Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (2024)


The Ground Wushido Base, and it's guardian, Taila, lies within the scorching sands of the Shamo Desert, the Oriva Region's largest desert. Many Pokémon can only be found here within the desert, adding the might of the earth to your arsenal of miracles: The Pokémon found here and in the surrounding areas include the rest of the Oriva Region's Ground, Dark, Bug, and Poison types!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (1)

Psychic/Sound --> Psychic/Sound --> Psychic/Sound
Cacture is a cacti Pokémon that most people refer to as "The False Cactus", as, despite it's looks, it is not actually a Grass type at all! Instead, it uses it's psychic power to nourish itself in the harsh sands of the Oriva Region's deserts, able to stand in a single spot for months on end. The flower on top of Cacture's head is the source of this psychic power, and it plays a rather odd humming sound comparable to the power of a Sound-type Pokémon when you get near it. In the past, people had used the flower on Cacture's head as a form of medicine to treat deafness and mental health problems. It's razor sharp spikes are also nothing to be scoffed at, as they can puncture metal very easily. When Cacture evolves into Qeejgaro, it gains a pair of spiky arms that can be infused with it's psychic power to cause migraines on anything they hit. It's flower now fused with it's head, Qeejgaro wanders across the desert sands, using it's excellent memory skills to find those who are injured. It then plays a tune on the organ on it's chest to repair the wounds of the injured target, before it leaves to find another one. Great caution must be taken when enlisting Qeejgaro's help, as it is very easily agitated and will attack anyone over the slightest provocation, mostly because it doesn't want to cure anyone that is outside of it's home, as it dislikes the cold. It fully evolves into Lushagoba, known to some as "The Wandering Doctor". Carrying an instrument comparable to a Lusheng, Lushagoba wanders to injured people and plays a healing melody on it's instrument to cure them almost instantly. It is always travelling across the world, looking for injured people to cure, and it's said that where Lushagoba plays, diseases will never strike the area it's in again. Despite this, Lushagoba has been considered a myth by many people because it appears and leaves so quickly once it has done it's job. In battle, it plays a harmful tune that causes the target's brain to grow razor sharp spikes, shutting them down almost instantly.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (2)

Poison/Time --> Poison/Time --> Poison/Time
Based off the Olivierus Martensii, Oliveaae is a scorpion Pokémon that's quite common in the Oriva Region's desert areas. Despite it's looks, it's actually a very kind Pokémon, though great caution must still be taken when approaching it's toxic stinger. However, when Oliveaae's toxin is boiled in hot water, it becomes a medicine towards minor headaches and injuries, and thus people once harvested them in the past to use their poison. Often, this was done against the Oliveaae's wills, as it dislikes confined spaces. Strangley, the toxins within Oliveaae are comparable to the syrup found in Gingko Trees. When it evolves into Marticene, it's stinger becomes purely healing, which is good for the doctors, but also bad. It looks after the Oliveaaes in it's nest, and will gladly hand over it's toxins to those in need, which can now cure diseases with severe symptoms. It does this by injecting the patient with it's stinger like a syringe, and all patients stung by Marticene have always managed to recover from their sicknesses. If Marticene finds, however, that the sickness is just a minor one, it will inject the target with so many antibodies, that every cell in their body will be overwritten, which usually leads to the target's death. People often set up camp near Marticene nests to try and gather this poison, but since it spends most of the time hiding in it's nest, it can be a very long experience trying to get even a single drop of Marticene's poison if the patients of the camp do not approach it. Marticene evolves again into Scorchurin, a master in medical care! It can now produce it's toxins from not just it's razor sharp stinger, but also from it's two claws that have gained minds of their own. Those struck by the poison will instantly recover from all diseases, and thus people once used them in the past as a form of master class medicine. However, this poison is very hard to obtain, as Scorchurin is aggressive towards those it does not trust, injecting an entire pandemic's worth of toxins into them that will cause them to basically become medicene fountains: the poisonous part of the toxin only fades away when Scorchurin feels that it is not in danger. As such, Scorchurin poison is said to be one of the world's most valuable items, with people paying millions just to get a single drop of it!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (3)

Job/Poison --> Job/Poison --> Job/Poison
Nurai is a radioactive Pokémon that was first discovered in the world's first nuclear power plant, apparently appearing wherever there is radiation. It is a very dangerous Pokémon, causing blisters and mutations just by being near it, but by absorbing unnecessary atoms around it, it helps prevent nuclear plants from melting down. Many scientists are unsure if Nurai is a good or a bad Pokémon to have in the wild, as it normally just levitates around the radiation until it clears, where it mysteriously vanishes until the radiation returns. Other scientists have used Nurai as a radiation test, making sure that the materials they make can stand up to the toxicity of Nurai. It's evolved form is known as Nucworkk, and in this form, it is decked out in a hazmat suit that protects it from all kinds of radiation. They often appear at nuclear power plants and keep it safe, so it's appearance in the Oriva Region is very confusing indeed, as there are no nuclear power plants to monitor here. Instead, people believe it is trying to rid the world of unessecary radiation, walking large distances to get to even the slightst trace of radiation, before they absorb it into their backpack. However, this backpack can only hold so much, before Nucworkk must empty it, usually down a vent where it will never be a threat again. Nucworkk's suit also protects it from harmful diseases, and suits made with Nucworkk skin have been used to control diseases in the past. Nucworkk then evolves again into Nucleshima, a nuclear predator that no-one is safe from! It chases down people and Pokémon on the slightest trace of radiation within them, exposing them to a large amount of gamma rays before tearing their weakened bodies apart. It produces so much radiation at this stage, that areas that Nucleshima enters are instantly rendered uninhabitable until they leave. The pump that connects it's head to the body is flowing with massive amounts of gamma radiation, and if it is ever punctured, the area around it becomes a radioactive wasteland instantly. As a desperation attack, Nucleshima can force the atoms within it to create a nuclear explosion so powerful, it turns the area around it into basically what you'll see on another planet, unbreathable without an oxygen pack. Because of this, Nucleshima has been comparable to actual diseases, and most people hide at the sight of even one of them.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (4)

