Node Manager must be running to provision an instance in runtime.

Immediately after creation, the state reported for an Oracle HTTP Server instance willvary depending on how the instance was created:

Chapter 4Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance


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• If ohs_createInstance() was used, the reported state for the instance will beSHUTDOWN.

• If the Configuration Wizard was used, the reported state for the instance will beUNKNOWN.

Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a Standalone DomainIf you select Standalone as your domain during server configuration, the ConfigurationWizard will create the domain, and during this process an Oracle HTTP Serverinstance will also be created. See Installing and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server.

Performing Basic Oracle HTTP Server TasksYou can use WLST or Fusion Middleware Control to perform basic Oracle HTTPServer administration tasks.

For detailed information on the process ID (PID) file, and how to use WLST or FusionMiddleware Control to perform basic administration tasks, see the following tasks:

• About Using the WLST Commands

• Understanding the PID File

• Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances

• Stopping Oracle HTTP Server Instances

• Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances

• Checking the Status of a Running Oracle HTTP Server Instance

• Deleting an Oracle HTTP Server Instance

• Changing the Default Node Manager Port Number

Understanding the PID FileThe process ID can be used by the administrator when restarting and terminatingthe daemon. If a process stops abnormally, it is necessary to stop the httpd childprocesses using the kill command. You must not change the default PID file name orits location.

When Oracle HTTP Server starts, it writes the process ID (PID) of the parent httpdprocess to the file located in the following directory:


The PidFile directive in httpd.conf specifies the location of the PID file; however, youshould never modify the value of this directive.

See Also:

PidFile directive in the Apache HTTP Server documentation.

Chapter 4Performing Basic Oracle HTTP Server Tasks


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Starting Oracle HTTP Server InstancesThis section contains information on how to start Oracle HTTP Server using FusionMiddleware Control and WLST.


On the Windows platform, Oracle HTTP Server requires Microsoft Visual C++ run-time libraries to be installed on the system to function. See Installingand Configuring Oracle HTTP Server.

This section includes the following topics:

• Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using WLST

• Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances from the Command Line

• Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances on a Privileged Port (UNIX Only)

• Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances as a Different User (UNIX Only)

Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using Fusion Middleware ControlIn Fusion Middleware Control, you start the Oracle HTTP Server from the OracleHTTP Server home page. Navigate to the HTTP Server home page and do one of thefollowing:

• From the Oracle HTTP Server menu:

1. Select Control.

2. Select Start Up from the Control menu.

• From the Target Navigation tree:

1. Right-click the Oracle HTTP Server instance you want to start.

2. Select Control.

3. Select Start Up from the Control menu.

• From the page header, select Start Up.

The instance will start in the state UNKNOWN.

Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using WLSTTo start an Oracle HTTP Server instance by using WLST, use the start() commandin a WebLogic Server Domain or nmStart() for a standalone domain. The commandsare illustrated in the following table.

Chapter 4Performing Basic Oracle HTTP Server Tasks


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• Node Manager must be running for these commands to work. If it isdown, you will receive an error message.

• serverType is required for standalone domains. If it is not included anerror will be thrown referencing an inability to find startWebLogic.

These commands assume you have created an Oracle HTTP Server instance, asdescribed in Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance and WLST is running.

Domain Syntax Example



nmStart(serverName='name', serverType='type')



nmStart(serverName='ohs1', serverType='OHS')

StandalonenmStart(serverName='name', serverType='type')

nmStart(serverName='ohs1', serverType='OHS')

Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances from the Command LineYou can start up Oracle HTTP Server instances from the command line via a script.

1. Ensure that Node Manager is running.

2. Enter the following command:

Linux or UNIX: $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ componentName

Windows: %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin\startComponent.cmd componentName

For example:

$DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ ohs1

The startComponent script contacts Node Manager and runs the nmStart()command.

3. When prompted, enter your Node Manager password. The system responds withthese messages:

Successfully started server componentName...Successfully disconnected from Node Manager...

Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.

Chapter 4Performing Basic Oracle HTTP Server Tasks


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If you encounter any odd system messages upon startup, you can ignorethem.

Storing Your Node Manager PasswordYou can avoid having to enter your Node Manager password every time you launchthe server with startComponent command by starting it with the storeUserConfigoption for the first time. Do the following:

1. At the prompt, enter the following command:

$DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ componentName storeUserConfig

The system will prompt for your Node Manager password.

2. Enter your password.

The system responds with this message:

Creating the key file can reduce the security of your system if it is not keptin a secured location after it is created. Creating new key...The username and password that were used for this WebLogic NodeManagerconnection are stored in $HOME/.wlst/nm-cfg-myDomainName.props and $HOME /.wlst/nm-key-myDomainName.props.

Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances on a Privileged Port (UNIX Only)


When this procedure is completed, any Oracle HTTP Server processesrunning from this Oracle Home will be able to bind to privileged ports.

On a UNIX system, TCP ports in a reserved range (typically less than 1024) canonly be bound by processes with root privilege. Oracle HTTP Server always runs asa non-root user; that is, the user who installed Oracle Fusion Middleware. On UNIX,special configuration is required to allow Oracle HTTP Server to bind to privilegedports.

To enable Oracle HTTP Server to listen on a port in the reserved range (for example,the default port 80 or port 443) use the following one-time setup on each Oracle HTTPServer machine:

1. Update the ORACLE_HOME/ohs/bin/launch file by performing the following stepsas the super user (if you do not have access to super user privileges, have yoursystem administrator perform these steps):

a. Change ownership of the file to root:

chown root $ORACLE_HOME/ohs/bin/launch

b. Change the permissions on the file as follows:

Chapter 4Performing Basic Oracle HTTP Server Tasks


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chmod 4750 $ORACLE_HOME/ohs/bin/launch

The steps that require root permissions are now complete.

c. Modify the port settings for Oracle HTTP Server as described in ManagingPorts.

2. Configure the User and Group directive in httpd.conf.

The configured user ID for User should be the same user ID that created theinstance. The configured group ID for Group must be the same group ID usedto create the instance. See Oracle HTTP Server Configuration Files. To configureOracle HTTP Server to run as a different user id see Starting Oracle HTTP ServerInstances as a Different User (UNIX Only).

3. Stop the instance if it is running by using any of the stop methods described inStopping Oracle HTTP Server Instances.

4. Start the instance by using any of the start-up methods described in StartingOracle HTTP Server Instances.

Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances as a Different User (UNIX Only)On UNIX systems, the Oracle HTTP Server worker processes (the processes thataccept connections and handle requests) may be configured to run as a different userid than the user id used to create the instance.

Follow the directions in Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances on a Privileged Port(UNIX Only) and configure the User directive with the desired user id. The configureduser id must be in the same group as the group that owns the instance directory. TheGroup directive must also be configured and set to the same group id used to createthe instance.


• The parent process and logging processes of the Oracle HTTP Serverwill run as root—these processes neither accept connections nor handlerequests.

• If Node Manager is configured to use the SSL listener, then ensurethat other users have the appropriate permissions to access the SSLtrust store used by NodeMmanager so that the ornmConnect commands can run successfully as a different user.

See Node Manager Overview in Administering Node Manager for OracleWebLogic Server.

Stopping Oracle HTTP Server InstancesThis section contains information on how to stop Oracle HTTP Server using FusionMiddleware Control and WLST. Be aware that other services might be impacted whenOracle HTTP Server is stopped.

This section includes the following topics:

Chapter 4Performing Basic Oracle HTTP Server Tasks


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• Stopping Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Stopping Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using WLST

• Stopping Oracle HTTP Server Instances from the Command Line

Stopping Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using Fusion Middleware ControlIn Fusion Middleware Control, you can stop Oracle HTTP Server from the OracleHTTP Server home page. Navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server home page and do oneof the following:

• From the Oracle HTTP Server home page:

1. Select the server instance you want to stop.

2. Select Control then Shut Down from the Oracle HTTP Server drop-downmenu on the server instance home page.

• From the Target Navigation tree:

1. Right-click the Oracle HTTP Server component you want to stop.

2. Select Control.

3. Select Shut Down from the Control menu.

• From the page header on the server instance home page, select Shut Down.

Stopping Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using WLSTYou can stop Oracle HTTP Server by using WLST. From within the scripting tool, useone of the following commands:


• Node Manager must be running for these commands to work. If it isdown, you will receive an error message.

• serverType is required for standalone domains. If it is not included, anerror will be thrown referencing an inability to find startWebLogic

Domain Syntax Example

WebLogicshutdown('serverName') shutdown('ohs1')

StandalonenmKill(serverName='serverName', serverType='type')1

nmKill(serverName='ohs1', serverType='OHS')

1 nmKill() will also work in a WebLogic domain.

Chapter 4Performing Basic Oracle HTTP Server Tasks


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If you run shutdown() without specifying any parameters, WebLogic Serverwill terminate and exit WLST. Oracle HTTP Server will continue running.To recover, restart WebLogic Server, launch WLST, and reconnect to theAdminServer. Then re-run the shutdown with the Oracle HTTP Serverinstance name.

Stopping Oracle HTTP Server Instances from the Command LineYou can stop Oracle HTTP Server instances from the command line via a script.

1. Enter the following command:

$DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ componentName

For example:

$DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ ohs1

This command invokes WLST and executes the nmKill() command. ThestopComponent command will not function if Node Manager is not running.

2. When prompted, enter your Node Manager password.

If you started Oracle HTTP Server instance with the storeUserConfig option asdescribed in Storing Your Node Manager Password, you will not be prompted.

Once the server is stopped, the system will respond:

Successfully killed server componentName...Successfully disconnected from Node Manager...

Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.

About Using the WLST CommandsIf you plan to use WLST, you should familiarize yourself with that tool. You should alsobe aware of the following restriction on WLST:

If you run a standalone version of Oracle HTTP Server, you must use the offline,or "agent", WLST commands. These commands are described in their appropriatecontext.

See Getting Started Using the Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) in Oracle®Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

Restarting Oracle HTTP Server InstancesRestarting Oracle HTTP Server causes the Apache parent process to advise its childprocesses to exit after their current request (or to exit immediately if they are notserving any requests). Upon restarting, the parent process re-reads its configurationfiles and reopens its log files. As each child process exits, the parent replaces it witha child process from the new generation of the configuration file, which begins servingnew requests immediately.

Chapter 4Performing Basic Oracle HTTP Server Tasks


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The following sections contain information on how to restart Oracle HTTP Server usingFusion Middleware Control and WLST.

• Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using WLST

• Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances from Command Line

Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using Fusion Middleware ControlIn Fusion Middleware Control you restart Oracle HTTP Server from the Oracle HTTPServer home page. Navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server home page and do one of thefollowing:

• From the Oracle HTTP Server home page:

1. Select the server instance you want to restart. Select Control.

2. Click Start Up on the instance home page, or select Control then Restartfrom the Oracle HTTP Server drop-down menu.

• From the Target Navigation tree:

1. Right-click the Oracle HTTP Server instance you want to restart.

2. Select Control.

3. Select Restart from the Control menu.

Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances Using WLSTTo restart Oracle HTTP Server by using WLST, use the softRestart() command.From within the scripting tool, enter one of the following commands:


• For the WebLogic and the Standalone domains, Node Manager must berunning (that is, state is RUNNING) for these commands to work. If it isdown, you will receive an error message.

• All parameters are required for standalone domains. If they are notincluded, an error will be thrown referencing an inability to findstartWebLogic.

• The nmSoftRestart command can also be used in WebLogic domains.To do this, you must first connect to Node Manager by using thenmConnect command.

Domain Syntax Example

WebLogicsoftRestart('serverName') softRestart('ohs1')

StandalonenmSoftRestart(serverName='name', serverType='type')

nmSoftRestart(serverName='ohs1', serverType='OHS')

Chapter 4Performing Basic Oracle HTTP Server Tasks


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Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances from Command LineTo restart the Oracle HTTP Server instances from the command line, use therestartComponent script.

Run the following command:

$DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ componentName

For example:

$DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ ohs1

This command invokes WLST and executes the nmSoftRestart() command. TherestartComponent command will not function if the Node Manager is not running.When prompted, enter your Node Manager password.

If you had started the instance with storeUserConfig option as described in StoringYour Node Manager Password, you will not be prompted for the Node Managerpassword.

Once the server is restarted, the system responds with the following message:

Successfully restarted server componentName...Successfully disconnected from Node Manager...Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.

Checking the Status of a Running Oracle HTTP Server InstanceThis section contains information on how to check the status of a running Oracle HTTPServer instance. You can check this information from either Fusion Middleware Controlinstalled as part of an Oracle Fusion Middleware infrastructure or by using WLST.

This section includes the following topics:

• Checking Server Status by Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Checking Server Status Using WLST

Checking Server Status by Using Fusion Middleware ControlAn up or down arrow in the top left corner of any Oracle HTTP Server page's headerindicates whether the selected server instance is running. This image shows the uparrow, indicating that the server instance, in this case, ohs_2, is running:

Chapter 4Performing Basic Oracle HTTP Server Tasks


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This image shows a down arrow, indicating that the server instance, in this case,ohs_2, is not running:

Checking Server Status Using WLSTIn a WebLogic Server Domain, if you used ohs_createInstance() to create the OracleHTTP Server instance, its initial state (that is, before starting it) will be SHUTDOWN.

If you used the Configuration Wizard to generate the instance (both WebLogic ServerDomain and standalone domain), its initial state (that is, before starting) will beUNKNOWN.

To check the status of a running Oracle HTTP Server instance by using WLST, fromwithin the scripting tool, enter the following:


• Node Manager must be running for these commands to work. If it isdown, you will receive an error message. If Node Manager goes downin a WebLogic Server Domain, the state will be returned as UNKNOWN,regardless of the real state of the instance. Additionally state() does notinform you that it cannot connect to Node Manager.

• Unlike other WLST commands, state() will not tell you when NodeManager is down so there is no way to distinguish an instance that trulyis in state UNKNOWN as opposed to Node Manager simply being down.

• All parameters are required for standalone domains. If they are notincluded, then an error will be thrown referencing an inability to findstartWebLogic.

• The nmServerStatus command can also be used in WebLogic domains.To do this, you must first connect to the Node Manager by using thenmConnect command.

Domain Syntax Example

WebLogicstate('serverName') state('ohs1')

StandalonenmServerStatus(serverName='name', serverType='type')

nmServerStatus(serverName='ohs1', serverType='OHS')

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This command does not distinguish between non-existent components andreal components in state UNKNOWN. Thus, if you enter a non-existentinstance (for example, you made a typo), a state of UNKNOWN will bereturned.

Deleting an Oracle HTTP Server InstanceYou can delete an Oracle HTTP Server instance in both a WebLogic Server Domainand a standalone domain.

This section includes the following topics:

• Deleting an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a WebLogic Server Domain

• Deleting an Oracle HTTP Server Instance from a Standalone Domain

Deleting an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a WebLogic Server DomainIn a WebLogic Server Domain, you can use either the WLST custom commandohs_deleteInstance() or from Fusion Middleware Control installed as part ofan Oracle Fusion Middleware infrastructure. The following topics describe theseprocedures.

• Deleting an Instance Using WLST

• Deleting an Instance Using Fusion Middleware Control

Deleting an Instance Using WLSTIf you are in a WebLogic Server Domain, you can delete an Oracle HTTP Serverinstance by using the WLST custom command ohs_deleteInstance(). When you usethis command, the following happens:

• The selected instance information is removed from config.xml.

• All Oracle HTTP Server configuration directories and their contents are deleted;for example, OHS/instanceName and OHS/instances/instanceName. These pathsrefer to both the runtime and master copies of the configuration.

• All logfiles associated with the deleted instance are deleted.

• All state information for the deleted instance is removed.


You cannot delete an instance by using ohs_deleteInstance() if NodeManager is down.

To delete an instance using WLST:

1. From the command line, launch WLST:

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Linux or UNIX: $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/

Windows: $ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd

2. Connect to WLST:

• In a WebLogic Server Domain:

> connect('loginID', 'password', '<adminHost>:<adminPort>')

For example:

> connect('weblogic', 'welcome1', '')

3. At the command prompt, enter:


For example, to delete an Oracle HTTP Server instance named ohs1 use thefollowing command:


You cannot delete an Oracle HTTP Server instance in either an UNKNOWN or aRUNNING state.


For newly created Oracle HTTP Server instances in state UNKNOWN (forexample, created with config wizard), one can start and stop the instance tomove the state to SHUTDOWN. It can then be deleted successfully.

For instances in state RUNNING, first stop the instance to move it to stateSHUTDOWN and then it can be deleted successfully.

Deleting an Instance Using Fusion Middleware ControlTo delete an Oracle HTTP Server instance by using Fusion Middleware Control:


You cannot delete a running Oracle HTTP Server instance. If the instance isrunning, stop it, as described in Stopping Oracle HTTP Server Instances andthen proceed with the following steps.

1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control. Navigate to the system component instancehome page for the WebLogic Server Domain that contains the Oracle HTTPServer instance you want to delete.

2. Open the WebLogic Server Domain menu and select Administration thenCreate/Delete OHS.

3. In the OHS Instances page, select the instance you want to delete and clickDelete.

4. In the confirmation window, click Yes to complete the deletion.

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The OHS Instances page appears, with an information message indicating that theselected Oracle HTTP Server instance was deleted.

Deleting an Oracle HTTP Server Instance from a Standalone DomainYou can delete an Oracle HTTP Server instance in a standalone domain by using theConfiguration Wizard if it is not the only instance in the domain. The ConfigurationWizard always requires at least one Oracle HTTP Server instance in a standalonedomain; you will not be able to delete the instance if it is the only one in the domain.To delete the only instance in a standalone domain, you should instead completelyremove the entire domain directory.

Deleting Oracle HTTP Server instances by using the Configuration Wizard is actuallyonly a partial deletion (and is inconsistent with the way WebLogic Server domainperforms deletion by using ohs_deleteInstance(). See Deleting an Instance UsingWLST). When you delete a standalone instance by using the Configuration Wizard,the following occurs:

• Information on the specific instance is removed from config.xml, so this instanceis no longer recognized as valid. When you launch the Configuration Wizard againfor another update, the deleted instance will not appear.

• The logs compiled for the deleted instance are left intact at: DOMAIN_HOME/servers/ohs1 (assuming your instance name was ohs1). If a new instance with thesame name is subsequently created, it will inherit and continue logging to thesefiles.

• The deleted instance's configuration directories and theircontents are not deleted; they remain intact at: DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/instanceName and DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/instances/instanceName. The only change in bothdirectories is that the following files are renamed: httpd.conf becomeshttpd.conf.bak; ssl.conf becomes ssl.conf.bak; and admin.conf becomesadmin.conf.bak. This prevents the instance from being started. (If you create anew instance with the same name as the instance you deleted, this information willbe overwritten, but the *.bak files will remain).

• The deleted instance's state information is left intact at DOMAIN_HOME/system_components/. If a new instance of the same name is subsequentlycreated, it will inherit the state of the old instance. Instead ofstarting in UNKNOWN state, it could appear as SHUTDOWN or evenFAILED_NOT_RESTARTABLE.

To delete an Oracle HTTP Server instance in a standalone domain, do the following:

1. Shutdown all running instances (see Stopping Oracle HTTP Server Instances). Beaware the Configuration Wizard will not check the state of the Oracle HTTP Serverinstance so you will need to verify that all instances are indeed stopped beforedeletion.

2. If it is running, shut down Node Manager.

3. Launch the Configuration Wizard (see Installing and Configuring Oracle HTTPServer) and do the following:

a. Select Update an existing domain and select the path to the domain.

b. Skip both the Templates screen and the JDK Selection screen by clicking Nexton each.

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c. On the System Components screen, select the instance you want to deleteand click Delete.

The selected instance is deleted.

d. Click Next, and, on the OHS Server screen, click Next again.

e. On the Configuration Summary screen, verify that the selected instance hasbeen deleted and click Update.

f. On the Success screen, click Finish.

Changing the Default Node Manager Port NumberYou can change the default value of the Node Manager port by using either WLST orthe Oracle WebLogic Server Administration console.

This section includes the following topics:

• Changing the Default Node Manager Port Using WLST

• Changing the Default Node Manager Port Using Oracle WebLogic ServerAdministration Console

Changing the Default Node Manager Port Using WLSTTo change the default Node Manager port number using WLST, use the customcommand readDomain to open the domain. Navigate to the directory containing NodeManager for the machine. Set the ListenPort property, then update the domain.


In this example, DOMAIN_HOME represents the root directory of the domain. Machinesand NodeManager are directories. The Node_Manager_Name is the name of NodeManager belonging to the Machine_Name machine. The default Node Manager name islocalmachine. The default Machine_Name is also localmachine. The ListenPort valueis set to 9090.

Changing the Default Node Manager Port Using Oracle WebLogic ServerAdministration Console

Follow these steps to change the default Node Manager port number using OracleWebLogic Server Administration Console.

1. Manually edit the DOMAIN_HOME/nodemanager/ file tochange the value of the ListenPort property.

2. In the WebLogic Server Administration Console, change the configuration of themachine associated with Node Manager, to point it to the new port number.

From the left pane of the Console, expand Environment and then select Machines.Select the machine whose configuration you want to edit. Select the Configuration

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tab, then the Node Manager tab. Change the Listen Port to the port updated file. Click Save.

Updating the Node Manager Username and Password in a StandaloneDomain

You can update username and password of the Node Manager in a standalonedomain using WLST commands:

1. Launch the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) by running the following commandfrom the location MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin:

UNIX: ./

Windows: wlst.cmd

2. Execute the following WLST commands:

a. readDomain('$DOMAIN_HOME')

b. cd('SecurityConfiguration/$DOMAIN_NAME')

c. set('NodeManagerUsername','new_NodeManager_Username')

d. set('NodeManagerPasswordEncrypted','new_NodeManager_password')

e. updateDomain()

f. closeDomain()

If the Node Manager username and password have been saved using storeConfigoption with startComponent, then delete the following after changing the NodeManager credentials and before you restart OHS:

• user_home/.wlst/nm-key-domain_name.props

• user_home/.wlst/nm-cfg-domain_name.props

Remotely Administering Oracle HTTP ServerYou can remotely manage an Oracle HTTP Server instance running in a standaloneenvironment from a collocated Oracle HTTP Server implementation running on aseparate machine. Use WLST or Fusion Middleware Control to start, stop, andconfigure the server from the remote machine.

This section provides information about how to set up Oracle HTTP Server to runremotely.

Setting Up a Remote EnvironmentThe following instructions describe how to set up a remote environment, which willenable you to run Oracle HTTP Server installed on one machine from an installationon another. This section contains the following information:

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• Host Requirements for a Remote Environment.

• Task 1: Set Up an Expanded Domain on host1.

• Task 2: Pack the Domain on host1.

• Task 3: Unpack the Domain on host2.

• Task 4: Run Oracle HTTP Server Remotely

Host Requirements for a Remote EnvironmentTo remotely manage Oracle HTTP Server, you must have separate hosts installed onseparate machines:

• A collocated installation (for this example, this installation will be called host1).

• A standalone installation (host2). The path to standalone MW_HOME on host2must be the same as the path to the collocated MW_HOME on host1. Forexample:


Task 1: Set Up an Expanded Domain on host1The following steps describe how to set up an expanded domain and link it to adatabase on the collocated version of Oracle HTTP Server (host1):

1. Using the Repository Configuration Utility (RCU), set up and install a database forthe expanded domain.See Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

2. Launch the Configuration Wizard and create an expanded domain. Use the valuesspecified in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Setting Up an Expanded Domain

For... Select or Enter...

Create Domain Create a new domain and specify its path (for example,MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/ohs1_domain).

Templates Oracle HTTP Server (Collocated)

Application Locations The default.

Administrator Account A username and password.

Database ConfigurationType

The RCU data. Then, click Get RCU Configuration and thenNext.

Optional Configuration The following items:

• Administration Server• Node Manager• System Components• Deployment and Services

Administration Server The listen address (All Local Addresses or the valid name oraddress for host1) and port.

Node Manager Per Domain and specify the NodeManager credentials.

System Components Add and set the fields, using OHS as the Component Type(for example, use a System Component value of ohs1).

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Table 4-1 (Cont.) Setting Up an Expanded Domain

For... Select or Enter...

OHS Server The listen addresses and ports or use the defaults.

Machines Add. This will add a machine to the domain (for example,ohs1_Machine) and the Node Manager listen and port values.You must specify a listen address for host2 that is accessiblefrom host1, such the valid name or address for host2 (do notuse localhost or All Local Addresses).

Assign SystemComponents

The OHS component (for example, ohs1) then use theright arrow to assign the component to the machine(ohs1_machine, for example).

Configuration Summary Create (the OPSS steps may take some minutes).

Task 2: Pack the Domain on host1On host1, use the pack command to pack the domain. The pack command creates atemplate archive (.jar) file that contains a snapshot of either an entire domain or asubset of a domain.

On Unix, run the following command:

MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/ -domain=path_to_domain -template=path_to_template -template_name=name -managed=true

For example:

MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/ -domain=MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/ohs1_domain -template=/tmp/ohs1_tmplt.jar -template_name=ohs1 -managed=true

Task 3: Unpack the Domain on host2The unpack command creates a full domain or a subset of a domain used for aManaged Server domain directory on a remote machine. Use the following steps tounpack the domain you packed on host1 in Task 2: Pack the Domain on host1, onhost2.

1. Copy the template file created in Task 2: Pack the Domain on host1 from host1 tohost2.

2. Run the unpack command on Unix to unpack the domain:

MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/ -domain=path_to_domain -template=path_to_template

For example:

MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/ -domain=MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/ohs1_domain -template=/tmp/ohs1_tmplt.jar

Task 4: Run Oracle HTTP Server RemotelyOnce you have unpacked the domain created on host1 onto host2, you can use thesame set of WLST commands and Fusion Middleware Control tools you would in acollocated environment to start, stop, restart, and configure the component.

To run an Oracle HTTP Server remotely, do the following:

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1. Start the WebLogic Administration Server on host1:

<MW_HOME>/user_projects/domains/ohs1_domain/bin/ &

2. Start Node Manager on host2:

<MW_HOME>/user_projects/domains/ohs1_domain/bin/ &

You can now run the Oracle HTTP Server instance on host2 from the collocatedimplementation on host1. You can use any of the WLST commands or any of theFusion Middleware Control tools. For example, to connect host2 to Node Manager andstart the server ohs1, from host1 enter:

<MW_HOME>/ohs/common/bin/wlst.shnmConnect('weblogic', '<password>', '<nm-host>', '<nm-port>', '<domain-name>', '<domain-directory>','ssl') nmStart(serverName='ohs1', serverType='OHS')

See Performing Basic Oracle HTTP Server Tasks for information on starting, stopping,restarting, and configuring Oracle HTTP Server components.

Configuring SSL for Admin PortAdmin port is used internally by Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) to communicate withthe OHS plugin for Node Manager. The OHS plugin for Node Manager has beenenhanced to use SSL for its communication with the Node Manager.

The configuration steps described in the following topics are necessary to set up SSLcommunication between the OHS admin host (SSL server) and the OHS plugin forNode Manager (SSL client):

• Performing Server-Side Configuration

• Ensuring that the Host Name Verification Succeeds

• Performing Client-Side Configuration

Performing Server-Side ConfigurationTo complete the server-side configuration, you must create a wallet and enable SSLfor Oracle HTTP Server admin host by modifying the admin.conf file present in thestaging directory.

To do this, refer to the following topics:

1. Creating a Wallet

2. Enabling SSL for Oracle HTTP Server Admin Host

For information about modifying the admin.conf file, see Modifying an Oracle HTTPServer Configuration File.

Creating a WalletCreate a wallet that contains a certificate signed by a trusted CA.

Consider the requirements for ensuring the success of the host-name verification stepof the SSL handshake while choosing the Common Name attribute of the certificate’sDistinguished Name(DN). See Ensuring that the Host Name Verification Succeeds.

Chapter 4Configuring SSL for Admin Port


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To create a wallet, refer to the following topics depending on your installation type:

• Creating a Wallet for a Standalone Installation

• Creating a Wallet for a Collocated Installation

Creating a Wallet for a Standalone Installation

To create a wallet for a standalone installation, use the KEYTOOL utility to createa keystore, generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), import the requiredcertificates to the keystore, convert this keystore to a wallet using the ORAPKI utility,and then configure Oracle HTTP Server admin host to use this wallet.

To do this, complete the following steps:

1. Set the following environment variables:


export ORACLE_HOME=absolute_path_to_ORACLE_HOMEexport PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin:$PATHexport JAVA_HOME=absolute_path_to_JDK8

On Windows:

set ORACLE_HOME=absolute_path_to_ORACLE_HOMEset PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\oracle_common\bin:%PATH%set JAVA_HOME=absolute_path_to_JDK8

2. Set up a working directory and change the directory to the same:

mkdir walletkeycd walletkey

3. Create a keystore and a private key:

keytool -genkey -alias ca_cert -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -dname "CN=hostname.domainname,O=My Company Corporation,L=Denver,ST=CO,C=US" -keypass keypass_password -keystore keystore.jks -storepass storepass_password

In this command:

• The alias ca_cert is what will be established. You can choose a differentname.

• keystore.jks is the name you choose for the new keystore.

• keypass_password and storepass_password are the password you specify forkeypass and storepass respectively.

4. Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and send it to your CertificateAuthority (CA) before you proceed (otherwise, use a self-signed):

keytool -certreq -v -alias ca_cert -file server.csr -sigalg SHA256withRSA -keypass keypass_password -storepass storepass_password -keystore keystore.jks

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In this command:

• ca_cert is the alias you specified in the previous step.

• server.csr is what you give the CA.

• keystore.jks is the keystore.

5. Import the root trust certificate into the keystore:

keytool -import -v -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias root -file root.crt -keystore keystore.jks

In this command:

• The alias root is the name you choose for the intermediate CA trustcertificate.

• root.crt is the CA's root trust certificate.

• keystore.jks is the keystore.

6. If supplied from CA, import the Intermediate trust certificate into a the keystore,and choose an alias:

keytool -import -v -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias intermediate -file intermediate.crt -keystore keystore.jks

In this command:

• The alias intermediate is the name you choose for the intermediate CA trustcertificate.

• intermediate.crt is the CA's intermediate trust certificate.

• keystore.jks is the keystore.

7. Import the signed server certificate into the keystore:

keytool -import -v -alias ca_cert -file server.crt -keystore keystore.jks

In this command:

• The alias ca_cert is the name you had chosen for server certificate.

• server.crt is the signed server certificate that you normally get from theCSR.

• keystore.jks is the keystore.

8. Convert the keystore to the wallet:

orapki wallet create -wallet ./wallet -auto_login_onlyorapki wallet jks_to_pkcs12 -wallet ./wallet -keystore ./keystore.jks -jkspwd jks_password

9. Configure the wallet in the Oracle HTTP Server admin.conf file. To make it simpleand consistent, use a generic central location as shown in the following example.Ensure that the location is owned by the same Oracle user.

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Example of admin.conf file:

<VirtualHost AdminHostIP:AdminPort><IfModule ossl_module> ... SSLWallet "/usr/oracle/ohs/wallets" ...</IfModule></VirtualHost>

Creating a Wallet for a Collocated Installation

For a collocated installation, create a wallet for Oracle HTTP Server admin host viaFusion Middleware Control and configure the Oracle HTTP Server admin host to usethis wallet.

1. Log in to the Fusion Middleware Control using the WebLogic username andpassword:


2. Start the relevant OHS component (for example, ohs1) via Fusion MiddlewareControl.


A keystore is uniquely identified by an application stripe and a keystorewithin that stripe. Keys and certificates are created in keystores withinstripes. Stripe names within the security store are unique in thesecurity store, and the keystore names within a stripe are unique inthe stripe. For example, (stripe1,keystoreA), (stripe1,keystoreB), and(stripe2,keystoreA) refer to three distinct keystores. Applications cancreate more than one keystore within the application stripe.

3. Create a Stripe for Oracle HTTP Server:

a. Navigate to the weblogic domain, go to Security, and click Keystore.

b. Click Create Stripe.

c. Create new stripe by name OHS. Note that the name is case sensitive.

