In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (2024)

Friday, November 23, 2012

Recipes from Baghdad:

TheFirst Cookbook in the History of Modern Iraq

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (1)
Front of dust jacket

In 1946 a cookbook titled Recipes from Baghdad waspublished. It was by far the first cookery document to have been written inIraq after a long silence of almost seven hundred years.

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (2)
Back of dust jacket

To be sure, documenting cookeryin Iraq has a very long history, which goes as far back in time as ancientMesopotamia, when our ancestors the Babylonians immortalized their cooking oncuneiform tablets around 1700 BC. Also, from medieval Arabic sources we learnthat a lot of cookery books were written in Baghdad during the Abbasid erabetween the ninth and thirteenth centuries, by professional chefs, gourmets,physicians, princes, and even the caliphs themselves. Unfortunately, only acouple of cookbooks survived the ravishes of time, one was written in the tenthcentury by Ibn Sayyar al-Warraq and the other, in the thirteenth century byMuhammad bin al-Kareem al-Katib al-Baghdadi, both titled Kitab al-Tabeekh(cookery cook). After that, our records remain silent until 1946. But this timearound the cookbook was written in English. Recipes from Baghdad was itstitle, published to raise funds for the Indian Red Cross. It was printed at theGovernment Press in Baghdad. The second edition was published by the RedCrescent Society (Women’s Branch) in Baghdad in 1952, and the third and lastedition was done by the privately-run El-Ani Press in in Baghdad in 1961.Obviously, the book was pretty popular.

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (3)
Inner title page

Besides its culinarysignificance, this book is a rare social document from Iraq written incollaboration with a host of Baghdad residents just after WWII. It was editedby May H. Beattie (B.A., Ph. D.), an Englishwoman from Sheffield England, wholater established herself as the world’s top rug scholar until her death in1997. (See for instance her book Carpets of Central Persia: With Special Reference to Rugs of Kirman)

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (4)
May Beattie

In editing the book Beatie was assisted by Bedia Afnan, an eminent Iraqi educatorwho later worked for the UN; Renee Al Kabir, a member of a prominent BaghdadiJewish family; and Helen Gaudin (B.S., MA.) and Ann Walter, two English orAmerican ladies whom I have not been able to trace.

Lady Margaret Cornwallis, wife ofthe then British ambassador to Iraq, Kinahan Cornwallis, wrote the Foreword (March,1945). In it, Lady Margaret stated that the purpose of writing this book was toraise funds for the Red Cross. She also saw in it a chance for a culturalexchange. With its ‘oriental’ and ‘occidental’ collection of recipes, sheexplained, the book would enable Westerners who enjoyed the Arab delicacies ofthe table to make them for themselves, and introduce the Eastern readers toWestern food. The book was “the result of friendly co-operation between Iraqiand British housewives, with help from the ladies of other nations.” Indeed, theAcknowledgment list the book provides of contributors included no less than 118names of Baghdad residents, which besides the ‘housewives’ Lady Margaretmentioned, included professionals, physicians and institutions, such as ‘HomeArts School’ for girls, and ‘Painforce Schools of Cookery.’

The book reveals a mid-twentieth-centurycultured metropolitan Baghdad, rarely depicted in documents dealing with thisera in the history of Iraq. At the head of the contributors list were the namesof two Iraqi female royalties: Queen mother of Iraq Aliyya bint Ali(1911-1950), spouse of King Ghazi and mother of Faisal II, the last of theIraqi kings, and Queen Nafisa bint Abd al-Ilah, who is Aliyya’s mother. QueenNafisa provided recipes, but Queen Aliyya’s involvement in the project wentbeyond offering recipes. She was the one to write the Introduction for thebook, enthusiastically endorsing it as a ‘scholarly’ work, “artisticallyexecuted and exceedingly interesting.” Recommending it, she adds,

I find that it meets an urgent need andfills an existing deficiency. I was delighted with the variety of dishes dealtwith and I admire the accuracy and originality with which the recipes areexplained.