Wierd/Poison --> Wierd/Poison --> Wierd/Poison
Inkee is a cloud of ink that's common in oceans, deserts, and wastelands, dissipating not long after birth if not caught in a Poké Ball quickly. Coming in contact with Inkee will cause the eyes to dissolve, causing eternal blindness in the process. Apparently, it was said to have been given life by a group of insane cultists who believed in a false deity that has been there since the universe began. No-one has ever seen them perform their deadly rituals, but those who see them will be compelled to join the cult instantly. Once Inkee involves into N'ghftoh, it no loger has a limited lifespan, able to pursue across the world unhindered. Flying down from violent storms, N'ghftoh latches on people's heads and drives them to insanity, making them believe in N'ghftoh itself. It only needs to be on the head for a second to do this, but most N'ghftoh often remain on their hosts until they perish, having become a cultist to N'ghftoh itself. It's a very common danger in the Oriva Region's oceans, as it can swipe it's wings to create a twister of vemon so powerful, that it dissolves eyes almost instantly, leading to crashes. It's evolution was said to be made possible by the cultists who first gave it life, breathing demonic words into them that make anyone who tries to say them become insane. Finally, N'ghftoh evolves again into N'ghulhu, the false deity that the cultists were believing in! A very dangerous Pokémon to come across in the sea, those who gaze at N'ghulhu's eye will become cultists to it almost instantly, being only able to speak a strange language that makes it stronger every second. Very few documentations of this Pokémon exist as a result, and most people have considered it a mere legend that they would never wish to see. If you hear chanting as you walk across, it is a sign that N'ghulhu is near, and your life as you know it is over!
Inkee ah cloud ot ink cahf's common ph'nglui gn'thh, deserts, ng wastelands, dissipating nafl long ep birth if nafl ph'nglui mgepor'uh'enah poké ball ephaiaglor. Ph'nglui nog llll shtunggli inkee ephaiuaaah nwngluii l' dissolve, uaaah syha'h blindness ph'nglui process. Apparently, h' mgepah l' mgep'ai mgep mgepah given lw'nafh llll group ot mg'lloig cultists ahf' ph'nglui mgepah'hri legethog deity cahf mgep mgepah ahagl Iiahe nilgh'rishuggogg mgepuaaah. No-one mgep ever seen f' perform f' deadly ahair'luhh, mgng fahff ahf' f' mgr'luh ephaiah compelled l' join ron instantly. Ehye inkee involves ph'nglui n'ghftoh, h' mg loger mgep limited lifespan, able l' pursue ph' shuggog unhindered. Flying mgyogor hup violent storms, n'ghftoh latches llll uh'e's nww ng drives f' l' mgehye'lloig, f' uaaah ph'nglui ah'hri n'ghftoh itself. H' uh'eor needs l' llll ah nw llll second l' ah fahf, mgng ahogog n'ghftoh nilgh'nahyar llll ahna f' sll'ha'drnn mgep f' perish, having become ronnyth l' n'ghftoh itself. H''s og common danger ph'nglui oriva region's gn'thh, Iiahe h' ahor swipe h''s wings l' uaaah twister ot vemon l' throdog, cahf h' dissolves nwngluii almost instantly, leading l' crashes. H''s evolution mgepah l' mgep'ai ah mgepuaaah ahoth llll cultists ahf' ehyeog h' mgepgoka lw'nafh, ahlw'nafhor demonic aimgr'luhh ph'nglui f' cahf uaaah riuh'eor ahf' tries l' f' ai become mg'lloig. Finally, n'ghftoh evolves ephaii ph'nglui n'ghulhu, legethog deity cahf cultists mgepah ph'nglui ah'hri! og dangerous pokémon l' ph' nog ph'nglui gn'th, fahff ahf' llll mgr'luh n'ghulhu's nwnglui ephaibecome cultists l' h' almost instantly, being uh'eor able l' ai or'azath language cahf h' uaaah ahorr'eogor nilgh'ri second. Og few documentations ot fahf pokémon ah'sgn Iiahe result, ng ahogog uh'e mgep considered h' mere legend cahf f' would mgsyha'h l' gotha mgr'luh. If ymg' mggoka'ai chanting Iiahe ymg' ph' bugnah, h' ah hnahr'luh cahf n'ghulhu ah llllnah, ng ymg' lw'nafh Iiahe ymg' h' kadishtu ph' ah!
A translation of the above entry in the language that the cultists of N'ghulhu speak out.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (5)