4. Create a Keystore for OHS instance:

a. Click on the ohs instance.

b. Navigate to OracleHTTPServer, go to Security, and click Keystore.

c. Click Create Keystore and then click Create it as a Policy.

d. Enter the keystore name. For example, Test. A new keystore is created withthe name instancename_Test (for example, ohs1_Test).

5. Generate Keypair:

a. Select the new keystore (ohs1_Test) and click Manage.

b. Click Generate Keypair.

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c. Enter the required details and click OK.

6. Generate CSR:

a. Select the new Keypair generated.

b. Click Generate CSR. The page with the following information is displayed:

Certificate signing request with Alias: ohs_cert is exported successfully. To export it to a file, click "Export CSR". You can send this file to a CA or you can cut and paste the entire text in the box from BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST to END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST. Once you get your certificate back from CA you can continue with import.

c. Click Export CSR and save the file.Ensure that the Lock and Edit is used so that the changes are committed.If the keystore is not saved, you cannot import the new certificate. Therefore,before requesting the certificate, exit the browser and go back to verify that thekeystore is saved.

7. Obtain CA signed certificate by sending CSR to any CA and obtaining thecertificates.

8. Import the Trusted Certificate:

a. Navigate to OracleHTTPServer, go to Security, and click Keystore.

b. Select the keystore from which the CSR was generated and click Manage.

c. Click Import.

d. In the Certificate Type, select Trusted Certificate and either paste thecontents of the root CA certificate rootca.crt, or select the file and click OK.

e. Repeat the above steps for any other Trusted CA Certificates in the chain.

9. Import the Trusted Certificate to weblogic domain. Also import the root CAcertificate and any other Trusted CA Certificates to weblogic system stripe undertrust keystore:

a. Navigate to the weblogic domain, go to Security, and click Keystore.

b. Expand system stripe, select trust keystore, and click Manage.

c. Click Import.

d. In the Certificate Type, select Trusted Certificate and either paste thecontents of the root CA certificate rootca.crt, or select the file and click OK.

e. Repeat the above steps for any other Trusted CA Certificates in the chain.

10. Import the User Certificate:

a. Navigate to OracleHTTPServer, go to Security, and click Keystore.

b. Select the keystore from which the CSR was generated, and click Manage.

c. Click Import.

d. In the Certificate Type, select Certificate and either paste the contents ofserver.crt, or select the file and click OK.

11. Export Key store to wallet:

Chapter 4Configuring SSL for Admin Port


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a. Navigate to OracleHTTPServer, go to Security, and click Keystore.

b. Select the keystore from which the CSR was generated, and click Manage.

c. Click Export Keystore to Wallet. An Auto-Login Only Wallet is created inkeystore directory of OHS instance.


Before you export the keystore to a wallet, ensure that you click Lockand Edit and then click Activate Changes.

12. Configure the wallet in the Oracle HTTP Server by editing the admin.conf file topoint to the newly created wallet.

Example of admin.conf file:

<VirtualHost AdminHostIP:AdminPort><IfModule ossl_module> ... SSLWallet "/usr/oracle/ohs/wallets" ...</IfModule></VirtualHost>


admin.conf file cannot be edited via Fusion Middleware Control. Tomanually edit it, see Modifying an Oracle HTTP Server ConfigurationFile.

Enabling SSL for Oracle HTTP Server Admin HostEnable SSL for the admin host by configuring the following mod_ossl directives in a<IfModule ossl_module> block.

By default, admin.conf file includes the following configuration settings.

• SSLEngine ONFor more information, see SSLEngine Directive.

• SSLProtocol TLSv1.2For more information, see SSLProtocol Directive.

• SSLCipherSuiteFor more information, see SSLCipherSuite Directive.

• SSLWalletSet this directive to the wallet created in Creating a Wallet. For more information,see SSLWallet Directive.

Sample configuration:

<VirtualHost><IfModule ossl_module>

Chapter 4Configuring SSL for Admin Port


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Ensuring that the Host Name Verification SucceedsHost name verification happens as part of the SSL handshake between the NodeManager and the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) admin host.

Host name verification succeeds if the host name in the admin host URL to which theNode Manager connects, matches the host name in the digital certificate that the OHSadmin host sends back as part of the SSL connection.

To ensure that this verification step succeeds, you must configure the host name forOracle HTTP Server admin host correctly as described in the following sections:

• ServerName Directive Configuration

• Listen Directive Configuration

ServerName Directive Configuration

Use the ServerName directive to configure the host name for the Oracle HTTP Serveradmin host. The host name configured must match the Common Name attribute ofthe SSL certificate's Distinguished Names or match the subjectAltName extension.Place the ServerName directive within the <VirtualHost> block in the admin.conf file.


If ServerName directive is not configured when SSL is enabled for thecommunication between Node Manager and the OHS admin host, OHS failsto start with the following message:

ServerName directive is not configured in admin.conf of<ohs_instance>

Once the host name is configured, changes to the Listen directive configuration maybe required, as Listen directive and host name configurations are linked.

Chapter 4Configuring SSL for Admin Port


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Listen Directive Configuration

Choose an IP address and port for the admin host and configure the Listen directivewith this. The host name configured using the ServerName directive must map to the IPaddress configured in the Listen directive of the admin.conf file. This is to avoid thehost name resolution errors during the communication between Node Manager andOHS admin host. The IP address used for the Listen directive must match the oneused with the <VirtualHost> directive.


Use nslookup to ensure that the IP address used in the Listen directive iscorrectly mapped to the host name of the admin host.

If the Listen directive is configured to listen on all available interfaces(that is, Listen <port>), instead of a specific IP address (that is, Listen<ipaddress>:<port>, OHS fails to start with the following message:

HostName/IP address is not configured for Listen directive in admin.conf of <ohs_instance_name>

After you configure SSL on the server-side, the admin.conf configuration looks like thefollowing sample:

#[Listen] OHS_PROXY_PORTListen <IP>:<PORT>#[VirtualHost] OHS_PROXY_VH<VirtualHost <IP>:<PORT>>


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// Ensure CN attribute of the certificate’s DN matches <HOSTNAME> SSLWallet “<WALLET LOCATION>” </IfModule></VirtualHost>


In the above sample, <IP>, <PORT>, <HOSTNAME>, and <WALLET LOCATION> arethe details of your environment.

Performing Client-Side ConfigurationOn the client-side, you must configure trust for the Node Manager.

Ensure that Node Manager is able to trust the certificate configured for the OracleHTTP Server (OHS) admin host. This is done by exporting the certificate of root CAthat signed the user certificate present in the OHS admin host's wallet and importingthe same into the Node Manager's wallet for the instance as a trusted certificate. TheOracle HTTP Server plugin for Node Manager is enhanced to maintain a per-instancewallet that contains the trusted certificates for the OHS admin host of that instance.

To configure the Node Manager’s wallet for an instance, add the nm-wallet propertyto the file located at $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/COMPONENT_TYPE/COMPONENT_NAME, and set it to the absolutepath to the wallet that contains the trusted certificates.

To set up trust for the Node Manager:

1. Export the root CA certificate that signed the user certificate present in the OracleHTTP Server admin host's wallet:

$orapki wallet export -wallet path_to_server_wallet -dn "DN for root CA certificate" -cert root_CA.crt

2. Create a wallet for the Node Manager :

$orapki wallet create -wallet /test/my_nm_wallet -auto_login_only

3. Import the certificate for the root CA into my_nm_wallet as a trusted certificate:

$orapki wallet add -wallet /test/my_nm_wallet -trusted_cert -cert root_CA.crt -auto_login_only

Configure the nm-wallet property in the file topoint to the Node Manager's wallet:

1. Open the file located at $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/COMPONENT_TYPE/COMPONENT_NAME in a text editor.

2. Add nm-wallet=/test/my_nm_wallet to the end of the file.

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You cannot edit the file using FusionMiddleware Control or WLST. To edit it manually, see Modifying an OracleHTTP Server Configuration File.

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5Working with Oracle HTTP Server

When working with an installed version of Oracle HTTP Server, there are somecommon tasks that you have to perform, such as editing configuration files, specifyingserver properties, and more.

This chapter includes the following sections:

• About Editing Configuration Files

• Specifying Server Properties

• Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Instances

• Configuring the mod_security Module

About Editing Configuration FilesConfiguration files are to be edited only after the Administration Server is stopped toavoid losing the changes.

For instances that are part of a WebLogic Server Domain, Fusion MiddlewareControl and the management infrastructure manages the Oracle HTTP Serverconfiguration. Direct editing of the configuration in the staging directory is subject tobeing overwritten after subsequent management operations, including modifying theconfiguration in Fusion Middleware Control. For such instances, direct editing shouldonly be performed when the administration server is stopped. When the administrationserver is subsequently started (or restarted), the results of any manual edits will bereplicated to the run-time directory on the node of the managed instance.

See Understanding Configuration Files.

The following sections provide more information on modifying configuration files.

• Editing a Configuration File for a Standalone Domain.

• Editing a Configuration File for a WebLogic Server Domain.

Editing a Configuration File for a Standalone DomainFor standalone instances, you can edit the configuration directly within the stagingdirectory at any time. The runtime config files are updated on start, restart or stoppingof the Oracle HTTP Server instance.


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Editing a Configuration File for a WebLogic Server DomainYou can modify configuration files for a Weblogic Server Domain. Use the FusionMiddleware Control to edit these files. The changes are displayed on the AdvancedServer Configuration page after you restart the Oracle HTTP Server.


You cannot edit admin.conf file using Fusion Middleware Control. You mustuse a text editor to edit the admin.conf file manually.

To open and edit configuration files using Fusion Middleware Control, do the following:

1. Select Administration from the HTTP Server menu.

2. Select Advanced Configuration from the Administration menu item.

3. In the Advanced Server Configuration page, select the configuration file from theSelect File drop-down list, such as the httpd.conf file, then click Go.

4. Edit the file, as needed.

5. Review the settings. If the settings are correct, click Apply to apply the changes. Ifthe settings are incorrect, or you decide to not apply the changes, click Revert toreturn to the original settings.

6. Restart Oracle HTTP Server as described in Restarting Oracle HTTP ServerInstances .

The file is saved and displayed on the Advanced Server Configuration page.

Specifying Server PropertiesServer properties include items like the document root, administrator email, directoryindex, and operating system details. You can set Oracle HTTP Server properties byusing Fusion Middleware Control only or by directly editing the configuration files. Youcannot use WLST commands to specify the server properties.

This section includes the following topics:

• Specifying Server Properties by Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Specify Server Properties by Editing the httpd.conf File

Specifying Server Properties by Using Fusion Middleware ControlFollow these steps to specify the server properties by using Fusion MiddlewareControl.

1. Select Administration from the Oracle HTTP Server menu.

2. Select Server Configuration from the Administration menu.

Chapter 5Specifying Server Properties


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3. In the Server Configuration page, enter the server properties.

a. Enter the documentation root directory in the Document Root field that formsthe main document tree visible from the website.

b. Enter the e-mail address in the Administrator's E-mail field that the serverwill include in error messages sent to the client.

c. Enter the directory index in the Directory Index field. The is the main (index)page that will be displayed when a client first accesses the website.

d. Use the Modules region to enable or disable modules. The availablemodules are mod_authnz_fcgi and mod_proxy_fcgi. See About Configuringmod_proxy_fcgi.

e. Create an alias, if necessary in the Aliases table. An alias maps to a specifieddirectory. For example, to use a specific set of content pages for a group youcan create an alias to the directory that has the content pages.

4. Review the settings. If the settings are correct, click Apply to apply the changes. Ifthe settings are incorrect, or you decide to not apply the changes, click Revert toreturn to the original settings.

5. Restart Oracle HTTP Server as described in Restarting Oracle HTTP ServerInstances .

The server properties are saved, and shown on the Server Configuration page.

Specify Server Properties by Editing the httpd.conf FileYou can specify server properties by manually editing the httpd.conf file. Followthese steps to edit the httpd.conf file.

Chapter 5Specifying Server Properties


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Before attempting to edit any .conf file, you should familiarize yourselfwith the layout of the configuration file directories, mechanisms for editingthe files, and learn more about the files themselves. See UnderstandingConfiguration Files.

1. Open the httpd.conf file (the "master" or "staging" copy: $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/instance_name/httpd.conf)by using either a texteditor or the Advanced Server Configuration page in Fusion Middleware Control.(See Modifying an Oracle HTTP Server Configuration File.)

2. In the DocumentRoot section of the file, enter the directory that stores the maincontent for the website. The following is an example of the syntax:

DocumentRoot "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/htdocs"

3. In the ServerAdmin section of the file, enter the administrator's email address. Thisis the e-mail address that will appear on client pages. The following is an exampleof the syntax:

ServerAdmin [emailprotected]

4. In the DirectoryIndex section of the file, enter the directory index. This is the main(index) page that will be displayed when a client first accesses the website. Thefollowing is an example of the syntax:

DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var

5. Create aliases, if needed. An alias maps to a specified directory. For example, touse a specific set of icons, you can create an alias to the directory that has theicons for the Web pages. The following is an example of the syntax:

Alias /icons/ "${PRODUCT_HOME}/icons/"<Directory "${PRODUCT_HOME}/icons"> Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Require all granted</Directory>

6. Save the file.

7. Restart Oracle HTTP Server as described in Restarting Oracle HTTP ServerInstances .

Configuring Oracle HTTP Server InstancesSome of the common Oracle HTTP Server instance configuration procedures arerelated to secure sockets, MIME settings, Oracle WebLogic Server proxy plug-in(mod_wl_ohs), mod_proxy_fcgi, and more.


This section does not include initial system configuration information. Forinitial system configuration instructions, see Installing and Configuring OracleHTTP Server.

Chapter 5Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Instances


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This section includes the following topics:

• Secure Sockets Layer Configuration

• Configuring Secure Sockets Layer in Standalone Mode

• Exporting the Keystore to an Oracle HTTP Server Instance Using WLST

• Configuring MIME Settings Using Fusion Middleware Control

• About Configuring mod_proxy_fcgi

• About Configuring the Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In (mod_wl_ohs)

• Removing Access to Unneeded Content

• Using the apxs Command to Install Extension Modules

• Disabling the Options Method

• Updating Oracle HTTP Server Component Configurations on a Shared FileSystem


Fusion Middleware Control and other Oracle software which manage theOracle HTTP Server configuration might save configuration files in adifferent, equivalent format. After using the software to make a configurationchange, multiple configuration files might be rewritten.

Secure Sockets Layer ConfigurationSecure Sockets Layer (SSL) is an encrypted communication protocol that is designedfor securely sending messages across the Internet. SSL resides between OracleHTTP Server on the application layer and the TCP/IP layer. It transparently handlesencryption and decryption when a secure connection is made by a client.

One common use of SSL is to secure Web HTTP communication between a browserand a Web server. This case does not preclude the use of non-secured HTTP. Thesecure version is simply HTTP over SSL (HTTPS). The differences are that HTTPSuses the URL scheme https:// rather than http://. The default communicationport is 4443 in Oracle HTTP Server. Oracle HTTP Server does not use the 443standard https:// privileged port because of security implications. For informationabout running Oracle HTTP Server on privileged ports, see Starting Oracle HTTPServer Instances on a Privileged Port (UNIX Only).

By default, an SSL listen port is configured and enabled using a default wallet duringinstallation. Wallets store your credentials, such as certificate requests, certificates,and private keys.

The default wallet that is automatically installed with Oracle HTTP Server is for testingpurposes only. A real wallet must be created for your production server. The defaultwallet is located in the DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/instances/componentName/keystores/default directory. You can either place the new wallet inthis location, or change the SSLWallet directive in DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/componentName/ssl.conf to point to the location of your real wallet.

Chapter 5Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Instances


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Oracle strongly recommends that you do not use a certificate that uses the MessageDigest 5 algorithm (MD5). This algorithm has been severely compromised. The MD5certificate must be replaced with a certificate that uses Secure Hash Algorithm 2(SHA-2), which provides more secure encryption.

For the changes to take effect, restart Oracle HTTP Server, as described in RestartingOracle HTTP Server Instances .

For information about configuring wallets and SSL by using Fusion MiddlewareControl, see Enabling SSL for Oracle HTTP Server Virtual Hosts in the AdministeringOracle Fusion Middleware guide.

Configuring Secure Sockets Layer in Standalone ModeThe following sections contain information about how to enable and configure SSLfor Oracle HTTP Server in standalone mode. These instructions use the mod_osslmodule to Oracle HTTP Server which enables the server to use SSL.

• Configure SSL

• Specify SSLVerifyClient on the Server Side

• Enable SSL Between Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle WebLogic Server

• Using SAN Certificates with Oracle HTTP Server

Configure SSLBy default, SSL is enabled when you install Oracle HTTP Server. Perform thefollowing tasks to modify and configure SSL:

• Task 1: Create a Real Wallet

• Task 2: (Optional) Customize Your Configuration

• Basic SSL Configuration Example

Task 1: Create a Real WalletTo configure Oracle HTTP Server for SSL, you need a wallet that contains thecertificate for the server. Wallets store your credentials, such as certificate requests,certificates, and private keys.

The default wallet that is automatically installed with Oracle HTTP Server isfor testing purposes only. A real wallet must be created for your productionserver. The default wallet is located in $ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/fmwconfig/components/$COMPONENT_TYPE/instances/$COMPONENT_NAME/keystores/default. Youcan either place the new wallet in that location, or change the SSLWallet directive inssl.conf (the pre-installation location) to point to the location of your real wallet.

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See Also:

orapki in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware for instructions on creatinga wallet. It is important that you do the following:

Generate a certificate request: For the Common Name, specify the nameor alias of the site you are configuring. Make sure that you enable thisauto_login_only feature.

Task 2: (Optional) Customize Your ConfigurationOptionally, you can further customize your configuration using mod_ossl directives.

See Also:

• mod_ossl Module for a list and descriptions of directives accepted bymod_ossl.

• SSLFIPS Directive for information on how to configure the SSLFIPSdirective and a list of the cipher suites it accepts.


The files installed during configuration contain all of the necessary SSLconfiguration directives and a default setup for SSL.

Basic SSL Configuration ExampleYour SSL configuration must contain, at minimum, the directives in the followingexample.

LoadModule ossl_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"Listen 4443ServerName www.testohs.comSSLEngine on# SSL Protocol Support:# List the supported protocols.SSLProtocol TLSv1.2 TLSv1.1 TLSv1# SSL Cipher Suite:# List the ciphers that the client is permitted to negotiate.SSLCipherSuite SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5,SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA,SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHASSLWallet "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores/default"</VirtualHost>To enable client authentication, do the following:

Chapter 5Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Instances


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Specify SSLVerifyClient on the Server SideThis section describes the different ways of using the SSLVerifyClient directive toauthenticate and authorize access. Use the appropriate client certificate on the clientside for the HTTPS connection. See your client documentation for information ongetting and using a client certificate. Ensure that the Oracle server wallet trusts yourclient certificate.

To ensure that the server trusts the client certificate, you can check whether the clientcertificate is self-signed or signed by a certificate authority (CA). In both cases, thecertificate must be added to the list of trusted certificates.

You can add a trusted client certificate to an Oracle wallet using one of the followingways:

• Adding a Trusted Client Certificate in a Standalone Oracle HTTP ServerInstallation

• Adding a Trusted Client Certificate in Collocated Oracle HTTP Server Installation

The following subsections describe the different methods of using the SSLVerifyClientdirective to authenticate and authorize access:

• Forcing Clients to Authenticate Using Certificates

• Forcing a Client to Authenticate for a Particular URL

• Authorizing a Client for a Particular URL

• Allowing Clients with Strong Ciphers and CA Client Certificate or BasicAuthentication

Adding a Trusted Client Certificate in a Standalone Oracle HTTP Server Installation

To add a trusted certificate to the wallet in a standalone installation, use the orapkicommand. See orapki in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Adding a Trusted Client Certificate in Collocated Oracle HTTP Server InstallationTo add a trusted certificate to a wallet in a collocated installation, use the FusionMiddleware Control or the WebLogic Scripting Tool.

1. Import the certificate into the trusted certificate list of the keystore.

2. Export keystore into the server’s wallet after importing trusted certificates to thekeystore.

To import certificate using the Fusion Middleware Control, see ManagingCertificates with Fusion Middleware Control in Securing Applications with OraclePlatform Security Services. Export keystore option is not provided in the FusionMiddleware Control.

To import certificate and export keystore using the WebLogic Scripting Tool, seeManaging Certificates with WLST and Managing Keystores with WLST in SecuringApplications with Oracle Platform Security Services.

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Forcing Clients to Authenticate Using CertificatesYou can force the client to validate its client certificate and allow access to the serverusing SSLVerifyClient. This scenario is valid for all clients having a client certificatesupplied by the server Certificate Authority (CA). The server can validate client'ssupplied certificates against its CA for additional permission.

# require a client certificate which has to be directly# signed by our CA certificateSSLVerifyClient requireSSLWallet "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores/default"

Forcing a Client to Authenticate for a Particular URLTo force a client to authenticate using certificates for a particular URL, you can use theper-directory reconfiguration features of mod_ossl. In this case, the SSLVerifyClientappears in a Location block.

SSLVerifyClient noneSSLWallet "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores/default"<Location /secure/area> SSLVerifyClient require</Location>

Authorizing a Client for a Particular URLTo authorize a client for a particular URL, check that part of the client certificatematches what you expect. Usually, this means checking all or part of the DistinguishedName (DN), to see if it contains some known string. There are two ways to do this,using either mod_auth_basic or SSLRequire.

The mod_auth_basic method is generally required when the certificates are completelyarbitrary, or when their DNs have no common fields (usually the organization, andso on). In this case, you should establish a password database containing all of theclients allowed, for example:

SSLVerifyClient none<Directory /access/required> SSLVerifyClient require SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth SSLRequireSSL AuthName "Oracle Auth" AuthType Basic AuthBasicProvider file AuthUserFile httpd.passwd Require valid-user</Directory>

The password used in this example is the DES encrypted string password. Formore information on this directive, see SSLOptions Directive which describes theSSLOptions directive of the mod_ossl module.

httpd.passwd Subject: OU=Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority,O=VeriSign\,

Chapter 5Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Instances


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Inc.,C=USSubject: CN=GTE CyberTrust Global Root,OU=GTE CyberTrust Solutions\, Inc.,O=GTE Corporation,C=USSubject: CN=localhost,OU=FOR TESTING ONLY,O=FOR TESTING ONLYSubject: OU=Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority,O=VeriSign\, Inc.,C=USSubject: OU=Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority,O=VeriSign\, Inc.,C=US

When your clients are all part of a common hierarchy, which is encoded into the DN,you can match them more easily using SSLRequire, for example:

SSLVerifyClient noneSSLWallet "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores/default" <Directory /access/required> SSLVerifyClient require SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth SSLRequireSSL SSLRequire %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_O} eq "VeriSign\, Inc." \ and %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_OU} in {"Class", "Public", "Primary"}</Directory>

Allowing Clients with Strong Ciphers and CA Client Certificate or Basic AuthenticationThe following examples presume that clients on the Intranet have IPs in the range192.168.1.0/24, and that the part of the Intranet website you want to allow Internetaccess to is /access/required. This configuration should remain outside of your HTTPSvirtual host, so that it applies to both HTTPS and HTTP.

SSLWallet "$ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/fmwconfig/components/$COMPONENT_TYPE/instances/$COMPONENT_NAME/keystores/default"<Directory /access/required> # Outside the subarea only Intranet access is granted Require ip</Directory> <Directory /access/required> # Inside the subarea any Intranet access is allowed # but from the Internet only HTTPS + Strong-Cipher + Password # or the alternative HTTPS + Strong-Cipher + Client-Certificate # If HTTPS is used, make sure a strong cipher is used. # Additionally allow client certs as alternative to basic auth. SSLVerifyClient optional SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth +StrictRequire SSLRequire %{SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZE}>= 128 # Force clients from the Internet to use HTTPS RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^192\.168\.1\.[0-9]+$ RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteRule . - [F] # Allow Network Access and/or Basic Auth Satisfy any # Network Access Control Require ip # HTTP Basic Authentication AuthType basic

Chapter 5Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Instances


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AuthName "Protected Intranet Area" AuthBasicProvider file AuthUserFile htpasswd Require valid-user</Directory>

Enable SSL Between Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle WebLogic ServerUse the Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In to enable SSL between Oracle HTTPServer and Oracle WebLogic Server. The plug-ins allow you to configure SSL librariesand configure one-way and two-way SSL communications. See Use SSL with Plug-Insand Parameters for Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In in Using Oracle WebLogicServer Proxy Plug-Ins.

Using SAN Certificates with Oracle HTTP ServerA Subject Alternative Name (SAN) Certificate or Unified Communications Certificates(UCC) can secure multiple sub-domains that are specified in Subject Alternative namefield.

You can use the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field to specify additional hostnames (for example, site, IP address, command name) that are to be protected by asingle SSL certificate. Using a SAN certificate, you can secure host names on differentbase domains in one SSL certificate. You can also host multiple SSL enabled siteson a single server by using Multi-Domain (SAN) Certificate with Subject AlternativeNames. Certificates with SAN extension do not support use of wildcards. So you mustadd each subdomain individually.

Create Certificate Request with SAN Extension by Using orapki Utility

Use the orapki utility to create certificate request with SAN extension. See Adding aCertificate Request to an Oracle Wallet.

Sample Configuration Using SAN Certificates

1. Create a <VirtualHost> block for each host that you want to serve using thesame IP address and port.

2. In each <VirtualHost> block, set up the ServerName directive to designate whichhost is being served.

For example, if VH1 is the first virtual host block, set the ServerName asServerName Similarly, if VH2 is the second virtual host block,set the ServerName as ServerName

3. Generate a certificate with the host names referring the different virtual hostsadded to the SAN extension field.

4. In each <VirtualHost> block, set up the SSLWallet directive to the wallet thatcontains the certificate generated in Step 3.

For example, SSLwallet server.

5. Save the changes and start Oracle HTTP Server.

Sample Configuration Example

Listen 4443<VirtualHost>

Chapter 5Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Instances


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ServerName SSLWallet "server"</VirtualHost>

<VirtualHost> ServerName SSLWallet "server"</VirtualHost>


Oracle HTTP Server does not support Server Name Indication (SNI) extension. Inabsence of SNI support, when setting up more than one SSL enabled virtual host byusing a certificate with several SubjectAltName extension entries, only the per-vhostmod_ossl directives set for the first virtual host are considered.

Consider the following configuration:

# Ensure that Apache listens on port 443Listen 443<VirtualHost *:443> # Because this virtual host is defined first, it will # be used as the default DocumentRoot /www/example1 ServerName # Other directives here SSLCipherSuite AES SSLProtocol TLSv1</VirtualHost><VirtualHost *:443> DocumentRoot /www/example2 ServerName # Other directives here SSLCipherSuite AES-GCM SSLProtocol TLSv1.2</VirtualHost>

When connecting to both and, permittedciphers and protocols are AES and TLSv1 respectively. Although the ciphersuite directive is set to AES-GCM and the protocol version is set to TLSv1.2for, the ones used in handshake while connecting would be AES cipher and TLSv1 protocol only.

Exporting the Keystore to an Oracle HTTP Server Instance UsingWLST

The collocated Oracle HTTP server uses the Oracle wallet during run time. Itis recommended not to manage certificates in the Oracle wallet using tools likeorapki. Instead, use the central storage and unified management available with theKeystore Service to manage wallets and their contents through the export, import, andsynchronization features of that service. The exportKeyStore command provided byKSS, can be used for exporting the keystore to the wallet. However, there are many

Chapter 5Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Instances


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nuances that the user has to be aware of while using the exportKeyStore command.Hence, a custom OHS WLST command called ohs_exportKeystore is provided.

Use the WLST custom command ohs_exportKeyStore to export the keystore to theOracle wallet after modifying the keystore. For more information about this commandand naming conventions for keystores, see ohs_exportKeyStore.

1. Launch WLST from the command line.

Linux or UNIX: $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/

Windows: $ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd

2. Connect to the Administration Server instance:

connect('<userName', '<password>', '<host>:<port>')

3. Issue the ohs_exportKeyStore WLST custom command:

ohs_exportKeyStore(keyStoreName = '<keystore_name>', instanceName = '<name_of_the_OHS_instance>')

For example, to export the ohs1_myKeystore keystore to the ohs1 Oracle HTTPServer instance:

ohs_exportKeyStore(keyStoreName = 'ohs1_myKeystore', instanceName = 'ohs1')

Configuring MIME Settings Using Fusion Middleware ControlOracle HTTP Server uses Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) settings tointerpret file types, encodings, and languages. MIME settings for Oracle HTTP Servercan only be set using Fusion Middleware Control. You cannot use WLST commands tospecify the MIME settings.

The following tasks can be completed on the MIME Configuration page:

• Configuring MIME Types

• Configuring MIME Encoding

• Configuring MIME Languages

Configuring MIME TypesMIME type maps a given file extension to a specified content type. The MIME type isused for filenames containing an extension.

To configure a MIME type using Fusion Middleware Control, do the following:

1. Select Administration from the Oracle HTTP Server menu.

2. Select MIME Configuration from the Administration menu. The MIMEconfiguration page appears. Scroll to the MIME Types region.

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3. Click Add Row in MIME Configuration region. A new, blank row is added to thelist.

4. Enter the MIME type and its associated file extension.

5. Review the settings. If the settings are correct, click Apply to apply the changes. Ifthe settings are incorrect, or you decide to not apply the changes, click Revert toreturn to the original settings.

6. Restart Oracle HTTP Server, as described in Restarting Oracle HTTP ServerInstances .

The MIME configuration is saved, and shown on the MIME Configuration page.

Configuring MIME EncodingMIME encoding enables Oracle HTTP Server to determine the file type based onthe file extension. You can add and remove MIME encodings. The encoding directivemaps the file extension to a specified encoding type.

1. Select Administration from the Oracle HTTP Server menu.

2. Select MIME Configuration from the Administration menu. The MIMEconfiguration page appears. Scroll to the MIME Encoding region.

3. Expand the MIME Encoding region, if necessary, by clicking the plus sign (+) nextto MIME Encoding.

4. Click Add Row in MIME Encoding region. A new, blank row is added to the list.

5. Enter the MIME encoding, such as x-gzip.

6. Enter the file extension, such as .gx.

7. Review the settings. If the settings are correct, click Apply to apply the changes. Ifthe settings are incorrect, or you decide to not apply the changes, click Revert toreturn to the original settings.

8. Restart Oracle HTTP Server as described in Restarting Oracle HTTP ServerInstances .

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Configuring MIME LanguagesThe MIME language setting maps file extensions to a particular language. Thisdirective is commonly used for content negotiation, in which Oracle HTTP Serverreturns the document that most closely matched the preferences set by the client.

1. Select Administration from the Oracle HTTP Server menu.

2. Select MIME Configuration from the Administration menu. The MIMEconfiguration page appears. Scroll to the MIME Languages region.

3. Expand the MIME Languages region, if necessary, by clicking the plus sign (+)next to MIME Languages.

4. Click Add Row in MIME Languages region. A new, blank row is added to the list.

5. Enter the MIME language, such as en-US.

6. Enter the file extension, such as en-us.

7. To choose a default MIME language, select the desired row, then click Set AsDefault. The default language will appear in the Default MIME Language field.

8. Review the settings. If the settings are correct, click Apply to apply the changes. Ifthe settings are incorrect, or you decide to not apply the changes, click Revert toreturn to the original settings.

9. Restart Oracle HTTP Server as described in Restarting Oracle HTTP ServerInstances .

About Configuring mod_proxy_fcgiThe mod_proxy_fcgi module does not have configuration directives. Instead, it usesthe directives set on the mod_proxy module. Unlike the mod_fcgid and mod_fastcgimodules, the mod_proxy_fcgi module has no provision for starting the applicationprocess. The purpose of mod_proxy_fcgi is to move this functionality outside of theweb server for faster performance. So, mod_proxy_fcgi simply will act as a reverseproxy to an external FastCGI server.

For more information on configuring the mod_proxy_fcgi module, see Task 3:Configure mod_proxy_fcgi to Act as a Reverse Proxy to an External FastCGI Serverand Task 4: Setup an External FastCGI Server.

