The processing of Group Policy failed (2024)

In this article, we’ll look at how to troubleshoot and fix Group Policy processing errors on Windows computers in an Active Directory domain.

If one of the domain computers fails to apply the new Group Policy settings, try to force the update of the GPO settings on this computer by using the command:

gpupdate /force

The most common errors that appear with the description: “Group Policy processing failed…” are as follows:

  • Windows attempted to read the file …gpt.ini from a domain controller (Event ID 1058);
  • Because of a lack of network connectivity to a domain controller (Event ID 1129);
  • Windows attempted to retrieve new Group Policy settings for this user or computer (ID 1030);
  • Windows could not determine the computer account to enforce Group Policy settings (Event ID 1097).

In brackets are Event Viewer error codes that you can use to trace these GPO processing errors (Event Viewer > Windows Logs > System). You should get an idea of the underlying problem from the descriptions of the specific errors on an affected machine.

Windows Can’t Read the GPT.INI File when Processing GPO

The full description of the error with event ID 1058 is as follows:

User policy could not be updated successfully. The following errors were encountered.

The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows attempted to read the file \\domain.local\SysVol\domain.local\Policies\{Policy_GUID}\gpt.ini from a domain controller and was not successful. Group Policy settings may not be applied until this event is resolved.

  • This issue may be transient and could be caused by one or more of the following:
    Name Resolution/Network Connectivity issues with the current domain controller;
  • Distributed File System (DFS)/File Replication Service (FRS) latency (a file created on another domain controller has not been replicated to the current domain controller);
  • The DFS client has been disabled.

The processing of Group Policy failed (1)

Find out the name of the domain controller (the logon server) that your computer was trying to download the GPO files from. Open a command prompt and run the command:

systeminfo | find "Logon Server"

In this example, your DC name is xxx-dc01.

The processing of Group Policy failed (2)

Use the nslookup, ping (or the Test-Connection cmdlet) to check if your DC and DNS service are available and responding.

Ping xxx-dc01Nslookup xxx-dc01

Make sure both commands return a successful response. Try to reset the DNS resolver cache on affected computers:

ipconfig /flushdns

Check availability of DC via RPC protocol using the command:

nltest /

The processing of Group Policy failed (3)

Make sure your domain controller is accessible via RPC protocol:

nltest /dsgetdc:your_domain_name

Hint. You can use the following post to resolve common RPC errors on Windows: The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA).

  1. Check that you can open the Sysvol and Netlogon shared folders on this DC:
    Win +R -> \\xxx-dc01\SysVol

    The processing of Group Policy failed (4)

  2. Make sure that the file \\xxx-dc01\SysVol\domain.local\Policies\{Policy_GUID}\gpt.ini file exists on your domain controller. If the gpt.ini file is missing, then most likely the GPO is corrupted. You can get GPO name by its GUID with PowerShell:
    Get-GPO -id {Policy_GUID}|select DisplayName
  3. Delete the corrupted GPO folder from the affected domain controller and wait for it to be replicated from another DC.

    Hint. If the policy files are missing on all domain controllers, you can restore the GPO from the AD backup.

  4. Then check the permissions on the gpt.ini file for your user and computer accounts. They must have read+execute permissions. If not, fix the GPO permissions.
    After that, try running gpupdate /force and it should succeed!
    The processing of Group Policy failed (5)User Policy update has completed successfully.
    Computer Policy update has completed successfully.

Group Policy Processing Failed: Lack of Network Connectivity to a DC

Another common GPO error has an event ID 1129:

Computer policy could not be update successfully. The following error were encountered.

The processing of Group Policy failed because the lack of network connectivity to a domain controller. This may be a transient condition. A success message would be generated once the machine gets connected to the domain controller and Group Policy has successfully processed. If you do not see a success message for several hours, then contact your administrator.

The processing of Group Policy failed (6)

First, check that you are connected to the domain controller as described in the previous section.