Athlete/Poison --> Athlete/Poison --> Athlete/Poison
Zhaennis is a tennis ball Pokémon that often appears near stadiums and sports courts, waiting to be hit by another Pokémon. It's laced with a deadly toxin that can cause energy loss on impact, and thus many people once used them as a form of poisonous grenade in the past, as, with a good enough throw, it can go where even the smallest weapons cannot fall into. It's got a very friendly personality, and Zhaennis always watches tennis matches go on, to gather some valuable experience in the future. When Zhaennis evolves into Tingtong, it gains a pair of ping pong paddles that can swat almost anything across great lengths. It creates balls of pure poison before whacking them towards it's targets with enough speed to blow apart a small house, and it just loves to play with each other: often, you'll find two Tingtongs competing against each other in a tennis match, where the loser must give the winner all of their food. It's very fast despite it's small feet, and Tingtong can always catch up to any flying projectile to whack it right back towards them with it's paddles, though it struggles with larger projectiles. Some Tingtongs also compete against people themselves, but it uses a normal tennis ball this way. Eventually, Tingtong will gain enough experience to fully evolve into Liniakout, the self proclaimed queen of the court! It now possesses an actual tennis racket that can hit any attack right back at their foes, and it runs so fast, that no projectile can ever catch it off guard. By detaching the tennis ball on it's chest and infusing it with poison, Liniakout can even perform a powerful racket swipe to strike the opponent's weak points, no matter how hidden they are. It's also a very experienced Pokémon, making sure that it always gets the most profit out of every battle it is in, whether it be lessons, or new skills to use towards it's enemies. It's skills in the racket have been comparable to most professional tennis players, and some learning players seek out a Liniakout to serve as their teacher.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Volley: A Power 40 Physical Athlete move that punts a ball towards the target. If it doesn't miss, at the end of the next turn, Volley will be used again. Many Athlete-type Pokémon can learn this attack.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (6)

Electric/Athlete --> Electric/Athlete --> Electric/Athlete
Fooji is a Football Pokémon that is based off Cuju, having been kicked around by people for thousands of years. As it rolls along, it generates static electricity that it then unleashes towards anyone who dare to kick it without a reason to do so. This electricity is so powerful, that even the most talented of goalkeepers cannot handle the volts, and will be forced to drop it. Apparently, Fooji first appeared when people asked for a way to train their soldiers for battle. Fooji's evolved form is known as Creamari, and when it evolves into this form, it's consciousness transfers to a full blown soccer player, with the football now becoming a generic football that Creamari treasures over everything else. They travel in large groups of 10-15 individuals, with each Creamari dribbling the ball around to charge it with static electricity, before the leader kicks it towards their targets with enough force to smash through solid diamond. While normally only one ball is involved in this, sometimes a Creamari will use all of it's teammate's balls at once for a powerful finishing move. They take great pride in each other, making sure that they always stick together no matter what, and wherever they travel, they inspire people to work together just like them. Some even say that the spirit of a soccer player inhabits it, allowing for the greatest performance. Creamari evolves again into Qisamara, who resembles a football player from the future. Kicking it's giant soccer ball around before launching it with all the electricity in it's body, as the ball rolls, it leaves behind a floor of electricity where there is no escape. Groups of Qisamara have been considered unbeatable due to their amazing teamwork together, though it can also fight well on it's own, able to generate a new soccer ball from it's own electrons if it ever loses it's original one. Some people claim that it inspired the first sources of teamwork in the Oriva Region. Being a football Pokémon, it gets along well with the Goalox line!
SPECIAL ATTACK: Football: A Power 60 Physical Athlete move that most Athlete-type Pokémon can learn, which kicks a football towards the target. No special effect.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Soccer Kick: A Power 60 Physical Athlete move that doubles in power if Football was used last turn. Many Pokémon that can learn Football can also learn this move.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Goal Strike: A Power 80 Physical Athlete move that strikes the target with a powerful kick. If this knocks out the target, the new Pokémon that replaces it will be struck by a random move those power is 40 or less that the user knows.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (7)