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About Configuring the Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In(mod_wl_ohs)

You can configure the Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In (mod_wl_ohs) eitherby using Fusion Middleware Control or by manually editing the mod_wl_ohs.confconfiguration file.

For information about the prerequisites and procedure for configuring the OracleWebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In to proxy requests from Oracle HTTP Server to OracleWebLogic Server, see Configuring the WebLogic Proxy Plug-In for Oracle HTTPServer in Using Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-Ins.

Configuring SSL for mod_wl_ohsYou can use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to protect the connectionbetween the plug-in and Oracle WebLogic Server. The SSL protocol providesconfidentiality and integrity to the data passed between the plug-in and WebLogicServer. See Using SSL with Plug-Ins in Using Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-Ins.

Removing Access to Unneeded ContentBy default, the httpd.conf file allows server access to extra content such asdocumentation and sample scripts. This access might present a low-level security risk.Starting with the Oracle HTTP Server 12c (12.2.1) release, some of these sections arecommented out.

You might want to tailor this extra content in your own environment to suit your usecases. To access the httpd.conf file, see About Editing Configuration Files to accessthe file.

This section includes the following topics:

• Edit the cgi-bin Section

• Edit the Fancy Indexing Section

• Edit the Product Documentation Section

Edit the cgi-bin SectionExamine the contents of the cgi-bin directory. You can either remove the code fromthe httpd.conf file that you do not need, or change the following Directory directive topoint to your own CGI script directory.

...# # "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/cgi-bin" should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased# CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.#<Directory "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/cgi-bin"> AllowOverride None Options None Require all granted

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Edit the Fancy Indexing SectionEdit the following sections pertaining to fancy indexing in the httpd.conf file for youruse cases.

...# Uncomment the following line to enable the fancy indexing configuration# below.# Define ENABLE_FANCYINDEXING<IfDefine ENABLE_FANCYINDEXING>

# IndexOptions: Controls the appearance of server-generated directory# listings.#IndexOptions FancyIndexing HTMLTable VersionSort # We include the /icons/ alias for FancyIndexed directory listings. If# you do not use FancyIndexing, you may comment this out.#Alias /icons/ "${PRODUCT_HOME}/icons/" <Directory "${PRODUCT_HOME}/icons"> Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Require all granted</Directory> ## AddIcon* directives tell the server which icon to show for different# files or filename extensions. These are only displayed for# FancyIndexed directories.#AddIconByEncoding (CMP,/icons/compressed.gif) x-compress x-gzip AddIconByType (TXT,/icons/text.gif) text/*AddIconByType (IMG,/icons/image2.gif) image/*AddIconByType (SND,/icons/sound2.gif) audio/*AddIconByType (VID,/icons/movie.gif) video/* AddIcon /icons/binary.gif .bin .exeAddIcon /icons/binhex.gif .hqxAddIcon /icons/tar.gif .tarAddIcon /icons/world2.gif .wrl .wrl.gz .vrml .vrm .ivAddIcon /icons/compressed.gif .Z .z .tgz .gz .zipAddIcon /icons/a.gif .ps .ai .epsAddIcon /icons/layout.gif .html .shtml .htm .pdfAddIcon /icons/text.gif .txtAddIcon /icons/c.gif .cAddIcon /icons/p.gif .pl .pyAddIcon /icons/f.gif .forAddIcon /icons/dvi.gif .dviAddIcon /icons/uuencoded.gif .uuAddIcon /icons/script.gif .conf .sh .shar .csh .ksh .tclAddIcon /icons/tex.gif .texAddIcon /icons/bomb.gif core AddIcon /icons/back.gif ..

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AddIcon /icons/hand.right.gif READMEAddIcon /icons/folder.gif ^^DIRECTORY^^AddIcon /icons/blank.gif ^^BLANKICON^^ ## DefaultIcon is which icon to show for files which do not have an icon# explicitly set.#DefaultIcon /icons/unknown.gif ## AddDescription allows you to place a short description after a file in# server-generated indexes. These are only displayed for FancyIndexed# directories.# Format: AddDescription "description" filename##AddDescription "GZIP compressed document" .gz#AddDescription "tar archive" .tar#AddDescription "GZIP compressed tar archive" .tgz... ## ReadmeName is the name of the README file the server will look for by# default, and append to directory listings.## HeaderName is the name of a file which should be prepended to# directory indexes.ReadmeName README.htmlHeaderName HEADER.html ## IndexIgnore is a set of filenames which directory indexing should ignore# and not include in the listing. Shell-style wildcarding is permitted.#IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t</IfDefine>

Edit the Product Documentation SectionUncomment the Define MANUAL_ENABLE line to enable the manual configuration ofproduct documentation.

... ## Uncomment the following line to enable the manual configuration below.# Define ENABLE_MANUAL<IfDefine ENABLE_MANUAL>AliasMatch ^/manual(?:/(?:de|en|es|fr|ja|ko|pt-br|ru|tr))?(/.*)?$ "${PRODUCT_HOME}/manual$1" <Directory "${PRODUCT_HOME}/manual"> Options Indexes AllowOverride None Require all granted <Files *.html> SetHandler type-map </Files> # .tr is text/troff in mime.types! <Files *> ForceType text/html

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</Files> SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/manual/(de|en|es|fr|ja|ko|pt-br|ru|tr)/ prefer-language=$1 RedirectMatch 301 ^/manual(?:/(de|en|es|fr|ja|ko|pt-br|ru|tr)){2,}(/.*)?$ /manual/$1$2 LanguagePriority en de es fr ja ko pt-br ru tr ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback</Directory></IfDefine>

Using the apxs Command to Install Extension Modules


This command is only for UNIX and Linux and is necessary only for moduleswhich are supplied in source code form. Follow the installation instructionsfor modules supplied in binary form.

For more information about the apxs command, see the Apache HTTPServer documentation at:

The Apache Extension Tool (apxs) can build and install Apache HTTP Serverextension modules for Oracle HTTP Server. apxs installs modules in theORACLE_HOME/ohs/modules directory for access by any Oracle HTTP Serverinstances which run from this installation.


Once any third-party module is created and loaded, it falls under the third-party criteria specified in the Oracle HTTP Server support policy. Beforecontinuing with this procedure, you should be aware of this policy. SeeOracle HTTP Server Support.

Recommended apxs options for use with Oracle HTTP Server are:

Option Purpose Example Command

-c Compile module source$ORACLE_HOME/ohs/bin/apxs -c mod_example.c

-i Install module binary intoORACLE_HOME

$ORACLE_HOME/ohs/bin/apxs -ci mod_example.c

When the module binary has been installed into ORACLE_HOME, a LoadModuledirective in httpd.conf or other configuration file loads the module into the serverprocesses; for example:

LoadModule example_module "${ORACLE_HOME}/ohs/modules/"

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The directive is required in the configurations for all instances which must load themodule.

When the -a or -A option is specified, apxs will edit httpd.conf to add a LoadModuledirective for the module. Do not use the -a and -A options with Oracle HTTP Serverinstances that are part of a WebLogic Server Domain. Instead, use Fusion MiddlewareControl to update the configuration, as described in Modifying an Oracle HTTP ServerConfiguration File.

You can use the -a or -A option with Oracle HTTP Server instances that are part ofa standalone domain if the CONFIG_FILE_PATH environment variable is set to thestaging directory for the instance before invoking apxs. For example:

CONFIG_FILE_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/ohs1export CONFIG_FILE_PATH$ORACLE_HOME/ohs/bin/apxs -cia mod_example.c

By default, apxs uses the Perl interpreter in /usr/bin. If apxs cannot locate the productinstall or encounters other operational errors when using /usr/bin/perl, use thePerl interpreter within the Middleware home by invoking apxs as follows:

$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl $ORACLE_HOME/ohs/bin/apxs -c mod_example.c

Modules often require directives besides LoadModule to properly function. After themodule has been installed and loaded using the LoadModule directive, refer to thedocumentation for the module for any additional configuration requirements.

Disabling the Options MethodThe Options method enables clients to determine which methods are supported by aweb server. If enabled, it appears in the Allow line of HTTP response headers.

For example, if you send a request such as:

---- Request -------OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0Content-Length: 0Accept: */*Accept-Language: en-USUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)Host: host123:80

you might get the following response from the web server:

---- Response --------HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 20:20:49 GMTServer: Oracle-Application-Server-11g/ Oracle-HTTP-ServerAllow: GET,HEAD,POST,OPTIONSContent-Length: 0Connection: closeContent-Type: text/html

Some sources consider exposing the Options method a low security risk becausemalicious clients could use it to determine the methods supported by a web server.However, because web servers support only a limited number of methods, disablingthis method will just slow down malicious clients, not stop them. In addition, theOptions method may be used by legitimate clients.

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If your Oracle Fusion Middleware environment does not have clients that require theOptions method, you can disable it by including the following lines in the httpd.conf file:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>RewriteEngine onRewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^OPTIONSRewriteRule .* – [F]</IfModule>

Updating Oracle HTTP Server Component Configurations on a SharedFile System

You might encounter functional or performance issues when an Oracle HTTP Servercomponent is created on a shared file system, such as NFS (Network File System). Inparticular, lock files or UNIX sockets used by Oracle HTTP Server might not workor may have severe performance degradation; Oracle WebLogic Server requestsrouted by mod_wl_ohs may have severe performance degradation due to file systemaccesses in the default configuration.

Table 5-1 provides information about the Lock file issues and the suggested changesin the httpd.conf file specific to the operating systems.

Table 5-1 Lock File issues

Operating System Description httpd.conf changes

Linux Lock files are not required.The Sys V semaphore is thepreferred cross-process muteximplementation.

Change Mutex fnctl:filelocdefault to Mutex sysvsem defaultwhere fileloc is the value ofthe directive Mutex (three places inhttpd.conf).

Solaris Lock files are not required. Thecross-process pthread mutexis the preferred cross-processmutex implementation.

Change Mutex fnctl:filelocdefault to Mutex pthread defaultwhere fileloc is the value ofthe directive Mutex (three places inhttpd.conf).

Other UNIXplatforms

Change the file location specified in theMutex directive to point to a local filesystem (three places in httpd.conf).

UNIX socket issues mod_cgid is not enabled bydefault. If enabled, use theScriptSock directive to placemod_cgid's UNIX socket on alocal file system.

Configuring the mod_security ModuleYou can configure the mod_security module to protect Oracle HTTP Server fromintrusion.

You can use the open-source mod_security module to detect and prevent intrusionattacks against Oracle HTTP Server. For example, specifying a mod_security rule toscreen all incoming requests and deny requests that match the conditions specifiedin the rule. The mod_security module and its prerequisites are included in the

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Oracle HTTP Server installation as a shared object named in theORACLE_HOME/ohs/modules directory.

Starting version 12c (, Oracle HTTP Server supports mod_securityversion 2.9.0 directives, variables, action, phases, and functions. See

Sample mod_security.conf File provides a usable example of the mod_security.conffile, including the LoadModule statement.


• mod_security was removed from earlier versions of Oracle HTTPServer but was reintroduced in version This versionfollows the recommendations and practices prescribed for opensource mod_security 2.9.0. Only documentation applicable to opensource mod_security 2.9.0 is applicable to the Oracle HTTP Serverimplementation of the module.

• In Oracle HTTP Server versions and later, mod_security is notloaded or configured by default. However, if you have an installationpatched from version, implementing the patch might havealready loaded and configured the module.

• Oracle supports the Oracle supplied version of mod_security. Newerversions from is not supported.

The mod_security configuration can be added to the httpd.conf configuration file,or it can appear in a separate mod_security.conf configuration file.

This section contains the following information:

• Configuring mod_security in the httpd.conf File

• Configuring mod_security in a mod_security.conf File

• Configuring SecRemoteRules in the mod_security.conf File

• Sample mod_security.conf File

Configuring mod_security in the httpd.conf FileYou can configure the mod_security module by entering mod_security directives in thehttpd.conf file in an IfModule container. To make the mod_security module availablewhen Oracle HTTP Server is running, ensure that the mod_security configurationbegins with the following lines:

...#Load moduleLoadModule security2_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"...

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Configuring mod_security in a mod_security.conf FileYou can specify the mod_security directives in a separate mod_security.conf file andinclude that file in the httpd.conf file by using the Include directive.

1. You must create the mod_security.conf file yourself, preferably by using thetemplate in Sample mod_security.conf File.

Copy and paste the sample into a text editor, then edit it for your system.

2. To make the mod_security module available when Oracle HTTP Server is running,ensure that mod_security.conf begins with the following lines:

#Load moduleLoadModule security2_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"

3. Save the file with the name "mod_security.conf" and include it in your httpd.conffile by using the Include directive.

If you implement mod_security.conf file as described, it will use the LoadModuledirective to load into the run time environment.

Configuring SecRemoteRules in the mod_security.conf FileThe SecRemoteRules is an optional directive that you can use to load rules from aremote server.


SecRemoteRules some-key

Table 5-2 provides information about the variables of SecRemoteRules.

Table 5-2 SecRemoteRules Variables

Variable Description

some-key These keys can be used by the target server to provide differentcontent for different keys. You must provide these keys.

Along with these keys, mod_security sends its unique ID and thestatus call in the format of headers to the target web server. Thefollowing headers are used:• ModSec-status• ModSec-unique-id• ModSec-key

The optional option crypto tells mod_security to expect someencrypted content from server. The utilization of SecRemoteRulesis only allowed over TLS. Thus, this option may not be necessary.

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Table 5-2 (Cont.) SecRemoteRules Variables

Variable Description is the remote server that hosts the mod_securityrules.

When the SecRemoteRules directive is configured on a server S1,S1 establishes an SSL connection with to fetchthe mod_security rules. Here, the plain-text-rules.txt filecontains the mod_security rules. Server S1 acts as an SSL clientand acts as an SSL server.

The SSL client is implemented using libcurl. By default, libcurlverifies the peer SSL certificate. The verification is done by using aCA certificate store that the SSL library can use to ensure that thepeer's server certificate is valid.

If the server uses a certificate signed by a CA that is notincluded in the store you use, add the CA certificate for yourserver to the existing default CA certificate store. The trust storepath used by libcurl on Linux is /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt.

To add the remote server certificate to the trust store, do thefollowing:

1. Extract the CA certificate for a particular server.

If you use the openssl tool, you can do the following to extractthe CA certificate for a particular server:

a. openssl s_client -connect |teelogfile

b. Type QUIT and press Enter.

The certificate will have BEGIN CERTIFICATE and ENDCERTIFICATE markers.

2. Append the contents of certificate to the default trust store path.


Ensure that you do not add a new line at the end of the file.

libcurl also verifies server host name verification. That is,libcurl considers the server as the intended server when theCommon Name field or a Subject Alternate Name field in thecertificate matches the host name in the URL to which you told curlto connect. The communication might fail if this condition is not met.

Sample mod_security.conf FileThe following code illustrates a sample mod_security.conf configuration file.

Example 5-1 mod_security.conf Sample

#Load module LoadModule security2_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"# -- Rule engine initialization ----------------------------------------------

# Enable ModSecurity, attaching it to every transaction. Use detection# only to start with, because that minimizes the chances of post-installation# disruption.#

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SecRuleEngine DetectionOnly

# -- Request body handling ---------------------------------------------------

# Allow ModSecurity to access request bodies. If you don't, ModSecurity# won't be able to see any POST parameters, which opens a large security# hole for attackers to exploit.#SecRequestBodyAccess On

# Enable XML request body parser.# Initiate XML Processor in case of xml content-type#SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type "text/xml" "id:'200000',phase:1,t:none,t:lowercase,pass,nolog,ctl:requestBodyProcessor=XML"

# Maximum request body size we will accept for buffering. If you support# file uploads then the value given on the first line has to be as large# as the largest file you are willing to accept. The second value refers# to the size of data, with files excluded. You want to keep that value as# low as practical.#SecRequestBodyLimit 13107200SecRequestBodyNoFilesLimit 131072

# Store up to 128 KB of request body data in memory. When the multipart# parser reachers this limit, it will start using your hard disk for# storage. That is slow, but unavoidable.#SecRequestBodyInMemoryLimit 131072

# What do do if the request body size is above our configured limit.# Keep in mind that this setting will automatically be set to ProcessPartial# when SecRuleEngine is set to DetectionOnly mode in order to minimize# disruptions when initially deploying ModSecurity.#SecRequestBodyLimitAction Reject

# Verify that we've correctly processed the request body.# As a rule of thumb, when failing to process a request body# you should reject the request (when deployed in blocking mode)# or log a high-severity alert (when deployed in detection-only mode).#SecRule REQBODY_ERROR "!@eq 0" \"id:'200001', phase:2,t:none,log,deny,status:400,msg:'Failed to parse request \ body.',logdata:'%{reqbody_error_msg}',severity:2"

# By default be strict with what we accept in the multipart/form-data# request body. If the rule below proves to be too strict for your# environment consider changing it to detection-only. You are encouraged# _not_ to remove it altogether.#SecRule MULTIPART_STRICT_ERROR "!@eq 0" \"id:'200002',phase:2,t:none,log,deny,status:44, \msg:'Multipart request body failed strict validation: \PE %{REQBODY_PROCESSOR_ERROR}, \BQ %{MULTIPART_BOUNDARY_QUOTED}, \BW %{MULTIPART_BOUNDARY_WHITESPACE}, \DB %{MULTIPART_DATA_BEFORE}, \

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# Did we see anything that might be a boundary?#SecRule MULTIPART_UNMATCHED_BOUNDARY "!@eq 0" \"id:'200003',phase:2,t:none,log,deny,status:44,msg:'Multipart parser detected a possible unmatched boundary.'"

# PCRE Tuning# We want to avoid a potential RegEx DoS condition#SecPcreMatchLimit 1000SecPcreMatchLimitRecursion 1000

# Some internal errors will set flags in TX and we will need to look for these.# All of these are prefixed with "MSC_". The following flags currently exist:## MSC_PCRE_LIMITS_EXCEEDED: PCRE match limits were exceeded.#SecRule TX:/^MSC_/ "!@streq 0" \ "id:'200004',phase:2,t:none,deny,msg:'ModSecurity internal error flagged: %{MATCHED_VAR_NAME}'"

# -- Response body handling --------------------------------------------------

# Allow ModSecurity to access response bodies. # You should have this directive enabled in order to identify errors# and data leakage issues.# # Do keep in mind that enabling this directive does increases both# memory consumption and response latency.#SecResponseBodyAccess On

# Which response MIME types do you want to inspect? You should adjust the# configuration below to catch documents but avoid static files# (e.g., images and archives).#SecResponseBodyMimeType text/plain text/html text/xml

# Buffer response bodies of up to 512 KB in length.SecResponseBodyLimit 524288

# What happens when we encounter a response body larger than the configured# limit? By default, we process what we have and let the rest through.# That's somewhat less secure, but does not break any legitimate pages.#SecResponseBodyLimitAction ProcessPartial

# -- Filesystem configuration ------------------------------------------------

# The location where ModSecurity stores temporary files (for example, when# it needs to handle a file upload that is larger than the configured limit).#

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# This default setting is chosen due to all systems have /tmp available however, # this is less than ideal. It is recommended that you specify a location that's private.#SecTmpDir /tmp/

# The location where ModSecurity will keep its persistent data. This default setting # is chosen due to all systems have /tmp available however, it# too should be updated to a place that other users can't access.#SecDataDir /tmp/

# -- File uploads handling configuration -------------------------------------

# The location where ModSecurity stores intercepted uploaded files. This# location must be private to ModSecurity. You don't want other users on# the server to access the files, do you?##SecUploadDir /opt/modsecurity/var/upload/

# By default, only keep the files that were determined to be unusual# in some way (by an external inspection script). For this to work you# will also need at least one file inspection rule.##SecUploadKeepFiles RelevantOnly

# Uploaded files are by default created with permissions that do not allow# any other user to access them. You may need to relax that if you want to# interface ModSecurity to an external program (e.g., an anti-virus).##SecUploadFileMode 0600

# -- Debug log configuration -------------------------------------------------

# The default debug log configuration is to duplicate the error, warning# and notice messages from the error log.##SecDebugLog /opt/modsecurity/var/log/debug.log#SecDebugLogLevel 3

# -- Audit log configuration -------------------------------------------------

# Log the transactions that are marked by a rule, as well as those that# trigger a server error (determined by a 5xx or 4xx, excluding 404, # level response status codes).#SecAuditEngine RelevantOnlySecAuditLogRelevantStatus "^(?:5|4(?!04))"

# Log everything we know about a transaction.SecAuditLogParts ABIJDEFHZ

# Use a single file for logging. This is much easier to look at, but# assumes that you will use the audit log only ocassionally.#SecAuditLogType SerialSecAuditLog "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/servers/${COMPONENT_NAME}/logs/modsec_audit.log"

# Specify the path for concurrent audit logging.SecAuditLogStorageDir "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/servers/${COMPONENT_NAME}/logs"

Chapter 5Configuring the mod_security Module


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#Simple test SecRule ARGS "\.\./" "t:normalisePathWin,id:99999,severity:4,msg:'Drive Access'"

# -- Miscellaneous -----------------------------------------------------------

# Use the most commonly used application/x-www-form-urlencoded parameter# separator. There's probably only one application somewhere that uses# something else so don't expect to change this value.#SecArgumentSeparator &

# Settle on version 0 (zero) cookies, as that is what most applications# use. Using an incorrect cookie version may open your installation to# evasion attacks (against the rules that examine named cookies).#SecCookieFormat 0

# Specify your Unicode Code Point.# This mapping is used by the t:urlDecodeUni transformation function# to properly map encoded data to your language. Properly setting# these directives helps to reduce false positives and negatives.##SecUnicodeCodePage 20127#SecUnicodeMapFile unicode.mapping

Chapter 5Configuring the mod_security Module


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6Configuring High Availability for Web TierComponents

Use the instructions in this chapter to configure an Oracle HTTP Server highlyavailable deployment in which Oracle HTTP Servers and WebLogic Managed Serversreside on different hosts, behind a load balancer.

This chapter includes the following sections:

• Oracle HTTP Server Single-Instance Characteristics

• Oracle HTTP Server and Domains

• Oracle HTTP Server Startup and Shutdown Lifecycle

• Starting and Stopping Oracle HTTP Server

• Oracle HTTP Server High Availability Architecture and Failover Considerations

• Oracle HTTP Server Failure Protection and Expected Behaviors

• Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Instances on Multiple Machines

• Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for High Availability

Oracle HTTP Server Single-Instance CharacteristicsOracle HTTP Server (OHS) is based on Apache infrastructure and includes Oraclemodules that you can use to extend OHS core functionality.

OHS has these components to handle client requests

• HTTP listener handles incoming requests and routes them to the appropriateprocessing utility.

• Modules (mods) implement and extend OHS functionality. OHS includes manystandard Apache modules. Oracle also includes modules that are specific to OHSto support OHS and OHS component integration.

OHS can also be a proxy server, both forward and reverse. A reverse proxy enablescontent served by different servers to appear as if it comes from one server.

Oracle HTTP Server and DomainsOracle HTTP Server (OHS) doesn't require a WebLogic domain but you usually useit with one. Oracle recommends associating OHS with a domain so that you canincorporate OHS into the Administration Console, where you can manage and monitorit.

The mod_wl_ohs module handles the link to Managed Servers. You configuremod_wl_ohs by routing requests of a particular type, such as JSPs, or by routingrequests destined to a URL to specific Managed Servers.


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OHS usually front ends a cluster. In this configuration, a special mod_wl_ohs directive,WebLogicCluster, specifies a comma-separated list of cluster members.

These steps describe the mod_wl_ohs directive process:

1. mod_wl_ohs receives a request for a Managed Server then sends the requestto one cluster member in the directive. At least one Managed Server must beavailable to fulfill the request.

2. The Managed Server receives the request, processes it, and sends a complete listof cluster members back to mod_wl_ohs.

3. When mod_wl_ohs receives the updated list, it dynamically adds previouslyunknown servers to the known servers list. By doing this, all future requests areload balanced across the cluster member list. The benefit is that new ManagedServers are added to a cluster without updating mod_wl_ohs or adding OHS.


The mod_wl_ohs directive DynamicServerList controls whether or notunknown servers are added to the known servers list. You must setDynamicServerList to ON to enable dynamic addition of servers.


When you start, you don't need to include all current Managed Servers inthe mod_wl_ohs directive. A high availability setup requires only two clustermembers in the list for the first call to work. For more information aboutrunning an OHS high availability deployment, see Configuring the WebLogicProxy Plug-In for Oracle HTTP Server in Using Oracle WebLogic ServerProxy Plug-Ins.

For more information about Oracle WebLogic clusters, see Introduction andRoadmap in Administering Clusters for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Oracle HTTP Server Startup and Shutdown LifecycleAfter Oracle HTTP Server starts, it is ready to listen for and respond to HTTP(S)requests.

The request processing model is different on Microsoft Windows systems compared toUNIX systems:

• For Microsoft Windows, there is one parent process and one child process. Thechild process creates threads that handle client requests. The number of createdthreads is static and you can configure them for performance.

• For UNIX, there is one parent process that manages multiple child processes.Child processes handle requests. The parent process brings up more childprocesses as necessary, based on configuration.

Chapter 6Oracle HTTP Server Startup and Shutdown Lifecycle


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For more information about the OHS processing model, see Oracle HTTPServer Processing Model.

Starting and Stopping Oracle HTTP ServerUse Fusion Middleware Control or the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) to start, stop,and restart Oracle HTTP Server.

If you plan to use WLST, you should familiarize yourself with that tool; see GettingStarted Using the Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) in the Oracle FusionMiddleware Administrator's Guide.


For more information about starting and stopping an OHS instance, seePerforming Basic Oracle HTTP Server Tasks.

Oracle HTTP Server High Availability Architecture andFailover Considerations

Oracle HTTP Servers and Managed Servers reside on different hosts, behind a loadbalancer, in a high availability topology.

Figure 6-1 shows two Oracle HTTP Servers behind a load balancer.

Figure 6-1 Oracle HTTP Server High Availability Architecture

https:443 http:80

https:7777 https:7777

https:7075 https:7075

Load Balancer

Oracle HTTP Server 1 Oracle HTTP Server 2

WebLogic Managed


WebLogic Managed


Chapter 6Starting and Stopping Oracle HTTP Server


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The load balancer receives user requests and forwards them to connected OracleHTTP Servers. The load balancer receives requests on standard HTTP/HTTPS ports(80/443). However, it then passes requests to Oracle HTTP Servers using completelydifferent ports. Advantages of this setup are:

• Actual ports are hidden from users.

• Users don't have to add port numbers to the URL.

On UNIX-based systems, starting OHS with root privileges isn't mandatory. Only rootcan start a process that uses a port less than 1024. However, for processes that use aport number below 1024, you must use root privilege to start a process.

The load balancer routes requests to the functioning Oracle HTTP Server.

Figure 6-1 also shows how OHS distributes requests to Managed Servers. For highavailability, each pair of components (OHS and Managed Servers) should resideon different host computers. Managed Servers belong to the same cluster; to loadbalance across a set of Managed Servers, they must belong to the same cluster.

Oracle HTTP Server Failure Protection and ExpectedBehaviors

Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) has two failure types: process failures and nodefailures. An individual operating system process may fail. A node failure can involvefailure of the entire host computer that OHS runs on.

Table 6-1 OHS Failure Types and Failure Protections

Failure Type Protection

Process Node Manager protects and manages OHS processes. If an OHS process fails,Node Manager automatically restarts it.

Node Load balancer in front of OHS sends a request to another OHS if the first onedoesn't respond or URL pings indicate it failed.

Managed Server If a Managed Server in a cluster fails, mod_wl_ohs automatically redirectsrequests to one of the active cluster members. If the application stores state,state replication is enabled within the cluster, which enables redirected requestsaccess to the same state information.

Database Typically, an issue only when using mod_oradav or mod_plsql. With OracleRAC databases, the Oracle RAC connection determines failure characteristics.

If client connection failover is configured, in-flight transactions roll back.Database reconnection is required.

If Transparent Application Failover (TAF) is configured, any in-flight databasewrite rolls back but automatic database reconnection occurs and selectstatements recover automatically. TAF fails over select statements only; packagevariables are lost. TAF, a JDBC Oracle Call Interface driver feature, enables anapplication to automatically reconnect to a database if the database instance theconnection is made to fails. In this case, active transactions roll back.

Chapter 6Oracle HTTP Server Failure Protection and Expected Behaviors


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Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Instances on MultipleMachines

If you use the Configuration Wizard to configure Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) and OHSis part of a domain, update the mod_wl_ohs.conf file for each instance.

The file is in the DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/componentNamedirectory. Restart the Administration Server to propagate changes to all OHSinstances in the domain, even if they reside on a different host. See Configuringmod_wl_ohs.conf.


If you install and configure OHS instances in separate domains, you mustmanually copy changes to other Oracle HTTP Servers. You must verify thatthe changes apply to all OHS instances and that they are synchronized.

Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for High AvailabilityTo configure an example high availability deployment of Oracle HTTP Server (OHS),you must meet specific prerequisites. You can then install OHS on an additional webserver, then configure and validate OHS high availability.

Prerequisites to Configure a Highly Available OHSComplete the following prerequisites before configuring a highly available OracleHTTP Server deployment:

• Load Balancer Prerequisites

• Configuring Load Balancer Virtual Server Names and Ports

• Managing Load Balancer Port Numbers

• Installing and Validating Oracle HTTP Server on WEBHOST1

• Creating Virtual Host(s) on WEBHOST1

• Configuring mod_wl_ohs.conf

• Configuring mod_wl_conf if you use SSL Termination

• Creating proxy.conf File

Load Balancer PrerequisitesTo distribute requests against Oracle HTTP Server, you can either use an externalload balancer to distribute HTTP(S) requests between available Oracle HTTP Servers,or configure Oracle HTTP Server VirtualHost proxy for load balancing.

If you have an external load balancer, it must have features that Third-Party LoadBalancer Requirements describes.

Chapter 6Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Instances on Multiple Machines


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If you want to configure Oracle HTTP Server for load balancing, use virtual hostbased proxy configuration. To do this, create a separate configuration file, forexample, proxy.conf with the configuration details, and append this configurationinto httpd.conf using include tag. For example, include "proxy.conf". For moreinformation, see Creating proxy.conf File.

Configuring Load Balancer Virtual Server Names and PortsIn an OHS installation, virtual servers are configured for HTTP connections, which aredistributed across the HTTP servers.

If your site serves requests for HTTP and HTTPS connections, Oracle recommendsthat HTTPS requests terminate at the load balancer and pass through as HTTPrequests. To do this, the load balancer should be able to perform the protocolconversion and must be configured for persistent HTTP sessions.

This example configuration assumes that the load balancer is configured as:

• Virtual Host:

• Virtual Port: 7777

• Server Pool: Map

• Server: WEBHOST1, Port 7777, WEBHOST2, Port 7777

Managing Load Balancer Port NumbersMany Oracle Fusion Middleware components and services use ports. As anadministrator, you must know the port numbers that services use and ensure thattwo services don't use the same port number on your host computer.

Most port numbers are assigned during installation. It is important that any trafficgoing from Oracle HTTP Servers to Oracle WebLogic Servers has access through anyfirewalls.

Installing and Validating Oracle HTTP Server on WEBHOST1To install Oracle HTTP Server on WEBHOST1, see the steps in Installing the OracleHTTP Server Software in Installing and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server.

Validate the installation using the following URL to access the OHS home page:


Creating Virtual Host(s) on WEBHOST1For each virtual host or site name that you use, add an entry to the OHS configuration.

Create a file named virtual_hosts.conf in the DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/ohs_component_name/moduleconf directory as follows:

NameVirtualHost *:7777<VirtualHost *:7777> ServerName RewriteEngine On RewriteOptions inherit UseCanonicalName On</VirtualHost>

Chapter 6Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for High Availability


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If you are using SSL/SSL Termination (*):

NameVirtualHost *:7777<VirtualHost *:7777> ServerName RewriteEngine On RewriteOptions inherit UseCanonicalName On</VirtualHost>


You can also use Fusion Middleware Control to create virtual hosts. SeeWiring Components Together in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Configuring mod_wl_ohs.confAfter you install and configure OHS, link it to any defined Managed Servers by editingthe mod_wl_ohs.conf file.

The file is in DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/componentNamedirectory.