If the error appears only on Windows startup, it probably means that the computer didn’t have time to initialize network before applying GPOs. There are several ways to solve the problem:

  • The easiest way is to enable PortFast mode on the network switch. In this case, the switch port to which the user’s computer is connected immediately goes into the forwarding state, bypassing the learning phase;
  • If the first method is not possible, you can apply a Group Policy setting called “Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon setting” (this policy forces the computer to wait for full network connectivity before logon and apply GPO).
  1. Open the Group Policy Management Console (gpmc.msc), edit the policy linked to the Active Directory OU with computers, or create a new one;
  2. Go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Logon;
  3. Enable the policy Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon setting.
    The processing of Group Policy failed (7)

Some network card drivers ignore this policy. In this case, it is recommended to set the following parameter in the registry:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]“GpNetworkStartTimeoutPolicyValue”=dword:0000003c

This parameter allows you to enable a startup delay in seconds (in our case, 60 seconds) before applying Group Policies (total Windows boot time will increase). You can deploy this registry parameter to computers in the domain through GPP.

If the error “The processing of Group Policy failed …” with code 1129 persists, increase the value of the GpNetworkStartTimeoutPolicyValue parameter until the problem goes away.

Also, the “lack of network connectivity to a domain controller” error may indicate that your client cannot connect to the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service on the domain controller. Check if the TCP and UDP ports 389 are listening on the domain controller. Execute the following netstat command on DC, it should return LISTENING.

The processing of Group Policy failed (8)

Make sure that the LDAP port is not blocked by the firewall between the client and the server (the command should return TcpTestSucceeded : True):

Test-NetConnection DC01 –port 389

The processing of Group Policy failed (9)

Then run the ldp.exe tool and check the LDAP connectivity to the domain controller. Select Connection, enter a DC name, and click Connect.

If the LDAP service is running on the DC and is accessible from the client, a message will appear in the ldp.exe console:

ld = ldap_open(“”, 389);

Established connection to

Retrieving base DSA information…

Getting 1 entries:

Dn: (RootDSE)

configurationNamingContext: CN=Configuration,DC=theitbros,DC=com;

The processing of Group Policy failed (10)

The Processing of Group Policy Failed: Windows Could Not Resolve the Computer Name

Another common error when applying Group Policy is the Event ID 1055:

The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not resolve the computer name. This could be caused by one or more of the following:
a) Name Resolution failure on the current domain controller.
b) Active Directory Replication Latency (an account created on another domain controller has not replicated to the current domain controller).The processing of Group Policy failed (11)

The error description may contain the following entry:

ErrorCode 1331
Logon failure: account currently disabled.

In this case, check if your computer account is enabled in Active Directory:

  1. Get the name of your computer by running the command:
  2. Open the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in (dsa.msc), find your computer account. Make sure it’s enabled. If not, right-click on it and select Enable account.
    The processing of Group Policy failed (12)

A secure channel issue may prevent a computer from authenticating with a domain controller and usually shows up as an “Access Denied” error when a computer tries to access domain resources, including Group Policy files. You can check and reset the secure channel between your computer and Active Directory using the Test-ComputerSecureChannel cmdlet:

Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Verbose

Reset the secure channel with the domain controller using the command:

Reset-ComputerMachinePassword -Server dc2 -Credential corp\domain_admin_account

Here are a few rarer GPO processing errors on the client and their associated Event IDs:

  • Event ID: 1002: The processing of Group Policy failed because of a system allocation failure. Please ensure the computer is not running low on resources (memory, available disk space). Group Policy processing will be attempted at the next refresh cycle.
    This error indicates that your computer does not have enough resources to process the request. Check if your computer has enough free memory and disk space.
  • Event ID: 1006: The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not authenticate to the Active Directory service on a domain controller. (LDAP Bind function call failed). Look in the Details tab for error code and description.
    Open the event description and look for the error code number, which may indicate the cause of the problem:
    Error code 5 (Access is denied) — user doesn’t have permission to access Active Directory;
    Error code 49 (Invalid credentials) — try changing the user’s password, or unlock AD accountor computer account;
    Error code is 258 (Timeout) — check DNS health on DC.
  • Event ID: 1030: The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows attempted to retrieve new Group Policy settings for this user or computer. Look in the Details tab for error code and description. Windows will automatically retry this operation at the next refresh cycle. Computers joined to the domain must have proper name resolution and network connectivity to a domain controller for discovery of new Group Policy objects and settings. An event will be logged when Group Policy is successful.
    Check if the TCP and UDP LDAP ports on the domain controller are available to the client (discussed above);
  • Event ID: 1053: The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not resolve the user name.
    This could be caused by one or more of the following:
    1. Name Resolution failure on the current domain controller.
    2. Active Directory Replication Latency (an account created on another domain controller has not replicated to the current domain controller).
    Check the error code on the Details tab:
    Error code 5 (Access is denied) and Error code 525 (The specified user doesn’t exist) — check if the user and/or computer has sufficient permissions to read the contents of the Organizational Unit in Active Directory;
    Error code 14 (Not enough storage) — check if your computer has enough free memory and disk space;
    Error code 1355 (The specified domain either doesn’t exist or couldn’t be contacted) — check the name resolution in Active Directory;
    Error code 1727 (The remote procedure call failed) — check the RPC connectivity to DC;
  • Event ID: 1097: The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not determine the computer account to enforce Group Policy settings. This may be transient. Group Policy settings, including computer configuration, will not be enforced for this computer.
    Check if the time on your computer is synchronized with the domain controller (how to configure NTP time synchronization in Active Directory?). Try to sync time with domain controller manually.
  • Event ID: 1096: The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not apply the registry-based policy settings for the Group Policy object LocalGPO. This means that the local GPO settings file on the computer is corrupted. Simply delete the file C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Registry.pol. It will be rebuilt the next time you restart your computer.

Domain ControllerMicrosoft

The processing of Group Policy failed (13)

Cyril Kardashevsky

I enjoy technology and developing websites. Since 2012 I'm running a few of my own websites, and share useful content on gadgets, PC administration and website promotion.

The processing of Group Policy failed (2024)


What causes Group Policy to fail? ›

System file corruption: Damaged or missing system files may also cause Group Policy Client Service to fail. Insufficient disk space: If the system disk space is insufficient, it may cause the Group Policy Client Service to fail to start.

What is error processing of Group Policy failed? ›

This issue may be transient and could be caused by one or more of the following: a) Name Resolution/Network Connectivity to the current domain controller. b) File Replication Service Latency (a file created on another domain controller has not replicated to the current domain controller).

What is the processing of Group Policy? ›

GPOs are processed in what's known as an LSDOU order: local, site, domain, organization unit (OU). That means first, the policy on the local computer gets processed. This is followed by Active Directory policies from the site level to the domain. The next order of processing is into the organizational unit.

What to do if GPUpdate fails? ›

On This Page :
  1. What Is gpupdate /force?
  2. What to Do if gpupdate /force Is Not Working or Failed or Stuck?
  3. Fix 1: Delete the registry. pol file.
  4. Fix 2: Run DISM and SFC Scans.
  5. Fix 3: Restart Group Policy Client.
  6. Fix 4: Create a New User Profile.
  7. Fix 5: Reset Group Policy.
  8. Bottom Line.
May 6, 2024

What are the causes for failed policy implementation? ›

Faulty policy design can stem from many causes: a poor understanding of the problem; insufficient knowledge of the implementation context; unclear and even contradictory goals; poor quality evidence; and an absence of political backing.