Mythical/Athlete --> Mythical/Athlete --> Mythical/Athlete
"Those things did'nt exist, I tell you! They were all myths!" These are the words that can best describe Chuilf, a golf ball Pokémon inspired by Chuiwan. It's a downright conspiracy artist, striking down the false and claiming it's own beliefs which may or may not be true. For example, it believes that it inspired the Mythical-type, all Pokémon know Psychic powers due to their believed ancestry to Mew, and that artifical Pokémon really don't exist, having already been in the wild before. (Though the Chuilf that made that claim did'nt know the nearby artifical Pokémon came from a space-time distortion) Chuilf itself rolls around plains and deserts, being whacked by other people in a game of golf, which it believes it made itself! The claims only get more and more complicated once Chuilf evolves into Tiongxan, which also possesses a pair of golf clubs that it can use to whack it's enemies sky high. It goes around towns and villages spurting out fake news, but no-one can understand it because it cannot speak in the human language, so instead it uses the hidden mythical energy within it to plant the news into the villager's heads, which often leads to insanity. Tiongxan is always on the lookout for new theories to tell out to the world, and many people actually believe it due to it's wily ways of distrubuting information. One incident occured when people claimed that the only Pokémon to ever exist was one called Pokémon, and everything else was just wild animals: while this strange Pokémon does indeed exist, only Tiongxan claims to have ever seen it. Finally, it evolves again into Huizoods, a Pokémon who's as good as a golfer as it is as a theorist! It carries around three different kinds of golf clubs, each of which can send anyone struck by it over a great distance, and it can switch between them in a microsecond of reflexes. It always aims for a hole in one, which is, most of the time, the target's head. You'll often see Huizoods perched up high cliffs, writing down strange theories to tell to the whole world, like how one once claimed that, due to Mew's ancestry, every Pokémon in the world is considered legendary. Despite it's absurd claims, some of Huizoods's theories do turn out to be eventually true.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (8)

Bug/Fairy --> Bug/Fairy --> Bug/Fairy
Based off the Koshinuke no mushi and the Sanshi, Konshus is a strange worm Pokémon that appear out of nowhere to fly towards people's backs. Once it has latched itself on the back, it will merge with the spine and causes the host to suffer from heart failure and vomiting. It then uses the pain that is generated to fuel it's own fairy attacks. However, the Konshus can be expelled from the body with most traditional medicine, as it is technically a type of virus: once Konshus has been expelled, it will simply fly off to look for another host to infest. When Konshus evolves into Glylodge, however, it becomes far harder to cure. With it's two heads each taking over a different part of the host's body, they can reduce it to basically a ragdoll in seconds by draining the life out of every cell in the body. No-one knows where Gylodge comes from, and it is so well camoflaged among rocks, that most people often don't notice that a Glylodge has merged with their spine. Some people even claim that those infected by Gylodge will eventually turn into a Bug Pokémon themselves! When Glylodge evolves into Jochugesan, it's personality changes completley. Every time someone is born, a Jochugesan will enter the person's body and stay there for their entire lives, but most people don't even notice it, especially in regions that the Koshus line is not native to. The middle head will make the host's body wither, the left head will cause bad dreams and damage organs, and the right head will lower the lifespan of it's host: with these three heads combined, aging exists. Every 60 days, they leave their host's body to meet with an unknown emperor, who will age the Jochugesan's host even more according to the wicked deeds that the Jochugesan has convinced the host to do. This can be avoided by sleeping on the 60th day, or by chanting special spells that will stop the Jochugesan's powers from working.

Bug/Sound --> Bug/Sound --> Bug/Sound
At the dawn of every morning, Koucada wakes up the people and Pokémon around it with it's prototype Kouxian, playing an alarming ringing sound that is like a living alarm clock. It often does this to deprive it's predators of valuable sleep so that they are too tired to catch it, as Koucada isn't usually that good at fighting as it's ring is very rarely deafening. Some people often employ them to wake them up for important projects, as they always ring on the crack of dawn. It's evolved form is known as Xialarma, and in this form, it's ringing is now loud enough to split apart the ears of anyone who hears them. You'll often find Xialarma on the top of trees in large forests, ringing on the slightest sense of danger to warn the other Pokémon that there's trouble coming, though this often makes them tired from the lack of sleep. In some areas, it's considered a pest because no-one can go into a deep sleep with it's alarming ringing, which also attracts other Xialarmas to it's location. It still avoids combat whenever possible, despite it's Kouxian now being sharp enough to cause actual wounds. Xialarma then evolves again into Guizaplays, a Pokémon that rings at the start of every new day to make sure that no-one oversleeps....well, that's what most people wanted it to do. In reality, Guizaplays is a very dangerous pest that rings all day to drive it's prey deaf, leaving them vulreable to being finished off. In fact, Guizaplays's presence in an area ensures that sleep can never exist as long as it's there, and it won't shut up because this ringing powers it's own heart. Some people even abandon their villages upon hearing the slightest trace of a Guizaplays's ringing, which can be heard from miles away. With all these traits, it's no wonder why it has been exiled from the Oriva Region altogether for it's sins upon sleep: The only way to get one today is to evolve an Xialarma.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (10)

Ground/Bug --> Ground/Bug --> Ground/Bug
Based off the Shore Earwig, Sandywig is a nocturnal Pokémon that comes out on night in the Oriva Region's deserts. It's mostly an innocent Pokémon that feeds on cactus flowers and morning dew, though as a form of defence, it will spray a stream of sand towards it's target to blind them, while Sandywig itself escapes to a safer location. Despite the claims of most people, Sandywigs do not crawl into people's ears, and it's pair of pincers can only chop materials up to the strength of wood. It's evolved form, Earclanch, however, does attack ears, but only as part of it's hunting strategy to render them deaf. They look after the Sandywigs in their nest and make sure that no predators can eat them, clenching their enemies in their powerful pincers, which are now strong enough to break a solid steel beam in half. It's a danger to many farms as it now feeds on all kinds of crops, not just cactus flowers, though it only does this if it cannot find any prey to kill for meat. It's also said to possess a pheronome that convinces people struck by it to tear their own ears out, but since it rarely releases it due to having fewer predators, it is often considered to be a myth in itself. Earclanch then evolves again into Khorkavor, a giant death worm that leaps between deserts like they were the oceans themselves. Burrowing deep underground with it's powerful jaws that can tear through solid titanium, it draws it's prey in by creating a giant vortex of quicksand that no-one can ever escape from. As it burrows across the sands, Khorkavor creates powerful earthquakes that can reduce entire cities to rubble without entering the surface, and it supposedly stretches out to the size of a mountain. According to some sources, Khorkavor only appears in cities where the population is nearing their end.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (11)