For more information about editing the mod_wl_ohs.conf file, see Configuring theWebLogic Proxy Plug-In for Oracle HTTP Server in Oracle Fusion Middleware UsingOracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-Ins 12.1.2.


You can also use Fusion Middleware Control to link OHS to ManagedServers. See Wiring Components Together in Administering Oracle FusionMiddleware.

The following example shows mod_wl_ohs.conf entries:

LoadModule weblogic_module PRODUCT_HOME/modules/ <IfModule mod_weblogic.c> WebLogicCluster, MatchExpression *.jsp </IfModule> <Location /weblogic> SetHandler weblogic-handler WebLogicCluster, DefaultFileName index.jsp</Location>

<Location /console> SetHandler weblogic-handler WebLogicCluster WebLogicPort 7003</Location>

Chapter 6Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for High Availability


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These examples show two different ways to route requests to Managed Servers:

• The <ifModule> block sends any requests ending in *.jsp to the WebLogicManaged Server cluster located on APPHOST1 and APPHOST2.

• The <Location> block sends any requests with URLs that have a /weblogic prefixto the Managed Server cluster located on APPHOST1 and APPHOST2.

Configuring mod_wl_conf if you use SSL TerminationIf you use SSL termination AND route requests to WebLogic, you must take additionalconfiguration steps.

To configure mod_wl_conf if you use SSL termination:

1. In the WebLogic console, verify that WebLogic Plugin Enabled is set to true, eitherat the domain, cluster, or Managed Server level.

2. Add these lines to the Location block, which directs requests to Managed Servers:

WLProxySSL ONWLProxySSLPassThrough ON

For example:

<Location /weblogic> SetHandler weblogic-handler WebLogicCluster, WLProxySSL On WLProxySSLPassThrough ON DefaultFileName index.jsp</Location>

After you enable the WebLogic plugin, restart the Administration Server.

Creating proxy.conf FileIf you are not using an external load balancer, you can configure Oracle HTTP Servervirtual host proxy for load balancing.

To do this, create a separate configuration file, for example, proxy.conf at thefollowing locations:

• MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/DOMAIN_NAME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/INSTANCE_NAME/

• MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/DOMAIN_NAME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/instances/INSTANCE_NAME/

Add the following snippet to the newly created configuration file (at both the locations):

LoadModule lbmethod_byrequests_module"${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"


# Proxy : HTTP - HTTP <Proxy "balancer://ha"> ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests BalancerMember http://OHS_Host1:Port

Chapter 6Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for High Availability


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BalancerMember http://OHS_Host1:Port </Proxy>

# Proxy pass : HTTP - HTTP ProxyPass "/ha" "balancer://ha" ProxyPassReverse "/ha" "balancer://ha"


Append this configuration file (proxy.conf) into httpd.conf file.

Installing and Validating Oracle HTTP Server on WEBHOST2To install Oracle HTTP Server on WEBHOST2, see Installing the Oracle HTTP ServerSoftware in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server.

Validate the installation on WEBHOST2 by using the following URL to access theOracle HTTP Server home page:


Configuring and Validating an OHS High Availability DeploymentTo configure and validate the OHS high availability deployment, updatemod_wl_ohs.conf and then use test URLs to validate OHS configuration.

Configuring Virtual Host(s) on WEBHOST2Update the mod_wl_ohs.conf file located in DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/componentName directory.

You must then restart the Administration Server to propagate changes to all OHSinstances in the domain.

Validating the Oracle HTTP Server ConfigurationYou validate the OHS configuration by using specific URLs. (if using SSL/SSL termination)

Chapter 6Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for High Availability


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7Managing and Monitoring ServerProcesses

You have tools and procedures that help to manage and monitor the performance ofOracle HTTP Server.

This chapter includes the following sections. These sections discuss the proceduresand tools that manage the server in your environment.

• Oracle HTTP Server Processing Model

• Monitoring Server Performance

• Oracle HTTP Server Performance Directives

• Understanding Process Security for UNIX

Oracle HTTP Server Processing ModelThere are two types of processing models that help to monitor Oracle HTTP Server:Request Process Model and Single Unit Process Model.

The following sections describe the processing models for Oracle HTTP Server.

• Request Process Model

• Single Unit Process Model

Request Process ModelAfter Oracle HTTP Server is started, it is ready to listen for and respond to HTTP(S)requests. The request processing model on Microsoft Windows systems differs fromthat on UNIX systems.

• On Microsoft Windows, there is a single parent process and a single child process.The child process creates threads that are responsible for handling client requests.The number of created threads is static and can be configured for performance.

• On UNIX, there is a single parent process that manages multiple child processes.The child processes are responsible for handling requests. The parent processbrings up additional child processes as necessary, based on configuration.Although the server can dynamically start additional child processes, it is bestto configure the server to start enough child processes initially so that requestscan be handled without having to spawn more child processes.

Single Unit Process ModelOracle HTTP Server provides functionality that allows it to terminate as a single unitif the parent process fails. The parent process is responsible for starting and stoppingall the child processes for an Oracle HTTP Server instance. The failure of the parentprocess without first shutting down the child processes leaves Oracle HTTP Server in


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an inconsistent state that can only be fixed by manually shutting down all the orphanedchild processes. Until all the child processes are closed, a new Oracle HTTP Serverinstance cannot be started because the orphaned child processes still occupy theports the new Oracle HTTP Server instance needs to access.

To prevent this from occurring, the DMS instrumentation layer in child processes onUNIX and monitor functionality within WinNT MPM on Windows monitor the parentprocess. If they detect that the parent process has failed, then all of the remainingchild processes are shut down.

Monitoring Server PerformanceOracle Fusion Middleware automatically and continuously measures runtimeperformance for Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle WebLogic Server proxy plug-inmodule.

The server performance metrics are automatically enabled; you do not need to setoptions or perform any extra configuration to collect them. If you encounter a problem,such as an application that is running slowly or hanging, you can view the metrics tofind out more about the problem. Fusion Middleware Control provides real-time data.Cloud Control can be used to view historical data.

These sections describe performance metrics and how to view them:

• Oracle HTTP Server Performance Metrics

• Viewing Performance Metrics

Oracle HTTP Server Performance MetricsThis section lists commonly-used metrics that can help you analyze Oracle HTTPServer performance.

Oracle HTTP Server Metrics

The Oracle HTTP Server Metrics folder contains performance metric options for OracleHTTP Server. The following table describes the metrics in the Oracle HTTP ServerMetrics folder:

Element Description

CPU Usage CPU usage and idle times

Memory Usage Memory usage and free memory, in MB

Processes Busy and idle process metrics

Request Throughput Request throughput, as measured by requests per second

Request Processing Time Request processing time, in seconds

Response Data Throughput Response data throughput, in KB per second

Response Data Processed Response data processed, in KB per response

Active HTTP Connections Number of active HTTP connections

Connection Duration Length of time for connections

HTTP Errors Number of HTTP 4xx and 5xx errors

Oracle HTTP Server Virtual Host Metrics

Chapter 7Monitoring Server Performance


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The Oracle HTTP Server Virtual Host Metrics folder contains performance metricoptions for virtual hosts, also known as access points. The following table describesthe metrics in the Oracle HTTP Server Virtual Host Metrics folder:

Element Description

Request Throughput for aVirtual Host

Number of requests per second for each virtual host

Request Processing Timefor a Virtual Host

Time to process each request for each virtual host

Response Data Throughputfor a Virtual Host

Amount of data being sent for each virtual host

Response Data Processedfor a Virtual Host

Amount of data being processed for each virtual host

Oracle HTTP Server Module Metrics

The Oracle HTTP Server Module Metrics folder contains performance metric option formodules. The following table describes the metrics in the Oracle HTTP Server ModuleMetrics folder.

Element Description

Request HandlingThroughput

Request handling throughput for a module, in requests persecond

Request Handling Time Request handling time for a module, in seconds

Module Metrics Modules including active requests, throughput, and time foreach module

Viewing Performance MetricsYou can view the performance metrics of the Oracle HTTP Server and OracleWebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In module by using the Fusion Middleware Control orissuing the appropriate WLST command. View performance metrics to monitor andanalyze the server performance.

You can view Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In moduleperformance metrics by using the procedures described in the following sections:

• Viewing Server Metrics by Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Viewing Server Metrics Using WLST

Viewing Server Metrics by Using Fusion Middleware ControlYou can view metrics from the Oracle HTTP Server home menu of Fusion MiddlewareControl:

1. Select the Oracle HTTP Server that you want to monitor.

2. From the Oracle HTTP Server menu on the Oracle HTTP Server home page,choose Monitoring, and then select Performance Summary.

The Performance Summary page is displayed. It shows performance metrics andinformation about response time and request processing time for the Oracle HTTPServer instance.

Chapter 7Monitoring Server Performance


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3. To see additional metrics, click Show Metric Palette and expand the metriccategories.


Oracle HTTP Server port usage information is also available from theOracle HTTP Server home menu.

The following figure shows the Oracle HTTP Server Performance Summary pagewith the Metric Palette displayed:

4. Select additional metrics to add them to the Performance Summary.

Viewing Server Metrics Using WLSTTo obtain and view metrics for an instance from the command line, you must connectto, and issue the appropriate WLST command. These commands allow you to performany of these functions:

• Display Metric Table Names

• Display metric tables

• Dump metrics


For more information on using WLST, see Understanding the WebLogicScripting Tool.

Before attempting this procedure:

Chapter 7Monitoring Server Performance


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Before attempting to access server metrics from the command line, ensure thefollowing:

• The domain exists and the instance for which you want to see the metrics exist.

• The instance is running.

• Node Manager is running on the instance machine.

The Administration server can be running, but this is not required.

To view metrics using WLST:


In both managed and standalone domain types, the following procedure willwork whether you run the commands from the same machine or from amachine that is remote to the server.

1. Launch WLST:

On Linux or UNIX:


On Windows:


2. From the selected domain directory (for example, ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/domainName), connect to the instance:

nmConnect('username', 'password', nm_host, nm_port, domainName)

3. Enter one of the following WLST commands, depending on what task you want toaccomplish:

• displayMetricTableNames(servers=['serverName'], servertype='serverType')

• displayMetricTables(servers=['serverName'],servertype='serverType')

• dumpMetrics(servers=['serverName'], servertype='serverType')

For example:

displayMetricTableNames(servers=['ohs1'], servertype='OHS') displayMetricTables(servers=['ohs1'], servertype='OHS') dumpMetrics(servers=['ohs1'], servertype='OHS')

Oracle HTTP Server Performance DirectivesOracle HTTP Server performance is managed by directives specified in theconfiguration files. Use Fusion Middleware Control to tune performance-relateddirectives for Oracle HTTP Server.

The following sections describe the Oracle HTTP Server performance directives.

• Understanding Performance Directives

• Configuring Performance Directives by Using Fusion Middleware Control

Chapter 7Oracle HTTP Server Performance Directives


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Understanding Performance DirectivesOracle HTTP Server uses directives declared in httpd.conf and other configurationfiles. This configuration file specifies the maximum number of HTTP requests that canbe processed simultaneously, logging details, and certain limits and timeouts. OracleHTTP Server supports and ships with the following Multi-Processing Modules (MPMs)which are responsible for binding to network ports on the machine, accepting requests,and dispatching children to handle the requests:

• Worker: This is the default MPM for Oracle HTTP Server in UNIX (non-Linux)environments. This MPM implements a hybrid multi-process multi-threaded server.By using threads to serve requests, it can serve many requests with fewer systemresources than a process-based server. However, it retains much of the stability ofa process-based server by keeping multiple processes available, each with manythreads. If you are using Worker MPM, then you must configure the mod_cgidmodule for your CGI applications instead of the mod_cgi module. For moreinformation, see the following URL:

• WinNT: This is the default MPM for Oracle HTTP Server on Windows platforms. Ituses a single control process which launches a single child process which in turncreates threads to handle requests.

• Prefork: This MPM implements a non-threaded, pre-forking server that handlesrequests in a manner similar to Apache 1.3. It is appropriate for sites that need toavoid threading for compatibility with non-thread-safe libraries. It is also the bestMPM for isolating each request, so that a problem with a single request will notaffect any other. If you are going to implement a CGI module with this MPM, useonly mod_fastcgi.

• Event: This is the default MPM for Oracle HTTP Server in Linux environments.This MPM is designed to allow more requests to be served simultaneously bypassing off some processing work to supporting threads, freeing up the mainthreads to work on new requests. It is based on the Worker MPM, whichimplements a hybrid multi-process multi-threaded server. Run-time configurationdirectives are identical to those provided by Worker.

The following sections describe how to change the MPM type value for an OracleHTTP Server instance in a standalone and an Oracle WebLogic Server domain

• Changing the MPM Type Value in a Standalone Domain

• Changing the MPM Type Value in a WebLogic Server Managed Domain

Changing the MPM Type Value in a Standalone DomainTo change the MPM type value for an Oracle HTTP Server instance in a standalonedomain, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the file at thefollowing location: ${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/${COMPONENT_NAME}.

2. Edit the file to make the followingchanges.

Look for the key mpm in an uncommented line.

Chapter 7Oracle HTTP Server Performance Directives


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• If you find the key in an uncommented line, then replace the existing value ofmpm with the value you want to set for MPM.

• If you do not find it in an uncommented line, then add a new line to the fileusing the following format:

mpm = mpm_value

where mpm_value is the value you want to set as MPM.

3. Start or re-start the Oracle HTTP Server instance.

Changing the MPM Type Value in a WebLogic Server Managed DomainTo change the MPM type value for an Oracle HTTP Server instance in an OracleWebLogic Server domain, follow these steps.


The following steps assume that the Administration Server and NodeManager for the domain are already up and running.

1. Launch WLST from the command line.

Linux or UNIX: $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/

2. Connect to the Administration Server instance:

connect('<userName', '<password>', '<host>:<port>')

3. Navigate to the Mbean containing the MPM type value key.

You can use the editCustom() command only when WLST is connected to theAdministration Server. Use cd to navigate the hierarchy of management objects.This example assumes that Oracle HTTP Server instance with name 'ohs1'.


4. Set the MPM type value key.

Start an edit session and set the MPM type value key Mpm to the type value. In thisexample the type value is set to event.

startEdit()set('Mpm','event') save()activate()

Configuring Performance Directives by Using Fusion MiddlewareControl

The discussion and recommendations in this section are based on the use of Worker,Event, or WinNT MPM, which uses threads. The thread-related directives listed beloware not applicable if you are using the Prefork MPM.

Chapter 7Oracle HTTP Server Performance Directives


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Use the Performance Directives page of Fusion Middleware Control, illustrated in thefollowing figure, to tune performance-related directives for Oracle HTTP Server.

Performance directives management consists of these areas: request, connection, andprocess configuration. The following sections describe how to set these configurations.

• Setting the Request Configuration by Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Setting the Connection Configuration by Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Setting the Process Configuration by Using Fusion Middleware Control

Setting the Request Configuration by Using Fusion Middleware ControlTo specify the Oracle HTTP Server request configuration using Fusion MiddlewareControl, do the following:

1. Select Administration from the Oracle HTTP Server menu.

2. Select Performance Directives from the Administration menu. The PerformanceDirectives page appears.

3. Enter the maximum number of requests in the Maximum Requests field(MaxRequestWorkers directive).

This setting limits the number of requests that can be dealt with simultaneously.The default value is 400. This is applicable for all Linux/UNIX platforms.

4. Set the maximum requests per child process in the Maximum Request per ChildProcess field (MaxConnectionsPerChild directive).

Chapter 7Oracle HTTP Server Performance Directives


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You can choose to have no limit, or a maximum number. If you choose to have alimit, enter the maximum number in the field.

5. Enter the request timeout value in the Request Timeout (seconds) field (Timeoutdirective).

This value sets the maximum time, in seconds, Oracle HTTP Server waits toreceive a GET request, the amount of time between receipt of TCP packets on aPOST or PUT request, and the amount of time between ACKs on transmissions ofTCP packets in responses.

6. Review the settings. If the settings are correct, click Apply to apply the changes. Ifthe settings are incorrect, or you decide to not apply the changes, click Revert toreturn to the original settings.

7. Restart Oracle HTTP Server. See Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances .

The request configuration settings are saved, and shown on the PerformanceDirectives page.

Setting the Connection Configuration by Using Fusion Middleware ControlTo specify the connection configuration using Fusion Middleware Control, do thefollowing:

1. Select Administration from the Oracle HTTP Server menu.

2. Select Performance Directives from the Administration menu. The PerformanceDirectives page appears.

3. Enter the maximum connection queue length in the Maximum Connection QueueLength field (ListenBacklog directive).

This is the queue for pending connections. This is useful if the server isexperiencing a TCP SYN overload, which causes numerous new connections toopen up, but without completing the pending task.

4. Set the Multiple Requests per Connection field (KeepAlive directive) to indicatewhether to allow multiple connections. If you choose to allow multiple connections,enter the number of seconds for timeout in the Allow With Connection Timeoutfield.

The Allow With Connection Timeout value sets the number of seconds the serverwaits for a subsequent request before closing the connection. Once a request hasbeen received, the specified value applies. The default is 5 seconds.

5. Review the settings. If the settings are correct, click Apply to apply the changes. Ifthe settings are incorrect, or you decide to not apply the changes, click Revert toreturn to the original settings.

6. Restart Oracle HTTP Server. See Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances .

The connection configuration settings are saved, and shown on the PerformanceDirectives page.

Setting the Process Configuration by Using Fusion Middleware ControlThe child process and configuration settings impact the ability of the server to processrequests. You might need to modify the settings as the number of requests increase ordecrease to maintain a well-performing server.

Chapter 7Oracle HTTP Server Performance Directives


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For UNIX, the default number of child server processes is 3. For Microsoft Windows,the default number of threads to handle requests is 150.

To specify the process configuration using Fusion Middleware Control, do thefollowing:

1. Select Administration from the Oracle HTTP Server menu.

2. Select Performance Directives from the Administration menu. The PerformanceDirectives page appears.

3. Enter the number for the initial child server processes in the Initial Child ServerProcesses field (StartServers directive).

This is the number of child server processes created when Oracle HTTP Server isstarted. The default is 3. This is for UNIX only.

4. Enter the number for the maximum idle threads in the Maximum Idle Threads field(MaxSpareThreads directive).

An idle thread is a process that is running, but not handling a request.

5. Enter the number for the minimum idle threads in the Minimum Idle Threads field(MinSpareThreads directive).

6. Enter the number for the threads per child server process in the Threads per ChildServer Process field (ThreadsPerChild directive).

7. Review the settings. If the settings are correct, click Apply to apply the changes. Ifthe settings are incorrect, or you decide to not apply the changes, click Revert toreturn to the original settings.

8. Restart Oracle HTTP Server. See Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances .

The process configuration settings are saved, and shown on the PerformanceDirectives page.

Understanding Process Security for UNIXSpecial configuration is required to allow Oracle HTTP Server to bind to privilegedports when installed on UNIX.

By default, Oracle HTTP Server is not able to bind to ports on UNIX in the reservedrange (typically less than 1024). To enable Oracle HTTP Server to listen on ports inthe reserved range (for example, port 80 and port 443) on UNIX, see Starting OracleHTTP Server Instances on a Privileged Port (UNIX Only).

Chapter 7Understanding Process Security for UNIX


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8Managing Connectivity

You can manage and monitor the performance of Oracle HTTP Server connectivity bycreating ports, viewing port number usage, and configuring virtual hosts.

This chapter includes the following sections which describes the procedures formanaging Oracle HTTP Server connectivity:

• Default Listen Ports

• Defining the Admin Port

• Viewing Port Number Usage

• Managing Ports

• Configuring Virtual Hosts

Default Listen PortsListen ports (SSL and non-SSL) have a default range of port numbers.

Automatic port assignment occurs only if you use ohs_createInstance() or FusionMiddleware Control. The default, non-SSL port is 7777. If port 7777 is occupied, thenext available port number, within a range of 7777-65535, is assigned. The defaultSSL port is 4443. Similarly, if port 4443 is occupied, the next available port number,within a range of 4443-65535, is assigned.

If you create instances using Configuration Wizard, then you must perform yourown port management. The Configuration Wizard has no automatic port assignmentcapabilities.

For information about specifying ports when creating a new Oracle HTTP Servercomponent, see Creating an Oracle HTTP Server Instance.

Defining the Admin PortAdmin port is used internally by Oracle HTTP Server to communicate with NodeManager. This port is configured in the admin.conf file.

The communication between Node Manager and admin port happens over SSL, bydefault. It is possible to use plain-text communication by disabling SSL on the adminport, however it's not recommended. If SSL is disabled, a warning message indicatingplain-text communication is logged to the console and the ohs_nm.log during OracleHTTP Server start-up, and then the OHS starts successfully. The following is thesample warning message:

“SSL is not enabled for the admin port of 'ohs1'. Thus,the connection between NodeManager and the admin port of 'ohs1' is notsecure. SSL must be enabled for this connection. For more


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information on how to enable SSL for this connection, refer to OHSdocumentation”.

See Configuring SSL for Admin Port.

Automatic Admin port assignment occurs only if you use ohs_createInstance() orFusion Middleware Control. If you create instances using Configuration Wizard, thenyou must perform your own Admin port management. The Configuration Wizard hasno automatic port assignment capabilities.

If for any reason you need to use the default port for another purpose, you canreconfigure the Admin port by using the Configuration Wizard to update the domainand manually reset ports there.

Viewing Port Number UsageYou can view ports using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST.

This section includes the following topics:

• Viewing Port Number Usage by Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Viewing Port Number Usage Using WLST

Viewing Port Number Usage by Using Fusion Middleware ControlYou can view how ports are assigned on the Fusion Middleware Control Port Usagedetail page. To view the port number usage using Fusion Middleware Control, do thefollowing:

1. Navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server home page.

2. Select Port Usage from the Oracle HTTP Server menu.

The Port Usage detail page shows the component, the ports that are in use, the IPaddress the ports are bound to, and the protocol being used, as illustrated in thefollowing figure:

Chapter 8Viewing Port Number Usage


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Viewing Port Number Usage Using WLSTIf you are using Oracle HTTP Server in collocated mode, then you can use WLSTcommands to view the port number information on a given instance.

1. Launch WLST:


2. Connect to the AdminServer.

3. Use the editCustom() command to navigate to the root of the oracle.ohs MBean.You can use the editCustom() command only when WLST is connected to theAdministration Server. Use cd to navigate the hierarchy of management objects,then get() to get the value of the Ports parameter:


WLST will return a value similar to the following:

array(java.lang.String,['7777', '4443', ''])


On Unix, you can also cd into the directory of the master copy of the OracleHTTP Server configuration files and do a grep for the Listen directives.

Managing PortsThe ports used by Oracle HTTP Server can be set during and after installation. Inaddition, you can change the port numbers, as needed.

This section describes how to create, edit, and delete ports using Fusion MiddlewareControl.


The Oracle HTTP Server administration virtual host and its configuration,defined in the admin.conf file, must not be edited with the WebLogic ScriptingTool (WLST).

See Also:

Changing the Oracle HTTP Server Listen Ports in the Administering OracleFusion Middleware.

Chapter 8Managing Ports


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This section includes the following topics:

• Creating Ports Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Editing Ports Using Fusion Middleware Control


When deleting a port, if there is a virtual host configured to use the port youwant to delete, you must first delete that virtual host before deleting the port.

Creating Ports Using Fusion Middleware ControlYou create a port for an Oracle HTTP Server endpoint on the Fusion MiddlewareControl Create port page. To create ports using Fusion Middleware Control, do thefollowing:

1. Navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server home page.

2. Select Administration from the Oracle HTTP Server menu.

3. Select Ports Configuration from the Administration menu.

4. Click Create.

Chapter 8Managing Ports


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5. Use the IP Address menu to select an IP address for the new port. Ports can listenon a local IP Address of an associated host or on any available network interfaces.

You can configure SSL for a port on the Virtual Hosts page, as described inConfiguring Virtual Hosts Using Fusion Middleware Control.

6. In Port, enter the port number.

7. Click OK.

8. Restart Oracle HTTP Server. See Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances .


If you change the port or make other changes that affect the URL, suchas changing the host name, enabling or disabling SSL, you need to re-register partner applications with the SSO server using the new URL. SeeRegistering Oracle HTTP Server mod_osso with OSSO Server.

Editing Ports Using Fusion Middleware ControlYou can edit the values for existing ports on the Fusion Middleware Control Edit Portpage. To edit the ports using Fusion Middleware Control, do the following:

1. Navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server home page.

2. Select Administration from the Oracle HTTP Server menu.

3. Select Ports Configuration from the Administration menu.

4. Select the port for which you want to change the port number.

The Admin port cannot be edited by using Fusion Middleware Control. Althoughthis is a port Oracle HTTP Server uses for its internal communication with NodeManager, in most of the cases it does not need to be changed. If you really want tochange it, manually edit the DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/componentName/admin.conf file.

Chapter 8Managing Ports


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5. Click Edit.

6. Edit the IP Address and/or Port number for the port.

You can be configure SSL for a port on the Virtual Hosts page as described inConfiguring Virtual Hosts Using Fusion Middleware Control.

7. Click OK.

8. Restart Oracle HTTP Server. See Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances .


If you change the port or make other changes that affect the URL, such aschanging the host name, enabling or disabling SSL, you need to re-registerpartner applications with the SSO server using the new URL.

Disabling a Listening Port in a Standalone EnvironmentWhile you can use Fusion Middleware Control to disable a listen port in a WebLogicServer environment, to do so in a standalone environment, you must directly updatestaging configuration file by commenting-out the line where port is exposed; forexample:



Before attempting to edit any .conf file, you should familiarize yourselfwith the layout of the configuration file directories, mechanisms for editingthe files, and learn more about the files themselves. See UnderstandingConfiguration Files.

Chapter 8Managing Ports


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Configuring Virtual HostsYou can create virtual hosts to run more than one website (such as www.company1.comand on a single machine. Virtual hosts can be IP-based, meaningthat you have a different IP address for every website, or name-based, meaning thatyou have multiple names running on each IP address. The fact that the virtual portsrun on the same physical server is not apparent to the end user.


The Oracle HTTP Server administration virtual host and its configuration,defined in the admin.conf file, must not be edited with the WebLogic ScriptingTool (WLST).

The current release of Oracle HTTP Server enables you to use IPv6 and IPv4addresses as the virtual host name.

You can also configure multiple addresses for the same virtual host; that is, a virtualhost can be configured to serve on multiple addresses. This allows requests todifferent addresses to be served with the same content from the same virtual host.

This section describes how to create and edit virtual hosts using Fusion MiddlewareControl.

• Creating Virtual Hosts Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Configuring Virtual Hosts Using Fusion Middleware Control

See Also:

For more information about virtual hosts, refer to the Apache HTTP Serverdocumentation.

Chapter 8Configuring Virtual Hosts


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Creating Virtual Hosts Using Fusion Middleware ControlYou can create a virtual host for Oracle HTTP Server on the Fusion MiddlewareControl Create Virtual Hosts page. To create a virtual host using Fusion MiddlewareControl, do the following:

1. Navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server home page.

2. Select Administration from the Oracle HTTP Server menu.

3. Select Virtual Hosts from the Administration menu.

4. Click Create.

5. Enter a name for the virtual host field and then choose whether to enter a newlisten address or to use an existing listen address.

• New listen address—use this option when you want to create a virtual hostthat maps to a specific hostname, IP address, or IPv6 address, for This will create the following VirtualHost directive:


• Use existing listen address—use this option when you want to create a virtualhost using an existing listen port and the one that maps to all IP addresses.This will create following type VirtualHost directive:

<VirtualHost *:8080>


If you attempt to create a virtual host with a wildcard character, forexample, *:port and no Listen directive exists for that port, then thevirtual host creation will fail.

In this case, you must first add the Listen directive and then try to addthe virtual host.

Chapter 8Configuring Virtual Hosts


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6. Enter the remaining attributes for the new virtual host.

• Server Name—the name of the server for Oracle HTTP Server

• Document Root— documentation root directory that forms the maindocument tree visible from the website

• Directory Index—the main (index) page that will be displayed when a clientfirst accesses the website

• Administrator's E-mail Address—the e-mail address that the server willinclude in error messages sent to the client

7. Click OK.

8. Restart Oracle HTTP Server. See Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances .

Removing Unnecessary Listen Directives

Creating a virtual host by using Fusion Middleware Control also adds the Listendirective for the virtual host. However, virtual host creation will add unnecessary Listendirectives in the following situations:

• A virtual host is being created for one host name and the Listen directive alreadyexists for the different host name resolving to the same IP address.

• A virtual host is being created for one host name and the Listen directive alreadyexists for the IP address that the host name resolves to.

• A virtual host is being created for multiple host names that resolve to the same IPaddress.

In these situations, Oracle HTTP Server will fail to start because there are multipleListen directives for the same IP address. You must remove any extra Listen directivesconfigured for the same IP address.

Configuring Virtual Hosts Using Fusion Middleware ControlYou can use the options on the Configure menu of the Virtual Hosts page to specifyServer, MIME, Log, SSL, and mod_wl_ohs configuration for a selected virtual host.

To configure a virtual host using Fusion Middleware Control, do the following:

1. Navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server home page.

2. Select Administration from the Oracle HTTP Server menu.

3. Select Virtual Hosts from the Administration menu.

4. Highlight an existing virtual host in the table.

5. Click Configure.

Chapter 8Configuring Virtual Hosts


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6. Select one of the following options from the Configure menu to open itscorresponding configuration page. The values on these pages apply only to thevirtual host. If the fields are blank, the virtual host uses the values configured atthe server level.

• Server Configuration: Configure basic virtual host properties, such asdocument root directory, installed modules, and aliases. See Specifying ServerProperties by Using Fusion Middleware Control .

• MIME Configuration: Configure MIME settings, which are used by OracleHTTP Server to interpret file types, encodings, and languages. ConfiguringMIME Settings Using Fusion Middleware Control.

• Log Configuration: Configure access logs that will record all requestsprocessed by the virtual host. The logs contain basic information about everyHTTP transaction handled by the virtual host. See Configuring Oracle HTTPServer Logs.

• SSL Configuration: For instructions on configuring SSL using FusionMiddleware Control, see Enabling SSL for Oracle HTTP Server Virtual Hostsin the Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

• mod_wl_ohs Configuration: Configure the mod_wl_ohs module to allowrequests to be proxied from an Oracle HTTP Server to Oracle WebLogicServer. See About Configuring the Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-In(mod_wl_ohs).

7. Review the settings on each configuration page. If the settings are correct, clickOK to apply the changes. If the settings are incorrect, or you decide to not applythe changes, click Cancel to return to the original settings.

8. Restart Oracle HTTP Server. See Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances .

Chapter 8Configuring Virtual Hosts


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9Managing Oracle HTTP Server Logs

Managing Oracle HTTP Server logs includes configuring the server logs, viewing thecause of an error and its corrective action, and more.

Oracle HTTP Server generates log files containing messages that record all types ofevents, including startup and shutdown information, errors, warning messages, accessinformation on HTTP requests, and additional information.

This chapter includes the following sections:

• Overview of Server Logs

• Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Logs

• Configuring the Log Level Using WLST

• Log Directives for Oracle HTTP Server

• Viewing Oracle HTTP Server Logs

• Recording ECID Information

Overview of Server LogsOracle HTTP Server has two types of server logs: error logs and access logs. Errorlog files record server problems, and access log files record details of components andapplications being accessed and by whom.

You can view Oracle Fusion Middleware log files using either Fusion MiddlewareControl or a text editor. The log files for Oracle HTTP Server are located in thefollowing directory:


This section contains the following topics:

• About Error Logs

• About Access Logs

• Configuring Log Rotation

About Error LogsOracle HTTP Server enables you to choose the format in which you want to generatelog messages. You can choose to generate log messages in the legacy Apache HTTPServer message format, or use Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL) to generate logmessages in text or XML-formatted logs, which complies with Oracle standards forgenerating error log messages.

By default, Oracle HTTP Server error logs use ODL for generating diagnosticmessages. It provides a common format for all diagnostic messages and log files,


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and a mechanism for correlating the diagnostic messages from various componentsacross Oracle Fusion Middleware.

The default name of the error log file is instance_name.log.