How to check for Group Policy errors? ›

To determine an instance of Group Policy processing, follow these steps:
  1. Open the Event Viewer.
  2. Under Event Viewer (Local), select Windows Logs > System.
  3. Double-click the Group Policy warning or error event you want to troubleshoot.
  4. Select the Details tab, and then check Friendly view.
Dec 26, 2023

How can I speed up Group Policy processing? ›

Limiting the number of GPOs you create, the security groups you use, and the cross-domain GPO links you establish can speed up processing time. Limit GPOs. The most basic step is to limit the number of GPOs that a computer or user must process at startup or logon.

How do I fix a corrupted Group Policy? ›

8 Tips to Repair Corrupt Group Policy in Windows 10
  1. Tip 1. Delete/Move and Recreate registry. ...
  2. Tip 2. Delete/Move and Recreate secedit. ...
  3. Tip 3. Run SFC and DISM Scan.
  4. Tip 4. Reset Group Policy to Default in Windows 10.
  5. Tip 5. Delete Group Policy History Folder.
  6. Tip 7. Perform a System Restore in Windows 10.
  7. Tip 8. ...
  8. Bottom Line.
Nov 27, 2020

What does processing error mean? ›

Processing error includes processing-related errors in data capture, coding, editing and tabulation of the data. This section describes the processes used and the quality assurance apparatus that is employed to avoid bias in processing, and to limit the incidence of variance.

How do I force a Group Policy update? ›

Manually forcing a Group Policy update on the local computer requires the use of the “gpupdate /force” command, as follows: Open a Command Prompt with administrative privileges. and press Enter. The command will initiate a forced Group Policy update, applying all policies without waiting for the next scheduled refresh.

What is the correct order of Group Policy processing? ›

Typically, when determining which policy settings to apply, the local policy of the machine is evaluated, followed by site policies, then domain policies, and finally the policies on all the OUs that contain the object being processed starting at the root of the domain.

How to check the Group Policy applied on a computer? ›

2 answers
  1. Log on machine using Administrator.
  2. Open CMD (run as administrator).
  3. Type gpresult /r or gpresult /h C:\gpo. html and click Enter.
  4. Check which Group policy is applied to this machine by opening C:\gpo. html and checking "Computer Details".
Oct 14, 2022

How do I reset my GPUpdate policy? ›

Use GPUpdate to Refresh the Group Policy
  1. Select Start, and then select Run.
  2. In the Open box, type cmd, and then select OK.
  3. At the command prompt, type GPUpdate /Force, and then press Enter .
  4. Type exit and then press Enter to quit the command prompt.
May 7, 2024

Does a restart force a GPUpdate? ›

Optionally reboot your computer

Sometimes the gpupdate /force will require a reboot. If this is the case a message will be displayed that states the update was successful, but some policies will only apply at a reboot. If you see this, reboot the computer to finish applying the policies.

How do I reset Group Policy in Windows Update? ›

  1. Open PowerShell with Administrative Privileges. To reset the Windows Update settings, you'll need to use an elevated PowerShell prompt. ...
  2. Remove the Windows Update Registry Key. ...
  3. Update Group Policy. ...
  4. Restart the Windows Update Service.
May 17, 2024

What are the common reason a Group Policy doesn t take effect correctly? ›

The common reasons a group policy may not take effect correctly include: The GPO may be linked to the OU (Organizational Unit) that contains the computer. Replication failure may occur. Kerberos may have issues with the UTC time on the clock.

What are the deficiencies to using Group Policy? ›

3 Lack of testing and backup

A third common pitfall with group policy is making changes without testing them first or having a backup plan in case something goes wrong. This can result in unexpected or undesirable outcomes, such as breaking applications, locking out users, or compromising security.

What constitutes policy failure? ›

McConnell (2010b: 356–357) suggests that 'A policy fails if it does not achieve the goals that proponents set out to achieve, and opposition is great and/or support is virtually non-existent'.

Why do public policies fail so often? ›

Although all types of policies fail, they do not all do so for the same reasons. Many policies fail because of incompetence, corruption, lack of resources, and/or bad governance, but could be set straight with more effort, resources and good will.


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