Ground --> Ground --> Ground
Based off the Sessho Seki, Sesshake is a strange rock formation that appears to be arranged in the shape of a fox balancing on one foot. Said to be possessed by the spirit of a deceased Okamyubi, Sesshake causes violent earthquakes to occur near it that will kill almost any person that goes near them, forcing travellers to seek alternative routes to get around them. No-one has ever seen it leave it's pose, and those who did see it where destroyed as well. Sesshake only really starts moving when it evolves into Sestott, a walking earthquake that shapes the land as it walks. Comparable to a magnitude 3 earthquake, Sestott targets buildings that have been built purely for personal gain, exposing them to the epicenter that surrounds it, which is comparable to a magnitude 8 earthquake. It then consumes the remains of the building to make sure that it is never rebuilt again. The hard shell that makes up Sestott's body is said to be made from the crust of the earth itself, and it can absorb nearly any attack imaginable. Supposedly, the Okamyubi spirit has since left it's body at this point, having been purified by a ritual made by a priest. It's final evolved form is known as Sestamagez, known to some as "The Landscaper". As it walks, mountains rise from the ground and cities that are unworthy to contuine any further are reduced to flat planes, where life rises from them once more. Sestamagez is always producing a powerful earthquake around it, but in battle, it will slam it's paws to the ground to create an earthquake so powerful, it can reduce a mountain to dust in a single strike. The flakes of clay that it leaves behind can be used to craft amulets that protect the wearer from all natural disasters, and the first of these flakes had been worshipped by many people for years.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (12)

Ground/Mythical --> Ground/Mythical --> Ground/Mythical
Based off the Luduan and the Altai Wapiti, Altaiwa is an elk Pokémon that inspires itself to keep on running every second in it's life. This way, it can run fast enough to avoid most forms of natural disasters, and it's journey is a sign that the villages it runs by are about to be struck by natural disasters themselves. It's very rarely seen, and getting evidence of an Altaiwa can grant great fame to the person who has obtained it. Altaiwa evolves into Altadeer, and in this form, it can run so fast that it can scar the earth itself. On it's back is a strange set of keratin that resembles the face of a beast, that drives off any predators that would threaten the life of Altadeer, allowing it to keep running across the country side. It never stops at all, only feeding on the essence of the earth itself, and Altadeer's running speed has been comparable to most forms of automobile. Amulets of Altadeer are often distributed in the Oriva Region's festivals as a form of energy booster, to allow the wielder to keep on running. It's final evolved form is known as Altaduan, a Pokémon those main head is the lion-like face on the front. The deer head on top is now nothing more than a false head that leads predators astray as it runs across the plains and deserts of the Oriva Region like a green bolt of lightning, skewering opponent's with it's long horn that can puncture almost anything. Altaduan's appearance was said to have inspired the concept of running, and those who see it gain a boost in andreline, allowing them to run as much as they like. Due to it's speed, very few people have actually seen Altaduan: It's only catalogued appearance was when it appeared before an emperor to try and convince them to end their conquest. When the emperor refused, Altaduan grabbed them by the legs and ran across the entire world, reducing him to a skeleton when Altaduan had completed the loop.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (13)

Flying/Ground --> Flying/Ground --> Flying/Ground
Based off the Eurasian Hoopoe, despite it's typing, Hoopy cannot usually fly in most circ*mstances, it's ground-based body being too heavy to lift itself off the ground. It's native to wastelands and deserts, feeding on bits of earth to make it's wings strong enough to allow it to fly, though most of the time you'll see a Hoopy stuck on a cliff with no way to get off it. It's most well known for the crest on it's head, which many barbers try to copy as a form of hairstyle, alongside the call it makes when it's in danger. Hoopy evolves into Legahopa, a very peculiar bird to say at the least. Although it's huge wings can compliment it's weight to fly great distances, Legahopa runs faster using them as feet, with it's actual feet being very undeveloped. By slamming both of them into the ground, it can create a powerful earthquake that can reduce most houses to rubble in seconds, and always trains itself every day to make sure it's wings stay healthy. Legahopa is very prideful of these wings, favouring them above anything else, and it oftens loves flexing it's arms to draw in prey, even though it is a herbivore. Legahopa evolves again into Ueprox, which is said to possess the biggest wings of any Pokémon. However, like it's previous stage, Ueprox uses these wings as hands or feet, and the earthquakes that they can generate are now so powerful, that other Ground-type Pokémon become jealous upon feeling them. It possesses enough strength to lift an oil tanker like it was a feather, and Ueprox is said to be the culmination of strength itself, as it had focused all of it's DNA into it's wings to make them far stronger than any other kind of wing there is. Some people claim that the earthquakes that had struck villages in the past where in fact Ueprox's own wings!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (14)