ODL error logging cannot have separate log files for each virtual host. It canonly be configured globally for all virtual hosts.

About Access LogsAccess logs record all requests processed by the server. The logs contain basicinformation about every HTTP transaction handled by the server. The access logcontains the following information:

• Host name

• Remote log name

• Remote user and time

• Request

• Response code

• Number of transferred bytes

The default name of the access log file is access_log.

Access Log Format

You can specify the information to include in the access log, and the manner in which itis written. The default format is the Common Log Format (CLF).

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t %E \"%r\" %>s %b" common

The CLF format contains the following fields:

host ident remote_logname remote_usre date ECID request authuser status bytes

• host: This is the client domain name or its IP number. Use %h to specify the hostfield in the log.

• ident: If IdentityCheck is enabled and the client system runs identd, this is theclient identity information. Use %i to specify the client identity field in the log.

• remote_logname: Remote log name (from identd, if supplied). Use %l to specifythe remote log name in the log.

• remote_user: Remote user if the request was authenticated. Use %u to specify theremote user in the log.

• date: This is the date and time of the request in the day/month/year:hour:minute:second format. Use %t to specify date and time in the log.

• ECID: Capture ECID information. Use %E to capture ECID in the log. See alsoConfiguring Access Logs for ECID Information.

Chapter 9Overview of Server Logs


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• request: This is the request line, in double quotes, from the client. Use %r tospecify request in the log.

• authuser: This is the user ID for the authorized user. Use %a to specify theauthorized user field in the log.

• status: This is the three-digit status code returned to the client. Use %s to specifythe status in the log. If the request will be forwarded from another server, use %>sto specify the last server in the log.

• bytes: This is the number of bytes, excluding headers, returned to the client. Use%b to specify number of bytes in the log. Use %i to include the header in the log.

See Also:

Access Log in the Apache HTTP Server documentation.

Configuring Log RotationOracle HTTP Server supports two types of log rotation policies: size-based and time-based. You can configure the Oracle HTTP Server logs to use either of the tworotation polices, by using odl_rotatelogs in ORACLE_HOME/ohs/bin. By default,Oracle HTTP Server uses odl_rotatelogs for both error and access logs.

odl_rotatelogs supports all the features of Apache HTTP Server's rotatelogs andthe additional feature of log retention.

You can find information about the features and options provided by rotatelogs at thefollowing URL:

The following is the general syntax of odl_rotatelogs:

odl_rotatelogs [-u:offset] logfile {size-|time-based-rotation-options}

odl_rotatelogs is meant to be used with the piped logfile feature. This feature allowserror and access log files to be written through a pipe to another process, rather thandirectly to a file. This increases the flexibility of logging, without adding code to themain server. To write logs to a pipe, replace the filename with the pipe character "|",followed by the name of the executable which should accept log entries on its standardinput. For more information on the piped logfile feature, see the following URL:

Used with the piped logfile feature, the syntax of odl_rotatelogs becomes thefollowing:

CustomLog " |${PRODUCT_HOME}/bin/odl_rotatelogs [-u:offset] logfile {size-|time-based-rotation-options}" log_format

Whenever there is an input to odl_rotatelogs, it checks if the specified condition forrotation has been met. If so, it rotates the file. Otherwise it simply writes the content. Ifno input is provided, then it will do nothing.

Table 9-1 describes the size- and time-based rotation options:

Chapter 9Overview of Server Logs


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Table 9-1 Options for odl_rotatelogs

Option Description

-u The time (in seconds) to offset from UTC.

logfile The path and name of the log file, followed by a hyphen (-) and then thetimestamp format.

The following are the common timestamp format strings:

• %m: Month as a two-digit decimal number (01-12)• %d: Day of month as a two-digit decimal number (01-31)• %Y: Year as a four-digit decimal number• %H: Hour of the day as a two-digit decimal number (00-23)• %M: Minute as a two-digit decimal number (00-59)• %S: Second as a two-digit decimal number (00-59)It should not include formats that expand to include slashes.

frequency The time (in seconds) between log file rotations.

retentionTime The maximum time for which the rotated log files are retained.

startTime The time when time-based rotation should start.

maxFileSize The maximum size (in MB) of log files.

allFileSize The total size (in MB) of files retained.

With time-based rotation, log rotation of Oracle HTTP Server using theodl_rotatelogs is calculated by default according to UTC time. For example, settinglog rotation to 86400 (24 hours) rotates the logs every 12:00 midnight, UTC. IfOracle HTTP Server is running on a server in IST (Indian Standard Time) which isUTC+05:30, then the logs are rotated at 05:30 a.m.

As an alternative to using the -u option with the UTC offset, you can use the -l optionprovided by Apache. This option causes Oracle HTTP Server to use local time as thebase for the interval. Using the-l option in an environment which changes the UTCoffset (such as British Standard Time (BST) or Daylight Savings Time (DST)) can leadto unpredictable results.

Syntax and Examples for Time- and Size-Based Log RotationThe following examples demonstrate the odl_rotatelogs syntax to set time- and size-based log rotation.

• Time-based rotation


odl_rotatelogs u:offset logfile frequency retentionTime startTime


CustomLog "| odl_rotatelogs u:-18000 /varlog/error.log-%Y-%m-%d 21600 172800 2014-03-10T08:30:00" common

This configures log rotation to be performed for a location UTC-05:00 (18000seconds, such as New York). The rotation will be performed every 21600 seconds(6 hours) starting from 8:30 a.m. on March 10, 2014, and it specifies that the

Chapter 9Overview of Server Logs


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rotated log files should be retained for 172800 seconds (2 days). The log format iscommon.


odl_rotatelogs logfile frequency retentionTime startTime


CustomLog "| odl_rotatelogs /varlog/error.log-%Y-%m-%d 21600 172800 2014-03-10T08:30:00" common

This configures log rotation to be performed every 21600 seconds (6 hours)starting from 8:30 a.m. on March 10, 2014, and it specifies that the rotated logfiles should be retained for 172800 seconds (2 days). The log format is common.

• Size-based rotation


odl_rotatelogs logfile maxFileSize allFileSize


This configures log rotation to be performed when the size of the log file reaches10 MB, and it specifies the maximum size of all the rotated log files as 70 MB (upto 7 log files (=70/10) will be retained). The log format is common.

CustomLog "| odl_rotatelogs /var/log/error.log-%Y-%m-%d 10M 70M" common

Configuring Oracle HTTP Server LogsYou can use Fusion Middleware Control to configure error and access logs.

The following sections describe logging tasks that can be set from the LogConfiguration page:

• Configuring Error Logs Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Configuring Access Logs Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Configuring the Log File Creation Mode (umask) (UNIX/Linux Only)

Configuring Error Logs Using Fusion Middleware ControlYou configure error logs on the Fusion Middleware Control Log Configuration page. Toconfigure an error log for Oracle HTTP Server using Fusion Middleware Control, dothe following:

1. Navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server home page.

2. Select Log Configuration from the Administration menu.

The Log Configuration page is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

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3. The following error log configuration tasks can be set from this page:

• Configuring the Error Log Format and Location

• Configuring the Error Log Level

• Configuring Error Log Rotation Policy

Configuring the Error Log Format and LocationYou can change the error log format and location on the Fusion Middleware ControlLog Configuration page. By default, Oracle HTTP Server uses ODL-Text as the errorlog format and creates the log file with the name component_name.log under theDOMAIN_HOME/servers/component_name/logs directory. To use a different format orlog location, do the following:

1. From the Log Configuration page, navigate to the General section under the ErrorLog section.

2. Select the desired file format.

• ODL-Text: the format of the diagnostic messages conform to an Oraclestandard and are written in text format.

• Apache: the format of the diagnostic messages conform to the legacy ApacheHTTP Server message format.

3. Enter a path for the error log in the Log File/Directory field. This directory mustexist before you enter it here.

Chapter 9Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Logs


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4. Review the settings. If the settings are correct, click Apply to apply the changes. Ifthe settings are incorrect, or you decide to not apply the changes, click Revert toreturn to the original settings.

5. Restart Oracle HTTP Server. See Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances .

Configuring the Error Log LevelYou can configure the amount and type of information written to log files by specifyingthe message type and level. Error log level for Oracle HTTP Server by default isconfigured to WARNING:32. To use a different error log level do the following:

1. From the Log Configuration page, navigate to the General section under the ErrorLog section.

2. Select a level for the logging from the Level menu. The higher the log level, themore information that is included in the log.

3. Review the settings. If the settings are correct, click Apply to apply the changes. Ifthe settings are incorrect, or you decide to not apply the changes, click Revert toreturn to the original settings.

4. Restart Oracle HTTP Server. See Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances .


The log levels are different for the Apache HTTP Server log format andODL-Text format.

• For details on ODL log levels, refer to Setting the Level of InformationWritten to Log Filesin Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

• For details on Apache HTTP Server log levels, refer to the LogLevelDirective in the Apache HTTP Server documentation.

Configuring Error Log Rotation PolicyLog rotation policy for error logs can either be time-based, such as once a week, orsized-based, such as 120MB. By default, the error log file is rotated when it reaches10 MB and a maximum of 7 error log files will be retained. To use a different rotationpolicy, do the following:

1. From the Log Configuration page, navigate to the General section under the ErrorLog section.

2. Select a rotation policy.

• No Rotation: if you do not want to have the log file rotated ever.

• Size Based: rotate the log file whenever it reaches a configured size. Set themaximum size for the log file in Maximum Log File Size (MB) field and themaximum number of error log files to retain in Maximum Files to Retain field.

• Time Based: rotate the log file whenever configured time is reached. Set thestart time, rotation frequency, and retention period.

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3. Review the settings. If the settings are correct, click Apply to apply the changes. Ifthe settings are incorrect, or you decide to not apply the changes, click Revert toreturn to the original settings.

4. Restart Oracle HTTP Server. See Restarting Oracle HTTP Server Instances .

Configuring Access Logs Using Fusion Middleware ControlYou can configure an access log format and rotation policy for Oracle HTTP Serverfrom the Fusion Middleware Control Log Configuration page.

The following access log configuration tasks can be set from this page:

• Configuring the Access Log Format

• Configuring the Access Log File

Configuring the Access Log FormatLog format specifies the information included in the access log file and the manner inwhich it is written. To add a new access log format or to edit or remove an existingformat, do the following:

1. Navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server home page.

2. Select Log Configuration from the Administration menu.

3. From the Log Configuration page, navigate to the Access Log section.

4. Click Manage Log Formats.

The Manage Custom Access Log Formats page is displayed, as shown in thefollowing figure.

5. Select an existing format to change or remove, or click Add Row to create a newformat.

6. If you choose to create a new format, then enter the new log format in the LogFormat Name field and the log format in the Log Format Pattern field.

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See Also:

Refer to the Apache HTTP Server documentation for information aboutlog format directives.

7. Click OK to save the new format.

Configuring the Access Log FileYou can configure rotation policy for the access log on the Fusion Middleware ControlCreate or Edit Access Log page. To configure an access log for file Oracle HTTPServer, do the following:

1. Navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server home page.

2. Select Log Configuration from the Administration menu.

3. From the Log Configuration page, navigate to the Access Log section.

4. Click Create to create a new access log, or select a row from the table and clickEdit button to edit an existing access log file.

The Create or Edit Access Log page is displayed.

5. Enter the path for the access log in the Log File Path field. This directory mustexist before you enter it.

6. Select an existing access log format from the Log Format menu.

7. Select a rotation policy.

• No Rotation: if you do not want to have the log file rotated ever.

• Size Based: rotate the log file whenever it reaches a configured size. Set themaximum size for the log file in Maximum Log File Size (MB) field and themaximum number of error log files to retain in Maximum Files to Retain field.

• Time Based: rotate the log file whenever configured time is reached. Set thestart time, rotation frequency, and retention period.

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8. Click OK to continue.

You can create multiple access log files.

Configuring the Log File Creation Mode (umask) (UNIX/Linux Only)Set the value of default file mode creation mask (umask) before starting the OracleHTTP Server instance. The value that you set for umask determines the filepermissions for the files created by Oracle HTTP Server instance such as the errorlog, access log, and so on. If umask is not set explicitly, then a value of 0027 is used bydefault.

This section contains the following information:

• Configure umask for an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a Standalone Domain

• Configure umask for an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a WebLogic ServerManaged Domain

Configure umask for an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a Standalone DomainTo configure the default file mode creation mask in a standalone domain, set the umaskproperty in the file under the staging location:


Configure umask for an Oracle HTTP Server Instance in a WebLogic ServerManaged Domain

To configure the default file mode creation mask in a WebLogic Server (either Full-JRFor Restricted-JRF) domain, follow these steps:

1. Start the AdminServer and NodeManager for the domain, for example:

<Domain_HOME>/bin/ &<DOMAIN_HOME>/bin/ &

2. Start WLST and connect to the AdminServer.

<ORACLE_HOME>/oracle_common/bin/wlst.shconnect('<userName', <'password'>, <'adminServerURL'>

3. Navigate to the following MBean. Note that the ObjectName for this MBean isdependent on the name of Oracle HTTP Server instance. In this example, thename of Oracle HTTP Server instance is ohs1


4. Set the value of umask to the desired value.


5. Save and activate the changes.

Chapter 9Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Logs


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Configuring the Log Level Using WLSTYou can use WLST commands to set the LogLevel directive, which controls theverbosity of the error log.

For more information on the LogLevel directive, see the Apache documentation:

Follow these steps to set the LogLevel directive using WLST commands.

1. Launch WLST.


2. Connect to Administration Server.

connect('<user-name>', '<password>','<host>:<port>')

3. Use the editCustom() command to navigate to the root of the oracle.ohs MBean.You can use the editCustom() command only when WLST is connected to theAdministration Server. Use cd to navigate the hierarchy of management objects, inthis case, ohs1 under oracle.ohs. Use the startEdit() command to start an editsession.


4. Use the set command to set the value of the log level attribute. The followingexample sets the global log level to trace7, the module status log level to error,and the module env log level to warn (warning).

set('LogLevel','trace7 status:error env:warn')

5. Save, then activate your changes. The edit lock associated with this edit session isreleased once the activation is completed.


Log Directives for Oracle HTTP ServerOracle HTTP Server can be configured to use either Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL)for generating diagnostic messages or the legacy Apache HTTP Server messageformat.

The following sections describe Oracle HTTP Server error and access log-relateddirectives in the httpd.conf file.

• Oracle Diagnostic Logging Directives

• Apache HTTP Server Log Directives

Chapter 9Configuring the Log Level Using WLST


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Oracle Diagnostic Logging DirectivesOracle HTTP Server by default uses Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL) for generatingdiagnostic messages. The following directives are used to set up logging using ODL:

• OraLogMode

• OraLogDir

• OraLogSeverity

• OraLogRotationParams

OraLogModeEnables you to choose the format in which you want to generate log messages. Youcan choose to generate log messages in the legacy Apache HTTP Server or ODL textformat.

OraLogMode Apache | ODL-Text

Default value: ODL-Text

For example: OraLogMode ODL-Text


The Apache HTTP Server log directives ErrorLog and LogLevel are onlyeffective when OraLogMode is set to Apache. When OraLogMode is set toODL-Text, the ErrorLog and LogLevel directives are ignored.

OraLogDirSpecifies the path to the directory that contains all log files. This directory must exist.

This directive is used only when OraLogMode is set to ODL-Text. When OraLogMode isset to Apache, OraLogDir is ignored and ErrorLog is used instead.

OraLogDir <path>

Default value: ORACLE_INSTANCE/servers/componentName/logs

For example: OraLogDir /tmp/logs

OraLogSeverityEnables you to set message severity. The message severity specified with thisdirective is interpreted as the lowest desired message severity, and all messages ofthat severity level and higher are logged.

This directive is used only when OraLogMode is set to ODL-Text. When OraLogModeis set to Apache, OraLogSeverity is ignored and LogLevel is used instead. In thefollowing syntax, short_module_identifierName is the module name with the trailing_module omitted.

Chapter 9Log Directives for Oracle HTTP Server


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OraLogSeverity [short_module_identifierName] <msg_type>[:msg_level]

Default value: WARNING:32

For example: OraLogSeverity mime NOTIFICATION:32


Message types can be specified in upper or lowercase, but appear in the messageoutput in upper case. This parameter must be of one of the following values:







This parameter must be an integer in the range of 1–32, where 1 is the most severe,and 32 is the least severe. Using level 1 will result in fewer messages than using level32.

OraLogRotationParamsEnables you to choose the rotation policy for an error log file. This directive is usedonly when OraLogMode is set to ODL-Text. When OraLogMode is set to Apache,OraLogRotationParams is ignored.

OraLogRotationParams <rotation_type> <rotation_policy>

Default value: S 10:70

For example: OraLogRotationParams T 43200:604800 2009-05-08T10:53:29


This parameter can either be S (for sized-based rotation) or T (for time-based rotation).


When rotation_type is set to S (sized-based), set the rotation_policy parameter to:

maxFileSize:allFilesSize (in MB)

For example, when configured as 10:70, the error log file is rotated whenever itreaches 10MB and a total of 70MB is allowed for all error log files (a maximum of70/10=7 error log files will be retained).

When rotation_type is set to T (time-based), set the rotation_policy parameter to:

frequency(in sec) retentionTime(in sec) startTime(in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)

For example, when configured as 43200:604800 2009-05-08T10:53:29, the error logis rotated every 43200 seconds (that is, 12 hours), rotated log files are retained formaximum of 604800 seconds (7 days) starting from May 5, 2009 at 10:53:29.

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Apache HTTP Server Log DirectivesAlthough Oracle HTTP Server uses ODL by default for error logs, you can configurethe OraLogMode directive to Apache to generate error log messages in the legacyApache HTTP Server message format. The following directives are discussed in thissection:

• ErrorLog

• LogLevel

• LogFormat

• CustomLog

ErrorLogThe ErrorLog directive sets the name of the file where the server logs any errorsit encounters. If the filepath is not absolute then it is assumed to be relative to theServerRoot.

This directive is used only when OraLogMode is set to Apache. When OraLogMode is setto ODL-Text, ErrorLog is ignored and OraLogDir is used instead.

See Also:

For information about the Apache ErrorLog directive, see:

LogLevelThe LogLevel directive adjusts the verbosity of the messages recorded in the errorlogs.

This directive is used only when OraLogMode is set to Apache. When OraLogMode is setto ODL-Text, LogLevel is ignored and OraLogSeverity is used instead.

See Also:

For information about the Apache HTTP Server LogLevel directive see:

LogFormatThe LogFormat directive specifies the format of the access log file. By default, OracleHTTP Server comes with the following four access log formats defined:

Chapter 9Log Directives for Oracle HTTP Server


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LogFormat "%h %l %u %t %E \"%r\" %>s %b" commonLogFormat "%h %l %u %t %E \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combinedLogFormat "%h %l %u %t %E \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %I %O" combinedio

See Also:

For information about the Apache HTTP Server LogFormat directive, see:

CustomLogUse the CustomLog directive to log requests to the server. A log format is specifiedand the logging can optionally be made conditional on request characteristics usingenvironment variables. By default, the access log file is configured to use the commonlog format.

See Also:

For information about the Apache CustomLog directive, see:

Viewing Oracle HTTP Server LogsYou can view server logs using Fusion Middleware Control, WLST, or a text editor.

There are mainly two types of log files for Oracle HTTP Server: error logs andaccess logs. The error log file is an important source of information for maintaininga well-performing server. The error log records all of the information about problemsituations so that the system administrator can easily diagnose and fix the problems.The access log file contains basic information about every HTTP transaction that theserver handles. You can use this information to generate statistical reports about theserver's usage patterns.

See Overview of Server Logs for more information on error logs and access logs.

This section describes the methods to view Oracle HTTP Server logs:

• Viewing Logs Using Fusion Middleware Control

• Viewing Logs Using WLST

• Viewing Logs in a Text Editor

Viewing Logs Using Fusion Middleware ControlTo access the log messages for an Oracle HTTP Server instance:

1. Navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server home page.

Chapter 9Viewing Oracle HTTP Server Logs


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2. Select the server instance for which you want to view log messages.

3. From the Oracle HTTP Server drop-down list, select Logs, then View LogMessages.

The Log Messages page opens.

For information about searching and viewing log files, see Viewing Log Files andTheir Messages Using Fusion Middleware Control in Administering Oracle FusionMiddleware.

Viewing Logs Using WLSTTo obtain and view server logs from the command line, you need to connect to NodeManager and issue the appropriate WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) command. Thesecommands allow you to perform any of these functions:

• List server logs.

• Display the content of a specific log.


For more information on using WLST, see Understanding the WebLogicScripting Tool.

Before attempting this procedure:

Before attempting to access server metrics from the command line, ensure thefollowing:

• The domain exists.

• The instance you want to start exists.

• Node Manager is running on the instance machine.

To use this procedure, the instance and Administration server can be running but donot need to be.

To view metrics using WLST:


For managed domains, this procedure will work on an Administration serverrunning on either the Administration machine or on a remote machine,whether the instance is in a running state or a shutdown state. Forstandalone domains, the procedure will work only on a local machine;however the instance can be either in a running or shutdown state.

1. Launch WLST:

From Linux or UNIX:


Chapter 9Viewing Oracle HTTP Server Logs


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From Windows:


2. From the selected domain directory (for example, ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/domainName), connect to Node Manager:

nmConnect('username', 'pwd', localhost, 5556, domainName)

3. Enter one of the following WLST commands, depending on what task you want toaccomplish:

• listLogs(nmConnected=1, ...)

• displayLogs(nmConnected=1, ...)

For example:

listLogs(nmConnected=1, target='ohs1')displayLogs(nmConnected=1, target='ohs1', tail=5)

Viewing Logs in a Text EditorYou can also use a text editor to view Oracle HTTP Server log files directly from theDOMAIN_HOME directory. By default, Oracle HTTP Server log files are located in theDOMAIN_HOME/servers/component_name/logs directory. Download a log file to yourlocal client and view the log files using another tool.

Recording ECID InformationYou can configure Oracle HTTP Server logs to record Execution Context ID (ECID)information.

The following sections describe how to record Execution Context ID (ECID)information in error logs and access logs.

• About ECID Information

• Configuring Error Logs for ECID Information

• Configuring Access Logs for ECID Information

About ECID InformationAn ECID is a globally unique ID that can be attached to requests between Oraclecomponents. The ECID enables you to track log messages pertaining to the samerequest when multiple requests are processed in parallel.

The Oracle HTTP Server module mod_context scans each incoming request for anECID-Context key in the URI or cookie, or for the ECID-Context header. If found, thenthe value is used as the execution context if it is valid. If it is not, then mod_contextcreates a new execution context for the request and adds it as the value of theECID-Context header.

Configuring Error Logs for ECID InformationECID information is recorded as part of Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL). ODLis a method for reporting diagnostic messages which presents a common format

Chapter 9Recording ECID Information


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for diagnostic messages and log files, and a method for correlating all diagnosticmessages from various components.

To configure Oracle HTTP Server error logs to record ECID information, ensure thatthe OraLogMode directive in the httpd.conf file is set to the default value, odl. Theodl value specifies standard Apache log format and ECID information for log recordsspecifically associated with a request.

For more information on OraLogMode and other possible values for this directive, seeOraLogMode.


Oracle recommends that you enter the directives before any modules areloaded (LoadModule directive) in the httpd.conf file so that module-specificlogging severities are in effect before modules have the opportunity toperform any logging.

Configuring Access Logs for ECID InformationBy default, the LogFormat directive in the httpd.conf file is configured to capture ECIDinformation:

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t %E \"%r\" %>s %b" common

If you want to add response time measured in microseconds, then add %D as follows:

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t %E %D \"%r\" %>s %b" common

If you want to suppress the capture of ECID information, then remove %E from theLogFormat directive:

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common

Chapter 9Recording ECID Information


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10Managing Application Security

Oracle HTTP Server supports three main categories of security, namely,authentication, authorization, and confidentiality.

To know more about Oracle HTTP Server security features and configurationinformation for setting up a secure website, see the following sections:

• About Oracle HTTP Server Security

• Classes of Users and Their Privileges

• Authentication, Authorization and Access Control

• Implementing SSL

• Using mod_security

• Using Trust Flags

About Oracle HTTP Server SecurityOracle HTTP Server supports all three security categories, namely, authentication,authorization, and confidentiality. Oracle HTTP Server’s security infrastructure isprimarily provided by Apache security modules.

Oracle HTTP Server is based on the Apache HTTP Server, and its securityinfrastructure is primarily provided by the Apache modules, mod_auth_basic,mod_authn_file, mod_auth_user, and mod_authz_groupfile, and WebGate. Themod_auth_basic, mod_authn_file, mod_auth_user, and mod_authz_groupfile modulesprovide authentication based on user name and password pairs, whilemod_authz_host controls access to the server based on the characteristics of arequest, such as host name or IP address, mod_ossl provides confidentiality andauthentication with X.509 client certificates over SSL.

Oracle HTTP Server provides access control, authentication, and authorizationmethods that you can configure with access control directives in the httpd.conf file.When URL requests arrive at Oracle HTTP Server, they are processed in a sequenceof steps determined by server defaults and configuration parameters. The steps forhandling URL requests are implemented through a module or plug-in architecture thatis common to many Web listeners.

Classes of Users and Their PrivilegesOracle HTTP Server authorizes and authenticates users before allowing them toaccess or modify resources on the server, based on their user privileges.

The following are three classes of users that access the server using Oracle HTTPServer, and their privileges:

• Users who access the server without providing any authentication. They haveaccess to unprotected resources only.


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• Users who have been authenticated and potentially authorized by moduleswithin Oracle HTTP Server. This includes users authenticated by ApacheHTTP Server modules like mod_auth_basic, mod_authn_file, mod_auth_user, andmod_authz_groupfile modules and Oracle's mod_ossl. These users have accessto URLs defined in http.conf file. See Authentication, Authorization and AccessControl.

• Users who have been authenticated through Oracle Access Manager. These usershave access to resources allowed by Single Sign-On. See Securing Applicationswith Oracle Platform Security Services.

Authentication, Authorization and Access ControlOracle HTTP Server provides user authentication and authorization at two stages:access control and user authentication and authorization.

• Access Control (stage one): This is based on the details of the incoming HTTPrequest and its headers, such as IP addresses or host names.

• User Authentication and Authorization (stage two): This is based on differentcriteria depending on the HTTP server configuration. You can configure the serverto authenticate users with user name and password pairs that are checked againsta list of known users and passwords. You can also configure the server to usesingle sign-on authentication for Web applications or X.509 client certificates overSSL.

Access ControlAccess control refers to any means of controlling access to any resource.

See Also:

Refer to the Apache HTTP Server documentation for more information onhow to configure access control to resources.

User Authentication and AuthorizationAuthentication is any process by which you verify that someone is who they claim theyare. Authorization is any process by which someone is allowed to be where they wantto go, or to have information that they want to have. You can authenticate users witheither Apache HTTP Server modules or with WebGate.

• Authenticating Users with Apache HTTP Server Modules

• Authenticating Users with WebGate

Authenticating Users with Apache HTTP Server ModulesThe Apache HTTP Server authentication directives can be used to verify that usersare who they claim to be.

For more information about how to authenticate users, see Apache HTTP Serverdocumentation.

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Authenticating Users with WebGateWebGate enables single sign-on (SSO) for Oracle HTTP Server. WebGate examinesincoming requests and determines whether the requested resource is protected, and ifso, retrieves the session information for the user.

Through WebGate, Oracle HTTP Server becomes an SSO partner application enabledto use SSO to authenticate users, obtain their identity by using Oracle Single Sign-On,and to make user identities available to web applications accessed through OracleHTTP Server.

By using WebGate, web applications can register URLs that require SSOauthentication. WebGate detects which requests received by Oracle HTTP Serverrequire SSO authentication, and redirects them to the SSO server. Once the SSOserver authenticates the user, it passes the user's authenticated identity back toWebGate in a secure token. WebGate retrieves the user's identity from the tokenand propagates it to applications accessed through Oracle HTTP Server, includingapplications running in Oracle WebLogic Server and CGIs and static files handled byOracle HTTP Server.

See Also:

Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services

Support for FMW Audit FrameworkOracle HTTP Server supports authentication and authorization auditing by using theFMW Common Audit Framework. As part of enabling auditing, Oracle HTTP Serversupports a directive called OraAuditEnable, which defaults to On. When it is enabled,audit events enabled in auditconfig.xml will be recorded in an audit log. By default, noaudit events are enabled in auditconfig.xml.

When OraAuditEnable is set to Off, auditing is disabled regardless of the settings inauditconfig.xml.

You can configure audit filters using Fusion Middleware Control or by editingauditconfig.xml directly.

See Also:

Overview of Audit Features in Securing Applications with Oracle PlatformSecurity Services

Managing Audit Policies Using Fusion Middleware ControlUse the Audit Policies page in Fusion Middleware Control to assign audit policies to aselected Oracle HTTP Server instance.

1. Navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server Home Page.

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2. Select the server instance to which you want to apply audit policies.

3. From the Oracle HTTP Server drop-down menu, select Security, and then selectAudit Policy.

The Audit Policy page appears.

For more information about setting audit policies, see Managing Audit Policies for JavaComponents with Fusion Middleware Control in Securing Applications with OraclePlatform Security Services.

Implementing SSLOracle HTTP Server secures communications by using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)protocol. SSL secures communication by providing message encryption, integrity,and authentication. The SSL standard allows the involved components (such asbrowsers and HTTP servers) to negotiate which encryption, authentication, andintegrity mechanisms to use.

For details on how to implement SSL for Oracle HTTP Server, see Configuring SSLfor the Web Tier in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware. For information onusing mod_ossl, Oracle's SSL module, see mod_ossl Module—Enables Cryptography(SSL). For information about mod_ossl directives, see mod_ossl Module.

The mod_wl_ohs module also contains a configuration for SSL. See Using SSL withPlug-ins and Parameters for Web Server Plug-Ins in Using Oracle WebLogic ServerProxy Plug-Ins.

These sections describes SSL features that are supported for this release.

• Global Server ID Support

• PKCS #11 Support

• SSL and Logging

• Terminating SSL Requests

Global Server ID SupportThe global ID support feature adds support SSL protocol features called variously asstep-up, server gated crypto, or global server ID.

Step-up is a feature that allows old, weak encryption browsers, to step-up so thatpublic keys greater than 512 bits and bulk encryption keys greater than 64 bits can beused in the SSL protocol. This means that server X.509 certificates that contain publickeys in excess of 512 bits and which contain step-up digital rights can now be usedby Oracle Application Server. Such certificates are often called 128 bit certificates,even though the certificate itself typically contains a 1024 bit certificate. The VerisignSecure Site Pro is an example of such a certificate which can now be used by OracleApplication Server.

Global Server ID functionality is provided by default.

PKCS #11 SupportPublic-Key Cryptography Standards #11, or PKCS #11 for short, is a public keycryptography specification that outlines how systems use hardware security modules,

Chapter 10Implementing SSL


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which are basically "boxes" where cryptographic functions (encryption/decryption) areperformed and where encryption keys are stored.

Oracle HTTP Server supports the option of having dedicated SSL hardware throughnCipher. nCipher is a certified third-party accelerator that improves the performance ofthe PKI cryptography that SSL uses.

See Also:

• Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware


SSL and LoggingSSL and communication related debugging can be set using the SSLTraceLogLeveldirective. Here you can set different verbosity of log level according to yourlogging requirements. This directive generates SSL and communication logs. SeeSSLTraceLogLevel Directive.


SSL logs will work when Oracle HTTP Server logs is set for INFO or higherlevel.

Terminating SSL RequestsThe following sections describe how to terminate requests using SSL before or withinOracle HTTP Server, where the mod_wl_ohs module forwards requests to WebLogicServer. Whether you terminate SSL before the request reaches Oracle HTTP Serveror when the request is in the server, depends on your topology. A common reason toterminate SSL is for performance considerations when an internal network is otherwiseprotected with no risk of a third-party intercepting data within the communication.Another reason is when WebLogic Server is not configured to accept HTTPS requests.

