WWE King and Queen of the Ring 2024 Live Stream & Results: Cody Rhodes vs. Logan Paul (2024)

The WWE King and Queen of the Ring 2024 PLE will take place today, and you can catch a live stream of the countdown show.

Before the Undisputed WWE Championship match between titleholder Cody Rhodes and Logan Paul and the King and Queen of the finals commence, there is a key title match that fans will get to see for free. The WWE Women's Tag Team Champions Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill will put their gold at stake against Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell on the pre-show.

LeRae and Hartwell received the title shot after mocking Belair for her loss to Nia Jax in the Queen of the Ring semifinals on Friday Night SmackDown. Cargill scared off LeRae and Hartwell before seeing SmackDown GM Nick Aldis, who made the match official.


The countdown show will begin at 11 a.m. ET. You can watch the live stream below:

We will also be bringing you live coverage throughout the day with WWE King and Queen of the Ring 2024 results. In the finals of the KOTR, GUNTHER will collide with Randy Orton. The QOTR finals will feature Nia Jax going one-on-one with Lyra Valkyria.

There is the aforementioned Undisputed WWE Championship match between Cody Rhodes and Logan Paul, but that's not the only title match on the PLE portion of the card. Becky Lynch will put her Women's World Championship at stake against Liv Morgan. We'll also get to see a triple threat match for the Intercontinental Championship, as Sami Zayn defends against Chad Gable and Bronson Reed.

MMA Knockout on Sports Illustrated will begin coverage of the WWE King and Queen of the Ring 2024 when the Women's Tag Team Championship match starts. Keep refreshing this page for the latest updates.

WWE King and Queen of the Ring 2024 Results

Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill vs. Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell

Here. We. Go.

The WWE Women's Tag Team Titles are on the line RIGHT NOW on The Countdown to #WWEKingAndQueen!

๐Ÿฆš https://t.co/xRBTNzqw23
๐ŸŒ https://t.co/aEwGYUp0uE pic.twitter.com/ApTUNoo1re

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

Candice went for a move off the second rope, but Bianca cut her off. Belair went for a Gorilla Press Slam, but her injured knee gave out.

Jade got the hot tag and nailed Candice with a Spinebuster. She hit corner splashes on both LeRae and Indi before planting Hartwell with a sitout powerbomb before Candice broke up the pin.

โšก HERE COMES THE STORM โšก@Jade_Cargill has taken over this match! #WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/QWBmMnVjUK

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

Belair and Jade hit a DDT into a wheelbarrow suplex combination on LeRae for the win.

Bianca Belair y Jade Cargill RETIENEN los Women's Tag Team Championship con este movimiento conjunto sobre Candice LeRae, en un combate de exhibiciรณn para que Bianca y Jade tengan su hueco en el PPV.

Un DDT mezclado con un Suplex. Curioso. #WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/b7A39bLAsh

โ€” LuigiWrestling (@LuigiWrestling) May 25, 2024

Winners and STILL WWE Women's Tag Team Champions: Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill

Becky Lynch (c) vs. Liv Morgan - for the Women's World Championship

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

The Man has come around to Jeddah! @BeckyLynchWWE puts her Women's World Championship on the line to get us started at #WWEKingAndQueen! pic.twitter.com/f61Pcg8up9

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

The action quickly spilled outside and Becky sent Liv's head into the steel steps and the barricade. Liv drove Becky into the ring apron. Lynch went for her middle rope leg drop, but she was dragged down to the mat by Liv.

Becky and Liv hit simultaneous clotheslines. Lynch climbed the top turnbuckle, but she was cut off. Becky shoved Liv off and landed a missile dropkick for a two-count. Liv used the middle rope for momentum and hit a Codebreaker for a near fall.

Becky locked in an armbar, but Morgan reversed into a Rings of Saturn. Becky turned over for a pin attempt, but Morgan kept the submission on. Becky then rolled over for the Dis-Arm-Her, but Dominik Mysterio appeared and this distracted Becky.

.@DomMysterio35 is here! #WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/wApUMayahU

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

Liv countered the Manhandle Slam into the Codebreaker for a close two-count. Liv went up the top turnbuckle, but Becky met her there for a superplex. Dom tossed a steel chair in the ring and distracted the referee. Liv nailed Becky with a DDT on the chair followed by Oblivion for the win.

DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?!@YaOnlyLivvOnce beats @BeckyLynchWWE! She is the NEW Women's World Champion ๐Ÿ˜ฑ#WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/g7cYjCFvkD

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

Dom knew exactly what he was doing ... #WWEKingandQueen pic.twitter.com/7xSsUt6dS5

โ€” Sports Illustrated's Fernando Quiles Jr. (@FQJMMA) May 25, 2024

Winner and NEW Women's World Champion: Liv Morgan

Sami Zayn (c) vs. Chad Gable and Bronson Reed - for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

Looks like @WWEGable only wants @otiswwe with him ringside and not @maxxinedupri... ๐Ÿ˜ฌ#WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/ubyeMbt8kO

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ LET'S GO!@SamiZayn has arrived to #WWEKingAndQueen! pic.twitter.com/lsa8X2GlKx

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

Reed used his power advantage early. He got Gable in a reverse DDT position and caught Sami in a Uranage and slammed him onto Gable. Sami hit a senton over the top rope onto Gable and Reed on the outside. Zayn hit a sunset flip on Reed from the turnbuckle for a two-count.

A flying @SamiZayn! #WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/H47cIApF8h

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

Reed went for a moonsault, but Zayn moved out of the way. Zayn hit a tornado DDT on Reed, but Gable got him in an Ankle Lock. Chad then locked in the submission on Reed before Sami got him in an Ankle Lock of his own. Sami hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Reed for a near fall.

BLUE THUNDER BOMB DE SAMI ZAYN A BRONSON REED. Quรฉ jodido combatazo. #WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/KfnqJaST6r

โ€” LuigiWrestling (@LuigiWrestling) May 25, 2024

Reed hit a suicide dive on Sami and Gable.

Triple threat banger #WWEKingandQueen https://t.co/ceyiBKvxLX

โ€” Sports Illustrated's Fernando Quiles Jr. (@FQJMMA) May 25, 2024

Otis hit a shoulder block on Reed, but he hesitated hitting Sami. Gable was irate and he shoved Otis before slapping him. Otis finally went for a running clothesline, but he accidentally hit Gable.


โ€” Wrestling Pics & Clips (@WrestleClips) May 25, 2024

In the ring, Sami nailed the Helluva Kick on Reed for the win.

Winner and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Sami Zayn

Nia Jax vs. Lyra Valkyria - Queen of the Ring 2024 Finals

Will Nia Jax become Queen Nia?#WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/p2CX2EL1lj

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

.@Real_Valkyria is ready to become Queen of the Ring! ๐Ÿ‘‘#WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/cIzojj8jf2

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

Jax used her power advantage early, but Lyra eventually hit a tornado DDT for a near fall. Nia hit a Samoan Drop. She went for the Annihilator, but Lyra cut her off and landed a double foot stomp. Lyra went up the top turnbuckle for a leg drop.

Nia Jax is DOMINATING ๐Ÿ˜ณ#WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/QUIbrvqCz0

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

Lyra went for a sunset flip powerbomb, but Nia landed right on her for the Annihilator for the finish.

I am laughing way too much at this finish ๐Ÿคฃ #WWEKINGANDQUEEN pic.twitter.com/Jx3pNQdben

โ€” Sports Illustrated's Fernando Quiles Jr. (@FQJMMA) May 25, 2024


What a Queen of the Ring tournament for Nia Jax!#WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/eARzuWoel6

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

Winner and the 2024 Queen of the Ring: Nia Jax

Becky Lynch was backstage berating Dominik Mysterio. She then told Byron Saxton that she has a rematch

GUNTHER vs. Randy Orton - King of the Ring 2024 Finals

Buckle up...

It's time for the King of the Ring Finals! ๐Ÿ‘‘#WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/x4zqghUBtt

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

I think it's awesome how the Backlash crowd in Lyon, France has made a positive impact on WWE crowds around the world. You paid your ticket, keep the hype going! #WWEKINGANDQUEEN

โ€” Sports Illustrated's Fernando Quiles Jr. (@FQJMMA) May 25, 2024

๐Ÿ‘€#WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/B3DHLoUf10

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

This is SURREAL. @RandyOrton vs. @Gunther_AUT in the King of the Ring Finals RIGHT NOW at #WWEKingAndQueen! pic.twitter.com/Ny9llaZERc

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

GUNTHER had Orton grounded early with an arm lock, but Orton turned the tide with his own arm hold. Orton had a side headlock on "The Ring General," but Gunther landed a chop on the break. He followed up with a second chop, and a third.

GUNTHER stunned Orton with a European Uppercut, but Orton dropped him with one of his own. GUNTHER went for a powerbomb, but Orton looked to counter with an RKO that was thwarted when Orton landed right on his surgically reparied back.

๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ#WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/jfGIyUQG2w

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

GUNTHER hit another chop, but Orton landed two clotheslines. He went for his trademark powerslam, but GUNTHER didn't take the bait. When Orton went down on the failed powerslam, "The Viper" landed on his injured knee.

Gunther vuelve a evitar, en este caso, el Powerslam de Randy Orton, que se duele de la rodilla. Se nota por donde van. #WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/PMWXGKyvlB

โ€” LuigiWrestling (@LuigiWrestling) May 25, 2024

GUNTHER charged in, but this time Orton hit the powerslam. He went for the draping DDT and he landed it. Orton looked for an RKO, but GUNTHER shoved him off and hit a scoop slam. He then hit a Frog Splash for a near fall.