Ground/Fairy --> Ground/Fairy --> Ground/Fairy
Tombankh is a mysterious Pokémon that did not originate from the Oriva Region, having been imported there from an ancient tomb in a distant desert. A symbol of life and death, Tombankh drains the lifeforce of anyone that dares to lay a finger of it, in order to gather enough life force to bring itself back to life once more. Apparently, the people in the desert it originated from once used it to revive the dead itself with it's overwhelming control over fairy energy. Tombankh evolves into Mummankh, a living representation of the dead itself. Wrapped around in a stream of bandages that never seem to tear away, it approaches those who have defied it in it's past life, corrupting them with fairy energy and turning them into a Mummankh itself. All attempts to unravel the bandages to see Mummankh's actual body have all resulted in death, but apparently it is tied to the girdle it wears around it's neck, a symbol of it's former life. They can often be found in ancient tombs hiding in coffins and sarcophoguses, and those who try to open them will never enter another tomb again as long as they live, frightened to the core that a Mummankh could be hiding anywhere. Once it has gathered enough lifeforce, Mummankh will bring itself back to life and fully evolve into Xiashankh, a pharoah Pokémon that rules over the desert like it was a royal kingdom. With it's staff, it inflicts ten different kinds of deadly curses upon it's enemies, forcing them to submit to Xiashankh itself. It can also control the spirits around it to revive the dead, or hide it's kingdom away in a giant sandstorm. It was apparently the strongest Pokémon in the desert it once lived in, commanding armies of Mummankhs to cover the sands in a royal flair that all people must submit to.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Resurrection: A Light Status move that brings a defeated party member back to life at 50% Health, but it only has 1 PP just like Revival Blessing. Many Light-type Pokémon, or those associated with life and death, can learn this attack.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (15)

Villain/Ground --> Villain/Ground --> Villain/Ground
Oyser can be best described as a living fountain of oil! It hides underground in the deepest of deserts, and being made of oil, it is very valued by many people. The main villaiy comes in the greed that those who strike it experiece: they will often keep all the money they earned from the Oyser industries they build for themselves, and they refuse to let anyone else go near them, regardless of the striker's original personality, until eventually all they care about is money. Of course, being an oil geyser, Oyser cannot move at all, though it is a good partner with Fire Pokémon who can light it's oil to create a powerful firestorm towards it's enemies. However, when Oyser evolves into Oilopec, it not only gains the ability to walk around, but it also resembles a oil well that the people who struck it used to gather it's oil in the past. No longer constantly gushing out oil, Oilopec wanders across deserts and force anyone they meet to make unfavorable bargains that will eventually lead to them being consumed by greed and money, with no care for anything else. When the head-like device on the top of it's body pushes down, it releases a stream of sticky oil from it's actual mouth that corrupts the mind of anyone struck by them, making them only think about becoming the richest person in the world, to the point that they will demand other people to give them their money. At nighttime, Oilopec disguises itself as an actual oil well and helps it's trainers gather oil to sell to the market, which of course is also a lead to eternal greed, so this Pokémon should be avoided at all costs! Oilopec fully evolves into Orayanxa, a greedy oil baron that gathers all the oil supplies in the area it's in and force people to pay it a fortune to obtain them once more. It's twin oil cannons can pump out gallons of oil in seconds, and those struck by it will have all their memories removed but one: "I LIKE MONEY!". Orayanxa commands other Ground-type Pokémon to make sure it's buisness thrives, and with it's memory altering oil, attempts to revolt against it have been nigh impossible, as is attempting to light the oil on fire, as it has removed the molecules that had made it flammable in the first place. It's said that when Orayanxa enters a village, all people in that village will rage a war over who is the richest of them all. It has even been sighted appearing before thriving companies, and they have always become bankrupt a few hours after Orayanxa visits them, rushing out their products or even copying other ones entirely just to make money.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Market Crash: A Power 70 Special Job move that many Job-type Pokémon, or those assiocated with money, can learn. The user fires a powerful energy bolt at the target comparable to a falling market, which ignores the target's item completely.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Torture: A Power 70 Physical Villain move that subjects the target to torture and suffering. This move may cause flinching, and can be learned by many Villain-type Pokémon.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (16)