This section includes the following topics:

• About Terminating SSL at the Load Balancer

• About Terminating SSL at Oracle HTTP Server

About Terminating SSL at the Load BalancerIf you are using another device such as a load balancer or a reverse proxy whichterminates requests using SSL before reaching Oracle HTTP Server, then you mustconfigure the server to treat the requests as if they were received through HTTPS. Theserver must also be configured to send HTTPS responses back to the client.

Figure 10-1 illustrates an example where the request transmitted from the browserthrough HTTPS to WebLogic Server. The load balancer terminates SSL and transmits

Chapter 10Implementing SSL


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the request as HTTP. Oracle HTTP Server must be configured to treat the request as ifit was received through HTTPS.

Figure 10-1 Terminating SSL Before Oracle HTTP Server

Terminating SSL at the Load BalancerTo instruct the Oracle HTTP Server to treat requests as if they were receivedthrough HTTPS, configure the httpd.conf file with the SimulateHttps directive in themod_certheaders module.

For more information on mod_certheaders module, see mod_certheaders Module—Enables Reverse Proxies.


This procedure is not necessary if SSL is configured on Oracle HTTP Server(that is, if you are directly accessing Oracle HTTP Server using HTTPS).

1. Configure the httpd.conf configuration file with the external name of the serverand its port number, for example:

ServerName <>

2. Configure the httpd.conf configuration file to load the mod_certheaders module,for example:

• On UNIX:

LoadModule certheaders_module libexec/

• On Windows:

LoadModule certheaders_module modules/ApacheModuleCertHeaders.dllAddModule mod_certheaders.c


Oracle recommends that the AddModule line should be included withother AddModule directives.

3. Configure the SimulateHttps directive at the bottom of the httpd.conf file to sendHTTPS responses back to the client, for example:

# For use with other load balancers and front-end devices:SimulateHttps On

Chapter 10Implementing SSL


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4. Restart Oracle HTTP Server and test access to the server. Especially, test whetheryou can access static pages such as https://host:port/index.html

Test your configuration as a basic setup. If you are having issues, then you shouldtroubleshoot from here to avoid overlapping with other potential issues, such aswith virtual hosting.

5. Ideally, you may want to configure a VirtualHost in the httpd.conf file to handleall HTTPS requests. This separates the HTTPS requests from the HTTP requestsas a more scalable approach. This may be more desirable in a multi-purpose siteor if a load balancer or other device is in front of Oracle HTTP Server which is alsohandling both HTTP and HTTPS requests.

The following sample instructions load the mod_certheaders module, then createsa virtual host to handle only HTTPS requests.

# Load correct module here or where other LoadModule lines exist:LoadModule certheaders_module libexec/ This only handles https requests: <VirtualHost <name>:<port> # Use name and port used in url: ServerName <> SimulateHttps On # The rest of your desired configuration for this VirtualHost goes here </VirtualHost>

6. Restart Oracle HTTP Server and test access to the server, First test a static pagesuch as https://host:port/index.html and then your test your application.

About Terminating SSL at Oracle HTTP ServerIf SSL is configured in Oracle HTTP Server but not on Oracle WebLogic Server, thenyou can terminate SSL for requests sent by Oracle HTTP Server.

The following figures illustrate request flows, showing where HTTPS stops. InFigure 10-2, an HTTPS request is sent from the browser. The load balancer transmitsthe HTTPS request to Oracle HTTP Server. SSL is terminated in Oracle HTTP Serverand the HTTP request is sent to WebLogic Server.

Figure 10-2 Terminating SSL at Oracle HTTP Server—With Load Balancer

In Figure 10-3 there is no load balancer and the HTTPS request is sent directly toOracle HTTP Server. Again, SSL is terminated in Oracle HTTP Server and the HTTPrequest is sent to WebLogic Server.

Chapter 10Implementing SSL


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Figure 10-3 Terminating SSL at Oracle HTTP Server—Without Load Balancer

Terminating SSL at Oracle HTTP ServerTo instruct the Oracle HTTP Server to treat requests as if they were received throughHTTPS, configure the WLSProxySSL directive in the mod_wl_ohs.conf file and ensurethat the SecureProxy directive is not configured.

1. Configure the mod_wl_ohs.conf file to add the WLSProxySSL directive for thelocation of your non-SSL configured managed servers.

For example:


2. If using a load balancer or other device in front of Oracle HTTP Server (whichis also using SSL), you might need to configure the WLProxySSLPassThroughdirective instead, depending on if it already sets WL-Proxy-SSL.

For example:

WLProxySSLPassThrough ON

For more information, see your load balancer documentation. For moreinformation on WLProxySSLPassThrough, see Parameters for Oracle WebLogicServer Proxy Plug-Ins in Using Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-Ins.

3. Ensure that the SecureProxy directive is not configured, as it will interfere with theintended communication between the components.

This directive is to be used only when SSL is used throughout. The SecureProxydirective is commented out in the following example:

# To configure SSL throughout (all the way to WLS):# SecureProxy ON# WLSSLWallet "<Path to Wallet>"

4. Enable the WebLogic Plug-In flag for your managed servers or cluster.

By default, this option is not enabled. Complete the following steps to enable theWebLogic Plug-In flag:

a. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

b. In the Domain Structure pane, expand the Environment node.

c. Click on Clusters.

d. Select the cluster to which you want to proxy requests from Oracle HTTPServer.

The Configuration: General tab appears.

e. Scroll down to the Advanced section, expand it.

f. Click Lock and Edit.

Chapter 10Implementing SSL


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g. Set the WebLogic Plug-In Enabled to yes.

h. Click Save and Activate the Changes.

i. Restart the servers for the changes to be effective.

5. Restart Oracle HTTP Server and test access to a Java application.

For example: https://host:port/path/application_name.

Using mod_securitymod_security is an open-source module that you can use to detect and preventintrusion attacks against Oracle HTTP Server.

An example of how you can use mod_security to prevent intrusion is by specifyinga mod_security rule to screen all incoming requests and deny requests that matchthe conditions specified in the rule. The mod_security module (version 2.7.2) and itsprerequisites are included in the Oracle HTTP Server installation as a shared objectnamed in the ORACLE_HOME/ohs/modules directory.

See Configuring the mod_security Module.

Using Trust FlagsTrust flags allow adequate roles to be assigned to certificates to facilitate operationslike certificate chain validation and path building. However, by default, wallets do notsupport trust flags.

You can use the orapki utility to maintain trust flags in the certificates installed in anOracle Wallet. You can create and convert wallets to support trust flags, create andmaintain appropriate flags in each certificate, and so on. For more information ontrust flags and instructions on how to incorporate them into your security strategy, seeCreating and Managing Trust Flags in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Enabling Perfect Forward Secrecy on Oracle HTTP ServerPerfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) is a feature of specific key agreement protocols thatgives assurance that your session keys will not be compromised even if the privatekey of the server is compromised.

In Apache, the SSLHonorCipherOrder directive is used. This directive is supported inOracle HTTP Server 12.2.1 and later.

Oracle HTTP Server out of the box configuration does not explicitly enable PerfectForward Secrecy feature. To enable PFS, do the following configuration changes in theOracle HTTP Server:

1. Configure TLS1.2 protocol for OHS server using SSLProtocol directive. SeeSSLProtocol Directive.

2. Enforce the ordering of server cipher suites by setting SSLHonorCipherOrder toON. See SSLHonorCipherOrder Directive.

3. Use ECC certificates in Oracle HTTP Server wallet. See Adding an ECCCertificate to Oracle Wallets with orapki in Administering Oracle FusionMiddleware.

Chapter 10Using mod_security


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4. Configure ECDHE_ECDSA Cipher Suites in OHS. For the list of supportedECDHE_ECDSA cipher suites, see SSLCipherSuite Directive.

Chapter 10Enabling Perfect Forward Secrecy on Oracle HTTP Server


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AOracle HTTP Server WLST CustomCommands

There are specific WLST Server commands for managing Oracle HTTP Server inWebLogic Server domains. Most are online commands, which require a connectionbetween WLST and Administration Server for the domain.

This appendix contains information on Oracle HTTP Server specific WLST commands:

• Getting Help on Oracle HTTP Server WLST Custom Commands

• Oracle HTTP Server Commands

Getting Help on Oracle HTTP Server WLST CustomCommands

Online help is available for Oracle HTTP Server WLST custom commands.

To get online help, enter help('manageohs') from the WLST command line and it willdisplay all the of the WLST custom commands for Oracle HTTP Server.

To get help for specific WLST custom commands, enterhelp('custom_command_name') from the WLST command line, for example:


Oracle HTTP Server CommandsUse the ohs_createInstance and ohs_deleteInstance commands to create anddelete Oracle HTTP Server instances instead of using the Configuration Wizard.These custom commands perform additional error checking and assign portsautomatically in the case of instance creation.

The WLST custom commands listed in Table A-1 manage Oracle HTTP Serverinstances in WebLogic Server domains.

Table A-1 Oracle HTTP Server Commands

Use this command... To... Use withWLST...

ohs_addAdminProperties Add the LogLevel property to Oracle HTTP ServerAdministration server property file.


ohs_addNMProperties Add a property to the Oracle HTTP Server NodeManager plug-in property file.


ohs_createInstance Create a new instance of Oracle HTTP Server. Online

ohs_deleteInstance Delete the specified Oracle HTTP Server instance. Online


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Table A-1 (Cont.) Oracle HTTP Server Commands

Use this command... To... Use withWLST...

ohs_exportKeyStore Exports the keyStore to the specified Oracle HTTPServer instance.


ohs_updateInstances Creates a keystore in the KSS database in the casewhere Oracle HTTP Server instances were createdusing Configuration Wizard.


ohs_addAdminPropertiesThe ohs_addAdminProperties command adds the LogLevel property to OracleHTTP Server Administration server property file (; LogLevelis the only parameter ohs_addAdminProperties currently supports. This command isavailable when WLST is connected to an Administration Server instance.

Use with WLST: Online


ohs_addAdminProperties(logLevel = 'value')

Argument Description

LogLevel The granularity of information written to the log. The default is INFO.The following other values are accepted:



This example creates a log file when log level is set to FINEST.

ohs_addAdminProperties(logLevel = 'FINEST')

ohs_addNMPropertiesUse with WLST: Online


The ohs_addNMProperties command adds a property to the Oracle HTTP ServerNode Manager plug-in property file ( This command is availablewhen WLST is connected to an Administration Server instance.


ohs_addNMProperties(logLevel = 'value', machine='node-manager-machine-name')

Appendix AOracle HTTP Server Commands


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Argument Description

LogLevel The granularity of information written to the log. The default is INFO;other values accepted are:


machineThe name of the machine on which Node Manage is running.


This example creates a log file with name ohs_nm.log under the path <domain_dir>/system_components/OHS with log level is set to FINEST on the target machine,my_NM_machine. The user need not restart Node Manager.

ohs_addNMProperties(logLevel = 'FINEST', machine = 'my_NM_machine')

ohs_createInstanceUse with WLST: Online


The ohs_createInstance command creates a new instance of Oracle HTTP Server,allowing critical configuration such as listening ports to be specified explicitly orassigned automatically.


ohs_createInstance(instanceName='xxx', machine='yyy', serverName='zzz', ...)

Argument Definition

instanceNameThe name of the managed instance being created.

machineThe existing machine entry for the instance. This name(often <hostName> is set during creation of theWebLogic Server Domain. If you forget the name, you cancheck $ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/config.xml and look for the<machine> block. Alternately, in WLST you can find the machine nameby running:


listenPort(Optional) The port number of the non-SSL server. If this value is notspecified, a port is automatically assigned. Listen ports typically beginat 7777 and go up from there.

Appendix AOracle HTTP Server Commands


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Argument Definition

sslPort(Optional) The port number of the SSL virtual host. If this value is notspecified, a port is automatically assigned. SSL ports typically start at4443 and go up from there.

adminPort(Optional) The port number used for communication with NodeManager. If this value is not specified, a port is automatically assigned.Administration ports typically begin at 9999 and go up from there.

serverName(Optional) The value of the ServerName directive of the non-SSLserver. If this value is not specified, the host name of the machine andthe listen port will be used to construct the value.


The following example creates an Oracle HTTP Server instance called ohs1 that runson the machine

ohs_createInstance(instanceName='ohs1', machine='')

ohs_deleteInstanceUse with WLST: Online


The ohs_deleteInstance command deletes a specified Oracle HTTP Server instance.The instance must be stopped before you can delete it. This command will return anerror if the instance is in the UNKNOWN or RUNNING state.



instanceName is the name of the Oracle HTTP Server instance.


The following example deletes the Oracle HTTP Server instance ohs1.


ohs_exportKeyStoreUse with WLST: Online


The ohs_exportKeyStore command exports the keystore to the specified Oracle HTTPServer instance location. This command is available when WLST is connected to anAdministration Server instance. For more information on how to use this command,see Exporting the Keystore to an Oracle HTTP Server Instance Using WLST.


ohs_exportKeyStore(keyStoreName='<keyStoreName>', instanceName = '<instanceName>')

Appendix AOracle HTTP Server Commands


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Argument Description

keyStoreName The name of the keystore.

instanceName The name of the Oracle HTTP Server instance.

Naming Conventions for Keystores

The keystore name (keyStoreName) must start with the string: <instanceName>_.

For example, presume that the keystore must be exported to an Oracle HTTP Serverinstance named ohs1. Then the names of all of the keystores that must be exported toohs1 must start with ohs1_.

If this syntax is not followed while creating the keystore, then the export of the keystoremight not be successful.


This example exports the keystore ohs1_myKeystore to the Oracle HTTP Serverinstance ohs1.

ohs_exportKeyStore(keyStoreName='ohs1_myKeystore', instanceName = 'ohs1')

ohs_updateInstancesUse with WLST: Online


The ohs_updateInstances command is available only when WLST is connected toan Administration Server instance. It will parse across all of the Oracle HTTP Serverinstances in the domain and perform the following tasks:

• Create a new keystore with the name <instanceName>_default if one does notexist.

• Put a demonstration certificate, demoCASignedCertificate, in the newly createdkeystore.

• Export the keystore to the instance location.

This command is to be used after an Oracle HTTP Server instance is created usingConfiguration Wizard in collocated mode only. See Associating Oracle HTTP ServerInstances With a Keystore Using WLST.



This command does not take any arguments.



Appendix AOracle HTTP Server Commands


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BMigrating to the mod_proxy_fcgi andmod_authnz_fcgi Modules

The mod_fastcgi module was deprecated in the previous release and has beenreplaced in the current release by the mod_proxy_fcgi and the mod_authnz_fcgimodules. You must complete certain tasks to migrate from the mod_fastcgi moduleto the mod_proxy_fcgi and mod_authnz_fcgi modules.

The mod_proxy_fcgi module uses mod_proxy to provide FastCGI support. Themod_authnz_fcgi module allows FastCGI authorizer applications to authenticate usersand authorize access to resources.

Complete the following tasks to migrate from the mod_fastcgi module to themod_proxy_fcgi and mod_authnz_fcgi modules:

• Task 1: Replace LoadModule Directives in htttpd.conf File

• Task 2: Delete mod_fastcgi Configuration Directives From the htttpd.conf File

• Task 3: Configure mod_proxy_fcgi to Act as a Reverse Proxy to an ExternalFastCGI Server

• Task 4: Setup an External FastCGI Server

• Task 5: Setup mod_authnz_fcgi to Work with FastCGI Authorizer Applications

Task 1: Replace LoadModule Directives in htttpd.conf FileTo update the LoadModule directives in the Oracle HTTP Server configuration file,httpd.conf open this file in an editor and replace the modulesmod_fastcgi andmod_fcgi with the modulesmod_proxy ,mod_proxy_fcgi , and mod_authnz_fcgi .

Edit the httpd.conf file to comment out the LoadModule lines for mod_fastcgiand mod_fcgi. Add LoadModule lines for mod_proxy, mod_proxy_fcgi, andmod_authnz_fcgi. For example:

# LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/ LoadModule fcgi_module modules/mod_fcgi.soLoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.soLoadModule proxy_fcgi_module modules/mod_proxy_fcgiLoadModule authnz_fcgi_module modules/mod_authnz_fcgi

Task 2: Delete mod_fastcgi Configuration Directives Fromthe htttpd.conf File

To migrate to the new modules provided by Oracle HTTP Server, you must deletethe configuration directives that belong to the deprecated module mod_fastcgi in thehttpd.conf file.

For more information on these directives, see Module mod_fastcgi.


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• FastCgiServer

• FastCgiConfig

• FastCgiExternalServer

• FastCgiIpcDir

• FastCgiWrapper

• FastCgiAuthenticator

• FastCgiAuthenticatorAuthoritative

• FastCgiAuthorizer

• FastCgiAuthorizerAuthoritative

• FastCgiAccessChecker

• FastCgiAccessCheckerAuthoritative

Task 3: Configure mod_proxy_fcgi to Act as a ReverseProxy to an External FastCGI Server

The mod_proxy_fcgi module does not have configuration directives. Instead, it usesthe directives set on the mod_proxy module. Unlike the mod_fcgid and mod_fastcgimodules, the mod_proxy_fcgi module has no provision for starting the applicationprocess. The purpose of mod_proxy_fcgi is to move this functionality outside of theweb server for faster performance. So, mod_proxy_fcgi simply will act as a reverseproxy to an external FastCGI server.

For examples of using mod_proxy_fcgi, see:

For information about the directives available for mod_proxy, including reverse proxyexamples, see:

Another way to setup the mod_proxy_fcgi module to act as a reverse proxy to aFastCGI server is to force a request to be handled as a reverse-proxy request. Todo this, you must create a suitable Handler pass-through (also known as Access viaHandler). For more information about how to set up a Handler pass-through, see:

Task 4: Setup an External FastCGI ServerAn external FastCGI server enables you to run FastCGI scripts external to the webserver or even on a remote machine. Therefore, you must set up an external FastCGIserver.

The following list provides information on some available FastCGI server solutions:

• fcgistarter, a utility for starting FastCGI programs. This solution is providedby Apache httpd 2.4. It only works on UNIX systems. See

Appendix BTask 3: Configure mod_proxy_fcgi to Act as a Reverse Proxy to an External FastCGI Server


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• PHP-FPM, an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation. This solution isincluded with PHP release 5.3.3 and later. See

• spawn-fcgi, a utility for spawning remote and local FastCGI processes. See

Task 5: Setup mod_authnz_fcgi to Work with FastCGIAuthorizer Applications

You can set up mod_authnz_fcgi module to work with FastCGI authorizer applicationsto authenticate users and authorize access to resources. It supports generic FastCGIauthorizers that participate in a single phase for authentication and authorization,and Apache httpd specific authenticators and authorizers. FastCGI authorizers canauthenticate using the user ID and password for basic authentication or authenticateusing arbitrary mechanisms.

For more information about using mod_authnz_fcgi, see

Appendix BTask 5: Setup mod_authnz_fcgi to Work with FastCGI Authorizer Applications


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CSetting CGIDScriptTimeout When Usingmod_cgid

Oracle HTTP Server includes mod_cgi and mod_cgid modules provided by Apache torun the CGI scripts.

When using a multi-threaded MPM on Unix, the mod_cgid module should be loadedinstead of the mod_cgi module for better performance and to avoid unnecessaryburden on the operating system due to forked multiple threads. The mod_cgid modulehas optimizations to improve the system performance in a multi-threaded environmentas compared to the mod_cgi module. See Apache Module mod_cgid.

By default, the mod_cgid module is loaded when using a multi-threaded MPM on Unix.To verify the configuration:

1. Open the httpd.conf file using the Advanced Server Configuration page in theFusion Middleware Control or a text editor.

2. In the LoadModule section, if mod_cgid is not configured already, add the followinglines to load the mod_cgid module:

<IfDefine OHS_MPM_EVENT> LoadModule cgid_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"</IfDefine>

<IfDefine OHS_MPM_WORKER> LoadModule cgid_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"</IfDefine>

The mod_cgid module supports the CGIDScriptTimeout directive that can be used tolimit the length of time to wait for more output from the CGI program.

CGIDScriptTimeout DirectiveThis directive limits the length of time to wait for more output from the CGI program.

If the time exceeds, the request and the CGI get terminated. It can be used to limitresource exhaustion due to the CGI scripts that stop communicating with the serverand can protect against both unintentional errors and malicious actions (for example,DoS attacks).

By default, mod_cgid uses the Timeout Directive to limit the length of time to wait forCGI output. This timeout can be overridden with the CGIDScriptTimeout directive. Thedefault value of CGIDScriptTimeout is the Timeout directive, when it is not set or set to0. To configure CGIDScriptTimeout:

1. Open the httpd.conf file using the Advanced Server Configuration page in theFusion Middleware Control or a text editor.


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2. Add the following lines for configuring the CGIDScriptTimeout directive:

<IfModule cgid_module> # # CGIDScriptTimeout: Limits the waiting time for output from the CGI program # Replace 20 with the actual timeout value to be set in seconds # CGIDScriptTimeout 20</IfModule>


Testing should be performed with your application to ensure the best results.The timeout value should be set based on the time required by your CGIprogram to send output back to OHS. The above configuration instructs OHSto wait for 20 seconds for output from the CGI program.

Appendix CCGIDScriptTimeout Directive


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DFrequently Asked Questions

This appendix provides answers to frequently asked questions about Oracle HTTPServer. It includes the following topics:

• How Do I Create Application-Specific Error Pages?

• What Type of Virtual Hosts Are Supported for HTTP and HTTPS?

• Can I Use Different Language and Character Set Versions of Document?

• Can I Apply Apache HTTP Server Security Patches to Oracle HTTP Server?

• Can I Upgrade the Apache HTTP Server Version of Oracle HTTP Server?

• Can I Compress Output From Oracle HTTP Server?

• How Do I Create a Namespace That Works Through Firewalls and Clusters?

• How Can I Enhance Website Security?

• Why is REDIRECT_ERROR_NOTES not set for "File Not Found" errors?

• How can I hide information about the Web Server Vendor and Version

• Can I Start Oracle HTTP Server by Using apachectl or Other Command Line Tool?

• How Do I Configure Oracle HTTP Server to Listen at Port 80?

• How Do I Terminate Requests Using SSL Within Oracle HTTP Server?

• How Do I Configure End-to-End SSL Within Oracle HTTP Server?

• Can Oracle HTTP Server Front-End Oracle WebLogic Server?

• What is the Difference Between Oracle WebLogic Server Domains andStandalone Domains?

• Can Oracle HTTP Server Cache the Response Data?

• How Do I Configure a Virtual Server-Specific Access Log?

• How to Enable SSL for Oracle HTTP Server by Using Fusion Middleware Control?

Documentation from the Apache Software Foundation is referenced when applicable.


Readers using this guide in PDF or hard copy formats will be unable toaccess third-party documentation, which Oracle provides in HTML formatonly. To access the third-party documentation referenced in this guide, usethe HTML version of this guide and click the hyperlinks.


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How Do I Create Application-Specific Error Pages?Oracle HTTP Server has a default content handler for dealing with errors. You can usethe ErrorDocument directive to override the defaults.

See Also:

Apache HTTP Server documentation on the ErrorDocument directive at:

What Type of Virtual Hosts Are Supported for HTTP andHTTPS?

(Apache 2.4 required)

For HTTP, Oracle HTTP Server supports both name-based and IP-based virtual hosts.Name-based virtual hosts are virtual hosts that share a common listening address (IPplus port combination), but route requests based on a match between the Host headersent by the client and the ServerName directive set within the VirtualHost. IP-basedvirtual hosts are virtual hosts that have distinct listening addresses. IP-based virtualhosts route requests based on the address they were received on.

For HTTPS, only IP-based virtual hosts are possible with Oracle HTTP Server. Thisis because for name-based virtual hosts, the request must be read and inspectedto determine which virtual host processes the request. If HTTPS is used, an SSLhandshake must be performed before the request can be read. To perform theSSL handshake, a server certificate must be provided. To have a meaningful servercertificate, the host name in the certificate must match the host name the clientrequested, which implies a unique server certificate per virtual host. However, becausethe server cannot know which virtual host to route the request to until it has read therequest, and it can't properly read the request unless it knows which server certificateto provide, there is no way to make name-based virtual hosting work with HTTPS.

Can I Use Different Language and Character Set Versionsof Document?

Yes, you can use multiviews, a general name given to the Apache HTTP Server'sability to provide language and character-specific document variants in response to arequest.

Appendix DHow Do I Create Application-Specific Error Pages?


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See Also:

Multiviews option in the Apache HTTP Server documentation on ContentNegotiation, at:

Can I Apply Apache HTTP Server Security Patches toOracle HTTP Server?

No, you cannot apply the Apache HTTP Server security patches to Oracle HTTPServer for the following reasons:

• Oracle tests and appropriately modifies security patches before releasing them toOracle HTTP Server users.

• In many cases, the Apache HTTP Server alerts, such as OpenSSL alerts, may notbe applicable because Oracle has removed those components from the stack.

The latest security related fixes to Oracle HTTP Server are performed through theOracle Critical Patch Update (CPU). See Oracle's Critical Patch Updates and SecurityAlerts Web page.


After applying a CPU, the Apache HTTP Server-based version may staythe same, but the vulnerability will be fixed. There are third-party securitydetection tools that can check the version, but do not check the vulnerabilityitself.

Can I Upgrade the Apache HTTP Server Version of OracleHTTP Server?

No, you cannot upgrade only the Apache HTTP Server version inside Oracle HTTPServer. Oracle provides a newer version of Apache HTTP Server that Oracle HTTPServer is based on, which is part of either a patch update or the next major or minorrelease of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Can I Compress Output From Oracle HTTP Server?In general, Oracle recommends using mod_deflate, which is included withOracle HTTP Server. For more information pertaining to mod_deflate, see

Appendix DCan I Apply Apache HTTP Server Security Patches to Oracle HTTP Server?


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How Do I Create a Namespace That Works ThroughFirewalls and Clusters?

The general idea is that all servers in a distributed website should use a single URLnamespace. Every server serves some part of that namespace, and can redirect orproxy requests for URLs that it does not serve to a server that is closer to that URL.For example, your namespaces could be the following:


You could initially map these name spaces to two Web servers by putting app1on server1 and app2 on server2. The configuration for server1 might look like thefollowing:

Redirect permanent /app2 http://server2/app2Alias /app1 /myApps/application1<Directory /myApps/application1> ...</Directory>

The configuration for Server2 is complementary.

If you decide to partition the namespace by content type (HTML on server1, and JSPon server2), then you can change server configuration and move files around, but youdo not have to make changes to the application itself. The resulting configuration ofserver1 might look like the following:

RedirectMatch permanent (.*) \.jsp$ http://server2/$1.jspAliasMatch ^/app(.*) \.html$ /myPages/application$1.html<DirectoryMatch "^/myPages/application\d"> ...</DirectoryMatch>

The amount of actual redirection can be minimized by configuring a hardware loadbalancer like F5 system BIG-IP to send requests to server1 or server2 based on theURL.

How Can I Enhance Website Security?The following are some general guidelines for securing your web site.

• Use a commercial firewall between your ISP and your Web server.

• Use switched Ethernet to limit the amount of traffic a compromised server candetect. Use additional firewalls between Web server machines and highly sensitiveinternal servers running the database and enterprise applications.

• Remove unnecessary network services such as RPC, Finger, and telnet from yourserver.

Appendix DHow Do I Create a Namespace That Works Through Firewalls and Clusters?


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• Always validate all input from Web forms and output from your applications. Besure to validate encodings, long input strings and input that contains non-printablecharacters, HTML tags, or javascript tags.

• Encrypt the contents of cookies when it is relevant.

• Check often for security patches for all your system and application software, andinstall them as soon as possible. Only accept patches from Oracle or your Oraclesupport representative.

• When it is relevant, use an intrusion detection package to monitor for defaced Webpages, viruses, and presence of rootkits. If possible, mount system executablesand Web content on read-only file systems.

• Consider using Pen testing or other relevant security testing on your application.Consider configuring web security using the appropriate custom mod_securityrules to protect your application. For more information on mod_security, seeConfiguring the mod_security Module and Using mod_security.

• Remove unneeded content from the httpd.conf file.See Removing Access toUnneeded Content.

• Take precautions to protect your web pages from clickjacking attempts. Thereis a lot of helpful information available on the internet. For more information onclickjacking, see the Security Best Practices section in "Security Vulnerability FAQfor Oracle Database and Fusion Middleware Products (Doc ID 1074055.1)".

Why is REDIRECT_ERROR_NOTES not set for "File NotFound" errors?

The REDIRECT_ERROR_NOTES CGI environment variable is not set for "File NotFound" errors in Oracle HTTP Server because compatibility with Apache HTTP Serverdoes not make that information available to CGI and other applications for thiscondition.

How can I hide information about the Web Server Vendorand Version

Specify ServerSignature Off to remove this information from web server generatedresponses. Specify ServerTokens Custom some-server-string to disguise the webserver software when Oracle HTTP Server generates the web Server responseheader. (When a backend server generates the response, the server response headermay come from the backend server depending on the proxy mechanism.)


ServerTokens Custom some-server-string is a replacement for theServerHeader Off setting in Oracle HTTP Server 10g.

Appendix DWhy is REDIRECT_ERROR_NOTES not set for "File Not Found" errors?


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Can I Start Oracle HTTP Server by Using apachectl or OtherCommand Line Tool?

Oracle HTTP Server process management is handled by Node Manager. You can usethe startComponent command to start Oracle HTTP Server without using WLST orFusion Middleware Control directly. See Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances fromthe Command Line.

How Do I Configure Oracle HTTP Server to Listen at Port80?

By default, Oracle HTTP Server is not able to bind to ports on UNIX in the reservedrange (typically less than 1024). You can enable Oracle HTTP Server to listen ona port in the reserved range (for example, the default port 80) by following theinstructions in Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances on a Privileged Port (UNIXOnly).

How Do I Terminate Requests Using SSL Within OracleHTTP Server?

You can terminate requests using SSL before or within Oracle HTTP Server, wherethe mod_wl_ohs module forwards requests to WebLogic Server. Whether you terminateSSL before the request reaches Oracle HTTP Server or when the request is in theserver, depends on your topology. See Terminating SSL at the Load Balancer andTerminating SSL at Oracle HTTP Server.

How Do I Configure End-to-End SSL Within Oracle HTTPServer?

Support for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is provided by the Oracle WebLogic ServerProxy Plug-In. You can use the SSL protocol to protect the connection between theplug-in and Oracle WebLogic Server. The SSL protocol provides confidentiality andintegrity to the data passed between the plug-in and WebLogic Server. See Use SSLwith Plug-Ins in Using Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-Ins for information onsetting up SSL libraries and for setting up one-way or two-way SSL communicationsbetween the web server and Oracle WebLogic Server.

If you will be configuring SSL in Oracle HTTP Server but not on Oracle WebLogicServer, then you can terminate SSL for requests sent by Oracle HTTP Server. Forinformation on configuring this scenario, see Terminating SSL at Oracle HTTP Server.

Appendix DCan I Start Oracle HTTP Server by Using apachectl or Other Command Line Tool?


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Can Oracle HTTP Server Front-End Oracle WebLogicServer?

Oracle HTTP Server is the web server component for Oracle Fusion Middleware. Theserver uses the WebLogic Management Framework to provide a simple, consistentand distributed environment for administering Oracle HTTP Server, Oracle WebLogicServer, and the rest of the Fusion Middleware stack. It acts as the HTTP front-end byhosting the static content from within and by using its built-in Oracle WebLogic ServerProxy Plug-In (mod_wl_ohs module) to route dynamic content requests to WebLogic-managed servers.

For information about the topologies you into which you can install Oracle HTTPServer, see Oracle HTTP Server Topologies.

What is the Difference Between Oracle WebLogic ServerDomains and Standalone Domains?

Oracle HTTP Server can be installed in either a standalone, a Full-JRF, or aRestricted-JRF domain. A standalone domain is a container for system components,such as Oracle HTTP Server. It is ideal for a DMZ environment because it hasthe least overhead. A standalone domain has a directory structure similar to anOracle WebLogic Server Domain, but it does not contain an Administration Server, orManaged Servers, or any management support. It can contain one or more instancesof system components of the same type, such as Oracle HTTP Server, or a mix ofsystem component types.