After acknowledging the emergenceof the ‘art of cooking’ as a respectable field in this modern age, Queen Aliyyaembarked on summarizing the background to the interest of the Arabs in cooking,which goes back to the times when they entered into settled life andcivilization, She supported her claim with references to medieval books such asKitab al-Diyarat by al-Shabushti, and more importantly al-Baghdadi’s thirteenth-centurycookery book Kitab al-Tabhk [sic], mentioned earlier, which at the timewas a relatively new discovery. It was published in Mosul in 1934, andtranslated into English in 1939 by the British Orientalist A. J. Arberry.

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (5)
Queen mother of Iraq

The book’s 163 pages cover a lotof territories. Baghdad is depicted as a ‘cosmopolitan city’ which “has drawnits customs from the west as well as the east in recent years.” An amusingfusion of east and west can be seen in their choice of a co*cktail drink called‘Abu Nuwas’, the famous ninth-century Baghdadi poet famous for his khamriyyat‘wine poems.’ Shopping in Baghdad is vividly described, and is supplementedwith a bilingual list of the most common spices used. Its 457 recipes dealmostly with Iraqi dishes, but a good number also come from countries like Turkey,Iran, Levant, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, India, England, Poland, Monaco, France,Switzerland, Italy, and China.

Abu Nuwas co*cktail:

1 part Vodka

1/2 part lemon juice

1/2 part pomegranate juice

1 part Cyprus Cointreau

Add a dash of orange bitters and the white of a fresh egg to the shaker. Shake well and do not trust it too far. (p. 92)

The recipe directions are brieflydescribed but the amounts of ingredients are given in exact measurements, usingkilos, teaspoons and tablespoons, and tins. The measuring unit of the tin waschosen by the editors as a substitute for the standard American measuring cup,which was difficult to obtain in Baghdad. It was the Players or Gold Flake50-cigarette canister, easily available at the time.

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (6)

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (7)
Illustratingmeasuringunits in theend-papers

What is truly exciting about thisbook is the cartoon-style sketches, all 35 of them, dispersed throughout thebook, done by Suad Salim, as stated in the inner title page. No further mentionof this cartoonist was made in the book. Interestingly, I was under theimpression that the artist was a woman since Suad is a familiar female name inthe Arab countries. I was pretty amazed to discover that this Suad is no otherthan the older brother of the famous Iraqi artists, Jawad Saleem and Nazeeha Saleem. He was one of the pioneering cartoonist in Iraq. Surprisingly, little is written or known about him (here is a link to anArabic interview with himin 1985), and no records of his artistic worksare available in print. This is one of the reasons why this book is a truly preciousrare find.

Here are samples of Suad Saleem's cartoons:

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (8)
Coffee house (Gahwa)
In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (9)
In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (10)
In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (11)
Baklawa and theinevitableflies

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (12)
co*cktailparty in Baghdad

The chapter on co*cktails was written by W. N. M. Hogg, author of the Canadian publication The first Ascent of Bush Mountains (1936). He compares co*cktails to Arabic verbs: "At first acquaintance they appear disarmingly simple but a close study leads to headaches."

Posted byNawal Nasrallahat6:28 PMNo comments: In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (13)

Labels:al-Baghdadi,Arberry,Baghdad cookbook,Ibn sayyar al-warraq,Jawad salim,kitab al-tabeekh,May Beattie,naziha salim,queen aliya,queen nafisa,Recipes from Baghdad,suad Salim

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Madgooga: An Iraqi DateConfection


In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (14)
Madgoogdmade with dried dates and tahini (see second recipe below)

The date palm is the nationaltree of Iraq, and that is for a good reason: it was there on the land ofancient Mesopotamia that this tree was first cultivated and flourished about seventhousand years ago. From there this beautiful and generous tree spread to therest of the Middle East. It nourished and protected the poor, enriched the finepastries of the rich, and inspired the people’s spiritual and religious rites.Every single part of the tree, fruit and all, was used. An ancient Babylonianhymn singing its praises, tells of the 360 uses of the date palm. It was thatperfect!