Ground/Wierd --> Ground/Wierd --> Ground/Wierd
Kagaint is a painting brought to life as a Pokémon by the spirit of the artist who drew it, with it's colors having become dull and clay-like in the process. It's most common kind of painting appears to be one desgined after Wayama, indicating that the Pokémon was a common topic for painting in the past. Kagaint often appears near areas rich in pigments, aiming to restore the color of it's painting once more, though in desperation, it can unleash a wave of wierd energy towards it's enemies. Kagaint evolves into Pagodtrait, those painting at this point has changed into one depicting a pagoda that existed a long time ago. Possessing a pair of powerful jaws that can break apart steel very easily, Pagodtrait has given up trying to restore the painting at this stage, instead focusing on concentrating it's beauty and it's love for battle to make sure it never gets damaged, even in it's last moment. It often flies up to people and asks if the painting is beautiful, flying around them in a ring pattern until they give their answer. If they say that it is beautiful, Pagodtrait will spare them and fly off for it's next target. However, if they think that it is horrible, Pagodtrait will bite the person and seal them inside their painting itself. Those sealed inside the painting become inanimate figures, though sometimes people have reported the figures in them move, driving them insane in the process. It's final evolved form is known as Inwali-13-O, those painting appears to depict the Restful Mountains themselves. Flying around forests and areas rich in paint, Inwali-13-O judges the creativity of each person they come across, sealing those who show very little in it into it's painting, which is actually another universe contained within it. It appears to be a clay-coloured version of the Pokémon world itself, and those who enter it eventually become mindless artists frantically trying to create the painting out of it: however, there is no escape once Inwali-13-O has sealed you inside of it's painting. It's a sign that you must keep your spirit of creativity high across your life, lest you be sealed within Inwali-13-O's painting itself. Supposedly, though, it sometimes hides inside art gallerys, where they become beautiful paintings, though their color never returns.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Art Wave: A Power 70 Special Wierd move that summons a tidal wave of paint towards the target. This hits both Pokémon in a double battle, and adds Wierd to their typing. It's mostly learned by Pokémon assiocated with paint.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (17)

Dark/Ground --> Dark/Ground --> Dark/Ground
Based off the Waniguchi and the Wani, Wanirini is said to be an old disused bell given life by a wandering spirit of the ocean. Despite it's typing, Wanirini is actually an amphibious species that wanders around the temple it was born in, biting anyone that goes near them and making their heads literally ring. It's jaws are strong enough to break apart a stone wall with relative ease, and as they bite, a ringing sound comparable to a small magnitude can be heard from them. In a somewhat ironic case for a Pokémon that is weak to Water, Wanirini's evolved form, Wancrakk, is almost entirely an ocean-bound Pokémon. No longer bound to the bell that it began it's life as, Wancrakk swims across the ocean floor, creating earthquakes with it's twin claws that open up new homes for water Pokémon to live in. It can perform just as well on land as it can in water, and Wancrakk can easily jump between them to confuse it's prey until they'd least expect their demise. Some people who saw them referred them as a deity of the sea, showering the ocean in gifts to make sure that they prosper, but sometimes it will call forth underwater earthquakes that lead to huge tsunamis if it feels like it's being treated like a tool. Wancrakk's final evolved form is known as Wanakanju, a Pokémon that commands the seas despite not being a Water type at all. Taking great responsibility over both land and sea, Wanakanju uses the jewel on it's chest to control the tides and the land with magnitudes comparable to the force of a tank, living in giant coral palaces under the sea. They can shapeshift into a human form to explore the world or to warn other people of earthquakes and tsunamis, and stories of these Pokémon falling in love with people have been a popular topic among certain storywriters. Those who accept it's offer to live with them will remain in the bottom of the sea for years, being granted the ability to breathe underwater by Wanakanju itself.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (18)

Dark/Sound --> Dark/Sound --> Dark/Sound
Based off the Uwan, UwU is a rather strange Pokémon that is named after not just the scream it makes, but also the strange markings on it that resemble eyes. It is often found in abandoned temples and houses, waiting in one spot for days on end. When someone passes by them, it lets out the scream of "UwU!" without anyone seeing them, before using the resulting fear to help to keep itself alive. Because it is an expert at hiding itself, no-one had ever been able to see an UwU in the flesh until very recently, and in the past, it was thought to have no form at all, but some people thought it was a giant UwU face, another reason why it has gotten it's name. UwU's evolved form is known as ZUwUZ, those scream is so loud, that it can cause anyone who listens to it to have a fatal heart attack almost instantly. ZUwUZ then steals their lifeforce and retreats into the darkness to look for it's next target, all while being unseen. Strangely, a set of markings resembling a sleeping face are present on the bottom of it's body, and no-one knows why they are there. Some people claim that it's part of ZUwUZ's camoflage tactics, while others claim it is to draw those who do see it astray, closing it's eyes and mouth to make them think it is just an innocent little Pokémon until the last second. Shouting it's name back at it when it shouts will drive it away, never to catch those who shouted at it again. It's final evolved form is known as >UowoU<, which got it's name from the earliest deciptions of it, which showed a strange ">UowoU<" face made out of flesh and bone. Now able to hide itself among any imaginable surface, it periodically shouts ">UowoU<!" to anyone it passes by to scare them to death, before disposing of it's body with it's set of powerful claws, both on it's hands and it's feet. Some >UowoU< will often target a single family and constantly shout every night, depriving them of their sleep, before striking when they are too tired to fight back. People who hear it often just believe it is the shouting of another person, and because of this, >UowoU< has never been seen in the flesh outside of evolving a ZUwUZ. Staring at the markings on it's head, arms, and legs will cause you to hallucinate giant floating faces such as :-) that will eventually drive you insane. On a scientific note, >UowoU< is the first non-glitched Pokémon in history those name starts with a >.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (19)