WebLogic Server Domains support all WebLogic Management Framework tools.An Oracle WebLogic Server domain can be either Full-JRF or Restricted JRF. AWebLogic Server Domain in Full-JRF mode contains a WebLogic AdministrationServer, zero or more WebLogic Managed Servers, and zero or more SystemComponent Instances (for example, an Oracle HTTP Server instance). This type ofdomain provides enhanced management capabilities through the Fusion MiddlewareControl and WebLogic Management Framework present throughout the system. AWebLogic Server Domain can span multiple physical machines, and it is centrallymanaged by the administration server. Because of these properties, a WebLogicServer Domain provides the best integration between your System Components andJava EE Components.

The purpose of the Restricted-JRF domain is to simplify Oracle HTTP Serveradministration by using the WebLogic server domain. A Restricted-JRF OracleWebLogic Server domain is similar to a Full-JRF domain except that a connectionto an external database is not required. All of the Oracle HTTP Server functionalitythrough Fusion MiddleWare Control and WLST is still available, with the exception ofcross component wiring.

For more details on each of these domains, see Domain Types.

Can Oracle HTTP Server Cache the Response Data?Oracle HTTP Server now includes the Apache mod_cache and mod_cache_diskmodules to cache response data.

Appendix DCan Oracle HTTP Server Front-End Oracle WebLogic Server?


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For more information, on mod_cache and mod_cache_disk, see mod_cache in theApache documentation:

How Do I Configure a Virtual Server-Specific Access Log?Within every VirtualHost directive, you can use the Apache LogFormat and CustomLogdirectives to configure Virtual Host-specific access log format and log files. SeeLogFormat and CustomLog.

How to Enable SSL for Oracle HTTP Server by UsingFusion Middleware Control?

You can enable SSL for Oracle HTTP Server using Fusion Middleware control.

The steps mentioned in this section is applicable to Oracle HTTP Server - Version12. and later.

Complete the following steps to enable SSL for Oracle HTTP Server using FusionMiddleware control:

• Start Node Manager and Admin Server

• Create Keystore

• Generate Keypair

• Generate CSR for a Certificate

• Import the Trusted Certificate

• Import the Trusted Certificate to WebLogic Domain

• Import the User Certificate

• Export Keystore to Wallet

Start Node Manager and Admin Server1. Start the Node Manager in the collocated ORACLE_HOME.


2. Start the Admin Server in the collocated ORACLE_HOME.


3. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control with the Weblogic user name and password.

For example, http://host.domain:7001/em.

Create Keystore1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

2. Go to Domain, click Security, and then click Keystore.

Appendix DHow Do I Configure a Virtual Server-Specific Access Log?


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The Keystore page appears.

3. Click Create Keystore.

The Create Keystore dialog box appears.

4. In this dialog box, enter the following data:

• Keystore Name: Enter a unique name. For example, Test.

• Protection Type: Choose Policy.

A new keystore is created with the name _Test, that is, ohs1_Test.Once the keystore is created, select the new keystore ohs1_Test, and then clickManage to perform all other steps

Generate KeypairTo generate a certificate with an associated keypair:

1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

2. From the navigation pane, locate the domain of interest.

3. Navigate to Security, then Keystore.

The Keystore page appears.

4. Expand the stripe in which the keystore resides. Select the row corresponding tothe keystore.

5. Click Manage.

The Manage Certificates page appears.

6. Click Generate Keypair.

The Generate Keypair dialog appears.

7. Enter the details, and the click OK.

The new certificate appears in the list of certificates. You can view the certificatedetails by clicking on the certificate alias.

The generated keypair is wrapped in a CA signed certificate. To use this certificate forSSL or where trust needs to be established, applications must either use the domaintrust store as their trust store or import the certificate to a custom application-specifictrust store.

Generate CSR for a Certificate To generate a CSR for a certificate or trusted certificate:

1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

2. From the navigation pane, locate the domain of interest.

3. Navigate to Security, and then Keystore.

The Keystore page appears.

4. Expand the stripe in which the keystore resides. Select the row corresponding tothe keystore.

5. Click Manage.

The Manage Certificates page appears.

Appendix DHow to Enable SSL for Oracle HTTP Server by Using Fusion Middleware Control?


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6. Select the row corresponding to the new keypair and click Generate CSR.

The Generate CSR dialog appears.

7. Copy and paste the entire CSR into a text file, and click Close.

Alternatively, you can click Export CSR to automatically save the CSR to a file.

You can send the resulting certificate request to a certificate authority (CA) which willreturn a signed certificate.

Import the Trusted CertificateTo import a certificate into a password-protected keystore.

1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

2. From the navigation pane, locate Oracle HTTP Server.

3. Navigate to Security, and then Keystore.

The Keystore page appears.

4. Expand the stripe in which the keystore resides. Select the keystore from whichthe CSR was generated.

5. Click Manage.

The Manage Certificates page appears.

6. Click Import.

The Import Certificate dialog appears.

7. In the Certificate Type, select Trusted Certificate.

8. In Alias, enter a name for the Alias.

9. In Certificate Source, either paste the content of the trusted certificate in PasteCertificate String here text box or select a trusted certificate file.

10. Click OK.

Repeat these steps for any other trusted CA certificates in the chain.

The imported trusted certificate appears in the list of certificates.

Import the Trusted Certificate to WebLogic DomainYou also need to import root CA certificate and any other Trusted CA Certificates toWebLogic "system" stripe under trust keystore.

1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

2. From the navigation pane, locate WebLogic domain.

3. Navigate to Security, and then Keystore.

The Keystore page appears.

4. Expand the stripe in which the keystore resides. Select the keystore from whichthe CSR was generated.

5. Click Manage.

The Manage Certificates page appears.

6. Click Import.

Appendix DHow to Enable SSL for Oracle HTTP Server by Using Fusion Middleware Control?


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The Import Certificate dialog appears.

7. In the Certificate Type, select Trusted Certificate.

8. In Alias, enter a name for the Alias.

9. In Certificate Source, either paste the content of the trusted certificate in PasteCertificate String here text box or select a trusted certificate file.

10. Click OK.

Repeat these steps for any other trusted CA certificates in the chain.

The imported trusted certificate appears in the list of certificates.

If you miss this step, then trying to export keystore to wallet fails with the followingerror message:

Error "Failed to export keystore to wallet. Error message: null"While Trying to Export Keystore to Wallet

See Note: 2140257.1

Import the User Certificate

1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

2. From the navigation pane, locate Oracle HTTP Server.

3. Navigate to Security, and then Keystore.

The Keystore page appears.

4. Expand the stripe in which the keystore resides. Select the keystore from whichthe CSR was generated.

5. Click Manage.

The Manage Certificates page appears.

6. Click Import.

The Import Certificate dialog appears.

7. In the Certificate Type, select Certificate.

8. In Alias, enter a name for the Alias.

9. In Certificate Source, either paste the content of the user certificate in PasteCertificate String here text box or select a user certificate file.

10. Click OK.

The imported user certificate appears in the list of certificates.

Export Keystore to Wallet1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

2. From the navigation pane, locate Oracle HTTP Server.

3. Navigate to Security, and then Keystore.

The Keystore page appears.

Appendix DHow to Enable SSL for Oracle HTTP Server by Using Fusion Middleware Control?


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4. Expand the stripe in which the keystore resides. Select the keystore from whichthe CSR was generated.

5. Click Manage.

The Manage Certificates page appears.

6. Click Import.

The Import Certificate dialog appears.

7. Click Export Keystore to Wallet.

You get an auto login wallet, cwallet.sso, that does not need a password. This autologin enabled wallet is also associated with a PKCS#12 wallet (ewallet.p12).

Enable SSL1. Navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server home page.

2. Select Administration from the Oracle HTTP Server menu.

3. Select Virtual Hosts from the Administration menu.

4. Highlight an existing virtual host in the table

5. Click Configure.

6. Select SSL Configuration.

7. Check the Enable SSL box.

8. Select a wallet from the drop-down list.

Here, select the path to Test wallet.

9. Click OK to apply the changes.

10. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server instance by navigating to Oracle HTTP Server,then Control, then Restart.

11. Open a browser session and connect to the port number that was SSL-enabled.

Appendix DHow to Enable SSL for Oracle HTTP Server by Using Fusion Middleware Control?


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ETroubleshooting Oracle HTTP Server

You can get help to troubleshoot some of the common problems that you mightencounter when using Oracle HTTP Server.

• Oracle HTTP Server Fails to Start Due to Port Conflict

• System Overloaded by Number of httpd Processes

• Permission Denied When Starting Oracle HTTP Server On a Port Below 1024

• Using Log Files to Locate Errors

• Recovering an Oracle HTTP Server Instance on a Remote Host

• Oracle HTTP Server Performance Issues

• Out of DMS Shared Memory

• Oracle HTTP Server Fails to Start When mod_security is Enabled on RHEL orOracle Linux 7

• Oracle HTTP Server Fails to Start due to Certificates Signed Using the MD5Algorithm

• Node Manager Logs Don't Show Clear Message When a Component Fails to Start

Oracle HTTP Server Fails to Start Due to Port ConflictIf Oracle HTTP Server cannot start due to a port conflict, a message containing thestring [VirtualHost: main] (98)Address already in use is generated. This errorcondition occurs if the listen port configured for Oracle HTTP Server is the same asthe one in use by another process.

The generated message may look like the following:

[VirtualHost: main] (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:7777


Determine what process is already using that port, and then either change the IP:portaddress of Oracle HTTP Server or the port of the conflicting process.


If the Oracle HTTP Server instance was created with the config Wizard, thereis no automated port management. It is possible to create multiple instancesusing the same Listen port.


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System Overloaded by Number of httpd ProcessesWhen the system is overloaded by too many httpd processes, there are insufficientresources for normal processing. This slows down the response time. You can lowerthe value of MaxRequestWorkers to a value the machine can accommodate.

When too many httpd processes run on a system, the response time degradesbecause there are insufficient resources for normal processing.


Lower the value of MaxRequestWorkers to a value the machine can accommodate.

Permission Denied When Starting Oracle HTTP Server On aPort Below 1024

If you try to start Oracle HTTP Server on a port below 1024, a message containingthe string [VirtualHost: main] (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could notbind to address [::]:443 is generated. This error condition occurs because rootprivileges are needed to bind these ports.

The generated message may look like the following:

[VirtualHost: main] (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443

Oracle HTTP Server will not start on ports below 1024 because root privileges areneeded to bind these ports.


Follow the steps in Starting Oracle HTTP Server Instances on a Privileged Port (UNIXOnly) to start Oracle HTTP Server on a Privileged Port.

Using Log Files to Locate ErrorsThere are three types of log files that help you locate errors, namely, rewrite, script,and error.

The log files are explained in the following sections:

• Rewrite Log

• Script Log

• Error Log

Rewrite LogThis log file is necessary for debugging when mod_rewrite is used. The log fileproduces a detailed analysis of how the rewriting engine transforms requests. Thevalue of the LogLevel directive controls the level of detail.

Appendix ESystem Overloaded by Number of httpd Processes


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Script LogThis log file enables you to record the input to and output from the CGI scripts. Thisshould only be used in testing, and not for production servers.

See Also:

ScriptLog in the Apache HTTP Server documentation at:

Error LogThis log file records overall server problems. Refer to Managing Oracle HTTP ServerLogs for details on configuring and viewing error logs.

Recovering an Oracle HTTP Server Instance on a RemoteHost

To recover an Oracle HTTP Server instance on a remote host, you must use tar anduntar; and do not work in this scenario.

If you need to recover an Oracle HTTP Server instance that is installed on a remotehost (that is, a host with just managed servers but no Administration Server), you mustuse tar and untar; and do not work in this scenario.

Oracle HTTP Server Performance IssuesYou might encounter performance issues when running Oracle HTTP Server. Thedocumentation includes several topics to explain such performance related problems.

• Special Runtime Files Reside on a Network File System

• UNIX Sockets on a Network File System

• DocumentRoot on a Slow File System

• Instances Created on Shared File Systems

Special Runtime Files Reside on a Network File SystemOracle HTTP Server uses locks for its internal processing, which in turn use lock files.These files are created dynamically when the lock is created and are accessed everytime the lock is taken or released. If these files reside on a slower file system (forexample, network file system), then there could be severe performance degradation.To counter this issue:

On Linux:

Appendix ERecovering an Oracle HTTP Server Instance on a Remote Host


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In httpd.conf, change Mutex fnctl:fileloc default to Mutex sysvsem default wherefileloc is the value of the directive LockFile (two places).

On Solaris:

In httpd.conf, change Mutex fnctl:fileloc default to Mutex pthread defaultwhere fileloc is the value of the directive LockFile (two places).

UNIX Sockets on a Network File SystemThe mod_cgid module is not enabled by default. If enabled, this module uses UNIXsockets internally. If UNIX sockets reside on a slower file system (for example, networkfile system), a severe performance degradation could be observed. You can set thefollowing directive to avoid the issue:

• If mod_cgid is enabled, use the ScriptSock directive to place mod_cgid's UNIXsocket on a local filesystem.

DocumentRoot on a Slow File SystemIf you are using mod_wl_ohs to route the requests to back-end WLS server/cluster,and the DocumentRoot is on a slower file system (for example, network file system),then every request that mod_wl_ohs routes to the backend server can experienceperformance issues. This can be overcome by setting WLSRequest to ON instead ofSetHandler weblogic-handler.

Instances Created on Shared File SystemsIf you encounter functional or performance issues when creating an Oracle HTTPServer instance on a shared file system, including NFS (Network File System), it mightbe due to file system accesses in the default configuration. In this case, you mustupdate the httpd.conf file specific to your operating systems. See Updating OracleHTTP Server Component Configurations on a Shared File System.

Out of DMS Shared MemoryWhen there is an incorrect calculation of the required shared memory for Oracle HTTPServer DMS, error logs are displayed. These problems can be resolved by settingthe DMS shared memory directive to a value larger than the default value of 4096 orcontinuing to set the directive 50% higher until the problem is resolved.

An error log containing the string dms_fail_shm_expansion: out of DMS sharedmemory in pid XXX, disabling DMS; increase DMSProcSharedMem directive fromYYY is displayed when an incorrect calculation of required shared memory for OracleHTTP Server DMS. This can be resolved by setting DMSProcSharedMem to a largervalue than the default value of 4096. In some extreme configurations, you might seethe following message in the Oracle HTTP Server error log:

dms_fail_shm_expansion: out of DMS shared memory in pid XXX, disabling DMS; increase DMSProcSharedMem directive from YYY

This is because of an incorrect calculation of required shared memory for OracleHTTP Server DMS. This can be resolved by setting DMSProcSharedMem to a largervalue than the default of 4096. Continue setting DMSProcSharedMem 50% higher until

Appendix EOut of DMS Shared Memory


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the problem is resolved. The minimum value for DMSProcSharedMem is 256 and themaximum value is 65536.

In a configuration with a very large number of virtual hosts (hundreds or thousands),if the above workaround does not work, you can instead, set the environment variableOHS_DMS_BLOCKSIZE to a large enough value that Oracle HTTP Server starts withouterror. The value of this variable is in kilobytes and a value of 524288 is a good startingpoint. If the error persists, continue to increase the value by 50% until Oracle HTTPServer starts without error.

Oracle HTTP Server Fails to Start When mod_security isEnabled on RHEL or Oracle Linux 7

If mod_security is configured in Oracle HTTP Server in Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL) or Oracle Linux (OL) 7, Oracle HTTP Server fails to start. This error conditionoccurs because there is no symbolic link /lib64/

The generated error looks like the following: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


1. Log in as a root user.

2. To create a symbolic link, /lib64/, run the following command:

cd /lib64 ln -s

3. Verify the symlink as follows:

ls -al *liblzma*

4. Exit root.

5. Start Oracle HTTP Server.

For example, ohs1, where ohs1 is the Oracle HTTP Serverinstance you want to start.

Oracle HTTP Server Fails to Start due to Certificates SignedUsing the MD5 Algorithm

If Oracle HTTP Server cannot start due to the server wallet containing a certificatesigned with the Message Digest 5 (MD5) algorithm, you can replace the MD5certificate with a Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (SHA-2) certificate.

Oracle HTTP Server fails to start if the Oracle HTTP Server wallet contains acertificate or certificate request that is signed with the Message Digest 5 (MD5)algorithm.

• Solution: Replace the MD5 certificate with a Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (SHA-2)certificate.

Appendix EOracle HTTP Server Fails to Start When mod_security is Enabled on RHEL or Oracle Linux 7


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• Workaround: To enable MD5 supported certificate, set theORACLE_SSL_ALLOW_MD5_CERT_SIGNATURES environment variable in file to 1.

To set the environment variable in Oracle HTTP Server, see Environment VariableConfiguration Properties.

Node Manager Logs Don't Show Clear Message When aComponent Fails to Start

When an Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) component fails to start, the following errors areseen in ORACLE_INSTANCE/servers/COMPONENT_NAME/logs/COMPONENT_NAME.log:

[OHS] [INCIDENT_ERROR:20] [AH00480] [mpm_event] [host_id: xxx] [host_addr: xxx] [pid: xxx] [tid:xxxx] [user: xxx] [VirtualHost: main] (11)Resourcetemporarily unavailable: AH00480: apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

This can be caused due to lack of Virtual Memory or a limit has been placed on theOHS for the number of processes it can run.


1. Check and increase the Virtual memory on the host or check the local processlimits and open file descriptor limit for the user.For example, on Linux, check the user limits using the command ulimit -a andalso check the /etc/security/limits.conf file for any system-wide user limits.

To increase process limit, use the following command on Linux:

$ ulimit -u xxxx

To increase open files : file descriptors limit, use the following command on Linux:

$ ulimit -n xxxxx

2. Kill the processes that are not required and start the OHS.

Appendix ENode Manager Logs Don't Show Clear Message When a Component Fails to Start


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FConfiguration Files

Oracle HTTP Server contains configuration files that specify several properties, suchas the top-level web server configuration, listen ports, the administration port, the SSLconfiguration, the plug-ins, keystores, log files, and more.

File Format Description

httpd.conf Apache HTTP Server .conf fileformat

Top-level web server configurationfile

Primary feature configured: Various,including non-SSL listening socket

ssl.conf Apache HTTP Server .conf fileformat

Web server configuration file forSSL

Primary feature configured:mod_ossl

admin.conf Apache HTTP Server .conf fileformat

Web server configuration file foradministration port. Only the listenport and local address are intendedfor customer configuration.

Primary feature configured:mod_dms; administration port usedfor communication with NodeManager

mod_wl_ohs.conf Apache HTTP Server .conf fileformat

Web server configuration file forWebLogic plugin

Primary feature configured:WebLogic plugin (mod_wl_ohs)

mime.types mod_mime file format Web server configuration file formod_mime

Primary feature configured: Mimetypes used by mod_mime

Java property file format Configuration file for Oracle HTTPServer Node Manager plug-ins

Primary feature configured: OracleHTTP Server plug-ins

magic mod_mime_magic file format Optional, disabled webserver configuration file formod_mime_magic

Primary feature configured: Filecontent patterns used bymod_mime_magic


Oracle wallet format Oracle wallet

Primary feature configured: Oraclewallets for SSL/TLS communication


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File Format Description

auditconfig.xml FMW audit framework auditconfiguration XML format

Configuration of Oracle HTTPServer auditing and logging

Primary feature configured:FMWaudit framework auditing of OracleHTTP Server operations

component-logs.xml FMW log file configuration XMLformat

Configuration of Oracle HTTPServer log files for log collection

Primary feature configured: Logcollection


FMW audit framework componentevent XML format

Static configuration of Oracle HTTPServer audit event definitions

Primary feature configured: FMWaudit framework

For additional information, see the following documentation:

• Understanding Configuration Files

• Apache HTTP Server .conf file format:

• mod_mime file format:

• mod_mime_magic file format:

Appendix F


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GProperty Files

Oracle HTTP Server instances can be configured usingproperty files such,,

This appendix documents the property files used by Oracle HTTP Server. The filesinclude:

• ohs_addAdminProperties

• File

• File

ohs_addAdminPropertiesThe ohs_addAdminProperties command adds the LogLevel property to OracleHTTP Server Administration server property file (; LogLevelis the only parameter ohs_addAdminProperties currently supports. This command isavailable when WLST is connected to an Administration Server instance.

Use with WLST: Online


ohs_addAdminProperties(logLevel = 'value')

Argument Description

LogLevel The granularity of information written to the log. The default is INFO.The following other values are accepted:



This example creates a log file when log level is set to FINEST.

ohs_addAdminProperties(logLevel = 'FINEST')


Administering Oracle HTTP Server· 2020. 2. 17.· mod_webgate Module—Enables Single Sign-on 2-4 mod_wl_ohs Module—Proxies Requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 2-4 Apache HTTP - [PDF Document] (190) FileThe file is a per domain file used to configure the Oracle HTTPServer plug-in.

File path: DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/

Property Description

LogLevel The log level for the OHS undemanding plug-in.

Accepted values:

• SEVERE (highest value)• WARNING• INFO• CONFIG• FINE• FINER• FINEST (lowest value)Default: INFO FileAn file exists for each configured Oracle HTTPServer instance. This file contains parameters for configuring Oracle HTTP Serverprocess management.

File path: DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/instance_name/

This section contains the following information:

• Cross-platform Properties

• Environment Variable Configuration Properties

• Properties Specific to Oracle HTTP Server Instances Running on Linux and UNIX

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Any paths placed in Windows implementations that include backslashes must havethose backslashes escaped.

You must do this manually after upgrading from Oracle HTTP Server11g where paths with backslashes were migrated from opmn.xml

For example:

environment.TMP = C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\1

Must be modified manually to:

environment.TMP = C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\1

Cross-platform PropertiesYou can configure cross-platform properties for Oracle HTTP Server instances such asconfig-file, command-line, and more.

The following table lists the cross-platform properties:

Property Description

config-file The base filename of the initial Oracle HTTP Server configuration file.

config-file accepts any valid .conf file in the instanceconfiguration directory.

Caution: The specified .conf file must include admin.conf in the samemanner as the default httpd.conf.

Default: httpd.conf

command-line Extra arguments to add to the httpd invocation.

command-line accepts any valid httpd command-line parameters.

Caution: These must not conflict with the usual start, stop, and restartparameters. Using -D and symbol is the expected use of this property.

Default: None

start-timeout The maximum number of seconds to wait for Oracle HTTP Server tostart and initialize.

start-timeout accepts any numeric value from 5 to 3600.

Default: 120

stop-timeout The maximum number of seconds to wait for the Oracle HTTP Server toterminate.

stop-timeout accepts any numeric value from 5 to 3600.

Default: 60

restart-timeout The maximum number of seconds to wait for the Oracle HTTP Server torestart.

restart-timeout accepts any numeric value from 5 to 3600.

Default: 180

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Property Description

ping-interval The number of seconds from the completion of one health check ping tothe Oracle HTTP Server until the start of the next. A value of 0 disablespings.

ping-interval accepts any numeric value from 0 to 3600.

Default: 30

ping-timeout The maximum number of seconds to wait for an Oracle HTTP Serverhealth check ping to complete.

ping-tmeout accepts any numeric value from 5 to 3600.

Default: 60

nm-wallet Full path to Node Manager wallet. This wallet contains trustedcertificates which are used by Node Manager to establish SSLcommunication over OHS admin port.

If the absolute path of the wallet is not configured, the default lookupdirectory is set to INSTANCE_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/COMPONENT_TYPE/instances/COMPONENT_NAME/keystores/.

Default: INSTANCE_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/COMPONENT_TYPE/instances/COMPONENT_NAME/keystores/default


config-file = httpd.confcommand-line = -DSYMBOLstart-timeout = 120stop-timeout = 60restart-timeout = 180ping-interval = 30ping-timeout = 60nm-wallet = <path to wallet directory>

Environment Variable Configuration PropertiesYou can specify additional environment variables for the Oracle HTTP Server usingenvironment properties such as SHELL, LANG, INSTANCE_NAME, and more.

The environment property syntax is:

environment[.append][.<order>].<name> = <value>


• The optional .append will append the new <value> to any existing value for<name>. If <name> has not yet been defined, then <value> will be the new value.

• The optional .<order> value sets order for this definition's setting in theenvironment (the default is 0). The order determines when the configured variableis added to the process' environment (and its value evaluated). Environmentproperties with lower order values are processed before those with higher ordervalues. The order value must be an integer with a value greater than or equal to 0.

• <name> is the environment variable name, which must begin with a letter orunderscore, and consist of letters, numeric digits or underscores.

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• <value> is the value of environment variable <name>. The value can referenceother environment variable names, including its own.

The following special references may be included in the value:

– "$:" for the path separator

– "$/" for the file separator

– "$$" for '$'

With the exception of these special characters, UNIX variable syntax references("$name" or "${name}") and the Windows variable syntax reference ("%name%") aresupported.

Each property name within the same property file must be unique (the behavior is notdefined for multiple properties defined with the same name), thus the .<order> field isnecessary to keep property names unique when multiple definitions are provided forthe same environment variable <name>.

The following environment variables are set by the Oracle HTTP Server plug-in:

• SHELL: From 's environment, or defaults to /bin/sh, or cmd.exe for Windows

• ORA_NLS33: Set to $ORACLE_HOME/nls/data

• NLS_LANG: From 's environment, otherwise default

• LANG: From 's environment, otherwise default

• LC_ALL: From 's environment, if set

• TZ: From 's environment, if set

• ORACLE_HOME: Full path to the Oracle home

• ORACLE_INSTANCE: Full path to the domain home

• INSTANCE_NAME: The name of the domain

• PRODUCT_HOME: The path to the Oracle HTTP Serverinstall: $ORACLE_HOME/ohs

• PATH: Defaults to

– On UNIX:



– On Windows:



These variables apply to UNIX only:

• TNS_ADMIN: From 's environment, or $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin




These variables apply to Windows only:

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• ComSpec: Defaults to %ComSpec% value from the system.

• SystemRoot: Defaults to %SystemRoot% value from the system.

• SystemDrive: Defaults to %SystemDrive% value from the system.


On a UNIX like system with the web tier installed as /oracle and the environmentvariable "MODX_RUNTIME=special" set in the NodeManager's environment, thefollowing definitions:

environment.MODX_RUNTIME = $MODX_RUNTIMEenvironment.1.MODX_ENV = Value Aenvironment.1.MODX_PATH = $PATH$:/opt/modx/binenvironment.2.MODX_ENV = ${MODX_ENV}, Value Benvironment.append.2.MODX_PATH = /var/modx/binMODX_ENV = Value A, Value BMODX_PATH = /oracle/ohs/bin:/oracle/bin:/oracle/jdk/bin:/bin:/usr/bin: /usr/local/bin:/opt/modx/bin:/var/modx/bin

would result in the following additional environment variables set for Oracle HTTPServer:

MODX_RUNTIME = special

Properties Specific to Oracle HTTP Server Instances Running onLinux and UNIX

You can configure properties for Oracle HTTP Server instances running on Linuxor other UNIX like systems. These properties include restart-mode, stop-mode, andmore.

Property Description

restart-mode Determines whether to use graceful or hard restart for the Oracle HTTPServer when configuration changes are activated.

restart-mode accepts these values:

• restart• gracefulDefault: graceful

stop-mode Determines whether to use a graceful or hard stop when stopping OracleHTTP Server.

stop-mode accepts these values:

• stop• graceful-stopDefault: stop

mpm Determines whether to use the prefork, worker, or event MPM for OracleHTTP Server.

mpm accepts these values:

• prefork• worker• eventDefault: worker for UNIX, event for Linux

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Property Description

allow-corefiles Determines whether ulimit should be set to allow core files to be writtenfor Oracle HTTP Server crashes.

allow-corefiles accepts these values:

• yes• noDefault: no


restart-mode = gracefulstop-mode = stopmpm = workerallow-corefiles = no

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HOracle HTTP Server Module Directives

Modules extend the basic functionality of Oracle HTTP Server and support integrationbetween Oracle HTTP Server and other Oracle Fusion Middleware components.Oracle HTTP Server uses both Oracle developed modules or “plug-ins” and Apacheand third party-developed modules. Oracle developed modules have a set of directivesthat Oracle HTTP Server supports.

This appendix describes the directives available in the Oracle-developed modules:

• mod_wl_ohs Module

• mod_certheaders Module

• mod_ossl Module

mod_wl_ohs ModuleThe mod_wl_ohs module is a key feature of Oracle HTTP Server that enables requeststo be proxied from Oracle HTTP Server to Oracle WebLogic Server. This module isgenerally referred to as the Oracle WebLogic Server proxy plug-in.

The mod_wl_ohs module enhances an Oracle HTTP server installation by allowingOracle WebLogic Server to handle requests that require dynamic functionality. In otherwords, you typically use a plug-in where the HTTP server serves static pages suchas HTML pages, while Oracle WebLogic Server serves dynamic pages such as HTTPServlets and Java Server Pages (JSPs). For information on this module's directives,see Parameters for Web Server Plug-Ins in Using Oracle WebLogic Server ProxyPlug-Ins.

mod_certheaders ModuleThe mod_certheaders module enables reverse proxies using two directives namely,AddCertHeader and SimulateHttps.

This section describes the mod_certheaders directives:

• AddCertHeader Directive

• SimulateHttps Directive

AddCertHeader DirectiveSpecify which headers should be translated to CGI environment variables. This can beachieved by using the AddCertHeader directive. This directive takes a single argument,which is the CGI environment variable that should be populated from a HTTPheader on incoming requests. For example, to populate the SSL_CLIENT_CERT CGIenvironment variable.


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Category Value

Syntax AddCertHeader environment_variable

Example AddCertHeader SSL_CLIENT_CERT

Default None

SimulateHttps DirectiveYou can use mod_certheaders to instruct Oracle HTTP Server to treat certain requestsas if they were received through HTTPS even though they were received throughHTTP. This is useful when Oracle HTTP Server is front-ended by a reverse proxy orload balancer, which acts as a termination point for SSL requests, and forwards therequests to Oracle HTTP Server through HTTPS.

Category Value

Syntax SimulateHttps on|off

Example SimulateHttps on

Default off

mod_ossl ModuleThe mod_ossl module enables strong cryptography for Oracle HTTP Server. It acceptsa set of directives such as SSLCARevocationFile, SSLCipherSuite, SSLEngine, andmore.

To configure SSL for your Oracle HTTP Server, enter the mod_ossl module directivesyou want to use in the ssl.conf file.

The following sections describe these mod_ossl directives:

• SSLCARevocationFile Directive

• SSLCARevocationPath Directive

• SSLCipherSuite Directive

• SSLEngine Directive

• SSLFIPS Directive

• SSLHonorCipherOrder Directive

• SSLInsecureRenegotiation Directive

• SSLOptions Directive

• SSLProtocol Directive

• SSLProxyCipherSuite Directive

• SSLProxyEngine Directive

• SSLProxyProtocol Directive

• SSLProxyWallet Directive

• SSLRequire Directive

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• SSLRequireSSL Directive

• SSLSessionCache Directive

• SSLSessionCacheTimeout Directive

• SSLTraceLogLevel Directive

• SSLVerifyClient Directive

• SSLWallet Directive

SSLCARevocationFile DirectiveSpecifies the file where you can assemble the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)from CAs (Certificate Authorities) that you accept certificates from. These are used forclient authentication. Such a file is the concatenation of various PEM-encoded CRLfiles in order of preference. This directive can be used alternatively or additionally toSSLCARevocationPath.

Category Value

Syntax SSLCARevocationFile file_name

ExampleSSLCARevocationFile ${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores/crl/

Default None

SSLCARevocationPath DirectiveSpecifies the directory where PEM-encoded Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) arestored. These CRLs come from the CAs (Certificate Authorities) that you acceptcertificates from. If a client attempts to authenticate itself with a certificate that is onone of these CRLs, then the certificate is revoked and the client cannot authenticateitself with your server.

This directive must point to a directory that contains the hash value of the CRL. To seethe commands that allow you to create the hashes, see orapki in Administering OracleFusion Middleware.

Category Value

Syntax SSLCARevocationPath path/to/CRL_directory/

ExampleSSLCARevocationPath ${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores/crl

Default None

Appendix Hmod_ossl Module


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SSLCipherSuite DirectiveSpecifies the SSL cipher suite that the client can use during the SSL handshake. Thisdirective uses either a comma-separated or colon-separated cipher specification stringto identify the cipher suite.