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (15)
Ancient Sumerian plaque featuring a dates and pomegranates, both symbols of fecundity (Iraq Museum)

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (16)
Fresh dates, sweet and crunchy

But the date is of course themost important part of the tree, and in the Islamic Arab lore, it is a privilegedfood. The Prophet himself recommended having seven dates a day, as this was believedto guard against poison and witchcraft all day long. According to the Qur’anicverses describing the birth of Christ, Mary nourished herself with the dates fallingfrom the palm underneath of which she went through labor. During the fastingmonth of Ramadan, Muslims break their fast at sunset by first having a fewdates following the tradition of the Prophet, as this is believed to providethe much needed nourishment fast.

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (17)
Fully ripe fresh dates, sweet and soft

The date is almost a miraclefood: According to recent scientific research, dates have heart-friendlyantioxidants, which can also prevent certain kinds of cancer. Dates are believedto allay anxiety and nervous disorders in children. How to do it: Just let yourkid eat seven dates a day. Easy. Want to treat alcoholism? No problem: Twice a day and for a whole month, drink theliquid in which a few dates have been steeped for a couple of hours. This isbelieved to weaken the urge for alcohol. Going through a bout of low libido? Not to worry. Eat half a pound of dates or cook “Cupid’s omelet.”

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (18)

Want to eatsomething for sheer joy? Nibble on five or six dates, fresh or dried, or makethem into a delicious confection, which Iraqis have been making for many manycenturies.

This confection is called madgooga (literally ‘the pounded’)as it was traditionally made of equal amounts of dry dates and walnut or rashi/tahini(sesame paste) pounded into paste with a mortar and pestle for a long time, nowadaysconveniently replaced with the food processor. The dates Iraqis use for this sortof candy is a dry date called tamur ashrasi. This variety is hardto find outside the country, but you may substitute with any kind of dry dates, or even the regular dried dates, as you will see in the following two recipes:

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (19)
Madgooga made with date sugar crystals and walnut (first recipe)

1. For this version, I use ‘date sugar crystals’ purchased from Shields Date Garden in southernCalifornia (link:Shields Date Garden).This stuff is 100 per cent dry dates crushed into granules. To make a smallamount, put ½ cup ‘date sugar crystals’ and ½ cup walnut in a food processor. Pulsethe ingredients until they form into paste. A few drops of water or tahini mayhelp the mix bind faster, and make the resulting madgooga less crumblyin texture. Spread the candy in a small plate, in one-inch-thick layer, andsprinkle generously with coarsely crushed pistachio, or any nuts of yourchoice.

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (20)
Madgooga made withdrieddates and tahini (second recipe)

2. If you only have the regular dried dates, then follow this method:

½ cup flour

2 cups pitted dates

½cup tahini/sesame paste

1 teaspoon cardamom

½ teaspoon coarsely ground toasted aniseeds

½ teaspoon crushed coriander seeds

½ cup toasted walnut halves

¼ cup coarsely crushed pistachio

Dry toast the flour by putting it in a heavy skilletand stirring it constantly until it starts to change color and emits a pleasantfragrance, about 5 minutes on medium heat. Let it cool down a little.

Then, in a food processor, put the toasted flouralong with dates, tahini, cardamom, aniseeds, and coriander. Process untilmixture forms a ball, about 2 minutes. Dividethe date paste into two portions. Press one half onto a flat plate forming a 7 inch disc.Arrange the toasted nuts all over the surface, and cover with the other half.Press the surface, and sprinkle it with the pistachio.

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (21)
Madgooga with date sugar crystals and walnut (first recipe)

All you need knowabout the date palm and its fruit, the history, the culture, the myths, thelegends, and of course recipes including ‘Cupid’s Omelet,’ and much more, youwill find in my latest book Dates: A Global History (Edible Series,published by Reaktion Books, London, 2011. In USA, distributed by ChicagoUniversity Press). You can order it from your local bookstore or on-line.

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (22)

Posted byNawal Nasrallahat8:18 PM2 comments: In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (23)

Labels:date candy,date confection,date palm,date sugar crystals,dates,Iraq,madgooga,pistachio,tahini,walnut

In my Iraqi Kitchen: Recipes, History and Culture, by Nawal Nasrallah (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.