A second spash attempt missed, and Orton hit the RKO. Orton was too hurt to make the pin, allowing GUNTHER to roll out of the ring.

This is AWESOME ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘#WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/8bBa6SOYln

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

On the outside, Orton hit two backdrops on the announce table. "The Ring General" sent Orton crashing into the ring apron. GUNTHER attempted a Powerbomb on the outside, but Orton reversed and sent him crashing to the announce table a third time.

Vintage Orton ๐Ÿ#WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/3j4r7fDkuz

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

GUNTHER locked in the Half Crab submission. Another RKO connected for Orton, but GUNTHER kicked out and got in a cradle pin for the win. Orton's injured knee was too painful for him to kick out.


โ€” Wrestling Pics & Clips (@WrestleClips) May 25, 2024

Winner and 2024 King of the Ring: GUNTHER

Backstage, Paul "Triple H" Levesque was with Kayla Braxton to announce that Drew McIntyre will challenge Damian Priest for the World Heavyweight Championship at Clash at the Castle on June 15th in Glasgow, Scotland.

Three weeks from today, LIVE from Glasgow, Scotland, @DMcIntyreWWE gets his opportunity to challenge @ArcherOfInfamy for the World Heavyweight Championship at #WWECastle. pic.twitter.com/XXJ7yiY234

โ€” Triple H (@TripleH) May 25, 2024

Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Logan Paul - for the Undisputed WWE Championship

Will @LoganPaul walk out of #WWEKingAndQueen as Undisputed WWE Champion? pic.twitter.com/wJCS4rDT4C

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ WOAHHHHHH@CodyRhodes has arrived to #WWEKingAndQueen! pic.twitter.com/vYTZm1wYNc

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

Logan slammed Cody's arm down the mat after calling him a "b****." The two engaged in a shoving match before Rhodes popped Logan with a forearm. Cody went for a crossbody, but Logan did a split to avoid the move. He then threw Cody into the steps.

.@LoganPaul is taking flight โœˆ๏ธ#WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/lcIvK1FQ0Y

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

Paul landed some body punches to Rhodes in the corner. He then hit the Alley Op Powerbomb for a two-count.

Paul climbed the top turnbuckle, but Rhodes leaped up and hit an arm drag. Rhodes was selling a rib injury. With Logan on the ring apron, Rhodes landed the Disaster Kick. One of Logan's cronies gave Paul a Prime drink, but Rhodes hit him with it.

One of Paul's buddies handed him brass kuckles, and he used the weapon to hit Cody in the bad ribs while the referee was distracted. Paul argued with Michael Cole, which allowed Rhodes to hit a suicide dive.

Ya empieza Logan Paul a coger el puรฑo americano y demรกs, con sus amiguitos de Prime. Mintiendo sobre lo que habรญa dicho en SmackDown, como no. #WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/sdU0AbtqHh

โ€” LuigiWrestling (@LuigiWrestling) May 25, 2024

Logan missed the slingshot clothesline and Rhodes nailed him with the Cody Cutter for a near fall. Logan stole Cody's finisher, Cross Rhodes, for a two-count.

CODY CUTTER!!!#WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/IhBF30zkZ5

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

A Cross Rhodes from @LoganPaul ๐Ÿ˜ฑ#WWEKingAndQueen pic.twitter.com/rBMpvjyOfJ

โ€” WWE (@WWE) May 25, 2024

Logan cleared the announce table and went for a Pedigree, but Rhodes fought back. Rhodes hit the Cody Cutter off the barricade onto the announce table. The referee was going to count Logan out, but Cody stopped him.

Rhodes then cleared the other announce table. Paul nailed Cody with a punch to the jaw. He then placed Cody on the announce table. Paul grabbed another Prime bottle and went up the top turnbuckle. He hit the Frog Splash right through the table.


โ€” LuigiWrestling (@LuigiWrestling) May 25, 2024

Paul then hit the Frog Splash on Cody in the ring, but "The American Nightmare" kicked out.

Both Cody and Logan accidentally hit corner splashes on the referee. Rhodes hit the Vertebreaker, but the referee was down. Logan hit a low blow. He then pulled out the brass knuckles again, but the guest ring announcer held onto his leg, allowed Cody to hit Cross Rhodes three times for the finish.


Cody Rhodes successfully defends the Undisputed WWE Championship vs Logan Paul in the Main Event!#WWEKingandQueen pic.twitter.com/N9En8fJZQ1

โ€” WrestlePurists (@WrestlePurists) May 25, 2024

Winner and STILL Undisputed WWE Champion: Cody Rhodes


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WWE King and Queen of the Ring 2024 Live Stream & Results: Cody Rhodes vs. Logan Paul (2024)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.