SSLCipherSuite accepts the following prefixes:

• none: Adds the cipher to the list

• + : Adds the cipher to the list and places it in the correct location in the list

• - : Removes the cipher from the list (can be added later)

• ! : Removes the cipher from the list permanently

Tags are joined with prefixes to form a cipher specification string. Cipher suite tags arelisted in Table H-1.


Cipher suites that use Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4) and Triple Data EncryptionStandard (3DES) algorithms are deprecated from Oracle HTTP Serverversion onwards due to known security vulnerabilities. Theseciphers are removed from the SSLCipherSuite configuration of the defaultSSL port of Oracle HTTP Server. These ciphers are also removed from allsupported cipher aliases except RC4 and 3DES aliases. If Oracle HTTPServer is managed through Enterprise Manager or WebLogic Scripting Tool,you cannot configure these cipher suites through these tools as these toolsdo not recognize the insecure RC4 and 3DES ciphers.

To provide backward compatibility, Oracle HTTP Server enables the RC4and 3DES ciphers, if you explicitly add them to the cipher suite configuration.To use these insecure ciphers, edit the SSLCipherSuite directive inyour .conf files using a file editor, and then add them to the end of the cipherlist.

Table 11–2 shows the tags you can use in the string to describe the cipher suite youwant.

Category Value

Example SSLCipherSuite ALL:!MD5

In this example, all ciphers are specified except MD5 strength ciphers.

Syntax SSLCipherSuite cipher-spec

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Category Value



















Table H-1 SSLCipher Suite Tags

Function Tag Meaning

Key exchange kRSA RSA key exchange

Key exchange kECDHE Elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman Exchange keyexchange

Authentication aRSA RSA authentication

Encryption 3DES Triple DES encoding

Encryption RC4 RC4 encoding

Data Integrity SHA SHA hash function

Data Integrity SHA256 SHA256 hash function

Data Integrity SHA384 SHA384 hash function

Aliases TLSv1 All TLS version 1 ciphers

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Table H-1 (Cont.) SSLCipher Suite Tags

Function Tag Meaning

Aliases TLSv1.1 All TLS version 1.1 ciphers

Aliases TLSv1.2 All TLS version 1.2 ciphers

Aliases MEDIUM All ciphers with 128-bit encryption

Aliases HIGH All ciphers with encryption key size greater than128 bits

Aliases AES All ciphers using AES encryption

Aliases RSA All ciphers using RSA for both authentication andkey exchange

Aliases ECDSA All ciphers using Elliptic Curve Digital SignatureAlgorithm for authentication

Aliases ECDHE All ciphers using Elliptic curve Diffie–HellmanExchange for key exchange

Aliases AES-GCM All ciphers that use Advanced EncryptionStandard in Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) forencryption.

Table H-2 lists the Cipher Suites supported in Oracle Advanced Security 12c (12.2.1).


When using mod_ossl on a Solaris Sparc platform, the underlyingcryptographic libraries detect the Sparc T4 processor, and makes useof the on-core cryptography algorithms that accelerate cryptographicoperations. No configuration is required to enable this feature. The followingcryptographic algorithms are supported by the Oracle Sparc Enterprise T-series processors: RSA, 3DES, AES-CBC, AES-GCM, SHA1, SHA256, andSHA38.

Table H-2 Cipher Suites Supported in Oracle Advanced Security 12.2.1

Cipher Suite KeyExchange




TLS v1 TLS v1.1 TLS v1.2


SHA Yes Yes Yes



SHA Yes Yes Yes



SHA Yes Yes Yes



SHA Yes Yes Yes



SHA256 No No Yes

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Table H-2 (Cont.) Cipher Suites Supported in Oracle Advanced Security 12.2.1

Cipher Suite KeyExchange




TLS v1 TLS v1.1 TLS v1.2



SHA256 No No Yes



SHA256 No No Yes



SHA384 No No Yes



SHA Yes Yes Yes



SHA Yes Yes Yes



SHA256 No No Yes



SHA384 No No Yes



SHA256 No No Yes



SHA384 No No Yes


EphemeralECDH withRSAsignatures

RSA RC4(128)

SHA Yes Yes Yes


EphemeralECDH withRSAsignatures

RSA 3DES SHA Yes Yes Yes


EphemeralECDH withRSAsignatures

RSA AES(128)

SHA Yes Yes Yes


EphemeralECDH withRSAsignatures

RSA AES(256)

SHA Yes Yes Yes


EphemeralECDH withECDSAsignatures

ECDSA RC4(128)

SHA Yes Yes Yes


EphemeralECDH withECDSAsignatures


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Table H-2 (Cont.) Cipher Suites Supported in Oracle Advanced Security 12.2.1

Cipher Suite KeyExchange




TLS v1 TLS v1.1 TLS v1.2


EphemeralECDH withRSAsignatures

RSA AES(256)

SHA384 No No Yes


EphemeralECDH withRSAsignatures

RSA AES(128)

SHA256 No No Yes


EphemeralECDH withRSAsignatures

RSA AES(256)

SHA384 No No Yes


EphemeralECDH withRSAsignatures

RSA AES(128)

SHA256 No No Yes

SSLEngine DirectiveToggles the usage of the SSL Protocol Engine. This is usually used inside a<VirtualHost> section to enable SSL for a particular virtual host. By default, the SSLProtocol Engine is disabled for both the main server and all configured virtual hosts.

Category Value

Syntax SSLEngine on|off

Example SSLEngine on

Default Off

SSLFIPS DirectiveThis directive toggles the usage of the SSL library FIPS_mode flag. It must be setin the global server context and should not be configured with conflicting settings(SSLFIPS on followed by SSLFIPS off or similar). The mode applies to all SSL libraryoperations.

Category Value



Default Off

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Configuring an SSLFIPS change requires that the SSLFIPS on/off directive be setglobally in ssl.conf. Virtual level configuration is disabled in SSLFIPS directive. Hence,setting SSLFIPS to virtual directive results in an error.


Note the following restriction on SSLFIPS:

• Enabling SSLFIPS mode in Oracle HTTP Server requires a walletcreated with AES encrypted (compat_v12) headers. To create a newwallet or to convert an existing wallet with AES encryption, see thesesections in orapki in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware:

Creating and Viewing Oracle Wallets with orapki

Creating an Oracle Wallet with AES Encryption

Converting an Existing Wallet to Use AES Encryption

The following tables describe the cipher suites that work in SSLFIPS mode withvarious protocols. For instructions on how to implement these cipher suites, seeSSLCipherSuite Directive.

Table H-3 lists the cipher suites which work in TLS 1.0, TLS1.1, and TLS 1.2 protocolsin SSLFIPS mode.

Table H-3 Ciphers Which Work in All TLS Protocols in SSLFIPS Mode

Cipher Name Cipher Works in These Protocols:


SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA TLS 1.0, TLS1.1, and TLS 1.2

SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA TLS 1.0, TLS1.1, and TLS 1.2

Table H-4 lists the cipher suites and protocols that can be used in SSLFIPS mode.

Table H-4 Ciphers Which Work in FIPS Mode

Cipher Name Cipher Works in TheseProtocols:








TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 TLS1.2 and later

TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 TLS1.2 and later

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Table H-4 (Cont.) Ciphers Which Work in FIPS Mode

Cipher Name Cipher Works in TheseProtocols:

TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 TLS1.2 and later

TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 TLS1.2 and later

TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 TLS1.2 and later

TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 TLS1.2 and later

TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 TLS1.2 and later

TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 TLS1.2 and later





• If SSLFIPS is set to ON, and a cipher that does not support FIPS is usedat the server, then client requests that use that cipher fail.

• To use the TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA cipher suite, Oracle HTTP Serverrequires a wallet created with an ECC user certificate. TheTLS_ECDHE_ECDSA cipher suite does not work with RSA certificates.

• To use the SSL_RSA/TLS_RSA/TLS_ECDHE_RSA cipher suite, OracleHTTP Server requires a wallet created with an RSA user certificate. TheSSL_RSA/TLS_RSA/TLS_ECDHE_RSA cipher suite does not work withECC certificates.

For more information about how to configure ECC/RSA certificates in awallet, see Creating and Viewing Oracle Wallets with orapki in AdministeringOracle Fusion Middleware.

For instructions about how to implement these cipher suites andcorresponding protocols, see SSL Cipher Suite Directive and SSL Protocol.

Table H-5 lists the cipher suites that do not work in SSPFIPS mode.

Table H-5 Ciphers That Do Not Work in SSLFIPS Mode

Cipher Name Description

TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA Does not work in SSLFIPS mode in anyprotocol

SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA Does not work in SSLFIPS mode in anyprotocol

TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA Does not work in SSLFIPS mode in anyprotocol

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SSLHonorCipherOrder DirectiveWhen choosing a cipher during a handshake, normally the client's preference is used.If this directive is enabled, then the server's preference will be used instead.

Category Value

Syntax SSLHonorCipherOrder ON | OFF

ExampleSSLHonorCipherOrder ON

Default OFF

The server's preference order can be configured using the SSLCipherSuite directive.When SSLHonorCipherOrder is set to ON, the value of SSLCipherSuite is treated asan ordered list of cipher values.

Cipher values that appear first in this list are preferred by the server over ciphers thatappear later in the list.



SSLHonorCipherOrder ON

In this case, the server will prefer TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 overall of the other ciphers configured in SSLCipherSuite directive as it appears first in thelist and chooses this cipher for the SSL connection, if the client supports it.

SSLInsecureRenegotiation DirectiveAs originally specified, all versions of the SSL and TLS protocols (up to and includingTLS/1.2) were vulnerable to a Man-in-the-Middle attack (CVE-2009-3555) during arenegotiation. This vulnerability allowed an attacker to "prefix" a chosen plaintext to theHTTP request as seen by the web server. A protocol extension was developed whichfixed this vulnerability if supported by both client and server.

For more information on Man-in-the-Middle attack (CVE-2009-3555), see:

The accepted values for this directive are:

• Default mode: When the directive SSLInsecureRenegotion is not specified in theconfiguration, Oracle HTTP Server does not allow client-initiated renegotiation.This is the most secure mode of operation.

• SSLInsecureRenegotiation ON: This option allows vulnerable peers that do nothave RI/SCSV to perform renegotiation. Hence, this option must be used withcaution, as it leaves the server vulnerable to the renegotiation attack described inCVE-2009-3555.

• SSLInsecureRenegotiation OFF: This option can be used if support for client-initiated renegotiation is desired. When SSLInsecureRenegotiation directive is

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present in the configuration and set to OFF, Oracle HTTP Server allows client-initiated renegotiation. However, only peers that support RI/SCSV will be allowedto negotiate and renegotiate a session.

Category Value

SyntaxSSLInsecureRenegotiation ON | OFF

ExampleSSLInsecureRenegotiation ON

Default The default value is neither ON nor OFF. See description under theheading Default mode.

To configure SSLInsecureRenegotiation, edit the ssl.conf file and setSSLInsecureRenegotiation ON/OFF to enable or disable insecure renegotiation. Thisdirective may be configured either in the server config context or in the virtual hostcontext.

SSLOptions DirectiveControls various runtime options on a per-directory basis. In general, if multiple optionsapply to a directory, the most comprehensive option is applied (options are notmerged). However, if all of the options in an SSLOptions directive are preceded bya plus ('+') or minus ('-') symbol, then the options are merged. Options preceded by aplus are added to the options currently in force, and options preceded by a minus areremoved from the options currently in force.

Accepted values are:

• StdEnvVars: Creates the standard set of CGI/SSI environment variables that arerelated to SSL. This is disabled by default because the extraction operation usesa lot of CPU time and usually has no application when serving static content.Typically, you only enable this for CGI/SSI requests.

• ExportCertData: Enables the following additional CGI/SSI variables:



SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_n (where n= 0, 1, 2...)

These variables contain the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM)-encoded X.509certificates for the server and the client for the current HTTPS connection, andcan be used by CGI scripts for deeper certificate checking. All other certificatesof the client certificate chain are provided. This option is "Off" by default becausethere is a performance cost associated with using it.

SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_n variables are in the following order:SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_0 is the intermediate CA who signsSSL_CLIENT_CERT. SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_1 is the intermediate CA who signsSSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_0, and so forth, with SSL_CLIENT_ROOT_CERT as the rootCA.

• FakeBasicAuth: Translates the subject distinguished name of the client X.509certificate into an HTTP basic authorization user name. This means that thestandard HTTP server authentication methods can be used for access control.No password is obtained from the user; the string 'password' is substituted.

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• StrictRequire: Denies access when, according to SSLRequireSSL Directive ordirectives, access should be forbidden. Without StrictRequire, it is possible fora 'Satisfy any' directive setting to override the SSLRequire or SSLRequireSSLdirective, allowing access if the client passes the host restriction or supplies a validuser name and password.

Thus, the combination of SSLRequireSSL or SSLRequire with SSLOptions+StrictRequire gives mod_ossl the ability to override a 'Satisfy any' directivein all cases.

• CompatEnvVars: Exports obsolete environment variables for backward compatibilityto Apache SSL 1.x, mod_ssl 2.0.x, Sioux 1.0, and Stronghold 2.x. Use this toprovide compatibility to existing CGI scripts.

• OptRenegotiate: This enables optimized SSL connection renegotiation handlingwhen SSL directives are used in a per-directory context.

Category Value

Syntax SSLOptions [+-] StdEnvVars | ExportCertData |FakeBasicAuth | StrictRequire | CompatEnvVars |OptRenegotiate

Example SSLOptions -StdEnvVars

Default None

SSLProtocol DirectiveSpecifies SSL protocol(s) for mod_ossl to use when establishing the serverenvironment. Clients can only connect with one of the specified protocols. Acceptedvalues are:

• TLSv1

• TLSv1.1

• TLSv1.2

• All

You can specify multiple values as a space-delimited list. In the syntax, the "-" and "+"symbols have the following meaning:

• + : Adds the protocol to the list

• - : Removes the protocol from the list

In the current release All is defined as +TLSv1.2.

Category Value

Syntax SSLProtocol [+-] TLSv1 | TLSv1.1 | TLSv1.2 | All

Example SSLProtocol +TLSv1 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2

Default TLSv1.2

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SSLProxyCipherSuite DirectiveSpecifies the SSL cipher suite that the proxy can use during the SSL handshake. Thisdirective uses a colon-separated cipher specification string to identify the cipher suite.Table H-1 shows the tags to use in the string to describe the cipher suite you want.SSLProxyCipherSuite accepts the following values:

• none: Adds the cipher to the list

• + : Adds the cipher to the list and places it in the correct location in the list

• - : Removes the cipher from the list (which can be added later)

• ! : Removes the cipher from the list permanently

Tags are joined with prefixes to form a cipher specification string. Tags are joinedtogether with prefixes to form a cipher specification string. The SSLProxyCipherSuitedirective uses the same tags as the SSLCipherSuite directive. For a list of supportedsuite tags, see Table H-1.

Category Value

Example SSLProxyCipherSuite ALL:!MD5

In this example, all ciphers are specified except MD5 strength ciphers.

Syntax SSLProxyCipherSuite cipher-spec


The SSLProxyCipherSuite directive uses the same cipher suites as theSSLCipherSuite directive. For a list of the Cipher Suites supported in Oracle AdvancedSecurity 12.2.1, see Table H-2.

SSLProxyEngine DirectiveEnables or disables the SSL/TLS protocol engine for proxy. SSLProxyEngine isusually used inside a <VirtualHost> section to enable SSL/TLS for proxy usage ina particular virtual host. By default, the SSL/TLS protocol engine is disabled for proxyboth for the main server and all configured virtual hosts.

SSLProxyEngine should not be included in a virtual host that will be acting as aforward proxy (by using Proxy or ProxyRequest directives). SSLProxyEngine is notrequired to enable a forward proxy server to proxy SSL/TLS requests.

Category Value

Syntax SSLProxyEngine ON | OFF

Example SSLProxyEngine on

Default Disable

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SSLProxyProtocol DirectiveSpecifies SSL protocol(s) for mod_ossl to use when establishing a proxy connection inthe server environment. Proxies can only connect with one of the specified protocols.Accepted values are:

• TLSv1

• TLSv1.1

• TLSv1.2

• All

You can specify multiple values as a space-delimited list. In the syntax, the "-" and "+"symbols have the following meaning:

• + : Adds the protocol to the list

• - : Removes the protocol from the list

In the current release All is defined as +TLSv1 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2.

Category Value

Syntax SSLProxyProtocol [+-] TLSv1 | TLSv1.1 | TLSv1.2 |All

Example SSLProxyProtocol +TLSv1 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2

Default ALL

SSLProxyWallet DirectiveSpecifies the location of the wallet with its WRL, specified as a filepath, that a proxyconnection needs to use.

Category Value

Syntax SSLProxyWallet file:path to wallet

ExampleSSLProxyWallet "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores/proxy"

Default None

SSLRequire DirectiveDenies access unless an arbitrarily complex boolean expression is true.

Category Value

Syntax SSLRequire expression

Example SSLRequire word ">=" word |word "ge" word

Default None

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Understanding the Expression Variable

The expression variable must match the following syntax (given as a BNF grammarnotation):

expr ::= "true" | "false""!" exprexpr "&&" exprexpr "||" expr"(" expr ")"

comp ::=word "==" word | word "eq" wordword "!=" word |word "ne" wordword "<" word |word "lt" wordword "<=" word |word "le" wordword ">" word |word "gt" wordword ">=" word |word "ge" wordword "=~" regexword "!~" regexwordlist ::= wordwordlist "," word

word ::= digitcstringvariablefunction

digit ::= [0-9]+

cstring ::= "..."

variable ::= "%{varname}"

Table H-6 and Table H-7 list standard and SSL variables. These are valid values forvarname.

function ::= funcname "(" funcargs ")"

For funcname, the following function is available:


The file function takes one string argument, the filename, and expands to the contentsof the file. This is useful for evaluating the file's contents against a regular expression.

Table H-6 lists the standard variables for SSLRequire Directive varname.

Table H-6 Standard Variables for SSLRequire Varname

Standard Variables Standard Variables Standard Variables









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Table H-6 (Cont.) Standard Variables for SSLRequire Varname

Standard Variables Standard Variables Standard Variables






Table H-7 lists the SSL variables for SSLRequire Directive varname.

Table H-7 SSL Variables for SSLRequire Varname

SSL Variables SSL Variables SSL Variables

























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SSLRequireSSL DirectiveDenies access to clients not using SSL. This is a useful directive for absoluteprotection of a SSL-enabled virtual host or directories in which configuration errorscould create security vulnerabilities.

Category Value

Syntax SSLRequireSSL

Example SSLRequireSSL

Default None

SSLSessionCache DirectiveSpecifies the global/interprocess session cache storage type. The cache provides anoptional way to speed up parallel request processing. The accepted values are:

• none: disables the global/interprocess session cache. Produces no impact onfunctionality, but makes a major difference in performance.

• shmcb:/path/to/datafile[bytes]: Uses a high-performance Shared Memory CyclicBuffer (SHMCB) session cache to synchronize the local SSL memory caches ofthe server processes. Note: in this shm setting, no log files are created under /path/to/datafile on local disk.

Category Value

Syntax SSLSessionCache none | shmcb:/path/to/datafile[bytes]

Examples SSLSessionCache "shmcb:${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/servers/${COMPONENT_NAME}/logs/ssl_scache(512000)"

Default SSLSessionCache shmcb:/path/to/datafile[bytes]

SSLProxySessionCache DirectiveThis directive toggles the usage of a global or interprocess session cache to cacheSSL session information when OHS is configured to behave as a proxy throughthe use of the mod_proxy module. The type of global or interprocess SSL sessioncache that is used to store the SSL session information is controlled by theSSLSessionCache directive.

The number of seconds before an SSL session expires in the session cache iscontrolled by the SSLSessionCacheTimeout directive. The ssl-cache mutex is usedto serialize access to the session cache to prevent corruption.

The accepted values for SSLProxySessionCache directive are:

• On: Enables the SSL session cache when OHS is configured to behave as aproxy through the use of the mod_proxy module. When this directive is set toOn, it is necessary to choose the type of SSL session cache by configuring theSSLSessionCache directive appropriately.

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SSLSessionCache cannot be set to a value of none, as it would be a conflictingsetting to turn on SSL session cache for the proxy and not specify the type ofcache to use.

• Off: Disables SSL session caching when OHS is configured to behave as a proxythrough the use of the mod_proxy module. This is not a recommended setting.The performance costs of full handshakes must be considered before choosingthis option.

Category Value

Syntax SSLProxySessionCache On | Off

Context Server Config

Default On

Module Identifier ossl_module

The following examples illustrate how to use the SSLSessionCache andSSLProxySessionCache directives to control the SSL session caching behaviour ofOHS.

Example 1

LoadModule proxy_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/" LoadModule proxy_balancer_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"

SSLSessionCache none SSLProxySessionCache on <VirtualHost _default_:443> SSLEngine on <Proxy "balancer://mybalancer"> SSLProxyEngine On #.. </Proxy> #... </VirtualHost>

This is not an allowed configuration. SSLProxySessionCache cannot be turned onwhen SSLSessionCache is set to None.

Example 2

LoadModule proxy_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/" LoadModule proxy_balancer_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"

SSLSessionCache none SSLProxySessionCache off <VirtualHost _default_:443> SSLEngine on <Proxy "balancer://mybalancer"> SSLProxyEngine On #.. </Proxy>

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#... </VirtualHost>

This example

• Turns off SSL session caching for the SSL enabled virtual host defined within theOHS configuration.

• Turns off SSL client session caching for requests handled by the proxymybalancer.

Example 3

LoadModule proxy_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/" LoadModule proxy_balancer_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"

SSLSessionCache "shmcb:${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/servers/${COMPONENT_NAME}/logs/ssl_scache(512000)" SSLProxySessionCache off <VirtualHost _default_:443> SSLEngine on <Proxy "balancer://mybalancer"> SSLProxyEngine On #.. </Proxy> #... </VirtualHost>

This example

• Turns on SSL session caching for the SSL enabled virtual host defined within theOHS configuration.

• Turns off SSL client session caching for requests handled by the proxymybalancer.

Example 4

LoadModule proxy_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"

SSLSessionCache "shmcb:${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/servers/${COMPONENT_NAME}/logs/ssl_scache(512000)" SSLProxySessionCache off

<VirtualHost _default_:443> SSLEngine on SSLProxyEngine on

ProxyPass / https://<backend_host_name>:<backend_port>/ ProxyPassReverse / https://<backend_host_name>:<backend_port>/


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This example

• Turns on SSL session caching for the SSL enabled virtual host defined within theOHS configuration.

• Turns off SSL client session caching for the requests handled by the reverse proxydefined within the virtual host (_default_:443).

Example 5

LoadModule proxy_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/" LoadModule proxy_balancer_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"

SSLSessionCache "shmcb:${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/servers/${COMPONENT_NAME}/logs/ssl_scache(512000)" SSLProxySessionCache on <VirtualHost _default_:443> SSLEngine on <Proxy "balancer://mybalancer"> SSLProxyEngine On #.. </Proxy> #... </VirtualHost>

This example

• Turns on SSL session caching for the SSL enabled virtual host defined within theOHS configuration.

• Turns on SSL client session caching for requests handled by the proxymybalancer.

Example 6

LoadModule proxy_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"

SSLSessionCache "shmcb:${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/servers/${COMPONENT_NAME}/logs/ssl_scache(512000)" SSLProxySessionCache on

<VirtualHost _default_:443> SSLEngine on SSLProxyEngine on

ProxyPass / https://<backend_host_name>:<backend_port>/ ProxyPassReverse / https://<backend_host_name>:<backend_port>/


This example

• Turns on SSL session caching for the SSL enabled virtual host defined within theOHS configuration.

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• Turns on SSL client session caching for the requests handled by the reverse proxydefined within the virtual host (_default_:443).

Example 7

LoadModule proxy_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/" LoadModule proxy_balancer_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"

SSLSessionCache "shmcb:${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/servers/${COMPONENT_NAME}/logs/ssl_scache(512000)" SSLProxySessionCache on <VirtualHost _default_:443> SSLEngine on <Proxy "balancer://mybalancer"> SSLProxyEngine On #.. </Proxy>

<Proxy "balancer://mybalancer2"> SSLProxyEngine On #.. </Proxy>

#... </VirtualHost>

<VirtualHost _default_:4448> SSLEngine on <Proxy "balancer://mybalancer3"> SSLProxyEngine On #.. </Proxy>

<Proxy "balancer://mybalancer4"> SSLProxyEngine On #.. </Proxy>

#... </VirtualHost>

This example

• Turns on SSL session caching for all the SSL enabled virtual hosts defined withinthe OHS configuration.

• Turns on SSL client session caching for requests handled by the proxymybalancer, mybalancer2, mybalancer3, and mybalancer4.

SSLSessionCacheTimeout DirectiveSpecifies the number of seconds before a SSL session in the session cache expires.

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Category Value

Syntax SSLSessionCacheTimeout seconds

Example SSLSessionCacheTimeout 120

Default 300

SSLTraceLogLevel DirectiveSSLTraceLogLevel adjusts the verbosity of the messages recorded in the OracleSecurity library error logs. When a particular level is specified, messages from allother levels of higher significance will be reported as well. For example, whenSSLTraceLogLevel ssl is set, messages with log levels of error, warn, user and debugwill also be posted.


This directive can only be set globally in the ssl.conf file.

SSLTraceLogLevel accepts the following log levels:

• none: Oracle Security Trace disable

• fatal: Fatal error; system is unusable.

• error: Error conditions.

• warn: Warning conditions.

• user: Normal but significant condition.

• debug: Debug-level condition

• ssl: SSL level debugging

Category Value

SyntaxSSLTraceLogLevel none | fatal | error | warn | user | debug | ssl

ExampleSSLTraceLogLevel fatal

Default None

SSLVerifyClient DirectiveSpecifies whether a client must present a certificate when connecting. The acceptedvalues are:

• none: No client certificate is required

• optional: Client can present a valid certificate

• require: Client must present a valid certificate

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Category Value

Syntax SSLVerifyClient none | optional | require

Example SSLVerifyClient optional

Default None


The level optional_no_ca included with mod_ssl (in which the client canpresent a valid certificate, but it need not be verifiable) is not supported inmod_ossl.

SSLWallet DirectiveSpecifies the location of the wallet with its WRL, specified as a filepath.

Category Value

Syntax SSLWallet file:path to wallet directory

file:path may also be expressed simply as path.

ExampleSSLWallet "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores/default"

Default This is the default


If the wallet has a certificate/certificate request signed with the MD5algorithm, Oracle HTTP Server will fail to start.

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How to start and stop Oracle HTTP server? ›

To start Node Manager and Oracle HTTP Server:
  1. Start the Node Manager service from the Windows Services panel: Oracle Weblogic ohs NodeManager (C_Oracle_MIDDLE~1_ohs_server)
  2. Start Oracle HTTP Server from the command line. ...
  3. Enter the WebLogic Admin Server password.

How to integrate Apache web server with WebLogic? ›

Configuring Apache Web Server Plug-in with WebLogic
  1. Copy the file to the $APACHE_HOME /modules folder.
  2. Modify the httpd. conf file located in the $APACHE_HOME/conf directory. ...
  3. Create a weblogic. conf file in the $APACHE_HOME/conf directory.
  4. Add the following properties to the weblogic.conf file.

What is an Oracle HTTP server used for? ›

Oracle HTTP Server enables developers to program their site in a variety of languages and technologies, such as: Perl (through mod_proxy_fcgi, CGI and FastCGI) C and C++ (through mod_proxy_fcgi, CGI and FastCGI) Java, Ruby and Python (through mod_proxy_fcgi, CGI and FastCGI)

How to start Oracle HTTP server in Windows? ›

Oracle HTTP Server is managed and monitored with Node Manager. To start Oracle HTTP Server: Open command prompt and run startComponent ohs_component from this location: EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE\httpConfig\ohs\bin . Enter the WebLogic Admin Server password.

How to upgrade Oracle HTTP Server? ›

  1. Installing the Managed 12c (12.2.1) Oracle HTTP Server.
  2. Creating the Required Schemas before Upgrade.
  3. Upgrading the 11g Schema using the Upgrade Assistant.
  4. Upgrading the 11g Domain using the Re-Configuration Wizard.
  5. Upgrading the Component Configuration.
  6. Post-Upgrade Tasks. Starting the Node Manager.

How to disable HTTP port in WebLogic? ›

To do so:
  1. On the WebLogic Administrator Console, clear or uncheck the Listen Port.
  2. Because the http protocol is no longer available, add the following Java argument to the Server Start tab: -Dweblogic.DefaultProtocol= t3s.

How do I enable HTTP port in WebLogic? ›

In the main tab of the Summary of Servers section of the pane, check the AdminServer(admin) check box. In the Change Center section of the pane, click Lock & Edit. In the Configuration tab, General sub-tab, click the SSL Listen Port Enabled check box and enter the port number in the SSL Listen Port field. Click Save.

How to access Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console? ›

To start the WebLogic Admin Console:
  1. Sign on as an Oracle WebLogic Server user.
  2. Open a command window with Run as Administrator option.
  3. Change directory to: ...
  4. Start the WebLogic Admin Console by executing this script from the command prompt: ...
  5. At the prompts, enter the Admin user and password for the WebLogic Admin Console.

What are 2 ways to deploy a WebLogic server application? ›

Deploying the application (Oracle WebLogic Server)
  • Log in by using the administrative credentials (user name and password) that you used when you created the WebLogic domain.
  • In the Domain Structure menu, click Deployments and then click Install in the Deployments section.

Where is the Oracle HTTP Server located? ›

Oracle HTTP Server is installed in the ORACLE_HOME /Apache directory on UNIX or ORACLE_HOME \Apache directory on Windows for configuring modules. For example, the modplsql folder contains the subdirectories necessary to configure and run PL/SQL applications.

What ports does Oracle HTTP Server use? ›

Oracle HTTP Server comes configured with two listen ports: a non-SSL port (http) and an SSL port (https). The default, non-SSL port is 7777. If port 7777 is occupied, the next available port number, within a range of 7777-7877, is assigned. The default SSL port is 4443.

What is the format of Oracle HTTP Server log? ›

By default, Oracle HTTP Server uses ODL-Text as the error log format and creates the log file with the name component_name . log under the DOMAIN_HOME/servers/component_name/logs directory.

How to restart Oracle HTTP Server? ›

To restart Oracle HTTP Server using Fusion Middleware Control:
  1. Navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server home page.
  2. Select the Control from the Oracle HTTP Server menu.
  3. Select Restart from the Control menu.

How to start server with HTTP module? ›

// Step 1: Import the HTTP module const http = require('http'); // Step 2: Create the server using the http. createServer() method const server = http. createServer((req, res) => { // Step 3: Set the response headers res. writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); // Step 4: Send the response body res.

How do I open a simple HTTP Server? ›

To run the server:
  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Navigate to the directory you want to have the root directory.
  3. Execute the command to start the server.
  4. Python 2 — python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000.
  5. Python 3 — python -m http. server 8000.

How to start and stop Oracle? ›

Start up and Shut down the Oracle Database Instance
  1. Open a terminal window as the oracle user. ...
  2. Log in to SQL*Plus as the SYSDBA user. ...
  3. Issue the SHUTDOWN command to close the database and shut down the instance. ...
  4. Issue the STARTUP command to start the instance and open the database.

How to stop Oracle database server? ›

To stop Oracle Database services from the Control Panel:
  1. Access your Windows Services dialog box. See Also: ...
  2. Select Oracle HOMENAME TNSListener and click Stop. Oracle HOMENAME TNSListener is stopped.
  3. Select OracleService SID and click Stop.
  4. Click OK. OracleService SID is stopped.

How do I stop a go HTTP server? ›

In Go, you can handle HTTP server shutdown gracefully by using the http. Server's Shutdown() method. This method provides a way to gracefully shut down the server by allowing it to finish handling any active requests before closing all connections.

How do I start and stop IBM HTTP server? ›

Run the adminctl start command to start the server or run the adminctl stop command to stop the server. Issue the commands from the default directories, based on your operating system: /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/adminctl start|stop.


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