Dark/Job --> Dark/Job --> Dark/Job
Based off the Siberian Ibex, Dibex is a Pokémon those only goal is to spread the darkness to where it goes. It has a thing for taking situations to court, thus imprisoning those involved in them in the process, as Dibex is a devious Pokémon and, when no-one's looking, will often modify the court papers to ensure that the defendant will be found guilty. However, it only seems to do this towards situations that it believes will prevent it's spread of darkness should they continue on. Dibex evolves into Jikusibir, a mountanous Pokémon those presence can be noted by the blinding darkness that surrounds it. More of a litigator at this stage, Jikusibir judges the soul of every living being it comes across, marking those who are worthy to stop it's conquest for death! It always takes legal action upon any situation it comes across, abiding them to the law so that it can spread it's darkness unhindered: however, Jikusibir appears to ignore situations that involve Dark-type Pokémon that would favour the darkness that it would spread. In battle, it charges towards the opponent with it's powerful horns, striking them with an eternal torment of guilt that they will never forget, no matter how hard they try. Once Jikusibir has solved enough cases (The very ones that it ends up making!) it will evolve again into Anzhuzi, the self-proclaimed long arm of the law itself! It traps all evil that would try to stop it's spread of darkness inside cages of black matter that can never be escaped from, filling the prisoners with a powerful dark essence that drains their will to live. A very talented Pokémon when it comes to the court, it can use it's sharpened senses to detain the guilty and protect the innocent, though people question it's nobility, thinking that it's only doing this to make sure that it can spread it's darkness unhindered, rendering even the brightest of days into the darkest of nights as it runs across the mountains of the Oriva Region unseen by most people. Despite this, Anzhuzi does sometimes appear before buildings that have broken the law, and it has an uneasy friendship with Jingzon, with the two sometimes working together to obtain all the clues from a crime scene.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Interview: A Job Status move. The user starts an interview for five turns, during which all enemy Pokémon cannot use not very effective moves. Many Job-type Pokémon can learn this attack.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (20)

Dark/Hero --> Dark/Hero
Cobero is a sheriff Pokémon that's said to have come from outer space to bring peace to planets as per the orders from it's boss: the Pokémon World is it's latest stop in making sure that the galaxy is free of all evil. Although it may look innocent at heart, it's very dedicated to it's job, ridding the area it's in of all villains that dare to approach it with blasts of pure darkness comparable to laser fire, that blind every function in their body. You'll sometimes find Cobero going undercover as a mere passerby until it's target is in sight, upon which it sheds it's disguise and guns the target down with a barrage of energy shots. It's so otherwordly, that some people claim that Cobero isn't even considered a Pokémon at all. It evolves into Shagasha, a talented space sheriff that makes sure that all law in the area it's in is in order. With it's twin laser pistols, it can fire over a million shots per second, enough to disintigrate even the tallest of buildings into useless rubble in mere moments. To protect multiple areas at once, it can split into three copies of itself, each just as talented and no weaker than the original, to hunt down crime and bring it to the court in seconds due to it's excellent skills in fighting against crime. Some people claim that Shagasha rides a mechanical dragon around to travel in space, but these claims are often dismissed as mere myths.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Beatdown: A Power 50 Physical Hero move that hits the target three times with heroic punches that go POW! WHAM! ZOK! Each hit has a chance to lower the target's attack by 1. It's mostly learned by most Hero-type Pokémon as their strongest physical Hero move.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Crimestopper: A Power 70 Special Hero move that fires a powerful blast towards the target comparable to the energy that a hero feels when they are fighting crime. The energy generated from this attack allows the user to break out of any non-standard status conditions inflicted on them, such as Taunt and Attract.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Finishing Move: A Power 90 Special Hero move with 90% accuracy that strikes the target with all of the user's might. If the target has 10% or less HP when this is used, this attack will defeat them in one hit.
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Enforcer: When Shagasha is sent out, if everyone else in your party has fainted, Shagasha will split into three identical copies of itself, each having a different color, that will occupy a party slot until the end of the battle. They have the same HP and moveset as the original Shagasha, and they will remain split until the end of the battle. This means you can potentially have up to eight Pokémon in your party at once, provided you send Shagasha out last! This ability only works once per battle.
When you enter a Wushido Base, you must go through a maze in a limited amount of time: If time runs out before you make it to the leader, the guardians will be unleashed, very powerful uncatchable wild Pokémon that will most likely defeat the entire party if they catch the player. Each Wushido Base has a unique trap within it that will delay the player as long as possible, as well as several Wushido grunts who will battle the player on sight. The stronger the Wushido Base, the more complicated the mazes get!
When you make it to the Wushido commander itself, he challenges you to a single battle! Once all of his Pokémon have been defeated, he'll send out a piece of the evil that once terrorized the Oriva Region in the past, that the Wushido Clan is trying to revive: This piece is infused with the energy of the Ancient Moves themselves. They fight like normal Pokémon would, but have lots of HP just like Titan Pokémon: Their typing is always the same as the Wushido Base it is in. They also possess one of the original 90 Ancient Moves, usually one that covers their greatest weakness. Defeat the monster, and the Wushido Base will be destroyed!

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Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.